Occupy Wall St.'s photo.
Anonymous recommends flying the flag upside down, a traditional signal of distress...
Boycott the US presidential vote! It only legitimizes the illegitimate...
12-04-15 2012 Presidential election votes will be counted in Spain
11-12-10 Where should Occupy go next? Civil Disobedience in the footsteps of Thoreau and Gandhi!
12-06-08 Courts and Judges as racketeering enterprises under RICO (the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) - key element in the current financial crisis
Discovering, archiving, and disseminating knowledge regarding abuse of the People by governments and corporations in the Medieval Digital Era// גילוי, ארכיבאות, והפצת מידע על התעללות בציבור על ידי ממשלות ותאגידים בימי הביניים הדיגיטליים
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
12-08-01 Understatement of the year - NYT: Partisan Rifts Hinder Efforts to Improve U.S. Voting System
Understatement of the year: Instead, it should have read -
Partisan Rifts Hinder Efforts to fix fraudulent U.S. Voting System
Partisan Rifts Hinder Efforts to Improve U.S. Voting System
Anonymous recommends flying the flag upside down, a traditional signal of distress...
Boycott the US presidential vote! It only legitimizes the illegitimate...
12-04-15 2012 Presidential election votes will be counted in Spain
11-12-10 Where should Occupy go next? Civil Disobedience in the footsteps of Thoreau and Gandhi!
12-06-08 Courts and Judges as racketeering enterprises under RICO (the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) - key element in the current financial crisis
Get Up, stand up, stand up for your rights! Get Up, stand up, don't give up the fight!
Partisan Rifts Hinder Efforts to fix fraudulent U.S. Voting System
Partisan Rifts Hinder Efforts to Improve U.S. Voting System
Twelve years after a too-close-to-call presidential contest in Florida ended in a divisive Supreme Court ruling, the United States� voting methods are as laden with problems as ever.READ MORE:
Anonymous recommends flying the flag upside down, a traditional signal of distress...
Boycott the US presidential vote! It only legitimizes the illegitimate...
12-04-15 2012 Presidential election votes will be counted in Spain
11-12-10 Where should Occupy go next? Civil Disobedience in the footsteps of Thoreau and Gandhi!
12-06-08 Courts and Judges as racketeering enterprises under RICO (the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) - key element in the current financial crisis
Get Up, stand up, stand up for your rights! Get Up, stand up, don't give up the fight!
Sunday, July 29, 2012
12-07-29 Moshe Silman – request for certified orders filed in the Tel-Aviv District Court
The last letter of the late Moshe Silman, self-immolated Israeli social protest activist, levels serious charges against the District Court. None of the decisions, which have been published online by the District Court, can be considered a valid court records. The request for certified copies of the decisions in this case is intended to ascertain whether or not Moshe Silman was victim of fraud by the Tel-Aviv District Court.
Moshe Silman
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Jerusalem and Los Angeles, July 29 - Joseph Zernik, PhD, of Human Rights Alert (NGO) has filed a request for certified copies of the decisions in the cases related to Moshe Silman in the Tel-Aviv District Court. [1] The last letter of the late Moshe Silman, self-immolated Israeli social protest activist, levels serious charges against the District Court. [2]
The request for certified decision aims to ascertain the nature of the proceedings in the District Court in the cases, related to the Moshe Silman.
None of the decisions, which have been published online by the District Court, can be considered a valid court records. The commencing record and the first decision were filed under a case number, which according to the office of the Clerk of the Court does not exists; some of the decisions are published unsigned, others are not original records of the District Court, and the final decision in the Appeal is not published at all. [3]
The key finding, based on the court records, inspected so far, is that the Appeal of Brenner's November 19, 2009 Decision under the hat of Registrar was eventually subjected on January 31, 2010 to denial by Brenner under the hat of De Facto District Judge. It is hard to conceive of any plausible explanation, consistent with fundamentals of public and fair hearing, for this conduct of the District Court.
The case of the late Moshe Silman shows how a Person is required to protect his rights in the courts of the State of Israel today against the State of Israel, which took his property and source of livelihood. Conditions, which have been established in the courts of the State of Israel, following the implementation of new electronic Public Records over the past decade, amount to serious violation of the Human Right "to a fair and public hearing."
* The 2010 submission of Human Rights Alert to the Human Rights Council (HRC) of the United Nations, regarding the United States, was reviewed by the HRC professional staff and incorporated in the official HRC Professional Staff Report with a note referring to “corruption of the courts and the legal profession and discrimination by law enforcement in California.”
* The 2012 submission of Human Rights Alert to the HRC regarding the State of Israel, titled "Integrity or lack thereof, of the electronic record systems of the courts of the State of Israel," is scheduled for review in early 2013.
Human Rights Alert online
Moshe Silman
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Jerusalem and Los Angeles, July 29 - Joseph Zernik, PhD, of Human Rights Alert (NGO) has filed a request for certified copies of the decisions in the cases related to Moshe Silman in the Tel-Aviv District Court. [1] The last letter of the late Moshe Silman, self-immolated Israeli social protest activist, levels serious charges against the District Court. [2]
The request for certified decision aims to ascertain the nature of the proceedings in the District Court in the cases, related to the Moshe Silman.
None of the decisions, which have been published online by the District Court, can be considered a valid court records. The commencing record and the first decision were filed under a case number, which according to the office of the Clerk of the Court does not exists; some of the decisions are published unsigned, others are not original records of the District Court, and the final decision in the Appeal is not published at all. [3]
The key finding, based on the court records, inspected so far, is that the Appeal of Brenner's November 19, 2009 Decision under the hat of Registrar was eventually subjected on January 31, 2010 to denial by Brenner under the hat of De Facto District Judge. It is hard to conceive of any plausible explanation, consistent with fundamentals of public and fair hearing, for this conduct of the District Court.
Requests, which were previously filed with the District Court, to inspect and to copy the records and the registrations of the District Court, are still pending. The right to inspect and to copy court records is deemed essential for transparency of the courts and in preventing their corruption.
The case of the late Moshe Silman shows how a Person is required to protect his rights in the courts of the State of Israel today against the State of Israel, which took his property and source of livelihood. Conditions, which have been established in the courts of the State of Israel, following the implementation of new electronic Public Records over the past decade, amount to serious violation of the Human Right "to a fair and public hearing."
