Saturday, February 20, 2016

2016-02-18 ISRAEL: "Troubling headlines" - Freedom of the Press in "the only democracy in the middle east"...

2016-02-18 ISRAEL: "Troubling headlines" - Freedom of the Press in "the only democracy in the middle east"...
The column in the pic appeared today in Maariv, one of top three Israeli dailies. It could be shrugged off as a minor propaganda piece. However, the writer, Lilac Sigan, is not only a paper columnist, but also Deputy CEO of Channel 2 TV. Her Twitter account says "Writer, journalist, author. (Ma'ariv, Huffington Post, Globes, Channel 2, Channel 10, Ha'Aretz). Israel."
It should also be noted that as in other fields, over the past couple of decades, Israel passed the US on the right in the area of media control by government, and much of Israeli media today parrot Netanyahu's line. Much of it was accomplished by Netanyahu in his capacity as Minister of Communications. He is Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister Economic Affairs, Minister of Communications, and a few other cabinet posts...
The column should be viewed as part of the orchestrated campaign of the past couple of months against the "biased reporting" by international media. The campaign has included the summoning of international media to a Knesset investigation, and the detention of Washington Post senior journalist in Jerusalem this week,.. In the past, harassment, assault and shooting of journalists was mostly perpetrated in Palestine proper... jz
Troubling Headlines by Lilac Sigan
The biased reporting by media in our region does not promote Human Rights or peace. It only creates a feeling of paranoia in the Israeli public, and hinders any future prospect of a negotiated agreement.

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