Wednesday, February 17, 2016

2016-02-15 Gas for Europe? MCCAINE plan or NULAND plan? Any updates???

2016-02-15 Gas for Europe? MCCAINE plan or NULAND plan? Any updates???
A lot of attention has been given in recent years to the issue of gas supply to Europe. Obviously, whoever supplies the gas, can also close the main...
* SOUTH STREAM was supposed to export Russian gas to Europe... not the US favorite, and it was sabotaged. 
* NORD STREAM 2 is now on the table, and US resistance is up again... the war now devastating Ukraine has more than a little to do with the issue of Russian gas lines to Europe...…/germany-favoured-nord-stream-2-r…/
* QATAR-TURKEY LINE is the US favorite, but it is effectively blocked by Syria-Russia coalition, leading to the US engineered carnage in Syria.…/us-russia-gas-pipeline-war-s…
* MCCAINE PLAN - brainchild of the senile senator is of course the ultimate solution...
- In December 2014, he promised US gas supply to Europe before 2020.…/statement-by-senator-john-mc…
- In June 2015, given the urgency, he updated the plans, promising US gas supply to Europe within 2 years...…/mccain-us-will-deliver-gas-to-europe-i…/
* NULAND PLAN: Victoria at State Department came up in Feb 2014 with a more feasible plan: "Fuck the EU! - Exactly!"
ANY UPDATES? We are already in Feb 2016...
Germany-favoured Nord Stream-2 risks strangling Ukraine, US says By EurActiv.comwith Reuters 05-11-2015 Nord Stream pipeline [Gazprom] Comments1 A proposed…

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