In re: Lt. Commander Walter Fitzpatrick, III, in Monroe County, Tenessee - "What goes on there is more like gulags of centuries ago."
Lt. Commander Walter Fitzpatrick, III, Monroe County Sheriff Bill Bivens
Lt Commander Walter Fitzpatrick, III, tried to expose government corruption in Monroe County, Tennessee. According to ACLU he is now imprisoned under conditions that are “cruel and unusual” and "what goes on there is more like gulags of centuries ago"... [1,2]
His plight is becoming the routine treatment of whistleblowers in the United States. The case of Lt Commander Fitzpatrick is eerily reminiscent of the treatment of former US prosecutor Richard Fine in Los Angeles County, California. [3]
[1] In re: Lt. Commander Walter Fitzpatrick, III, in Monroe County, Tenessee - "What goes on there is more like gulags of centuries ago":
10-04-01 Lt. Commander Walter Fitzpatrick, III Arrested for trying to Expose Government Corruption _ Canada Free Press
11-10-30 In re: Walter Fitzpatrick III, Affidavit of ACLU’s M. J. Blanchard
Both at:
[2] ACLU: Building a National Campaign to End Long-Term Solitary Confinement
[3] 11-04-23 Habeas Corpus in the United States - the case of Richard Isaac Fine
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