Tuesday, January 26, 2010

10-01-26 English, Castellano, Français, Deutsch: Asking Brian Moynihan to provide public records from SEC v BAC...

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TO Central Banks, Analysis Departments, Basel Accords Committee, US agencies, NGOs, and others:

Central Banks outside the United States and other interested parties are herein requested and urged to join in requests to access public records - to inspect and to copy - which are the key litigation records in SEC v Bank of America Corporation (1:09-cv-06829), listed below.  Such litigation was represented as the hallmark of US banking regulation under the current Financial / Integrity Crisis. However, the ongoing denial of access to key records in this litigation, must raise concerns that such litigation was never an honest valid and effectual court action. Instead - such litigation could simply be a show trial, with no consequence at all.  The ongoing denial of access to the public court records in this case by Bank of America Corporation, by SEC, and by the United States Court,  remained inexplicable. Moreover, such denial of access to public court records was likely to be deemed, upon review by a competent court of jurisdiction, as violation of both United States law and ratified International Law. 

There simply is no way to engage in any valid risk assessment and / or valid risk reduction pertaining to United States financial markets in general, and pertaining to Bank of America Corporation (NYSE: BAC)  in particular, absent access to such public court records.  Therefore, this request to access public records is also forwarded by this BAC shareholder to Brian Moynihan - BAC President and former General Counsel, hoping that he would correct this aberration prior to the upcoming shareholders meeting, February 23, 2010. Failure of Mr Moynihan to provide such public records must raise serious concerns regarding integrity of Bank of America's current leadership.

Joseph Zernik
Patriotic pics of Beyonce' Knowles, Sharon Stone, and Charlize Theron,
Coming soon- deep house music!

Please sign our petition - Free Richard Fine: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/free-fine

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A los Bancos Centrales, Anlisis de Departamentos, Comisin de Acuerdos de Basilea, los organismos de EE.UU., las organizaciones no gubernamentales, y otros:

Los bancos centrales fuera de Estados Unidos y otras partes interesadas en este documento se solicita e insta a sumarse a las solicitudes de acceso a los registros pblicos - para inspeccionar y copiar - que son los registros de litigios decisivos en el documento SEC V Bank of America Corporation (1:09-cv - 06829), que se enumeran a continuacin. Tales casos se present como el sello distintivo de la regulacin bancaria de EE.UU. en el marco del actual Financiero / Crisis de Integridad. Sin embargo, la negacin continua de acceso a los registros de clave en este litigio, debe plantear la preocupacin de que dicho litigio no fue nunca una persona honesta accin judicial vlida y eficaz. En su lugar - litigio de este tipo podra ser simplemente un simulacro de proceso, sin consecuencia alguna. La negacin continua de acceso a los registros pblicos de la corte en este caso por el Bank of America Corporation, por el SEC, y por el Tribunal de Justicia de los Estados Unidos, sigue siendo inexplicable.Adems, esa negacin de acceso a los registros pblicos de la corte era probable que se considere, previa revisin por un tribunal competente de la jurisdiccin, como violacin de la ley tanto en Estados Unidos y ratificado el Derecho Internacional.

Simplemente no hay manera de participar en una evaluacin vlida del riesgo y los mercados financieros o la reduccin del riesgo vlidos correspondientes a Estados Unidos en general, y acerca de Bank of America Corporation (NYSE: BAC), en particular, el acceso a la ausencia de tales registros pblicos de la corte. Por lo tanto, esta solicitud para acceder a los registros pblicos se transmiten tambin por el accionista de BAC a Brian Moynihan - BAC Presidente y ex Consejero General, con la esperanza de que iba a corregir esta aberracin antes de la prxima reunin de accionistas, 23 de febrero de 2010. El incumplimiento del Sr. Moynihan para proporcionar todos los registros pblicos que ponen gravemente en duda la integridad del Banco de liderazgo actual de Estados Unidos.

En verdad,
Jos Zernik
Fotos Patritica de Beyonce Knowles, Sharon Stone, y Charlize Theron,
Pronto la msica deep house!
Por favor firme nuestra peticin - Libre Richard Fine : http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/free-fine

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Daran, Zentralbanken, Analyse Abteilungen, Basel Accords Ausschuss, US-Behrden, NGOs, und andere:

Zentralbanken auerhalb der Vereinigten Staaten und anderen interessierten Parteien sind hier gefordert und aufgefordert, in Antrgen anschlieen Zugang zu ffentlichen Daten - zu inspizieren und zu kopieren - die wichtigsten Prozesse in den SEC-Unterlagen / Bank of America Corporation (1:09-cv sind 06829), im Folgenden aufgefhrt. Solche Rechtsstreitigkeiten wurde als das Markenzeichen der US-Bankenaufsicht im Rahmen der derzeitigen Finanziellen / Integrity Crisis vertreten. Allerdings muss die laufende Verweigerung des Zugangs zu wichtigen Unterlagen in diesem Rechtsstreit, Bedenken, dass diese Streitigkeiten nie war ein ehrlicher gltig und wirksam Klage. Statt - wie Rechtsstreitigkeiten konnte einfach ein Schauprozess, ohne alle Folgen zu. Die anhaltende Verweigerung des Zugangs zu den ffentlichen Gerichtsakten in diesem Fall durch die Bank of America Corporation, von SEC und von der United States Court, blieb unerklrlich. Darber hinaus wurde die Ablehnung des Zugangs zu ffentlichen Gerichtsakten wahrscheinlich angesehen werden, die berprfung durch eine zustndige Gericht als Versto sowohl gegen US-amerikanisches Recht und Internationales Recht ratifiziert.

