Repeat request was filed with crooked Judge Daniel Beeri - to inspect "duly made and entered sentencing record", "duly made judgments docket", etc. Beeri persistently avoids providing decisions on the matter regarding the requests to inspect Rotem's court file , like the common fraudster. In parallel, Beeri fails to correct the blatant perversions in the records of this criminal court file.
In the fake "Sentencing" record itself, Beeri piled up lies, pertaining to the appointment of public defenders for Rotem. Only pretenders appeared as public defenders, who acted against the Defendant. The partners in that serious fraud were Judge Yael Pradelsky, the pretender (with no due appointment) Tel-Aviv District pro-tem Public Defender Elkana Leist, and a series of crooked attorneys.
On November 28, 2016, Beeri faked a "Sentencing" hearing in the presence of activists and media. The fake hearing was also widely reported. However, in the court file it is now listed as "Did not take place". The fake "Sentencing" record states "rendered in chambers" (in absence of the parties)... and it fails to be entered in the "Judgments Docket" in the court file...
"Senior legal scholars" like to portray conditions in the Israeli courts as "Decline in formalism, increase in values". Other "senior legal scholars" describe conditions in the courts as "a total jungle in the courts". In fact, conditions in the courts amount to organized crime by judges and attorneys.
The criminal prosecution of Rafi Rotem -Tax Authority whistle-blower - demonstrates in the clearest fashion the central role of judges and attorneys in government corruption in Israel. Until we jail some of the criminal judges, it won't stop
Read more:

Figures 1: State of Israel v Rafi Rotem (1074-02-13) - senior partners in Fraud Upon the Court: Judge Yael Pradelsky, pretender (with no lawful appointment) Tel-Aviv District pro tem Public Defender Elkana Leist, and crooked Judge Daniel Beeri.
Figure 2: Tax Authority whistle-blower Rafi Rotem: an expert on contraband cigarettes and electronics. A judge or attorney who has not defrauded him is yet to be discovered....
OcccupyTLV, December 1 - repeat request was filed with crooked Judge Daniel Beeri - to inspect "duly made and entered November 28, 2016 Sentencing" and related records. [1]
Already prior to the sham/simulated "Sentencing" hearing, this writer published his prediction - that crooked Judge Daniel Beeri was going to fake the "Sentencing" hearing. [2] Indeed, Beeri fulfilled the expectations... However, in the faking in this case he outdid himself... [3] And now, Beeri persistently refuses to render decisions on requests to inspect the corresponding court records. Instead, he issues evasive, sham "Post-it Decisions" like the common fraudster...
A. Crooked Judge Daniel Beeri refuses to render decisions on the requests to inspect duly made court file records
Following the sham "Sentencing" hearing, when the scope of the perversion was discovered, two requests to inspect were filed, pertaining to the following records:
Figures 3: State of Israel v Rafi Rotem (1074-02-13) -a series of sham "Post-it Decisions" by crooked Judge Daniel Beeri - avoiding rendering a decision on repeat requests to inspect duly made and entered Verdict and Sentencing records, decisions docket, judgments docket, case calendar....
B. Key fraud issues in the sham November 28, 2016 "Sentencing"
The Criminal Procedure Act is clear about the duty of the court to appoint a Defense Counsel. However, in the case of Rafi Rotem no Public Defender was lawfully appointed. Instead, a series of attorneys appeared as pretenders Outside Public Defenders for over two years (!) and failed to file any motion or response, except for changing hearing date... while Rotem was repeatedly asking to get review the evidence against him.
In this matter Beeri lies with no shame in his sham "Sentencing" record:
* Rotem has never received from the District Public Defender due notice of appointment of a public defender in his case.
* None of the purported public defenders filed in court due notice by the District Public Defender's office of his appointment, none of them filed Certificate of Counsel, and none of them provided a statement for the record regarding his appointment.
* Pretender Tel-Aviv District pro tem Public Defender Elkana Leiste unlawfully denied access to inspect the Public Defenders' Book in this matter.
* Attorney Yizhak Sadeh purported to appear on behalf of the law-firm of Barkan & Simon. However, Attorney Barkan denied that the law-firm existed at all... Under such false appearance, Attorney Yitzhak Sadeh purported to consent to admission of evidence with no witnesses, without the knowledge or consent of Defendant Rafi Rotem.