[1] 12-07-29 Request for certified orders in cases, related to the late Moshe Silam, filed in the Tel-Aviv District Court
[2] 12-07-14 Moshe Silman sets himself on fire in a Tel Aviv social protest, leaves a letter
http://www.scribd.com/doc/100289353/[2] 12-07-17 Moshe Silman v B ituach Leumi-Tel-Aviv Barnch et al (1752-08 and and 13491/2008 ) in the Tel Aviv District Court – electronic Public Records - remote terminal s
http://www.scribd.com/doc/100289353/[2] 12-07-17 Moshe Silman v B ituach Leumi-Tel-Aviv Barnch et al (1752-08 and and 13491/2008 ) in the Tel Aviv District Court – electronic Public Records - remote terminal s
[3] 12-07-25 Time Line of Events: Moshe Silman - self-immolated, Israeli social protest activist - and the justice system of the State of Israel
[4] 12-06-04 Human Right Alert's Appendix to Submission; 15th UPR Working Group Session (Jan-Feb 2013) - State of Israel: Integrity, or lack thereof, of the electronic record systems of the courts of the State of Israel
[5] 12-07-07 Biographical Sketch Joseph Zernik, PhD
Joseph Zernik, PhD [5]
Human Rights Alert (NGO)
Joseph Zernik, PhD [5]
Human Rights Alert (NGO)
* The 2010 submission of Human Rights Alert to the Human Rights Council (HRC) of the United Nations, regarding the United States, was reviewed by the HRC professional staff and incorporated in the official HRC Professional Staff Report with a note referring to “corruption of the courts and the legal profession and discrimination by law enforcement in California.”
* The 2012 submission of Human Rights Alert to the HRC regarding the State of Israel, titled "Integrity or lack thereof, of the electronic record systems of the courts of the State of Israel," is scheduled for review in early 2013.
Human Rights Alert online
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Facebook Friends: 3,206
Take away justice, then, and what are governments but great bandit bands?
Take away justice, then, and what are governments but great bandit bands?
Saint Augustine, Civitas Dei (City of God,4.4)
acebook Friends: 3,206
12-07-29 משה סילמן - בקשה לקבלת החלטות חתומות ומאושרות
מכתבו האחרון של משה סילמן העלה טענות חמורות כנגד בית המשפט המחוזי. הממצא העיקרי מבחינת הכתבים שנבחנו עד עתה הוא, שחגי ברנר, בכובעו כשופט מחוזי בפועל, דחה את הערעור על החלטתו של חגי ברנר, בכובעו כרשם. קשה לדמיין מצב בבית המשפט שיצדיק התנהלות זאת. ניהול של הליכים למראית עין, ופרסומן של החלטות למראית עין תועדו בעבר בבית המשפט העליון, כחלק מן המחקר שעליו התבסס הדו"ח לשנת 2012 של סייג לזכויות האדם לאו"ם. כוונתה של הבקשה הנוכחית להעתקים חתומים ומאושרים של החלטות בית המשפט המחוזי בתיקים אלה להבהיר
את טיבם של ההליכים בתיקים. "בית משפט המסרב לאשר את החלטותיו, כמוהו כבית משפט המאושר כמושחת."י
משה סילמן
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ירושלים ולוס אנג'לס, יולי 29 - ד"ר יוסף צרניק, סייג לזכויות האדם, הגיש בקשה לקבלת החלטות חתומות ומאושרות בתיקים הקשורים למשה סילמן ז"ל בבית המשפט המחוזי בתל-אביב. [1] מכתבו האחרון של משה סילמן העלה טענות חמורות כנגד בית המשפט המחוזי. [2]י
כוונתה של הבקשה להעתקים חתומים ומאושרים של החלטות בית המשפט המחוזי להבהיר
את טיבם של ההליכים בתיקים אלה.י
אף לא אחת מן ההחלטות, שהתפרסמו עד עתה על ידי בית המשפט המחוזי בתיקים אלה, יכולה להיחשב לכתב בי-דין בר תוקף. כתב התובענה וההחלטה הראשונה נרשמו תחת מספר תיק, שעל-פי מזכירות בית המשפט אינו קיים כלל; החלטות אחרות התפרסמו כשאינן חתומות; אחרות התפרסמו ככתבים שאינם כתבים מקוריים של בית המשפט המחוזי, ואחרונה לא התפרסמה כלל. [3]י
הממצא העיקרי מהכתבים שנבחנו עד עתה הוא, שחגי ברנר, בכובעו כשופט מחוזי בפועל, דחה את הערעור על החלטתו של חגי ברנר, בכובעו כרשם. קשה למצוא הסבר הגיוני, התואם את העקרונות הבסיסיים של משפט הוגן ופומבי, להתנהלות זאת של בית המשפט.מי
בקשה שהוגשה לבית המשפט המחוזי לעיון בתיקים הקשורים למשה סילמן עודה תלוייה ועומדת. זכות הציבור לעיין בתיקי בתי המשפט נחשבת כבסיס לשקיפות בתי המשפט ולמניעת השחתתם.י
מקרהו של משה סילמן מדגים כיצד אדם נדרש היום להגן על זכויותיו בבית דין של מדינת ישראל כנגד רשויות מדינת ישראל שנטלו את רכושו ומקור פרנסתו. דוח של סייג לזכויות האדם ממאי, 2012, טוען שניהול הכתבים האלקטרוניים של בתי המשפט בישראל בעקבות הטמעת המערכות האלקטרוניות החדשות בעשור האחרון מהווה הפרה בוטה של זכות האדם "למשפט הוגן ופומבי" על ידי בתי המשפט בישראל. [4] י
[1] 12-07-29 Moshe Silman v Social Security and State of Israel (1752/08 and 6909-01-10) in the Tel Aviv District Court - Requests for Certified Orders (Heb + Eng) s
[2] 12-07-14 Moshe Silman sets himself on fire in a Tel Aviv social protest, leaves a letter
http://www.scribd.com/doc/100289353/[2] 12-07-17 Moshe Silman v B ituach Leumi-Tel-Aviv Barnch et al (1752-08 and and 13491/2008 ) in the Tel Aviv District Court – electronic Public Records - remote terminal s
http://www.scribd.com/doc/100289353/[2] 12-07-17 Moshe Silman v B ituach Leumi-Tel-Aviv Barnch et al (1752-08 and and 13491/2008 ) in the Tel Aviv District Court – electronic Public Records - remote terminal s
[3] 12-07-25 Time Line of Events: Moshe Silman - self-immolated, Israeli social protest activist - and the justice system of the State of Israel
[4] 12-06-04 Human Right Alert's Appendix to Submission; 15th UPR Working Group Session (Jan-Feb 2013) - State of Israel: Integrity, or lack thereof, of the electronic record systems of the courts of the State of Israel
[5] Sarah Frish
[6] 12-07-07 Biographical Sketch Joseph Zernik, PhD
* The 2010 submission of Human Rights Alert to the Human Rights Council (HRC) of the United Nations, regarding the United States, was reviewed by the HRC professional staff and incorporated in the official HRC Professional Staff Report with a note referring to “corruption of the courts and the legal profession and discrimination by law enforcement in California.”
* The 2012 submission of Human Rights Alert to the HRC regarding the State of Israel, titled "Integrity or lack thereof, of the electronic record systems of the courts of the State of Israel," is scheduled for review in early 2013.
Human Rights Alert online
Flag Counter: 140
Total Reads: 868,060
Followers: 1,547
Total Reads: 50,147
Total Item Views: 664,803+304,012
Facebook Friends: 3,206
Take away justice, then, and what are governments but great bandit bands?
Take away justice, then, and what are governments but great bandit bands?
