Friday, February 12, 2016

2016-02-12 SYRIA: Fighting around Aleppo

2016-02-12 SYRIA: Fighting around Aleppo
Via Pepe Escobar
3 hrs · 
Watch these awesome YPG girls - and boys - going after Sultan Erdogan-supported Jabhat al-Nusra out of the Menagh military airbase near the village of Manaq, in Aleppo governorate.
The YPG and its non-Kurdish allies captured the airbase two days ago, with crucial help from Russian airstrikes and some help from the SAA. Now the jihadis have lost the only military airport they held in Aleppo province.
No wonder Sultan Erdogan is freaking out like there's no tomorrow.
(Thanks, Aleksandra!)

2016-02-12 ISRAEL: Netanyahu consolidating "governance" in the "only democracy in the middle east"...

2016-02-12 ISRAEL: Netanyahu consolidating "governance" in the "only democracy in the middle east"...
For years, Netanyahu has been complaining about deficiencies in "governance" in Israel, which prevent him from efficiently performing his job... But his inefficiency in performing his job may be related at least in part to his working environment... more specifically - his abusive, meddling wife...
Labor court ruling this week in favor of former manager of Netanyahu's official residence detailed abusive conduct of Sarah Netanyahu. Judge Dita Pruginin's judgment details “a bleak picture" regarding conditions in the official PM residence... It is only the latest in a long series abuse and meddling claims by those working for the Prime Minister. The First Lady has been rumored for years to be suffering from some behavioral disorder. It is also claimed that psychological incompetence has also been recently brought as defense in order to prevent her investigation on embezzlement of public property... With it, a whole cadre of PR staff and handlers have been busy for years, preventing full exposure of the matter. It is of critical public interest, since the First Lady is routinely involved in critical national decision making and staffing matters. For example, according to media she made a last minute decision to switch the appointment of the new Mossad head...
The picture under comment: Twitter message by Judy Moses-Nir-Shalom following the court ruling this week:
Dear Judge Dita Pruginin. Just wanted to let you know that in these very moments, a heavy dossier is assembled on you, your life history, relationships, skeletons in the closet, voting records, etc.
The sender is the wife of Netanyahu's former Deputy Prime Minister, and until recently Cabinet Minister. She is also a public figure in her own sake - media personality, member of the controlling family of one of Israel's few daily newspapers, and widow of Amiran Nir - key figure in Iran-Contra, who died in a mysterious plane crash in Mexico years ago, surrounded by various conspiracy theories....
The sketch above provides at least a rough idea, or synopsis for the movie: "The only democracy in the middle east"...
2016-02-10 Court Rules: Sara Netanyahu Abused Employees in Prime Minister's Residence
Meni Naftali, former chief caretaker of the PM's residence, awarded 170,000 shekels in damages after winning civil case over violation of his employee rights; Netanyahus slam his 'slander' of the prime minister's wife.
read more:
2016-02-11 Full-court press
Two judges’ decisions have the media exulting in the fall of prime ministers present and past, and one MK’s decision turns her into a jester in the court of public opinion
Amiram Nir_Wikipedia
Meni Naftali, former chief caretaker of the PM's residence, awarded 170,000 shekels in damages after winning civil case over violation of his employee rights; Netanyahus…
Heri Kurniawan Sitepu likes this.
Joseph Zernik Judy Moses-Nir-Shalom's Twitter message to the Judge...
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2016-02-12 ISRAEL: Despotic liar controls the PM....

2016-02-12 ISRAEL: Despotic liar controls the PM....
Judgment in a labor dispute by PM Netanyahu residence employee uncovers what was known all along... an uncontrolled, uncontrollable Sara Netanyahu leads the State of Israel from a PM residence that is often much like a cuckoo's nest. The English language reports are subdued...
Meni Naftali, former chief caretaker of the PM's residence, awarded 170,000 shekels in damages after winning civil case over violation of his employee rights; Netanyahus…
Joseph Zernik It's only the latest in a long series of cases, all hushed by a battery of PR personnel, handlers, using both the stick and the carrot...

2016-02-12 PALESTINE: Routines of the occupation...