OcccupyTLV, December 1 - repeat request was filed with crooked Judge Daniel Beeri - to inspect "duly made and entered November 28, 2016 Sentencing" and related records. [1]
Already prior to the sham/simulated "Sentencing" hearing, this writer published his prediction - that crooked Judge Daniel Beeri was going to fake the "Sentencing" hearing. [2] Indeed, Beeri fulfilled the expectations... However, in the faking in this case he outdid himself... [3] And now, Beeri persistently refuses to render decisions on requests to inspect the corresponding court records. Instead, he issues evasive, sham "Post-it Decisions" like the common fraudster...
A. Crooked Judge Daniel Beeri refuses to render decisions on the requests to inspect duly made court file records
Following the sham "Sentencing" hearing, when the scope of the perversion was discovered, two requests to inspect were filed, pertaining to the following records:
Records sought for inspection:The latest request, dated November 30, 2016, also says: [1]
a) Lawfully made and entered Sentencing record;
b) Lawfully made and entered protocol of the November 28, 2016 “Sentencing” hearings
c) Lawfully made Case Calendar
d) Lawfully made “Decisions Docket”
e) Lawfully made “Judgments Docket”
In case the requested records do not exist in instant court file, Judge Daniel Beeri is asked to explicitly state so in his decision on the Request to Inspect.
(a) The Requester is internationally recognized as an expert on fraud in the courts. As such, his opinion is that Judge Daniel Beeri engaged and is engaged in perpetrating fraud, relative to the Verdict” and Sentencing” records and process in instant court file.
The essence of the evidence in this regard is summarized in the two (2) attached publication:
(1) 2016-11-27 RAFI ROTEM affair: Criminal complaint filed against Judge Beeri. Will he continue cheating on the Sentencing tomorrow?
(2) 2016-11-28 RAFI ROTEM affair: Crooked Judge Beeri outdid himself today in faking a Sentencing hearing...
(b) With it, in order to remove any doubt, instant Request to Inspect is filed herein. The request also serves as a Notice to Judge Daniel Beeri, pertaining to the numerous perversions in instant court file. Therefore, in case the cause of such perversions is human error, Judge Beeri no doubt would expediently initiate corrective actions.
e) Judge Daniel Beeri’s November 30, 2016 “Post-it Decision” and the additional perversion in notating the November 28, 2016 hearing, “Did not take place”, strengthen the certainty that Judge Daniel Beeri was and is engaged in perpetrating Fraud Upon the Court in instant court file.As anticipated, Beeri continues to refuse to decide on the matter - since in this court file there are no duly made and duly entered "Verdict" and "Sentencing" records... Instead, Beeri continues to issue sham "Post-it Decisions", which are inherent part of the Fraud Upon the Court...