Saint Augustine, Civitas Dei (City of God,4.4)
acebook Friends: 3,206
Friday, July 27, 2012
Thursday, July 26, 2012
12-07-26 רצף אירועים: משה סילמן ז"ל ומערכת המשפט של מדינת ישראל
Human Rights Alert (NGO) האדם סייג לזכויות
Joseph Zernik, PhD ד"ר יוסף צרניק
PO Box 31440, Jerusalem jz12345@earthlink. net ; ירושלים ת"ד 31440,
רצף אירועים: משה סילמן ז"ל ומערכת המשפט של מדינת ישראל
משה סילמן
http://www.scribd.com/doc/ 101104145/:(עברית) FDP
ירושלים, ה-26 ליולי – ד"ר יוסף צרניק, סייג לזכויות האדם (NGO), פרסם "רצף אירועים", המבוסס על כתבי בית המשפט שנמצאו עד עתה במקרהו של משה סילמן ז"ל. [1]
הממצא העיקרי מבחינת הכתבים והרישומים הוא שהערעור על החלטה למראית עין של חגי ברנר, בכובעו כרשם, נדחה למראית עין על ידי חגי ברנר, ככובעו כשופט מחוזי בפועל.
ממצאים אחרים, שמן הראוי שיטופלו כדין:
● רובם ככולם של הכתבים מן הראוי שייחשבו כתבים למראית עין: המסמכים המקוריים של ההחלטה והפרוטוקול מיום ה-19 בנובמבר, 2009, אינם בנמצא, הן במסוף בית המשפט והן באתר המקוון, ויומן בית המשפט קובע שדיון זה "לא התקיים"; כיוצא בזה: ה"ההחלטה בפתקית" מיום ה-25 לינואר, 2010, ופסק הדין מיום ה-31 בינואר, 2010, שאינו בנמצא, הן במסוף בית המשפט והן באתר המקוון.
● בחינת הכתבים ככללם, מעלה חשד סביר שהכתבים והרישומים המופיעים באתר המקוון נערכו במכוון כמרמה. [7] מכל מקום, אי-סדרים, כתבים חסרים, והבדלים בין המסוף בבית המשפט והאתר המקוון, המצביעים על שיבושים שיטתיים בניהול הכתבים הציבוריים בבית המשפט המחוזי, נותרו ללא הסבר סביר. [8]
● בקשות לעיון בתיק 1752/08 ובתיק 10-01-6909 התקבלו כבייכול לרישום בבית המשפט המחוזי ב-22 ביולי, 2012, , והופנו כביכול לברנר, בתיק הראשון – בכובעו כרשם, ובשני – בכובעו כשופט מחוזי בפועל. [9] אין ביכולת הציבור או המגיש עצמו לוודא אל-נכון, הן במסוף בית המשפט והן באתר המקוון, שהבקשות אכן נרשמו על ידי בית המשפט כדין. נסיון קודם בבית המשפט העליון מורה על קבלת כתבים לרישום למראית עין ומתן החלטות למראית עין. [10]
מקרהו של משה סילמן מדגים כיצד אדם נדרש היום להגן על זכויותיו בבית דין של מדינת ישראל כנגד רשויות מדינת ישראל שנטלו את רכושו ומקור פרנסתו. דוח של סייג לזכויות האדם ממאי, 2012, טוען שניהול הכתבים האלקטרוניים של בתי המשפט בישראל בעקבות הטמעת המערכות האלקטרוניות החדשות בעשור האחרון מהווה הפרה בוטה של זכות האדם "למשפט הוגן ופומבי" על ידי בתי המשפט בישראל. [11]
רצף אירועים - משה סילמן ז"ל ומערכת המשפט של מדינת ישראל
1) משה סילמן ואח' נ ביטוח לאומי-סניף תל-אביב ואח' (13491/2008) – תובענה מקורית? – בבית המשפט המחוזי תל-אביב-יפו. [2,3]
● 10 ביולי, 2008 – כתב ראשון הופיע תחת 13491/2008 – החלטה בלתי חתומה ניתנה כביכול על-ידי "היחידה המשפטית, בית המשפט המחוזי תל-אביב-יפו".
● 31 ביולי, 2008 – החלטה בלתי חתומה של הרשם איתן אורנשטיין.
● מזכירות בית המשפט סירבה לאחרונה לקבל לרישום בקשה לעיון בתיק תחת 13491/2008 – כיוון שאינו קיים כלל.
2) משה סילמן ואח' נ ביטוח לאומי-סניף תל-אביב ואח' (08-1752) – תובענה מקורית? – בבית המשפט המחוזי תל-אביב-יפו. [2,3]
● 8 ביולי, 2008 – נרשם כיום הגשת כתב התובענה תחת מספר זה.
● 8 לאוקטובר, 2009 – החלטה בלתי חתומה של הרשם איתן אורנשטיין הוגשה לרישום תחת (08-1752) ו- (13491/2008) יחדיו. ההחלטה מציינת שתגובתו של הביטוח הלאומי לא נרשמה בתיק, למרות שנמסרה כבייכול לבא כוחו של סילמן. לפי כך מורה ההחלטה על בא כוח התובע להגיש לבית המשפט את תגובת הנתבע.
3) חגי ברנר
● 1 בנובמבר 2009 - מונה למשרה כפולה בבית המשפט המחוזי בתל-אביב-יפו, כרשם וכשופט מחוזי בפועל.
4) משה סילמן ואח' נ ביטוח לאומי-סניף תל-אביב ואח' (08-1752) – תובענה מקורית? – בבית המשפט המחוזי תל-אביב-יפו. [2,3]
● 19 לנומבר, 2009 - התיק הופנה ככל הנראה לברנר, בכובעו כרשם (לא נמצאו עד עתה כתבי בי דין סדורים לגבי הפניית התיקים לגורמים השיפוטיים).
● 19 לנומבר, 2009 – הופעה ראשונה של ברנר בתיק זה. ההחלטה מיום זה דחתה את הבקשה לפטור מאגרה, ובכך למעשה הובילה לסגירתו של התיק בסופו של דבר. בין במסוף בית המשפט, ובין באתר המקוון לניהול גישת הציבור אין בנמצא כתבים מקוריים של ההחלטה והפרוטוקול מיום זה. הדיון בתיק זה ביום זה אינו מופיע ביומן בית המשפט, והנתונים במסוף בבית המשפט עצמו מציינים במפורש "לא התקיים". פרוטוקול הדיון מזהה את בא כוח ביטוח לאומי כ- "ברכה" – שזהותו/ה נותרו בלתי ידועים עד עתה.
● 29 לנומבר, 2009 – ההחלטה מיום ה-19 לנובמבר, שעל-פי פרוטוקול הדיון כביכול נתנה במעמד הצדדים, אך על פי כתב ההחלטה עצמו נתנה בהעדר הצדדים, מומצאת לתובע.
5) משה סילמן נ המוסד לביטוח לאומי (10435/09) – בקשת רשות ערעור – בבית המשפט העליון. [4]
● 28 לדצמבר, 2009 – בא כוחו של סילמן מגיש בבית המשפט העליון בקשת רשות ערעור על החלטתו כביכול של ברנר מיום ה-19 לנובמבר, 2009.
