About Us
The recent attack on the Press in Barbados by the government prompted this husband and wife team who lives in Barbados to start the Barbados Underground (BU). We hope that by resorting to the Wide World Web our views would not be affected by the censorship, similar to what the media in Barbados is currently experiencing. Both of us are approaching retirement soon, and hopefully this project will evolve in the Bajan landscape to assist in the dissemination of relevant information.
If you have information which you would want us to consider publishing, please email us at:
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Medical Doctor Complicit In Torture Of 14 year-old by Guyana Police Disgraced His Profession, Should Be Prosecuted And Barred From Practicing Medicine
November 19, 2009 · 7 Comments
Email note:
Date: Sat, 21 Nov 2009 06:11:19 -0800
To: barbadosunderground@gmail.com
From: joseph zernikLA-JR (Los Angeles Judiciary Racket) of the Los Angeles Superior Court. Claims to infamy include, but are not limited to:
Subject: Greetings to brothers in spirit...
I came across you blog by chance, googling for images to illustrate the phrase: Not nuff guddah... :)
Be strong, and keep it going... Please check out my blog - committed to documenting the infamous
1) The Rampart scandal (1998-2000), where over 10,000 people were recorded as falsely convicted and falsely sentenced to long prison terms, Hardly any of them was released a decade later. They are almost exclusively black and latinos. It is a Human Rights disaster of historic proportions, and should be advertised world-wide.
2) At present, we have Atty Richard Fine, a 70 yo, former U.S. Prosecutor, anti corruption activist, falsely imprisoned in solitary confinement since March 4, 2009, with no Warrant, with no Sentencing or Judgment, and from litigation with no Docket.
Spreading the word would be appreciated.
1) Best short review of the Rampart scandal massive probe (1998-2000, 200 investigators), on how the Rampart-FIPs where falsely convicted and falsely sentenced - by renowned constitutional scholar, Founding Dean of Univ of Cal Irvine Law School, Prof Erwin Chemerinsky - paper from Guild Practitioner
2) Best reference on why the Rampart-FIPs are still imprisoned - by an official panel of experts, commissioned by the LAPD itself, led by civil rights activist, Att Connie Rice - LAPD Blue Ribbon Report (2006)
3) One reference for our low, conservative estimate of 10,000, compared to an estimate of 8,000 by the LA District Attorney office, 15,000 by criminal defense attorneys, and 30,000 by others - PBS Frontline (2001, updated 2005)
4) Full Disclosure Network video of a phone call request for assistance by Att Richard I Fine from jail
Joseph Zernik, DMD PhD, Fax: (801) 998-0917;
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