Figures 3: State of Israel v Rafi Rotem (1074-02-13) -a series of sham "Post-it Decisions" by crooked Judge Daniel Beeri - avoiding rendering a decision on repeat requests to inspect duly made and entered Verdict and Sentencing records, decisions docket, judgments docket, case calendar....
B. Key fraud issues in the sham November 28, 2016 "Sentencing"
Fraud No 1 - failed attempt to legalize the fraudulent appearance of pretenders as Public Defenders for Rafi RotemThe most blatant fraud in the text of the sham Beeri's "Sentencing" record, is in the paragraphs pertaining to the fundamental duty of the court to appoint a counsel for Defendant in a case where prison sentence is sought. In his sham "Sentencing" record, Beeri tries to rewrite the history of the Fraud Upon the Court by Judge Yael Pardelsky and pretender Tel-Aviv District pro tem Public Defendert Elkana Leist.
The Criminal Procedure Act is clear about the duty of the court to appoint a Defense Counsel. However, in the case of Rafi Rotem no Public Defender was lawfully appointed. Instead, a series of attorneys appeared as pretenders Outside Public Defenders for over two years (!) and failed to file any motion or response, except for changing hearing date... while Rotem was repeatedly asking to get review the evidence against him.
In this matter Beeri lies with no shame in his sham "Sentencing" record:
11. Once the indictment was filed, Public Defender was appointed, as customary. In October 2013, Defendant was represented by Attorney Neil Simon before my colleague, the Hon Judge Yael Pradelsky.
12. Consequently, the Defendant was represented by Attorney Yitzhak Sadeh. In July 2014 Attorney Yossi Ska was appointed to represent the Defendant. Once Attorney Ska resigned due to conflicts of interest... Another attorney was appointed - Ronny Harnick.These two paragraphs are a string of blatant lies by Beeri:
* Rotem has never received from the District Public Defender due notice of appointment of a public defender in his case.
* None of the purported public defenders filed in court due notice by the District Public Defender's office of his appointment, none of them filed Certificate of Counsel, and none of them provided a statement for the record regarding his appointment.
* Pretender Tel-Aviv District pro tem Public Defender Elkana Leiste unlawfully denied access to inspect the Public Defenders' Book in this matter.
* Attorney Yizhak Sadeh purported to appear on behalf of the law-firm of Barkan & Simon. However, Attorney Barkan denied that the law-firm existed at all... Under such false appearance, Attorney Yitzhak Sadeh purported to consent to admission of evidence with no witnesses, without the knowledge or consent of Defendant Rafi Rotem.

Figures 4: Attorney Yitzhak Sadeh appeared as purported public defender (with no lawful appointment) on behalf of the law-firm of Barkan & Simon. According to Attorney Barkan, such law-firm does not exist at all... Attorney Sadeh purported to consent to admission of evidence with no witnesses without the knowledge or consent of Defendant Rafi Rotem.
*Attorney Yossi Ska continued to appear in court even after Rafi Rotem demanded in writing his immediate resignation, due to serious conflict of interest. Instead, Attorney Ska informed the Court that he would continue to appear and would file the response paper on the indictment...
*Attorney Yossi Ska continued to appear in court even after Rafi Rotem demanded in writing his immediate resignation, due to serious conflict of interest. Instead, Attorney Ska informed the Court that he would continue to appear and would file the response paper on the indictment...
* Attorney Ronny Harnick appeared in court for a few minutes only - to deny that he had ever been appointed Rotem's public defender...
However, in case there was any doubt in this matter, the evidence regarding the fraud in appointing public defender for Rotem was detailed in a Notice, sent to Supreme Court Presiding Justice Asher Grunis in August 2014. The Notice was unlawfully entered in the court file, with secretive "Post-it Decisions" on it by Judge Pradelsky (who resigned from the case soon after) and Presiding Judge of the Magistrate Court Ziva Hadassi-Herman.

Fraud No 2 - faking the "Sentencing" hearing and the "Sentencing" record itself.The Criminal Procedure Act includes specific provisions, pertaining to the conduct a Sentencing hearing – a fundamental of Due Process in criminal prosecution.
In this matter, Judge Daniel Beeri perpetrated serious fraud:
* On November 20 and 21, 2016, Presiding Judge Avichai Doron and Judge Daniel Beeri issued decisions, which declared the conduct of "Sentencing" hearing on November 28, 2016 in the "Presiding Judge" courtroom.

Figure 6: State of Israel v Rafi Rotem (1074-02-13) - November 20, 2016 Decision by Tel-Aviv Magistrate Court Presiding Judge Avichai Doron, announcing that the fake November 28, 2016 hearing would be conducted in the "Presiding Judge Courtroom".

Figure 7: State of Israel v Rafi Rotem (1074-02-13) - November 21, 2016 Decision by Judge Daniel Beeri, announcing that the fake November 28, 2016 "Sentencing" hearing would be conducted in the "Presiding Judge Courtroom".
* In parallel, in the Case Calendar, an "Evidence" hearing (obviously a false entry) was listed for the same date and time...

