Following a threatening response, Prof Eli Biham is asked to clarify:Why is it not the public duty of CS professors to voice their opinion in view of serious fraud in government IT systems in Israel? A number of senior CS professors in Israel voiced their opinions privately. However, to this date, Prof Uzzi Ornan (also from the Technion CS Department) is the only one who openly voiced his opinion on the matter.
Readin blog:

Figures: Eli Biham is an Israeli cryptographer and cryptanalyst, currently a professor at the Technion Israeli Institute of Technology Computer Science department.
Dear Prof Biham,
The messages addressed to you are on one subject only: Fraud in government IT systems in Israel. In my opinion, as a member of the CS Department in the Technion, you benefit from government budgets - the public coffer. Additionally, as a member of the academic staff, you benefit from special protections under Academic Freedom and Freedom of Speech.
Therefore, in my opinion, you and your colleagues hold a public duty to examine the matters, which I report. My reports were widely published abroad - subject to academic peer review, [1] and also in UN Human Rights Council reports on Israel - subject to review by the professional staff.
A number of senior CS professors in Israel, from the Hebrew University, Weizmann Institute, and Bar-Ilan University examined parts of my reports, and agree with me. However, to this date, no Israeli CS expert, except for Prof Uzzi Ornan (frm your department) openly voiced his opinion.
Such computer fraud amounts to unannounced regime change in Israel.
Therefore, I do not see my notices to you as harassment, but as a reminder and a call to faculty members of the CS Departments in Israel to perform their public duties, and voice their opinions in a public matter of the highest significance, in an area that is their expertise.
I would be glad to receive your response and publish it as well.
Joseph Zernik, PhD
[1] Zernik, J., "New fraudulent IT systems in the Israeli courts: Unannounced regime change?" ECEG2015
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Eli Biham
Date: 2016-09-08 9:31 GMT+03:00
[Translation - original Hebrew below]
Subject: Joelle Ben Simon affair continues - organized crime in the Jerusalem Family Court and the Ministry of Justice.
I demand again my deletion from your distribution list, including confirmation of the deletion by Sunday at the latest, and ceasing the total disregard of my repeat requests to delete me from your list. Any additional notice from this list would be considered deliberate harassment, and would be treated accordingly.
From: Eli Biham
Date: 2016-09-08 9:31 GMT+03:00
[Translation - original Hebrew below]
Subject: Joelle Ben Simon affair continues - organized crime in the Jerusalem Family Court and the Ministry of Justice.
I demand again my deletion from your distribution list, including confirmation of the deletion by Sunday at the latest, and ceasing the total disregard of my repeat requests to delete me from your list. Any additional notice from this list would be considered deliberate harassment, and would be treated accordingly.
Subject: Re: פרשת ז'ואל בן-סימון מתרחבת - פשיעה מאורגנת בבית המשפט לענייני משפחה י-ם ומשרד המשפטים
אני דורש שוב מחיקתי מרשימת התפוצה, כולל אישור על המחיקה עד יום ראשון לכל המאוחר, והפסקת ההתעלמות המוחלטת מבקשות המחיקה החוזרות ונשנות שלי. כל הודעה נוספת מרשימת התפוצה הזו תיחשב להטרדה מכוונת, ותטופל בהתאם.
אני דורש שוב מחיקתי מרשימת התפוצה, כולל אישור על המחיקה עד יום ראשון לכל המאוחר, והפסקת ההתעלמות המוחלטת מבקשות המחיקה החוזרות ונשנות שלי. כל הודעה נוספת מרשימת התפוצה הזו תיחשב להטרדה מכוונת, ותטופל בהתאם.
בתודה מראש
On 08/09/16 07:37, joseph.zernik wrote:
The Joelle Ben Simon affair is growing - organized crime in the Jerusalem Family Court and the Israeli Ministry of Justice
One woman decided to do a sit-in in front of the office of Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked, protesting judicial corruption. Such simple direct action made the entire system to go into convulsions, and exposed organized crime in the Jerusalem Family Court and the Ministry of Justice. It started with compulsory psychiatric hospitalization of Joelle, which was "coordinated" by Attorney Yael Kutik (Minsitry of Justice? Shin-Bet?), continued with unlawful court appearance of Attorney Inbal Weil (Legal Assistance, Ministry of Justice) purportedly on behalf of Joelle, but with no knowledge of Joell, without her consent, without certificate of counsel in a sham/simulated proceeding, which fails to appear in the court calendar, and ended with the issuance and certification of a false and misleading "Decision" record ("Draft") by Judge Menahem HaCohen as the outcome of the sham proceeding. Serious criminality by law and justice state officers... In a visit yesterday in the Jerusalem Family Court, evidence was discovered that the proceeding never took place, that the "Decision" was only a "Draft", that there is no protocol of the proceeding, that there is no certificate of counsel for Attorney Weill, and that the Office of the Clerk considers the Judge Hacohen "Decision", which was fraudulently served by the Court - "Draft", which must not be printed, must not be certified, and must not be served... With it, the Court denied Joelle the right to inspect the docket in her won court file - "a Constitutional, supra-statutory right" according to the Supreme Court and the sham/fake "Constitutional Revolution" by Justice Aharon Barak... Not all details are clear yet, but it is obvious that investigation of the 22 court files in Joelle's case in the Jerusalem Family Court would show that the judges are engaged in organized crime, and senior staff of the Office of the Clerk are engaged in misprision of felonies, that senior officers of the Ministry of Justice, including Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked and Director General Amy Palmor are involved as well... Case management system of the courts - Net-HaMishpat - is the instrument which caused an epidemic of fraud and corruption in the courts.
Read the complete Post:

