Thursday, October 13, 2016

2016-10-13 Russia Today provides a digest of Wikileaks' Podestan emails

Who has the time or patience to go through all of this? The principles are clear enough...

Podesta files: Top 10 revelations from leaked Clinton campaign e-mails

John Podesta, campaign chairman for U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton © Brian Snyder
RT brings you a comprehensive look at ten most stunning revelations – ranging from hatred for the phrase “everyday Americans” to extraterrestrial contacts – found in emails from Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta that were released by WikiLeaks.
By Wednesday, WikiLeaks has released over 7,000 e-mails sent or received by Podesta, offering glimpses into the workings of the Clinton campaign, as well as the Podesta-founded Center for American Progress.
Clinton’s associates have reacted angrily at the releases, with her campaign spokesman Brian Fallon accusing WikiLeaks of being “a propaganda arm of the Russian government running interference for their pet candidate, Trump.”
Here is a list of ten strange things about the Democratic presidential hopeful found in the leaked e-mails.

1. Attitude towards ‘everyday Americans’

2. ‘Cultivating’ certain media

3. Clinton knew ISIS received support from US allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar

4. Most Clinton Foundation donors are not American

5. New DNC chair was the ‘mole’ leaking Bernie Sanders doc

6. Policy-making and ‘backroom deals’ should be concealed from voters

7. 'Can't possibly' vet all refugees

8. No-fly zone over Syria impractical due to ‘sophisticated anti-aircraft systems’

9. Chelsea Clinton ‘acted like a spoiled brat’

10. ‘Extraterrestrials, the highest form of intelligence working directly with God’



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