Figure 8: State of Israel v Rafi Rotem (1074-02-13) - Case Calendar (downloaded on November 26, 2016): On November 28, 2016, 11:30, "Evidence" hearing was scheduled, while the case status says: "Awaiting sentencing".
* On November 28, 2016, Rotem, Prosecution Counsel, activists, media and Judge Daniel Beeri gathered in the "Presiding Judge Courtroom" for the purported "Sentencing" hearing.... Immediately following the event, it was widely reported by media.

Figure 9: Immediately following the conclusion of the November 28, 2016 sham "Sentencing" hearing, it was widely reported by media. Effectively, media colludes with the judges in the Fraud Upon the Court - by misprision of the blatant fraud by the judges.
* On the same afteroon, Spokeswoman of the Administration of Courts Ayelet Filo (chief fabrications officer) released to media a sham "Sentencing" rcord. Amazingly, the sham "Sentencing" record negates the conduct of a "Sentencing" hearing a few hours earlier. The sham "Sentencing" record falsely states at its end "Rendered in chambers"... "in absence of parties" (but fails to order its due service on the parties).

Figure 10: State of Israel v Rafi Rotem (1074-02-13) -sham "Sentencing" record, which was released to media on November 28, 2016 in the afternoon by the Spokeswoman of Administration of Courts. The sham record ends by stating "Rendered in chambers"... "in absence of parties" - i.e., the "Sentencing" hearing had never taken place...
* The next morning, November 29, 2016, the Case Calendar tab was updated, and now it shows that on November 28, 2016, the falsely entered "Evidence" hearing "Did not take place"...
Figure 11: State of Israel v Rafi Rotem (1074-02-13) - Case Calendar tab (downloaded on November 29, 2016): The morning after the sham "Sentencing" hearing, the Case Calendar was updated, and now it shows that hearing on November 28, 2016 "Did not take place".
* The "Judgments Docket" fails to show entry of the November 28, 2016 "Sentencing" record.
Figure 12: State of Israel v Rafi Rotem (1074-02-13) - Judgments Docket tab (downloaded on December 01, 2016). The sham November 28, 2016 "Sentencing" was not entered.
C. Organized crime by judges and attorneys in the courts of the State of Israel

Figure 13: Jail 4 Judges
"Senior legal scholars" wish to see conditions in the Israeli courts as "decline in formalism and increase in value". Alternatively, "senior legal scholars" have been recently quoted, describing conditions in the Israeli courts "a total jungle". [6] In fact, conditions in the Israeli courts reflect organized crime by judges and attorneys.
The criminal prosecution of Rafi Rotem demonstrates such conditions in a striking manner, and provides important evidence for the role of judges and attorneys in government corruption in Israel.
Until we jail some of the criminal judges, there will be no end to such criminality in the courts!
[1] 2016-11-30 State of Israel v Rafi Rotem (1074-02-13) – request (No 54) to inspect court file //
מדינת ישראל נ רפי רותם (1074-02-13 ) - בקשה (מס’ 54) לעיון בתיק
[2] 2016-11-27 RAFI ROTEM affair: Criminal complaint filed against Judge Beeri. Will he continue cheating on the Sentencing tomorrow?…/2016-11-27-rafi-rotem-…
2016-11-27 התביעה הפלילית נגד רפי רותם: תלונה פלילית הוגשה נגד השופט דניאל בארי - האם ימשיך מחר בפברוק גזר הדין?
[3] 2016-11-28 RAFI ROTEM affair: Crooked Judge Beeri outdid himself today in faking a Sentencing hearing...…/2016-11-28-rafi-rotem-…
2016-11-28 התביעה הפלילית נגד רפי רותם: השופט הנוכל דניאל בארי התעלה על עצמו בהקראת גזר הדין
[4] 2016-11-29 State of Israel v Rafi Rotem (1074-02-13) – request (No 53) to inspect court file //
מדינת ישראל נ רפי רותם (1074-02-13 ) - בקשה (מס’ 53) לעיון בתיק
[5] 2016-11-29 רפי רותם והשופט הנוכל דניאל בארי - המציאות עולה על כל דמיון...…/2016-11-29_29.html
[6] "יש ג'ונגל טוטלי בבתי המשפט, תעשו הכל כדי לא להגיע אליהם" _גלובס
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