2016-02-12 PALESTINE: Routines of the occupation...
Israel has used excessive force against Palestinians, the outgoing UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in Gaza and the West Bank said, calling for an…

2016-02-12 SNOWDEN: pantheonized - made into a video game...

2016-02-12 SNOWDEN: pantheonized - made into a video game...
Edward Snowden has made headlines since revealing the NSA's spying tactics, and now he's serving as inspiration for a new video game. The scenario takes players…

2016-02-12 “Intelligent People Know that the Empire is on the Downhill”

2016-02-12 “Intelligent People Know that the Empire is on the Downhill”
A veteran CIA agent spills the goods on the Deep State and our foreign policy nightmares. After almost 30 years in the CIA, Ray McGovern became a truth-teller. He sits down with Salon for a long debriefing
In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for…

2016-02-12 Cold War 2.0: Heating up... Syria, not Ukraine in center stage...

2016-02-12 Cold War 2.0: Heating up... Syria, not Ukraine in center stage...
Russia Warns Gulf Intervention in Syria Risks World War
By Agencies
Moscow warned Thursday that any move by Gulf nations to send in troops to support the rebels in Syria would risk a "new world war."
In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for…

2016-02-12 EL SALVADOR: US-trained death squads and the 1989 massacre of Jesuits - current episode...

2016-02-12 EL SALVADOR: US-trained death squads and the 1989 massacre of Jesuits - current episode...
Four Soldiers Arrested in El Salvador in Case of 1989 University Campus Massacre
Shannon Young, Free Speech Radio News: Four former soldiers are in an El Salvador jail, arrested February 5 in connection with the November 1989 massacre of six Jesuit priests, their housekeeper and her daughter. The massacre, which took place on the grounds of the University of Central America, marked a turning point in the country's civil war.
Listen to the Audio Segment and Read the Transcript 
Shannon Young spoke with Jose Artiga of SHARE, a group with a 30 year history of human rights work.

2016-02-12 US: Prez election - plebs are surprised by the tricks of the circus...

2016-02-12 US: Prez election - plebs are surprised by the tricks of the circus...
Could Unelected Superdelegates Give Clinton the Nomination Even if Sanders Wins the Primaries?
Amy Goodman and Nermeen Shaikh, Democracy Now!: It would seem that the race for the Democratic nomination would be neck and neck. But that is not the case. In New Hampshire, Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton split the delegates evenly thanks to unelected superdelegates siding with the former secretary of state.
Watch the Video and Read the Transcript 
Sander and Clinton split the delegates evenly thanks to unelected superdelegates siding with the former…

2016-02-12 PALESTINE: Routines of the occupation...

