One woman decided to do a sit-in in front of the office of Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked, protesting judicial corruption. Such simple direct action made the entire system to go into convulsions, and exposed organized crime in the Jerusalem Family Court and the Ministry of Justice. It started with compulsory psychiatric hospitalization of Joelle, which was "coordinated" by Attorney Yael Kutik (Minsitry of Justice? Shin-Bet?), continued with unlawful court appearance of Attorney Inbal Weil (Legal Assistance, Ministry of Justice) purportedly on behalf of Joelle, but with no knowledge of Joell, without her consent, without certificate of counsel in a sham/simulated proceeding, which fails to appear in the court calendar, and ended with the issuance and certification of a false and misleading "Decision" record ("Draft") by Judge Menahem HaCohen as the outcome of the sham proceeding. Serious criminality by law and justice state officers... In a visit yesterday in the Jerusalem Family Court, evidence was discovered that the proceeding never took place, that the "Decision" was only a "Draft", that there is no protocol of the non-proceding, that there is no certificate of counsel for Attorney Weill, and that the Office of the Clerk considers the Judge Hacohen "Decision", which was fraudulently served by the Court - "Draft", which must not be printed, must not be certified, and must not be served... With it, the Court denied Joelle the right to inspect the docket in her won court file - "a Constitutional, supra-statutory right" according to the Supreme Court and the sham/fake "Constitutional Revolution" by Justice Aharon Barak... Not all details are clear yet, but it is obvious that investigation of the 22 court files in Joelle's case in the Jerusalem Family Court would show that the judges are engaged in organized crime, and senior staff of the Office of the Clerk are engaged in misprision of felonies, that senior officers of the Ministry of Justice, including Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked and Director General Amy Palmor are involved as well... Case management system of the courts - Net-HaMishpat - is the instrument which caused an epidemic of fraud and corruption in the courts.
Read the complete Post:

Figure 1: Joelle Ben Simon and some of the judges, who are involved in the organized crime: Judge Menahem Hacohen, Judge (ret) Nili Maymon, Judge Shlomo Elbaz - Jerusalem Family Court.

Figure 2: Now also involved, and engaging in misprision of felonies of the organized crime in the Jerusalem Family Court: Attorney Yael Kutik - special tasks, coordinator of the compulsory psychiatric hospitalization (Ministry of Justice? Shin-Bet?), Yael Shake - Minister of Justice, and Amy Palmor - Director General of the Ministry of Justice.
Figure 3: Partial list of the 22 court file, pertaining to Joelle Ben Simon in the Jerusalem Family Court. There is no doubt that investigation of these court file would prove that the Court is a crime organization for any purpose.