● 31 לדצמבר, 2009 – הרשם יגאל מרזל, בבית המשפט העליון נותן החלטה "ערעור על החלטה מעין זו צריך להיות מוגש לבית המשפט המחוזי ולא לבית משפט זה". על-פי החלטה זו, ובמפורש בפסק הדין (להלן), מובהר שההחלטה כבייכול של ברנר מיום ה-19 לנובמבר, 2009, נתנה ב"כובעו כרשם".
6) משה סילמן ואח' נ ביטוח לאומי-סניף תל-אביב ואח' (08-1752) – תובענה מקורית? – בבית המשפט המחוזי תל-אביב-יפו. [2,3]
● 31 בדצמבר, 2009 – בא כוחו של סילמן מגיש בבית המשפט המחוזי את תגובתו על בקשת הביטוח הלאומי, ומבקש את ברנר לדחות את ביצוע ההחלטה כבייכול מיום ה-19 לנומבר, 2009, עד לקבלת החלטתו של בית המשפט העליון בנידון בקשת רשות הערעור.
7) משה סילמן נ ביטוח לאומי-המחלקה המשפטית (10-01-6909) – ערעור על החלטת רשם - בבית המשפט המחוזי תל-אביב-יפו. [5,6]
● 6 בינואר, 2010 – בא כוחו של סילמן מגיש בבית המשפט המחוזי את הערעור על החלטת רשם, על פי החלטתו של בית המשפט העליון מיום ה-31 בדצמבר, 2009.
8) משה סילמן נ המוסד לביטוח לאומי ((10435/09)) – בקשת רשות ערעור – בבית המשפט העליון. [4]
● 12 בינואר, 2010 – פסק דין ניתן על ידי הרשם יגאל מרזל בבית המשפט העליון, ובקשת הערעור של סילמן נדחית, כיוון שנשוא הבקשה, החלטתו כבייכול של ברנר, מיום ה-19 בנובמבר, 2009, נתנה על ידי ברנר "בכובעו כרשם".
9) משה סילמן ואח' נ ביטוח לאומי-סניף תל-אביב ואח' (08-1752) – תובענה מקורית? – בבית המשפט המחוזי תל-אביב-יפו. [2,3]
● 25 בינואר, 2010 – "החלטה בפתקית" (המופיעה במסוף בית המשפט, אך לא באתר המקוון) של ברנר בכובעו ברשם:
משלא שולמה האגרה – התביעה נמחקת. יצויין כי הגשת ערעור אינה מעכבת ביצועה של החלטה, מה גם שבמקרה דנן הערעור הוגש לכאורה לערכאה הלא נכונה.
מכל מקום, היה והערעור יתקבל, יוחזר ההליך על כנו.
10) משה סילמן נ ביטוח לאומי-המחלקה המשפטית (10-01-6909) – ערעור על החלטת רשם - בבית המשפט המחוזי תל-אביב-יפו. [5,6]
● 31 בינואר, 2010 – הערעור על החלטת רשם של ברנר, בכובעו כרשם, מופנה לברנר, בכובעו כשופט מחוזי בפועל.
● 31 בינואר, 2010 – הערעור על החלטת רשם של ברנר, בכובעו כרשם, נדחה כבייהול על ידי ברנר, בכובעו כשופט מחוזי בפועל. כתב ההחלטה/פסק הדין כביכול של ברנר מיום ה-31 בינואר אינו בנמצא הן במסוף בית המשפט והן באתר המקוון.
[1] 12-07-14 Moshe Silman sets himself on fire in a Tel Aviv social protest, leaves a letter
http://www.scribd.com/doc/ 100289353/[2] 12-07-17 Moshe Silman v B ituach Leumi-Tel-Aviv Barnch et al (1752-08 and and 13491/2008 ) in the Tel Aviv District Court – electronic Public Records - remote terminal
http://www.scribd.com/doc/ 100289786/[3] 12-07-22 Moshe Silman v B ituach Leumi-Tel-Aviv Barnch et al (1752-08 and and 13491/2008 ) in the Tel Aviv District Court – electronic Public Records - local public access terminal
http://www.scribd.com/doc/ 101008300/[4] 12-07-24 Moshe Silman v Bituach Leumi Institute (10435/09) in the Supreme Court of the State of Israel online public electronic records, as downloaded from a remote location
http://www.scribd.com/doc/ 100937934/[5] 12-07-24 Moshe Silman v Bituach Leumi-Tel-Aviv Branch, Legal Department (6909-01-10) Appeal of Magistrate Judge Decision in the Tel-Aviv-Jaffa District Court electronic Public Records - remote terminal s
http://www.scribd.com/doc/ 100914994/[6] 12-07-22 Moshe Silman v Bituach Leumi-Tel-Aviv Branch, Legal Department (6909-01-10) Appeal of Magistrate Judge Decision in the Tel-Aviv-Jaffa District Court electronic Public Records - local terminal
http://www.scribd.com/doc/ 101008615/[7] 12-07-22 PRESS RELEASE: Moshe Silman, Self-immolated Israeli Social Protest Activist, And the Justice System of the State of Israel (English)
http://www.scribd.com/doc/ 100800832/[8] 12-07-24 PRESS RELEASE: Who Was Attorney for Bituach Leumi (Social Security) in Moshe Silman et al v Bituach Leumi et al in the Tel-Aviv-Jaffa District Court?
http://www.scribd.com/doc/ 100902177/[9] 12-07-22 Moshe Silman v Social Security and State of Israel (1752/08 and 6909-01-10) in the Tel Aviv District Court - Requests to inspect and to copy court records (Heb + Eng)
http://www.scribd.com/doc/ 100791012/[10] 11-12-19 Simulated Records, Simulated Litigation Enabled by the Electronic Record Systems of the Supreme Court of the State of Israel (English) s
[11] 12-06-04 Human Right Alert's Appendix to Submission; 15th UPR Working Group Session (Jan-Feb 2013) - State of Israel: Integrity, or lack thereof, of the electronic record systems of the courts of the State of Israel
http://www.scribd.com/doc/ 82927700/
[12] 12-07-07 Biographical Sketch Joseph Zernik, PhD
http://www.scribd.com/doc/ 46421113/_________
Joseph Zernik, PhD [12]
[12] 12-07-07 Biographical Sketch Joseph Zernik, PhD
Joseph Zernik, PhD [12]
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
12-07-25 Notice to cease and desist extortion given to Beverly Hills Police Chief David Snowden
The Beverly Hills Police Department attempted to intimidate through bogus communications regarding a "criminal investigation," part of efforts to stifle Free Speech. Dr Zernik has published in recent years numerous reports, documenting the key role of corruption of the courts and the legal profession in the current crisis. Some of his reports singled out the Los Angeles Jewish community, for tolerating racketeering in its flagship charity Bet Tzedek - "The House of Justice" - under the front of legal-aide. The recents futile attempts to intimidate, launched by a Los Angeles Jewish attorney, with the Beverly Hills Police Department tagging along, demonstrate the potential of Jerusalem, with its unique international legal status - Corpus Separatum - to become a Free Speech haven in a world where such right is increasingly besieged.