Es gibt einfach keine Mglichkeit, in jeder gltige Risikobewertung beteiligen und / oder gltige Risikominderung im Zusammenhang mit USA Finanzmrkten im Allgemeinen und in Bezug auf die Bank of America Corporation (NYSE: BAC) insbesondere fehlt der Zugang zu solchen ffentlichen Gerichtsakten. Um dieser Anforderung ffentlichen Dokumenten Zugang ist auch von dieser BAC Aktionr Brian Moynihan - BAC-Prsident und ehemaliger General Counsel, in der Hoffnung, dass er diesen Aberration korrigieren wrde vor der bevorstehenden Hauptversammlung bermittelt, 23. Februar 2010. Die Nichteinhaltung von Herrn Moynihan, eine solche ffentliche Datenstze bermitteln mssen ernsthafte Bedenken hinsichtlich der Integritt der Bank of America's derzeitige Fhrung zu erhhen.

Josef Zernik
Patriotische Bilder von Beyonce Knowles, Sharon Stone, und Charlize Theron,
Coming soon-deep house music!
Bitte Anmelden um unsere Petition - Kostenloses Richard Fein: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/free-fine

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Aux banques centrales, de l'analyse Dpartements, Accords du Comit de Ble, les agences amricaines, les ONG, et autres:

Les banques centrales en dehors des tats-Unis et les autres parties intresses sont ici demande et a exhort se joindre des demandes d'accs aux dossiers publics - pour inspecter et de les copier - qui sont les principaux dossiers contentieux dans le document SEC v Bank of America Corporation (1:09-cv - 06829), numrs ci-dessous. Ces litiges a t reprsente comme la marque distinctive des Etats-Unis en vertu de la rglementation bancaire actuelle crise financire et l'intgrit. Toutefois, le dni permanent de l'accs aux documents cls dans ce litige, doit soulever des problmes tels que le contentieux n'a jamais t un honnte action valable et efficace du tribunal. Au lieu de cela - ces litiges pourrait simplement tre un simulacre de procs, sans consquence tous. Le dni continu de l'accs aux dossiers de la Cour du public dans ce cas par Bank of America Corporation, par la SEC, et par les tats-Unis la Cour, est reste inexplicable. En outre, un tel dni de l'accs aux dossiers judiciaires publiques tait susceptible d'tre jug, aprs rvision par un tribunal de juridiction comptente, en violation du droit tant des tats-Unis et l'a ratifie le droit international.

Il n'ya tout simplement aucun moyen de se livrer une valuation des risques en cours de validit et / ou la rduction des risques en cours de validit se rapportant aux tats-Unis les marchs financiers en gnral, et ayant trait la Bank of America Corporation (NYSE: BAC) en particulier, en l'absence d'accs aux dossiers judiciaires tels publics. Par consquent, cette demande d'accder aux dossiers publics est galement transmis par cet actionnaire BAC Brian Moynihan - BAC prsident et ancien conseiller gnral, esprant qu'il permettrait de corriger cette aberration avant l'assemble gnrale des actionnaires venir, Fvrier 23, 2010.Le dfaut de M. Moynihan de fournir ces documents publics doivent soulever de graves proccupations concernant l'intgrit de la Banque de direction actuelle de l'Amrique.

En vrit,
Josef Zernik
Patriotique photos de Beyonce Knowles, Sharon Stone, et Charlize Theron,
Prochainement deep house-music!
S'il vous plat signez notre ptition - Free Richard Fine : http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/free-fine

Date: Tue, 26 Jan 2010 04:59:44 -0800
To: foiapa@sec.gov
From: joseph zernik
Subject: Freedom of information requests including, but not limited to public records that are litigation records in SEC v Bank of America Corporation (1:09-cv-06829)
Cc: "Central Banks, Analysis Departments, Basel Accords Committee, US agencies, Law School Faculty, NGOs, and others"

Please accept my two attached, digitally signed FOIA application, also copied below. jz
FOIA application #1

Joseph Zernik, PhD
PO Box 526, La Verne, CA 91750;
Fax: 801 998-0917; Email: jz12345@earthlink.net
Blog: http://inproperinla.blogspot.com/ Scribd: http://www.scribd.com/Free_the_Rampart_FIPs

10-01-26  SEC Freedom of Information Act application pertaining to litigation under caption SEC v Bank of America Corporation (1:09-cv-06829) at the US District Court, Southern District of New York.