a. Sham/simulatd "draft" Judge Menahem Hacohen Decision record - "Attorney Inbal Weil of the Legal Assistance Bureau appeared before me... all my efforts to locate the father's request, or the Hon Judge Elbaz Decision failed... " Office of the Clekr "Esti" again printed the record and again certified it "True Copy of the Original". However, then senior staff member "Maya" demanded the record back fro m Joelle and threw it in the trash. Maya explained to Esti that the record was merely a "draft", which must not be printed, must not be certified, and must not be provided to parties in the case. However, the very same record was falsely served on Joelle by the Court...
b. "Parties" list - shows only one "Counsel" - Attorney Ephraim Gavish.
c. "Case Calendar" - show no proceeding on July 26, 2016, or any similar date. Only two hearings are listed, both in 2014.
d. "Certificates of Counsel" list - shows only one certificate in this court file - by Attorney Ephraim Gavish. However, following Joelle's sit-in and her meetings with Ministry of Justice Director General Amy Palmor and Minister of Justice Ayelet Shaked, Attorney Inbal Weil (Personal Status Director, Jerusalem and Southern Region Legal Assistance Bureau, Ministry of Justice) appeared on behalf of Joelle in Court, without Joelle's knowledge (Joelle does not even know her), without Joelle's consent, with no certificate of counsel, and in total disregard of the law.
e. "Case Docket" - Office of the Clerk staff Maya, who was asked by Deputy Chief Clerk Rafi Bruch to assist Joelle in materializing the inspection of her court file, refused to print out the court docket. The reason: The docket lists "Drafts" as "Decisions, and she wouldn't print out a false docket...
Figure 3: Chenero v Chenero (4835-06-13) - organized crime in the Jerusalem Family Court.
OccupyTLV, September 8 - in a visit yesterday to the Jerusalem Family Court, attempt was made by Joelle Ben Simon to materialize her right to inspect her own court files.
The attempt failed. However, sufficient evidence was discovered to remove any doubt that the Jerusalem Family Court operates as a crime organization for any purpose:
* The Jersusalem Family Court opened and closed 22 files, pertaining to Joelle (Figure 3). Unlawful opening and closing of court files was also inherent to the criminal complaint against Judge Esperanza Alon of the Haifa Criminal Court (now purportedly under "treatment" by the Attorney General and the State Prosecution).
* "Esti" - staff member of the Office of the Clerk printed out again the July 26, 2016 Judge Menahem Hacohen "Decision" and authenticated it, "True Copy of the Original", then handed it to Joelle. However, then it was noticed by "Maya", who demanded the record back, and threw it to the garbage. Maya explained to "Esti" that the record was merely a "Draft", and must not be printed out, must not be authenticated, and must not be provided to the parties in the case. However, the very same record (Figure 4a) was recently served on Joelle by the Court.
* Given the plethora of court files, we focused on 2 files only, and filed "Notice of Inspection", pursuant to the Regulations of the Courts - Inspection of Court Files (2003). We started with the basics: The "Parties" screen and "Docket" in Net-HaMishpat - case management system of the court (there is no public access to the system). "Esti" refused to print out the screens. Then the supervisor of the Intake Department claimed first that "it couldn't be done", but finally admitted that "they did not want" to print out the screens.
* Then we approached Deputy Chief Clerk Mr Rafi Baruch, and repeated the demand to inspect the records. After Mr Baruch tried to portray Joelle as a person, who is bothering the courts for years, he finally referred us back to Maya.
* May indeed printed out the "Parties" screen (Figure 4b) and the "Certificates of Counsel" screen (Figure 4c). However, when it came to the "Docket", she refused to print it out. The reason: The Docket lists "Dfafts", which are not valid decision records, as "Decisions", and she wouldn't print out a false docket...
In Conclusion:
* Obviously, there is a lot to be studies, but right now it is clear that investigation of the 22 court files pertaining to Joelle in the Jerusalem Family Court would show that judges of the court engage in organized crime, that senior staff of the Office of the Clerk engage in misprision of felonies, and senior staff of the Ministry of Justice, including Director General Amy Palmor and Minister of Justice Ayelet Shaked are involved.
* Beyond that, the case documents the denial of Joelle's right to access her own court file to inspect and to copy. The right was declared in 2009 by the Israeli Supreme Court "a Constitutional, supra-statutory right"... The entire case, like many others, shows that the "Constitutional Revolution" proclaimed by then Chief Justice Ahraon Barak was only fraud (there is no Constitution in Israel)... Aharon Barak himself is the one, who established the "drafts" system in the courts... which by now are routine fraud, and epidemic of corruption, from the magistrate courts to the Supreme Court...
While Israeli legal scholars often see in Barak a towering legal figure, others see him differently... US Appeals Court Judge Richard Posner wrote: [1]
If there were a Nobel Prize for law, Barak would probably be an early recipient. But although he is familiar with the American legal system and supposes himself to be in some sort of sync with liberal American judges, he actually inhabits a completely different--and,to an American, a weirdly different--juristic universe. I have my differences with Robert Bork, but when he remarked, in a review of The Judge in a Democracy, that Barak "establishes a world record for judicial hubris," he came very near the truth.
On the other hand, Supreme Court Justice, former Harvard Law Professor and first female Harvard Law School Dean, referred to Aharon Barak in her confirmation hearing as a role model... [2]
It is doubted that Richard Posner and Rober Bork realized the depth of the fraud in Justice Barak's conduct, but one must wonder regarding Justice qualifications...
It is doubted that Richard Posner and Rober Bork realized the depth of the fraud in Justice Barak's conduct, but one must wonder regarding Justice qualifications...
[2] 2010-06-24 Goldberg, S., "Praise for an Israeli Judge Drives Criticism of Kagan"_NYT
[2] 2010-06-24 Goldberg, S., "Praise for an Israeli Judge Drives Criticism of Kagan"_NYT
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