View as PDF: http://www.scribd.com/doc/ 101155930/ Jerusalem and Los Angeles, July 26 - Joseph Zernik, PhD, of Human Rights Alert, has given Beverly Hills Police Chief David Snowden a notice to cease and desist extortion by law enforcement. [1]
The Notice followed two email messages from the Beverly Hills Police Department, which were meant to intimidate, regarding a purported "criminal investigation" by the Beverly Hills Police Department into Dr Zernik's conduct, which he deems Free Speech right by International Law.
Dr Zernik responded to the Beverly Hills Police Department, twice, by requesting that the Department conduct such communications in a manner that is deemed valid and secure by the standards of the Beverly Hills Police Department, and which explains the jurisdiction and the law that are the basis for such communications.
Additionally, Dr Zernik asked that Beverly Hills Police Department Chief David Snowden explain, why the conduct of his department in this matter, with no jurisdiction and no legal foundation, should not be deemed extortion and part of a pattern of organized state crime. [1]
"The recent move was launched by a Los Angeles Jewish attorney, and the BHPD went along with the scheme," says Dr Zernik, "Although such threats are patently unlawful, they should be deemed as credible, since the US has abandoned the rule of law and due process, even in dealing with its own citizens."
Over the past decade Dr Zernik has specialized in studying the corruption of banks, courts, and prisons through fraudulent electronic record systems: [2]
The recent stream of threats against Dr Zernik has included: ISACA US (international association of network security and control professionals), ISACA Israel, Israeli Judge, Israeli Law Professor, BHPD. These events also demonstrate the potential of Jerusalem, with its unique international legal status - Corpus Separatum - to become a Free Speech haven in a world where such right is increasingly besieged. [7]
Notice: All reports, pertaining to racketeering in Bet Tzedek, an affiliate of the Los Angeles Jewish Federation, are copied to ADL (Anti Defamation League) for comments.
[1] 12-07-25 Notice to cease and desist extortion by law enforcement - Beverly Hills Police Department
http://www.scribd.com/doc/ 101045846/[2] 12-07-07 Biographical Sketch Joseph Zernik, PhD
http://www.scribd.com/doc/ 46421113/[3] 10-04-19 Human Rights Alert (NG0) submission to the United Nations Human Rights Council for the 2010 Review (UPR) of Human Rights in the United States as incorporated into the UPR staff report, with a note referring to "corruption of the courts and the legal profession in California".
http://www.scribd.com/doc/ 38566837/[4] 12-06-29 Tomorrow (June 30) BET TZEDEK Gala Production! SANDOR SAMUELS as the Scarlet Letter of the Los Angeles Jewish Community
http://www.scribd.com/doc/ 98638796/[5] 12-06-04 Human Right Alert's Appendix to Submission; 15th UPR Working Group Session (Jan-Feb 2013) - State of Israel: Integrity, or lack thereof, of the electronic record systems of the courts of the State of Israel
http://www.scribd.com/doc/ 82927700/ [6] 12-07-25 PRESS RELEASE: Time Line of Events: Moshe Silman - self-immolated, Israeli social protest activist - and the justice system of the State of Israel
http://www.scribd.com/doc/ 101008706/[7] 12-07-01 First ever - passport stamped “Corpus Separatum Jerusalem”
http://www.scribd.com/doc/ 100294474/
Anonymous recommends flying the flag upside down, a traditional signal of distress...
Boycott the US presidential vote! It only legitimizes the illegitimate... 12-04-15 2012 Presidential election votes will be counted in Spain
http://www.scribd.com/doc/ 89464081/Occupy! 11-12-10 Where should Occupy go next? Civil Disobedience in the footsteps of Thoreau and Gandhi!
http :// www.scribd.com/doc/75348301/12-06-08 Courts and Judges as racketeering enterprises under RICO (the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) - key element in the current financial crisis
http://www.scribd.com/doc/ 96504009/Get Up, stand up, stand up for your rights! Get Up, stand up, don't give up the fight! _______
Joseph Zernik, PhDHuman Rights Alert (NGO)
* The 2010 submission of Human Rights Alert to the Human Rights Council (HRC) of the United Nations, regarding the United States, was reviewed by the HRC professional staff and incorporated in the official HRC Professional Staff Report with a note referring to “corruption of the courts and the legal profession and discrimination by law enforcement in California.”
* The 2012 submission of Human Rights Alert to the HRC regarding the State of Israel, titled "Integrity or lack thereof, of the electronic record systems of the courts of the State of Israel," is scheduled for review in early 2013.
Human Rights Alert online Flag Counter: 140http://inproperinla.blogspot. com/
http://inproperinla.wordpress. com/
http://human-rights-alert. blogspot.com/ Total Reads: 868,060 Followers: 1,547http://www.scribd.com/Human_ Rights_Alerthttp://www.scribd.com/ SeyagLizhuyotHaadam Total Reads: 50,147http://twitter.com/ inproperinla
http://www.liveleak.com/user/ jz12345 Total Item Views: 664,803+304,012
http://www.examiner.com/x- 38742-LA-Business-Headlines- Examinerhttp://www.facebook.com/ joseph.zernik Facebook Friends: 3,206_____________________________
Take away justice, then, and what are governments but great bandit bands?Saint Augustine, Civitas Dei (City of God,4.4)
* "I think it's difficult to find a fraud of this size on the U.S. court system in U.S. history," said Raymond Brescia, a visiting professor at Yale Law School who has written articles analyzing the role of courts in the financial crisis. "I can't think of one where you have literally tens of thousands of fraudulent documents filed in tens of thousands of cases." Reuters (Jan 22, 2012)
http://www.scribd.com/doc/ 79572282/* Foreclosure fraud: The homeowner nightmares continueCNN (April 7, 2011)
* About 3 million homes have been repossessed since the housing boom ended in 2006… That number could balloon to about6 million by 2013 Bloomberg (January 2011)
* "...a system in which only the little people have to obey the law, while the rich, and bankers especially, can cheat and defraud without consequences." http://www.scribd.com/doc/ 50753639/Prof Paul Krugman, MIT (2011)
WHAT DID THE EXPERTS SAY ABOUT THE JUSTICE SYSTEM IN LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA?* "...judges tried and sentenced a staggering number of people for crimes they did not commit." Prof David Burcham, Dean, Loyola Law School, LA (2001)
http://www.scribd.com/doc/ 29043589/
* "This is conduct associated with the most repressive dictators and police states... and judges must share responsibility when innocent people are convicted." Prof Erwin Chemerinsky, Dean, Irvine Law School (2001) http://www.scribd.com/doc/ 27433920/* "Innocent people remain in prison"* "...the LA Superior Court and the DA office, the two other parts of the justice system that the Blue Panel Report recommends must be investigated relative to the integrity of the system, have not produced any response that we know of..."LAPD Blue Ribbon Review Panel Report (2006)
http://www.scribd.com/doc/ 24902306 /_____________________________
WHAT DID THE EXPERTS SAY ABOUT THE JUSTICE SYSTEM IN CALIFORNIA?* "...corruption of the courts and the legal profession and discrimination by law enforcement in California." United Nations Human Rights Council Staff Report (2010)
http://www.scribd.com/doc/ 38566837/_____________________________
* "On July 26, 2010, Laurence Tribe, Senior Counsel for the United States Department of Justice, Access to Justice Initiative, delivered an important speech to the Conference of Chief Justices, challenging them to halt the disintegration of our state justice systems before they become indistinguishable from courts of third world nations."Prof Laurence Tribe, Harvard Law School (2010), per National Defender Leadership Institute (2010)
http://www.nlada.net/library/ article/national_dojspeechto% 20chiefjustice07-26-2010_ gideonalert
WHAT DID THE EXPERTS SAY ABOUT THE CONDITIONS IN THE PRISON IN MONROE COUNTY, TENESSEE?* "What goes on there is more like gulags of centuries ago."ACLUhttp://www.scribd.com/doc/ 72546279/_____________________________
WHAT DID THE EXPERTS SAY ABOUT THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES?* "More than 100 law professors have signed on to a letter released today that proposes congressional hearings and legislation aimed at fashioning "mandatory and enforceable" ethics rules for Supreme Court justices for the first time. The effort, coordinated by the liberal Alliance for Justice, was triggered by "recent media reports," the letter said, apparently referring to stories of meetings and other potential conflicts of interest involving Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas among others."More than 100 law professors, as reported by the Blog of the Legal Times (February 2011) http://www.scribd.com/doc/ 49586436/_____________________________
* "The American legal system has been corrupted almost beyond recognition..."
