Does the LA Sup Court per chance have anything to do with it? .
In January 2007, visiting the FBI in Los Angeles, I heard for the first time that LA was Fraud Capital, USA. Later I heard other variations elsewhere - but the fact does have statistical backing – almost every year LA ends up in first or second place in the fraud list of the FBI.
- Does the LA County Superior Court have anything to do with it?
I realized, too late, that LA is the capital of fraud in the U.S., that was my first lesson from the FBI in Jan 2007. Well – I thought maybe it had to do with the high number of immigrants like me, may be we bring crime with us… maybe the people create conditions that are not sufficiently prohibitive for fraud, since there is not tradition of generations…etc etc.. But that was shown many times in the past to be falsehood.
Maybe the justice system in LA County is not tough enough, many people believe that tougher law enforcement is the right answer to crime. Maybe tougher law enforcement is needed? I don’t think so.
Later, in the same month, when I was trying to find a new attorney who would file counter claims for fraud and deceit, and could not find any in this town, I realized that there is something else. Eventually, as I learn a few month later (Att Rothstein and Att Lovett) and much later from the anonymous letter of the criminal defense attorney and from reading the 2006 Rampart report, I realized that Judge Connor, and some other judges, will never rule in favor of a claim of fraud and deceit, and moreover, they would retaliate against an attorney who files such claims.
I then thought that I solved the mystery. The court- by being lax on frauds, created conditions that are a permissive for fraud, which tend to increase the number of frauds, most likely indirectly, over time...
It took a few more months, and I finally realized that the judges, and Judge Connor most likely is their leader, are racketeering themselves. My current working hypothesis is that the judges of the LA Superior Court created atmosphere that is coercive for fraud. Professionals such as attorneys, realtors, escrow officers know that if they would not cooperate with the fraud, they are likely to suffer retaliation, and eventually join the fraud. It is also easy to see how in litigation like this, a ruling of the judge which would find fault in the conduct of and escrow company, can jeopardize its license. Therefore, if escrow company knows in advance that the court would never rule in favor of the fraud victim, it may feel that it must cooperate, as a defense measure.
Case Study #1
Liz Cohen, Escrow Officer, Mara Escrow .
Richard Ormond, Counsel, Buchalter Nemer .
In early December I talked and corresponded with Liz Cohen, Escrow Officer, after I realized that David Pasternak, fraudulently appointed by Judge Segal as "Receiver", initiated on behalf of the court a fraudulent escrow process with her. As a result she apparently refused to cooperate with the court in the fraud. That was at least what Pasternak claimed in court.
Therefore, it was necessary for Pasternak and the LA Sup Court to generate on Dec 7, 2007, in a double ex parte proceedings, out of compliance and in violation of the law:
a. Gag orders on me to prohibit communication with Escrow and Title companies
b. An indemnity agreement under court blessing, to induce Mara Escrow to engage in the fraud.
c. Assortment of abusive financial measures against me, to intimidate, and harass me.
Mara Escrow and its legal counsel, apparently did not feel all at ease about such court procedure:
To wit -
With support from Judge Lisa Hart-Cole, and in violation of the law, Att for Mara Escrow, Richard Ormond (Buchalter Nemer), appeared in court during the proceedings incognito. Neither he, nor the judge, agreed to reveal either his identity or the identity of his client.
Question: Did I file a complaint with the California State Bar Association?
Answer: No, why bother, where the bar stands on the issue you can hear in the NBC video below.
Case Study #2
Michael Libow, Real Estate Salesperson, Coldwell Banker, Beverly Hills.
On October 18, 19, 20, 2004, my realtor, Michael Libow, from Coldwell Banker, Beverly Hills was still acting relatively honestly. He recorded the fact that Samaan engaged in Wire/Fax Fraud against me and against him. Later I found out that she also engaged in Fax/Wire Fraud against Countrywide, a financial institution (in collusion with Countrywide branch manager). On October 18, 19, 20, 2004, Michael Libow also reveal to me and discussed with me the issue of the fax/wire fraud.
But by Oct 22, 2004, Michael Libow was already working in collusion with Samaan and her fraud, and invited me to the office of escrow to sign papers there, with Gail Hershowitz.
And later on during litigation:
Michael Libow would not agree to authenticate or provide any declaration regarding the wire/fax fraud on Oct 18-20, 2004, although his email to that effect was included in his discovery.
Michael Libow would not agree to provide any information regarding the origin of document that Samaan presented as the authentic contract faxed from Parks to Countrywide, Monday, Oct 25, 2004.
Michael Libow would not agree to provide any information regarding the origin of the document that was found in his discovery and Mara Escrow discovery, at times called “the clean copy”, which is clearly the product of adulteration. When asked about it, Gail Hershowitz claimed it came from Libow.
· What happened to Michael Libow between Oct 20 and Oct 22, 2004?
· Was he threatened?
· Did he suddenly see the light?

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