Saturday, April 9, 2016

2016-04-05 Judge Dita Pruginin denied Sara Netanyahu's disqualification... Really???

2016-04-05 Judge Dita Pruginin denied Sara Netanyahu's disqualification... Really??? //
השופטת דיתה פרוז'ינין דחתה את בקשת הפסלות של שרה נתניהו... האמנם???
[עברית להלן]
The sum total of the facts and the records regarding Disqualification for a Cause by Ms Sara Netanyahu and purported decision by Judge Dita Pruginin, which denied the Disqualification, simply doesn't add up... Request was filed in the Jerusalem Regional Labor Court, asking...
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All comments are welcome... especially any tips regarding corruption of the courts in Los Angeles. Anonymous tips are fine. One simple way to do it is from internet cafes, etc.