FOIA Applications, SEC
By email: foiapa@sec.gov

Dear Sir/Madam:

1.        I, the undersigned, declare under penalty of perjury that my name is Joseph Zernik, and that the statements contained in this document are true and correct.

2.        I file this request pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 USC 552.

3.        Instant request is for the following specific records under caption SEC v Bank of America Corporation (BAC) (1:09-cv-06829) at the US District Court, Southern District of New York.
a.        Summons, as issued by clerk under such caption;
b.       NEF (Notice of Electronic Filing) pertaining to the Summons, as issued by clerk under such caption;
c.        Summons, as executed under such caption.
d.       NEF (Notice of Electronic Filing) pertaining to the Summons, as executed under such caption;
e.        NEF (Notice of Electronic Filing) pertaining to the complaint under such caption.
f.         NEFs (Notices of Electronic Filings) for each and every court order under such caption.
4.        I herein state the category of the requester for fee purposes is: all other.

5.        I herein state that I agree to pay all fees that might be incurred in this request.

6.        I herein state that I request a copy of the records listed above, not their inspection.

7.       I herein request expedited response. 

I have requested over several months access to the public records, listed above, pursuant to Nixon v Warner Communications, Inc (1978), where the US Supreme Court re-affirmed the common law right to access court records, to inspect and to copy, and determined that such right was also inherent to the First Amendment.  I addressed such requests to the Clerk of the Court, to Chambers of Judge Rakoff, and to counsel for SEC and BAC.

My requests to access such court records were so far denied, with no explanation at all.

The inexplicable denial of access to public court records, such as listed above, raised the concern that litigation under the caption of SEC v BAC (1:09-cv-06829)
never was an honest, valid and effectual litigation, but instead - simply a show-trial, nothing more.  Therefore, particularly under the current Financial/Integrity Crisis, providing immediate access to such public records is of the highest public policy significance.

Denial of access to such record raised concerns regarding integrity of both United States courts and United States banking regulation as a whole.

8.        This letter was addressed to: SEC, FOIA applications email address, as provided online: : foiapa@sec.gov

Dated January 26, 2010, in Los Angeles County, California,
By: ____________
Joseph Zernik
Please sign our petition - Free Richard Fine: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/free-fine

1) Mary Schapiro, SEC Chair
2) Kevin Bailey, Deputy Comptroller of the Currency and US representative to the Basel Committee.
3) Basel Accords Committee
4) Central Banks analysis departments.
FOIA application #2
Joseph Zernik, PhD
PO Box 526, La Verne, CA 91750;
Fax: 801 998-0917; Email: jz12345@earthlink.net
Blog: http://inproperinla.blogspot.com/ Scribd: http://www.scribd.com/Free_the_Rampart_FIPs

10-01-26  SEC Freedom of Information Act application pertaining to complaints of Joseph Zernik against Countrywide Financial Corporation and Bank of America Corporation.

FOIA Applications, SEC
By email: foiapa@sec.gov

Dear Sir/Madam:

1.      I, the undersigned, declare under penalty of perjury that my name is Joseph Zernik, and that the statements contained in this document are true and correct.

2.      I file this request pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 USC 552 and/or pursuant to
the Privacy Act, 5 USC 552a.

3.      Instant request is for any and all records, on paper or in digital or any other form, which were
associated with my complaints against Countrywide Financial Corporation and any of its subsidiaries and affiliates (CFC) and against Bank of America Corporation (BAC), from January 1, 2007 and to this date.

4.      This request includes, in particular, but is not limited to:
a.       Log of any and all complaints filed by Joseph Zernik, with their filing dates, and reference numbers, as listed in SEC database of complaints, which SEC repeatedly claimed to maintain.
b.      My various initial complaints, including, but not limited to complaint filed in January 2010 with Ms Mary Schapiro, Chair, and receipt of which was acknowledged by her;
c.       Any other communications received from Joseph Zernik in such matters;
d.      Any notes regarding phone conversation with me or with others in re: such complaints.
e.       Any and all communications by CFC and/or BAC in such matters.
f.        Any and all communications by SEC in such matters.
g.       Any and all records reflecting investigation or determination by SEC in such matters.
5.      I herein state the category of the requester for fee purposes is: all other.

6.      I herein state that I agree to pay all fees that might be incurred in this request.

7.      I herein state that I request a copy of the records listed above, not their inspection.

8.      I herein request expedited response, so that I may reply to whatever filing was provided by BAC, which is not disclosed to me, pursuant to routine review standards of the SEC.

9.      This letter was addressed to: SEC, FOIA applications email address, as provided online: : foiapa@sec.gov

Dated January 26, 2010.


Joseph Zernik
Los Angeles County, California
Please sign our petition - Free Richard Fine: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/free-fine

1) Mary Schapiro, Chair
2) Kevin Bailey, Deputy Comptroller of the Currency, and US representative to the Basel Committee.
3) Basel Accords Committee

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All comments are welcome... especially any tips regarding corruption of the courts in Los Angeles. Anonymous tips are fine. One simple way to do it is from internet cafes, etc.