Saturday, February 20, 2016

2016-02-20 Cold War 2.0

2016-02-20 Cold War 2.0
So Why Is There a «New Cold War»?
Pepe ESCOBAR | 19.02.2016 | 08:00
«Sometimes I wonder if it’s 2016 or if we live in 1962». What Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev told 60 foreign and defense ministers at the 52nd Munich Security Conference this past Saturday was hardly news.
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Pepe ESCOBAR - So Why Is There a «New Cold War»? - Strategic Culture Foundation - on-line journal. NATO.…
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Joseph Zernik DISCLOSURE: The above review comes from a source, reading of which is discouraged by US State Department. Moreover, the source, Strategic Culture Foundation is specifically pointed out in a Wikileaks State Department cable, for the offense of reporting on CIA "black hole prison" in Lithuania. Needless to say, the CIA criminality of establishing "black hole prisons" around the world as torture centers, shouldn't be mentioned as well...
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