Thursday, August 1, 2013

13-08-01 US: How much did the bankster steal from the Peopleo of the US? At least $14 Trillions!

That's why the US is f&$#@ up, with no way out!
Please note:
a)  Accounting is only for the years 2007-2009 - partial at best, since the robbing continues to this day.
b) Accounting does not even begin to account for risky derivatives, which are now US treasury backed, adding up to somewhere between $50-100 Trillion...
For comparison purposes, US GDP is about $15 Trillion


The Financial Crisis Cost More Than $14 Trillion: Dallas Fed Study

The financial crisis likely cost at least a year's worth of U.S. economic output, a new Fed study finds. Worse, it's hurting the economy even now and will hurt it for years to come.
That is the cheerful conclusion of a new study by economists at the Dallas Federal Reserve, entitled "How Bad Was It? The Costs and Consequences of the 2007–09 Financial Crisis."

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