Figure 1: Joelle Ben Simon and some of the judges, who are involved in the organized crime: Judge Menahem Hacohen, Judge (ret) Nili Maymon, Judge Shlomo Elbaz - Jerusalem Family Court.
One woman decided to do a sit-in in front of the office of Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked, protesting judicial corruption. Such simple direct action made the entire system to go into convulsions, and exposed organized crime in the Jerusalem Family Court and the Ministry of Justice. It started with compulsory psychiatric hospitalization of Joelle, which was "coordinated" by Attorney Yael Kutik (Minsitry of Justice? Shin-Bet?), continued with unlawful court appearance of Attorney Inbal Weil (Legal Assistance, Ministry of Justice) purportedly on behalf of Joelle, but with no knowledge of Joell, without her consent, without certificate of counsel in a sham/simulated proceeding, which fails to appear in the court calendar, and ended with the issuance and certification of a false and misleading "Decision" record ("Draft") by Judge Menahem HaCohen as the outcome of the sham proceeding. Serious criminality by law and justice state officers... In a visit yesterday in the Jerusalem Family Court, evidence was discovered that the proceeding never took place, that the "Decision" was only a "Draft", that there is no protocol of the proceeding, that there is no certificate of counsel for Attorney Weill, and that the Office of the Clerk considers the Judge Hacohen "Decision", which was fraudulently served by the Court - "Draft", which must not be printed, must not be certified, and must not be served... With it, the Court denied Joelle the right to inspect the docket in her won court file - "a Constitutional, supra-statutory right" according to the Supreme Court and the sham/fake "Constitutional Revolution" by Justice Aharon Barak... Not all details are clear yet, but it is obvious that investigation of the 22 court files in Joelle's case in the Jerusalem Family Court would show that the judges are engaged in organized crime, and senior staff of the Office of the Clerk are engaged in misprision of felonies, that senior officers of the Ministry of Justice, including Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked and Director General Amy Palmor are involved as well... Case management system of the courts - Net-HaMishpat - is the instrument which caused an epidemic of fraud and corruption in the courts.
Read the complete Post:

Figure 1: Joelle Ben Simon and some of the judges, who are involved in the organized crime: Judge Menahem Hacohen, Judge (ret) Nili Maymon, Judge Shlomo Elbaz - Jerusalem Family Court.

Figure 2: Now also involved, and engaging in misprision of
felonies of the organized crime in the Jerusalem Family Court: Attorney
Yael Kutik - special tasks, coordinator of the compulsory psychiatric
hospitalization (Ministry of Justice? Shin-Bet?), Yael Shake - Minister
of Justice, and Amy Palmor - Director General of the Ministry of
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