Saturday, June 11, 2016

2016-06-06 Hillary Clinton and Sarah Netanyahu - two of a kind?

2016-06-06 Hillary Clinton and Sarah Netanyahu - two of a kind?
* Both are cheated wives of chief executives, US and Israel respectively...
* Both have dynastic ambitions to inherit their husbands' office: Hillary is now running for office, talk of Sarah's running for office has been repeatedly discussed in the past. Evita is the role model...
* Both are reputed to have engaged in explosive/abusive conduct against their husband's staff: Here is a tell-all book by SS agent, and regarding Sarah Netanyahu it was detailed in lawsuits by abused employees of the official residence...
The presidential nominee has a “Jekyll and Hyde” personality that left White House staffers scared stiff of her explosive outbursts, an ex-Secret Service officer claims in…

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