Chief Judge, US Court of Appeals, 5th Circuit, Edith Jones, speaking before the Federalist Society of Harvard Law School (February 2003)
http://www.scribd.com/doc/ 50137887/_____________________________
WHAT DID THE CHAIR OF THE SENATE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE SAY ABOUT THE US JUSTICE SYSTEM?* In a speech in Georgetown University, Senator Leahy, Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee called for a "Truth and Reconciliation Commission" on the US Department of Justice.Transcript of Senator Leahy speech (2009)
http://www.scribd.com/doc/ 38472251/____________________________
View as PDF: http://www.scribd.com/doc/
The Notice followed two email messages from the Beverly Hills Police Department, which were meant to intimidate, regarding a purported "criminal investigation" by the Beverly Hills Police Department into Dr Zernik's conduct, which he deems Free Speech right by International Law.
Dr Zernik responded to the Beverly Hills Police Department, twice, by requesting that the Department conduct such communications in a manner that is deemed valid and secure by the standards of the Beverly Hills Police Department, and which explains the jurisdiction and the law that are the basis for such communications.
Additionally, Dr Zernik asked that Beverly Hills Police Department Chief David Snowden explain, why the conduct of his department in this matter, with no jurisdiction and no legal foundation, should not be deemed extortion and part of a pattern of organized state crime. [1]
"The recent move was launched by a Los Angeles Jewish attorney, and the BHPD went along with the scheme," says Dr Zernik, "Although such threats are patently unlawful, they should be deemed as credible, since the US has abandoned the rule of law and due process, even in dealing with its own citizens."
Over the past decade Dr Zernik has specialized in studying the corruption of banks, courts, and prisons through fraudulent electronic record systems: [2]
- His 2010 report to the United Nations Human Rights Council provided evidence of large-scale false imprisonment in Los Angeles County, California, and of racketeering by judges, attorneys, and financial institutions in the Los Angeles Superior Court. Following Professional Staff review, the report was incorporated into the 2010 UN Report on the United States, with a note referring to "corruption of the courts and the legal profession and discrimination by law enforcement in California." [3]
- In some of his writing Dr Zernik has also singled the Los Angeles Jewish community, for permitting its flagship charity Bet Tzedek ("The House of Justice") become a racketeering enterprise, headed by Sandor Samuels, former Chief Legal Counsel of Countrywide Financial Corporation. Samuels was a key figure in racketeering in the courts from coast to coast as part of the current crisis. Dr Zernik has produced evidence of Samuels engaged in such conduct even from the office of President of Bet Tzedek. [4]
- In May 2012, Dr Zernik submitted a report to the United Nations, which documented how, with the help from IBM and EDS, fraudulent electronic record systems have been introduced in the courts of the State of Israel, which mimicked the corrupt systems, already in place in the state and US courts. [5]
- In July 2012,, Dr Zernik published evidence of fraud in the Tel-Aviv-Jaffa District Court in the case of the self-immolated Israeli social protest activist Moshe Silman. In the opening lines of his last letter, the late Silman leveled serious charges against that court. [6]
The recent stream of threats against Dr Zernik has included: ISACA US (international association of network security and control professionals), ISACA Israel, Israeli Judge, Israeli Law Professor, BHPD. These events also demonstrate the potential of Jerusalem, with its unique international legal status - Corpus Separatum - to become a Free Speech haven in a world where such right is increasingly besieged. [7]
Notice: All reports, pertaining to racketeering in Bet Tzedek, an affiliate of the Los Angeles Jewish Federation, are copied to ADL (Anti Defamation League) for comments.
[1] 12-07-25 Notice to cease and desist extortion by law enforcement - Beverly Hills Police Department
Anonymous recommends flying the flag upside down, a traditional signal of distress...
Boycott the US presidential vote! It only legitimizes the illegitimate... 12-04-15 2012 Presidential election votes will be counted in Spain
http :// www.scribd.com/doc/75348301/12-06-08 Courts and Judges as racketeering enterprises under RICO (the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) - key element in the current financial crisis
Joseph Zernik, PhDHuman Rights Alert (NGO)
* The 2010 submission of Human Rights Alert to the Human Rights Council (HRC) of the United Nations, regarding the United States, was reviewed by the HRC professional staff and incorporated in the official HRC Professional Staff Report with a note referring to “corruption of the courts and the legal profession and discrimination by law enforcement in California.”
* The 2012 submission of Human Rights Alert to the HRC regarding the State of Israel, titled "Integrity or lack thereof, of the electronic record systems of the courts of the State of Israel," is scheduled for review in early 2013.
Human Rights Alert online Flag Counter: 140http://inproperinla.blogspot.
