I was reading the below in Wikipedia and got entirely confused:
- Am I a paleoconservative, or a leftist radical???
- Is one a conspiracy theorist, if one supports (which I do NOT have an opinion on) that the Commission, specifically, gained excessive power as an unaccountable body (like several other, such as the Federal Reserve, which is, surprise, surprise, over represented in the Commission), when the below shows consensus on the matter from the far right to the far left???
Am I a paleoconservative, or a leftist radical... can't tell the difference any more ...
Alex Jones_____________________Noam Chomsky
Trilateral Commission
Membership is divided into numbers proportionate to each of the think tank's three regional areas. The North American continent is represented by 120 members (20 Canadian, 13 Mexican and 87 U.S. citizens). The European group has reached its limit of 170 members from almost every country on the continent; the ceilings for individual countries are 20 for Germany, 18 for France, Italy and the United Kingdom, 12 for Spain and 1–6 for the rest. At first, Asia and Oceania were represented only by Japan. However, in 2000 the Japanese group of 85 members expanded itself, becoming the Pacific Asia group, composed of 117 members: 75 Japanese, 11 South Koreans, 7 Australianand New Zealand citizens, and 15 members from the ASEANnations (Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand). The Pacific Asia group also included 9 members from China, Hong Kong andTaiwan. Currently, the Trilateral Commission claims "more than 100" Pacific Asian members. [1]While Trilateral Commission bylaws exclude persons holding public office from membership [3], the think tank draws its participants from political, business, and academic worlds. The group is chaired by three individuals, one from each of the regions represented. The current chairman are former U.S. Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs Joseph S. Nye, Jr. , [2] former Attorney General of Ireland and current chairman ofGoldman Sachs International Peter Sutherland, and Chief Corporate Adviser, Fuji Xerox Company, Ltd. Yotaro Kobayashi . [3]
Sensing its ability to foster international cooperation, a number of prominent thinkers and politicians on the far left and far right have criticized the Trilateral Commission. On the right, in his book With No Apologies, former conservative Republican Senator Barry Goldwater lambasted the discussion group by suggesting it was "a skillful, coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four centers of power: political, monetary, intellectual, and ecclesiastical...[in] the creation of a worldwide economic power superior to the political governments of the nation-states involved." [4] On the left, linguist Noam Chomsky criticized a report issued by the Commission called The Crisis of Democracy for suggesting that there was an "excess of democracy" in the 1960s and defending "the ideology of the liberal wing of the state capitalist ruling elite". Chomsky also argues that the group had an undue influence in the administration of Jimmy Carter . [5]Conspiracy theories
While the Trilateral Commission is only one of many similar think tanks on the right and left, many notable conspiracy theorists believe the organization to be a central plotter of a world government or synarchy. As documented by journalist Jonathan Kay, 9/11 conspiracy theorist Luke Rudkowski gained notoriety in April 2007 by interrupting a lecture by former Trilateral Commission director Zbigniew Brzezinski and accusing the organization and a few others of having orchestrated the attacks of September 11th to initiate a new world order. [6] Conservative and right-wing groups such as the John Birch Society and conspiracy theorists such as American paleoconservative Alex Jonesalso regularly tout this idea. [7] [8]_____
Human rights, accountability of national and international bodies, are among subjects to be discussed in:
Jerusalem Al-Quds 2012
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[4] "Come to Jerusalem," says Mr Take It Easy...
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jz12345@earhlink.net or 123456xyz@gmail.com
READ MORE:[1] http://josephsdream2012.wordpress.com/
WATCH THE YOUTUBE VIDEOS:[1] From Jerusalem to the Wall Street Protesters: we must bring this Robber Baron Era to an end!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3r7XUtoguk[2] Guantanamera: From Jerusalem to Guantanamo Bay -- the US has lost all credibility as a Civil Society
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5dcp63ry_es[3] Boris announcing dream party Jerusalem al-Quds 2012
[4] "Come to Jerusalem," says Mr Take It Easy...
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