Wednesday, July 31, 2013

13-08-01 US - Misc News of the Abuse: 'Fake' Cops Robbing Detroiters Turn Out To Be Real Cops

Occupy America

Posted: 30 Jul 2013 08:16 PM PDT

Those "fake" uniforms weren't fake.
Fox Detroit News reports:
"A Good Samaritan snapped photos of what appeared to be two men impersonating police officers involved in a pistol-whipping and robbery outside a Citgo gas station on Detroit's east side on July 21.
Once Fox 2 aired those photos, an even more disturbing picture developed.
"Several unidentified police officers were working this particular robbery case, recognized one of the suspects in the photographs as being a member of the Detroit Police Department," Chief James Craig said Monday.
Now under arrest are two police sergeants, a 47-year-old officer and 20-year veteran of the Detroit Police Department and his 42-year-old buddy from the police academy, who is a former DPD cop and 17-year veteran of the St. Clair Shores Police Department. The later recently received a distinguished service award."
Allegedly, the two sergeants pulled up in a black pickup, and got out of the truck with guns drawn and their badges around their necks. They then detained two men in their early twenties, searched them, pistol-whipped one of them and stole his wallet and cell phone. The other alleged victim said they also stole his money.
"At this time, there is no evidence to support that both sergeants were involved in any other police impersonation cases that have been reported in recent weeks," Craig said. "Know that if we have officers engaging in criminal misconduct that we will investigate. We will always be transparent about this business and making sure that our community is aware of how we're conducting our investigations."
The attorney for the St.Clair Shores sergeant has said that "This is a situation where there's more to it than what meets the eye or what's being reported."
"I think there is going to be a totally different story to this case. These are two highly decorated police officers. They're not rogue cops. They're not cops out on the street trying to take down innocent people," said Todd Flood.
Unnamed sources said the teenage daughter of the St. Clair Shores sergeant was recently robbed of her cell phone, and that the pair were tracking down the men responsible. Mr. Flood would not confirm or deny that.
So, they're not "rogue cops," they're just "highly decorated police officers" taking the law into their own hands by assaulting a young man with a pistol? If/when this comes to court, I don't think it's going to matter much whose cell phone was stolen.

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