Sunday, December 6, 2009

09-12-6 Kozinski Fraud had nothing to do with errors, or with getting it dead wrong... The solution? It's the computers, %&$#$@!

Date: Sun, 06 Dec 2009 14:03:37 -0800
To: scott huminski

Hi Scott, Hi all:
Thank you, Scott, for the response. I am totally flunking here the job of making myself clear. If you think anybody got anything dead wrong - you are most likely dead wrong. When you see sloppy errors - most likely you are facing very calculated sloppy errors...

Check out, for example, the sloppy errors by Judge Jacqueline Connor, which I posted - from the face page of my register of actions (linked below). She was a master con-artist, second to none. Her method of preferrence - sloppy errors... That was also the method, which she used to pervert justice in the First Rampart Trial (2000) - she claimed that her own sloppy errors had fatally biased the jury. Therefore, to further the cause of justice, she had no choice, but to reversed jury convictions. Ingenious!

Con Man
More specifically, let's go back to the example of Richard Fine and Alex Kozinski:
Richard Fine was confined in a hospital room for over three months at that time, with no warrant, no conviction, no sentencing. He sent an Emergency Petition to the U.S. Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit (which was never even filed), protesting the treatment of his Habeas Corpus Petition by Magistrate Carla Woehrle at the U.S. District Court, LA. Alex Kozinski responded with an order denying the petition, stating that it had not amounted to a case that justified the extreme measure of mandamus...

Did Alex Kozinski get it dead wrong on the facts? I doubt it!
If Prof Posner found him to be one of the sharpest on the bench today, I have the sense that he had figured out precisely, what even a clueless guy like me managed to figure out.

Did Alex Kozinski get it wrong on the law? I doubt it!
I greatly doubt that Alex Kozinski forgot what the Fourth Amendment was about, what warrantless arrest was, what habeas corpus was about, and all about the concept of Liberty. Justice Brennan routinely referred to habeas corpus as the "Great Writ" - he saw in it one of the essentials of "civilized society", and in the Magna Carta - one of the cornerstones of the U.S. Constitution... Justice Cardozo found that even the notion of Due Process was found "implicit in the concept of ordered liberty." Justice Brandeis considered the greatest achievement of the English speaking legal system - establishing Liberty by law...

So, what happened here? Kozinski Fraud!
Since the matter of Richard Fine originated in judicial corruption, and since judicial collegiality in judicial corruption was the supreme edict, the petition of the falsely imprisoned Richard Fine was perverted through the use of fraudulent computer systems (PACER & CM/ECF), and in fact it was deemed by Kozinski an unfiled "non-petition". What is the adequate judicial act on "non-petition"? Obviously - "non-order"!
And since it was a "non-order", he could write in it whatever... Fraudulent on the facts, fraudulent on the law.

Thanks again,

Joe Zernik

Linked Record:
1) Face page of Register of Actions in Samaan v Zernik (SC087400). The date of the record marked in red, was prior to the date of filing the complaint, by over a year. The outcome - having the false note permanently posted on the face page. The note to inform all others that "Countrywide" was in fact "Real Party in Interest" in the matter. In open court, at the same time, she claimed that any claims by me, that Countrywide had any interest in the case, were "conspiratorial theories". Of course, she never dreamed I would gain access to this record.

1) Prof Richard Posner
2) Law school faculty

3) U.S. Dept of Justice, Inspector General Glenn A Fine, as an addendum to complaint about wide-spread corruption of the justice system in Los Angeles County, and refusal of FBI and U.S. DOJ senior officers to accord Equal Protection, providing instead fraudulent responses to inquiries by U.S. Congress.

4) Other Inspector Generals

5) U.S. Secret Service

6) U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights

See full size image
7) Basel Accords Committee

B. The Usual
"This case should demonstrate that the FBI will pursue all allegations of judicial corruption vigorously, as public corruption violations are among the most serious of all criminal conduct and can tear at the fabric of a democratic society," said John F. Pikus, special agent in charge of the Albany division, in a prepared statement.

At 11:34 06/12/2009, scott huminski wrote:
I have found that federal courts will ignore facts and case law of pro se's or suits with representation that target government. My $500/hr. attorneys in Huminski v. Corsones got dismissed more than I can count until we were at the 2nd cir. and my atty happened to be a collegue of Justice Sack. The only reason I won. Sack wrote the 85 page opinion and still got it dead wrong on judicial immunity although I prevailed otherwise. -- scott

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All comments are welcome... especially any tips regarding corruption of the courts in Los Angeles. Anonymous tips are fine. One simple way to do it is from internet cafes, etc.