2016-02-12 PALESTINE: Routines of the occupation...
Tamar Goldschmidt
אני מתרגמת את דבריו של עורך הדין של "הארגון לענייני אסירים ומשוחררים" هيئة شؤون الاسرى والمحررين, לואי עכה לאחר ביקור בכלא עופר:
"פשיטות, התעללות והתזת מים קרים על האסירים בשני אגפים בעופר - 11.2.2016:
עורך הדין של הארגון לענייני האסירים והמשוחררים, לואי עכה, מסר שהאסירים בשני האגפים, מספר 19 ו – 20, היו נתונים שלשום, יום שלישי, להתקפה מטורפת על ידי הסוהרים, שהתבטאה בפשיטת פתע, חיפושים לשם הפרובוקציה, שלוו בהתעללות באסירים, חיפוש בכליהם במטרה להשחיתם, והצפה של החדרים במים קרים.
לואי עכה הבהיר שכוחות גדולים של סוהרים נכנסו, התחילו לצרוח ולהכות בחוזקה בדלתות על מנת ליצור בהלה בקרב האסירים, דבר שדחף את האסירים להתנגד לפשיטה ולהשיב בצעקות ובתכביר (אמירת 'אלוהים גדול'). הדבר גרם לסוהרים להתיז בעזרת צינורות מים קרים שהציפו את חדרי האסירים וגרמו להורדת הטמפרטורות בצורה חדה.
לואי עכה הוסיף: המים הציפו את החדרים לגמרי. הבגדים, המזרונים והשמיכות נרטבו והיתה לכך השפעה גדולה על המצב הנפשי של האסירים, ויצירת לחץ עליהם.
לואי עכה הבהיר שאחד האגפים שפשטו עליו הוא אגף מספר 20, בו חיים ילדים וקטינים, שרבים מהם נפצעו. אחד מהם הוא הקטין חמזה אבו הליל מדורא חברון, שנפצע מהמקלות ומהאלות, וכן אבראהים אבו אסנינה שנפצע ברגלו, יוסף אלצבאח שנפצע בידו מאזיקי הפלסטיק, ועדי צביח שנפצע באפו כתוצאה מכך שנגרר והתחכך ברצפה. ובאגף האחר, האסיר החולה ת'אא'ר מצ'ינה הוכה בבטנו וכתוצאה מכך הועבר לבית החולים שערי צדק והוחזר לכלא בלילה.
לואי עכה ציין שהם נענשו בשלילת ארוחות, דבר שדחף את האסירים בשאר האגפים למחות על ידי דחית הארוחות והחזרתן עד שהענין הוסדר חלקית. בזמן הפשיטה תועדו רגליהם של סוהרים דרוזים קורעים את דפי הקוראן."
هيئة الأسرى: " إقتحامات وتنكيل ورش الأسرى بالماء البارد في قسمين في عوفر "
أفاد محامي هيئة شؤون الأسرى والمحررين لؤي عكة، أن الأسرى في قسمي ( 19، 20)، تعرضوا الى هجمة مجنونة من قبل السجانين أول أمس الثلاثاء، تمثلت بإقتحام مفاجئ ومباغت وإجراء تفتيشات إستفزازية، رافقها التنكيل بالأسرى والعبث بمحتوياتهم وتعمد تخريبها، وإغراق الغرف بالماء البارد.
وأوضح عكة أن عملية الإقتحام تمت بدخول قوات كبيرة من السجانين، وباشروا بالصراخ والضرب على الأبواب بقوة، بهدف خلق حالة من الرعب في صفوف الأسرى، الأمر الذي دفعهم لرفض عملية الإقتحام والرد بالصراخ والتكبير، مما أدى الى لجوء السجانين الى إستخدام خراطيم تضخ ماء بارد، أغرقت غرف الأسرى في ظل تدني كبير لدرجات الحرارة، مضيفا
وأضاف عكة " لقد أغرقت المياة الغرف بالكامل، وتبللت الملابس واماكن النوم من فرشات وأغطية، وكان لهذا تأثير كبير على الوضع النفسي للأسرى، وشكل ضغط كبير عليهم".
وبين عكة بأن أحد الأقسام التى تم إقتحامها وهو قسم 20 يعيش فيه أشبال (أطفال قصر)، وتعرض العديد منهم للإصابة كالشبل حمزه ابو هليل من دورا الخليل اصيب من العصي والهراوات، وابراهيم ابو اسنينه إصابة بالقدمو يوسف الصباح جرح بيده بسبب القيود البلاستيكية، وعدي صبيح إصابة بالأنف نتيجة سحبه واحتكاكه في الارض، وفي القسم الآخر تعرض الأسير المريض ثائر مضية الى ضربة على البطن نقل على إثرها الى مستشفى شعاري تصيدق وأعيد الى السجن ليلا.
وأشار عكة الى أنه تم محاربة الأقسام بحرمانها من وجبات الطعام، فدفع ذلك الأسرى في بقية الأقسام الى الإحتجاج برفض وترجيع الوجبات حتى تم تسوية الموضوع جزئيا، كما تم خلال الإقتحام توثيق إقدام سجان درزي بتمزيق المصحف الشريف.

2016-02-11 US: End of Oregon militias occupation

2016-02-11 US: End of Oregon militias occupation
Fry asked FBI agents to yell hallelujah when he walked out of a building, and they complied — and he surrendered.
David Fry, the last remaining militant at the occupied Oregon nature preserve, finally surrendered after nearly two hours of tense negotiations.


יהודי ארה״ב! הצביעו סנדרס למען אמריקה וישראל!!!
מרתק ומנהיג חכם וישר.
The Vermont senator is the lone presidential candidate to voice his displeasure with the Israeli government