Take away justice, then, and what are governments but great bandit bands?Saint Augustine, Civitas Dei (City of God,4.4)
* "I think it's difficult to find a fraud of this size on the U.S. court system in U.S. history," said Raymond Brescia, a visiting professor at Yale Law School who has written articles analyzing the role of courts in the financial crisis. "I can't think of one where you have literally tens of thousands of fraudulent documents filed in tens of thousands of cases." Reuters (Jan 22, 2012)
* About 3 million homes have been repossessed since the housing boom ended in 2006… That number could balloon to about6 million by 2013 Bloomberg (January 2011)
* "...a system in which only the little people have to obey the law, while the rich, and bankers especially, can cheat and defraud without consequences." http://www.scribd.com/doc/
WHAT DID THE EXPERTS SAY ABOUT THE JUSTICE SYSTEM IN LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA?* "...judges tried and sentenced a staggering number of people for crimes they did not commit." Prof David Burcham, Dean, Loyola Law School, LA (2001)
* "This is conduct associated with the most repressive dictators and police states... and judges must share responsibility when innocent people are convicted." Prof Erwin Chemerinsky, Dean, Irvine Law School (2001) http://www.scribd.com/doc/
WHAT DID THE EXPERTS SAY ABOUT THE JUSTICE SYSTEM IN CALIFORNIA?* "...corruption of the courts and the legal profession and discrimination by law enforcement in California." United Nations Human Rights Council Staff Report (2010)
* "On July 26, 2010, Laurence Tribe, Senior Counsel for the United States Department of Justice, Access to Justice Initiative, delivered an important speech to the Conference of Chief Justices, challenging them to halt the disintegration of our state justice systems before they become indistinguishable from courts of third world nations."Prof Laurence Tribe, Harvard Law School (2010), per National Defender Leadership Institute (2010)
WHAT DID THE EXPERTS SAY ABOUT THE CONDITIONS IN THE PRISON IN MONROE COUNTY, TENESSEE?* "What goes on there is more like gulags of centuries ago."ACLUhttp://www.scribd.com/doc/
WHAT DID THE EXPERTS SAY ABOUT THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES?* "More than 100 law professors have signed on to a letter released today that proposes congressional hearings and legislation aimed at fashioning "mandatory and enforceable" ethics rules for Supreme Court justices for the first time. The effort, coordinated by the liberal Alliance for Justice, was triggered by "recent media reports," the letter said, apparently referring to stories of meetings and other potential conflicts of interest involving Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas among others."More than 100 law professors, as reported by the Blog of the Legal Times (February 2011) http://www.scribd.com/doc/
* "The American legal system has been corrupted almost beyond recognition..."
Chief Judge, US Court of Appeals, 5th Circuit, Edith Jones, speaking before the Federalist Society of Harvard Law School (February 2003)
WHAT DID THE CHAIR OF THE SENATE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE SAY ABOUT THE US JUSTICE SYSTEM?* In a speech in Georgetown University, Senator Leahy, Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee called for a "Truth and Reconciliation Commission" on the US Department of Justice.Transcript of Senator Leahy speech (2009)
12-07-25 Time Line of Events: Moshe Silman - self-immolated, Israeli social protest activist - and the justice system of the State of Israel
In November 2009, Magistrate Judge Hagai Brenner, formerly a Peace Court Judge, assumed a double-hat appointment in the Tel-Aviv-Jaffa District Court: Registrar and De Facto District Judge. Shortly afterwards, he started appearing in cases related to the late Moshe Silman.
Following is the Time Line of Events, July 2008 - January 2010, of the cases related to Silman, based on records discovered so far:
Moshe Silman
View as PDF: http://www.scribd.com/doc/ 101008706/
Tel-Aviv-Jaffa and Los Angeles, July 25 - Joseph Zernik, PhD, of Human Rights Alert (NGO) released a Time Line of Events, related to the late Moshe Silman, self-immolated Israeli social protest activist and the justice system of the State of Israel: [1] 1) Moshe Silman et al v Bituah Leumi-Tel-Aviv Branch et al ( 13491/2008) - Original Complaint? - in the Tel-Aviv-Jaffa District Court [2,3]
4) Moshe Silman et al v Bituah Leumi-Tel-Aviv Branch et al (1752-08) - Original Complaint? - in the Tel-Aviv-Jaffa District Court [2,3]
Additional causes for alarm:
"The case of the late Moshe Silman shows how a Person is required to protect his rights in the courts of the State of Israel today against the State of Israel, which took his property and source of livelihood," explains Dr Zernik. Dr Zernik claims that the conditions, which have been established in the courts of the State of Israel, following the implementation of new electronic Public Record systems over the past decade, amount to serious violation of the Human Right "to a fair and public hearing." [10]
LINKS:[1] 12-07-14 Moshe Silman sets himself on fire in a Tel Aviv social protest, leaves a letter
http://www.scribd.com/doc/ 100289353/[2] 12-07-17 Moshe Silman v B ituach Leumi-Tel-Aviv Barnch et al (1752-08 and and 13491/2008 ) in the Tel Aviv District Court – electronic Public Records - remote terminal s
http://www.scribd.com/doc/ 100289786/[3] 12-07-22 Moshe Silman v B ituach Leumi-Tel-Aviv Barnch et al (1752-08 and and 13491/2008 ) in the Tel Aviv District Court – electronic Public Records - local public access terminal
http://www.scribd.com/doc/ 101008300/[4] 12-07-24 Moshe Silman v Bituach Leumi Institute (10435/09) in the Supreme Court of the State of Israel online public electronic records, as downloaded from a remote location
http://www.scribd.com/doc/ 100937934/[5] 12-07-24 Moshe Silman v Bituach Leumi-Tel-Aviv Branch, Legal Department (6909-01-10) Appeal of Magistrate Judge Decision in the Tel-Aviv-Jaffa District Court electronic Public Records - remote terminal s
http://www.scribd.com/doc/ 100914994/[6] 12-07-22 Moshe Silman v Bituach Leumi-Tel-Aviv Branch, Legal Department (6909-01-10) Appeal of Magistrate Judge Decision in the Tel-Aviv-Jaffa District Court electronic Public Records - local terminal
http://www.scribd.com/doc/ 101008615/[7] 12-07-22 PRESS RELEASE: Moshe Silman, Self-immolated Israeli Social Protest Activist, And the Justice System of the State of Israel (English)
http://www.scribd.com/doc/ 100800832/[8] 12-07-24 PRESS RELEASE: Who Was Attorney for Bituach Leumi (Social Security) in Moshe Silman et al v Bituach Leumi et al in the Tel-Aviv-Jaffa District Court?
http://www.scribd.com/doc/ 100902177/[9] 12-07-22 Moshe Silman v Social Security and State of Israel (1752/08 and 6909-01-10) in the Tel Aviv District Court - Requests to inspect and to copy court records (Heb + Eng)
http://www.scribd.com/doc/ 100791012/[10] 12-06-04 Human Right Alert's Appendix to Submission; 15th UPR Working Group Session (Jan-Feb 2013) - State of Israel: Integrity, or lack thereof, of the electronic record systems of the courts of the State of Israel
http://www.scribd.com/doc/ 82927700/
[11] 12-07-07 Biographical Sketch Joseph Zernik, PhD
http://www.scribd.com/doc/ 46421113/
Joseph Zernik, PhD [11]
Human Rights Alert (NGO)
* The 2010 submission of Human Rights Alert to the Human Rights Council (HRC) of the United Nations, regarding the United States, was reviewed by the HRC professional staff and incorporated in the official HRC Professional Staff Report with a note referring to “corruption of the courts and the legal profession and discrimination by law enforcement in California.”
* The 2012 submission of Human Rights Alert to the HRC regarding the State of Israel, titled "Integrity or lack thereof, of the electronic record systems of the courts of the State of Israel," is scheduled for review in early 2013.
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Take away justice, then, and what are governments but great bandit bands?Saint Augustine, Civitas Dei (City of God,4.4)
Following is the Time Line of Events, July 2008 - January 2010, of the cases related to Silman, based on records discovered so far:
- The key finding is that the Appeal of Brenner's November 19, 2009 Decision in the hat of Registrar was eventually reviewed and denied on January 31, 2010 by Brenner in the hat of De Facto District Judge.
