Dr Z
Joseph Zernik, PhD
PO Box 526, La Verne, CA 91750;
Fax: 323.488.9697; Email: jz12345@earthlink.net
10-02-12 Thanking Ombudsman Maxberry for generous offer of help, and request for such help in re: Complaint filed with Sheriff Lee Baca in re: Alleged widespread corruption in bail/bond operations.
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 2010 23:44:22 -0800
To: "Stephanie Maxberry"
From: joseph zernik
Subject: 10-02-12 Thanks for your generous offer of help, and request for such help in re: Complaint filed with Sheriff Lee Baca in re: Alleged widespread corruption in bail/bond operations.
TO Stephanie Maxberry, Ombudsman
Los Angeles County, California, by email.
RE: 10-02-12 Thanks for your generous offer of help, and request for such help in re: 10-02-12 Complaint filed with Sheriff Lee Baca in re: Alleged widespread corruption in bail/bond operations.
Dear Ombudsman Maxberry:
Thank you very much for your generous offer of help, copied below. Please also accept the attached digitally signed letter, copied below, of a complaint filed today with Sheriff Lee Baca.
Following your kind notice below, offering to help to "file a complaint, find out the status of your complaint, Review your complaint to make sure a thorough process was done" - I am asking for such help as stated. Please notice that this is not a request for independent investigation, for interview of witnesses, or for a criminal investigation.
At 23:18 2/12/2010, Los Angeles Complainant Zernik wrote:
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 2010 23:18:26 -0800
To: "Sheriff Lee Baca's Headquarter Bureau"
From: joseph zernik
Subject: 10-02-12 [Englinsh y Castellano] Complaint filed with the Sheriffs Department re: Alleged widespread corruption in bail/bond operations//Denuncia presentada ante el nuevo Departamento del Sheriff: Presunta corrupcin generalizada en libertad bajo fianza y operaciones de bonos.
Dr Z
Joseph Zernik, PhD
PO Box 526, La Verne, CA 91750;
Fax: 323.488.9697; Email: jz12345@earthlink.net
http://inproperinla.blogspot.com/ Scribd:
10-02-12 Complaint filed with the Sheriffs Department re: Alleged widespread corruption in bail/bond operations.
To the Honorable Lee Baca, Sheriff of Los Angeles County, by email.
Dear Sheriff Baca:
I am writing to file a new complaint and request its investigation by your good offices, in compliance with procedures spelled out by Los Angeles County Ombudsman, concerning alleged widespread corruption in bail/bond operations.
At least two cases came to my attention where individuals were informed that bail was set, and paid moneys and/or provided collaterals, while the online Inmate Information Center listed them as released on bail of $0.00. Moreover, in such cases the inmates were never able to obtain any record that documenting that funds were in fact received by the Sheriffs Department for the bail.
One of these cases pertains to a senior attorney, Ronald Gottschalk, who was subject of my complaint, and your response to the Honorable Michael Antonovich, dated December 29, 2009. In your response, you included a printout from the Inmate Information Center, which stated that Attorney Gottschalk was released on $0.00 bond. In contrast, Attorney Gottschalk repeatedly stated, that he paid over $40,000 in first year bail, and in addition was forced to provide a lean of around half a million dollars on real property in his possession. However, Attorney Gottschalk was never provided with any record documenting that any funds were received by the Sheriffs Department as bond pursuant to the Law of California.
In our conversation today, Attorney Gottschalk further warned me that the operations of bond services related to the Sheriffs Department were controlled by organized crime, and that if I blew the whistle on the corruption of such operations, I was surely going to be killed.
Separately, I received today an email from Ms Stephanie Maxberry, Ombudsman of County of Los Angeles. In such email she described to me the Sheriffs Department Complaint process as follows:
After a complaint is filed, the person receives a letter from the Sheriff Department stating the matter is being investigated and a copy of their complaint on a form entitled, Watch Commanders Service Comment Report. In the upper right hand corner of this form is a 5 or 6 digit number that can be referenced when calling or writing about the complaint. At the conclusion of the complaint process, the person receives another letter informing him/her of the outcome.
I therefore request that you accept this letter as a complaint and issue Watch Commanders Service Comment Report with a 5 or 6 digit number at its upper right hand corner.
Dr. Zernik:
1. LA County Code Chapter 2.37 details the duties of the Ombudsman.
2. Before we can review your complaint, the Sheriffs Department must investigate it. The ordinance cited above specifically states, The Ombudsmanshall not have independent investigative authority and are not empowered to initiate or conduct investigations or interview witnesses. The Ombudsman will not become involved in reviewing criminal investigations
A previous e-mail from you stated you have filed your complaint with the Sheriff Department. This office does not have access to an investigation until it is closed and the person contacts us requesting the matter be reviewed.
The close out letter one receives from the Sheriff Department explains who to contact if a person is dissatisfied with the conclusion of an investigation.
3. The poster says, We can help you file a complaint, find out the status of your complaint, Review your complaint to make sure a thorough process was done, get services for you, a family member, or a friend.
To file a complaint against the Sheriff Department you may write a letter to the Sheriff, call 800-698-8255, go to a Sheriff Station.
Stephanie S. Maxberry
Community and Senior Services
of Los Angeles County
The Office of Ombudsman is closed Monday, 2-15-2010.