Sunday, May 8, 2016

US and drones

mended that Congress “close any gaps” in the existing sanctions to punish Iran for any current or future instances of human rights abuses and support for terror. (Freditorial: Hillary has it exactly wrong. Israel is actually and truly guilty of everything it and she falsely accuse Iran of doing and being. Israel is the false-flag-terrorist, attacker of US Naval vessels, possessor of WMD programs, and the has most active and damaging espionage program in the USA. And it was not Iranians with foreknowledge dancing in Manhattan arrested on 9/11 and failing polygraph tests.... It was Israelis.)
U.S. Army Reserve Chaplain Captain Christopher John Antal resigned from the U.S. Army Reserves on April 12, 2016 in opposition to U.S policies regarding militarized drones, nuclear weapons, and preventive war. Antal stated he could not serve as a chaplain for an “empire” and could not “reconcile his...

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