- Additionally alarming is the appearance, that the data in the remote terminals were edited in effort to convey the impression that Brenner was unaware of the related proceedings in the Supreme Court, which clarified the nature of his double-hat appointment. The data in the local terminals provide evidence to the contrary.
- Various irregularities and discrepancies between data from the remote and the local terminals remain inexplicable. The data accessed so far in both systems is partial at best, and the full records in this case are yet to be discovered. Two requests to Inspect and to Copy are pending before Magistrate Judge Hagai Brenner, one in his hat of Registrar, and the other in his hat of De Facto District Judge.
Moshe Silman
View as PDF: http://www.scribd.com/doc/
Tel-Aviv-Jaffa and Los Angeles, July 25 - Joseph Zernik, PhD, of Human Rights Alert (NGO) released a Time Line of Events, related to the late Moshe Silman, self-immolated Israeli social protest activist and the justice system of the State of Israel: [1] 1) Moshe Silman et al v Bituah Leumi-Tel-Aviv Branch et al ( 13491/2008) - Original Complaint? - in the Tel-Aviv-Jaffa District Court [2,3]
- July 10, 2008 - date of the first record under 1349/2008 - unsigned Decision by an unnamed person in the "Legal Department, Tel-Aviv-Jaffa District Court".
- July 31, 2009 - unsigned Decision by The office of the Clerk of the District Court refused to receive for filing a Request to Inspect and to Copy under 1349/2008, since it did not exist.
- July 8, 2008 - is listed as the filing date of the Original Complaint under 1752-08.
- October 8, 2009 - Registrar Ethan Orenstein's Decision, unsigned, indexed under both 13491-08 and 1752-08, notes that Response by Bituach Leumi failed to be filed in the court file, although it was apparently served on Silman's attorney. Orenstein instructs the Attorney for Silman to file Bituach Leumi's Response in the Court.
4) Moshe Silman et al v Bituah Leumi-Tel-Aviv Branch et al (1752-08) - Original Complaint? - in the Tel-Aviv-Jaffa District Court [2,3]
- November 19 (?), 2009 - the case was re-assigned (?) to Brenner in the hat of a Registrar (no normative documentation has been discovered so far of the Assignment/Re-assignment Procedures).
- November 19, 2009 - first appearance of a record by Brenner in the case - Decision - denying the Request for Waiver of Fees and ordering Dismissal of the Complaint. The electronic Public Records fail to show valid court records for the Decision and the Protocol, and the Proceeding is not listed in the Calendar of the Court. The local terminal records explicitly state the the proceeding, presided by Hagai Brenner on that date "did not take place." The Protocol lists an unknown "Bracha" as Attorney for Bituach Leumi. The records conflict on the date of issuance of the Order in the presence or the absence of the parties.
- November 29, 2009 - The November 19, 2009 Decision was served (not yet delivered) on the Complainant
- December 28, 2009 - Attorney for Silman files in the Supreme Court the Request for a Leave to Appeal the November 19, 2009 Brenner Decision.
- December 29, 2009 - Magistrate Judge Yigal Marzel of the Supreme Court issues the Order to Show Cause: Why the Appeal should not be dismissed, for having been filed with the wrong judicial authority? The Order clarifies the double-hat nature of Brenner's appointment in the Tel-Aviv-Jaffa District Court. Magistrate Judge Yigal Marzel finds that the November 19, 2009 Decision was issued by Brenner in the hat of Registrar, and that therefore, the Decision should be appealed before the the Tel-Aviv-Jaffa District Court.
- December 31, 2009 - Attorney for Silman files in the District Court Response on Bituach Leumi'
- January 6, 2010 - following the directives in the Order to Show Cause in the Supreme Court, Attorney for Silman files the Appeal in the District Court.
- January 12, 2010 - Judgment is issued by Magistrate Judge Yigal Marzel, dismissing the Request for Leave to Appeal in the Supreme Court.
- January 25, 2010 - "Post-It Order" (in the local terminal) is issued by Brenner in the hat of Registrar, denying the Request to Stay and dismissing the Original Complaint. Brenner also notes that the Request for Leave to Appeal in the Supreme Court was filed with the wrong judicial authority. The "Post-It Order" fails to be registered or be included in the electronic court file in a remote terminal.
- January 31, 2010 - the Appeal of Brenner's Decision in the hat of Registrar is assigned to Brenner in the hat of De Facto District Judge.
- January 31, 2010 - Brenner in the hat of De Facto District Judge denies the Appeal, originating in Brenner's November 19, 2009 Decision in the hat of Registrar. The record of the January 31, 2010 Decision/Judgement is missing from both local and remote terminals records.
Additional causes for alarm:
- The invalid Magistrate Judge Hagai Brenner November 19, 2009 Decision and Protocol records in the Original Complaint, which fail to appear in the Calendar of the Court should be deemed suspect simulated court proceeding and court records; likewise - the January 25, 2010 "Post-It Order" in the Original Complaint, denying the Request for Stay of the Dismissal, and the missing January 31, 2010 Judgment in the Appeal, both by Magistrate Judge Hagai Brenner.
- Overall review of the records suggests that the data, which appear in the remote terminals, were edited in effort to convey the impression that Magistrate Judge Hagai Brenner was unaware of the proceedings in the Supreme Court, and of the issue of his double-hat appointment. The data for the Original Complaint, which appear in a local terminal (particularly the January 25, 2010 "Post-It Decision"), make it clear that Magistrate Judge Hagai Brenner was fully aware of the proceedings in the Supreme Court. [7]
- Various irregularities, missing records, and discrepancies between data from the remote and local terminals remain inexplicable. [8]
"The case of the late Moshe Silman shows how a Person is required to protect his rights in the courts of the State of Israel today against the State of Israel, which took his property and source of livelihood," explains Dr Zernik. Dr Zernik claims that the conditions, which have been established in the courts of the State of Israel, following the implementation of new electronic Public Record systems over the past decade, amount to serious violation of the Human Right "to a fair and public hearing." [10]
LINKS:[1] 12-07-14 Moshe Silman sets himself on fire in a Tel Aviv social protest, leaves a letter
[11] 12-07-07 Biographical Sketch Joseph Zernik, PhD
Joseph Zernik, PhD [11]
Human Rights Alert (NGO)
* The 2010 submission of Human Rights Alert to the Human Rights Council (HRC) of the United Nations, regarding the United States, was reviewed by the HRC professional staff and incorporated in the official HRC Professional Staff Report with a note referring to “corruption of the courts and the legal profession and discrimination by law enforcement in California.”
* The 2012 submission of Human Rights Alert to the HRC regarding the State of Israel, titled "Integrity or lack thereof, of the electronic record systems of the courts of the State of Israel," is scheduled for review in early 2013.
Human Rights Alert online Flag Counter: 140http://inproperinla.blogspot.
Take away justice, then, and what are governments but great bandit bands?Saint Augustine, Civitas Dei (City of God,4.4)