09-11-26: A Thanksgiving manifest letter to US President Attorney General in re: LA-JR (Los Angeles Judiciary Racket)
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Date: Thu, 26 Nov 2009 10:15:53 -0800
To: "President Barack Obama" , , , , <12024562461@efaxsend.com>
From: joseph zernik
Subject:09-11-26: A Thanksgiving Manifest Letter to the U.S. President and U.S. Attorney General
Dr Z
Joseph H Zernik, DMD, PhD
PO Box 526, La Verne, CA 91750; Fax: 801.998.0917; E-Mail: jz12345@earthlink.net
09-11-26: A Thanksgiving Manifest Letter to the U.S. President and U.S. Attorney General
President Barack Obama
By email <president@whitehouse.gov>, <comments@whitehouse.gov>
By Fax: <12024562461@efaxsend.com>
By Certified Mail:
U.S. President
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Attorney General Eric Holder
By email <AskDOJ@usdoj.gov>, <eric.holder@usdoj.gov>
By Fax:
By Certified Mail:
U.S. Attorney General
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001
The favor of a response is requested within 10 days.
Dear President Obama and Attorney General Holder:
ON THIS THANKSGIVING DAY, I, JOSEPH ZERNIK, request your urgent actions in my case and the
conduct of the U.S. Department of Justice and FBI in my regard. I was forced to leave my residence,
my property, which was taken for private use in December 2007, with no compensation at all, in
conjunction with fraud by the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles - under caption
Samaan v Zernik (SC087400). Such fraud by the court was opined by a highly decorated, veteran
FBI agent. [i],[ii] It also involved fraud in the court room, as opined by yet another fraud expert, by
Countrywide Financial Corporation,[iii] and in the past year and a half by Bank of America Corporation,
Such corporations have appeared for combined past 2.5 years as "Non Party" under this caption,
while the court itself, interchangeably designated them "Defendant", "Plaintiff", "Cross Defendant",
"Intervenor", "Real Party in Interest", and more - all with no legal foundation at all. To facilitate such
real estate fraud, the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles, issued on December 7,
2007 a false and deliberately misleading record titled Indemnity Agreement for Mara Escrow as
subsidiary of a major international financial institution Old Republic Title Holding Company [xx].
I was trapped in this fraud scheme since 2004. For the past three years, local FBI and USAO, have
denied my Human Rights for Equal Protection and to Own Property.[iv] Senior officers of FBI and US
Department of Justice provided false and deliberately misleading responses to U.S. Congress in my
case last year.[v]
Such conduct by Bank of America Corporation continued, while it received some $200 millions in
TARP funds, pursuant to the Economic Stimulus Act (2008), and Emergency Economic Stabilization
Act (2008), Such conduct reflected disregard of the Sarbanes Oxley Act (2002), SEC and FRB
Regulations, and the Fraud Enforcement and Recovery Act (2009), by both Financial Institutions and
Law Enforcement. I request immediate actions to return my property to my possession. My Human
Rights of Access the Courts to file petitions to address my grievances were denied, including, but not
limited to the right to file complaints pursuant to the False Claims Act. (31 USC 3729-3722), also
called the "Lincoln Law". My Human Rights for Equal Protection, and to Own Property were denied.
DELAYS RICHARD FINE, Esq, a 70 yo, former U.S. Prosecutor, anti-judicial corruption activist, who
was and is held in solitary confinement in a jail hospital room in Los Angeles, California for over 7
months, with no warrant, with no sentencing/judgment, from litigation at the Superior Court of
California, County of Los Angeles - Marina v LA County (BS109420) - with no Register of Actions
(California docket). The pattern of false court records in all cases described here was similar, and was
considered the Fingerprints of the LA-JR (alleged LA-Judiciary Racket).
His attempts to file a Habeas Corpus petition to the U.S. District Court in Los Angeles, and an
Emergency Petition to the U.S. Court of Appeals, 9th District, to address his grievances were
undermined by the denial of access to pen and paper. In court actions at the U.S. District Court, Los
Angeles Fine v Sheriff (2:09-cv-01914), and also at the U.S. Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit - Fine v
Sheriff (09-71692), originating from conduct of the Superior Court of California, County of Los
Angeles, in the case of RICHARD FINE, Esq, and also in my case Zernik v Connor et al (2:08-cv-
01550) and Zernik v U.S. District Court, Los Angeles (08-72714), respectively - false and deliberately
misleading court orders and judgments were issued with no attestations by clerks (NEFs Notices
of Electronic Filings).
Such Court Orders and Judgment were never deemed honest, valid, and effectual court Orders and
Judgments by the respective courts themselves. Instead, they were false and deliberately misleading
dishonest, invalid, and ineffectual court papers. Such conduct was common by the U.S. Courts today
across the U.S. In the case of RICHARD FINE, Esq, it culminated in the issuance of such unsigned,
lacking attestation, invalid, ineffectual, false and deliberately misleading paper bearing the name of
ALEX KOZINSKI, Chief Judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit, on June 30, 2009 in false and
deliberately misleading caption of Fine v Sheriff (09-71692). Both the U.S. District Court, Los Angeles,
and the U.S. Court of Appeals, 9th District, consequently denied the right for access to electronic court
records, which were the NEFs in the cases of RICHARD FINE, Esq, and also in my cases.
The Human Rights of RICHARD FINE, Esq, for Liberty was denied. His Human Rights for Access to
the Courts, and for Access to Court Records to inspect and to copy, and for Hearings by National
Tribunals to Protect Human Rights and Rights pursuant to the Constitution of this Country and its
Amendments were denied.[vi], [vii]
DISGRACE OF THE RAMPART-FIPs (Falsely Imprisoned Persons) - over 10,000 of them, almost
exclusively Blacks and Latinos, who were still falsely imprisoned a decade after their innocence was
documented. They were falsely convicted and falsely sentenced by the Superior Court of California,
County of Los Angeles, as documented in investigation of the Rampart scandal (1998-2000). It was
the principle evidence for the conduct of the LA-JR already a decade ago.[viii], [ix], [x] It led a leading
constitutional scholar to write in 2000:
Any analysis of the Rampart scandal must begin with an appreciation of the heinous nature of
what the officers did. This is conduct associated with the most repressive dictators and police
states. and judges must share responsibility when innocent people are convicted. [ix]
The Human Rights of the RAMPART-FIPs for Liberty, and for Fair and Impartial Hearings, were
denied. It was and is a Human Rights disgrace of historic proportions.
DARWISH, who was subjected over an 8 year period (1998-2006) to a real estate scheme by the
Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles, under caption Galdjie v Darwish (SC052737)
which was the prototype of the scheme perpetrated on me. In May 2002 she appeared for trial at the
Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles, but was deceived to proceed to the Municipal
Court in Culver City, where a bench trial was conducted on her by an anonymous - listed only as Muni
Judge in the records who ruled to take her 6-unit Santa Monica rental property. [xi], [xii], [xiii]
All court actions in her case, and also in my case, were distinguished by the Superior Court of
California, County of Los Angeles, designating any fees collected in these cases as "Journal Entry". In
other cases of the same court, such fees are designated "Filing Fees", "Motion Fees", "Stipulation
Fees", etc. The Presiding Judge of the Court and the Clerk of the Court refused to answer any
questions regarding the ultimate designation of such fees in these cases, or to certify any of the
judgments and orders in these cases, or the cases themselves as cases of the Superior Court of
California, County of Los Angeles. None of the multiple judges that participated in these cases, was
duly assigned, as required by law, and none of the judicial officers were duly appointed, as required by
law. The court also took the liberty of "waiving" the Due Process right to notice and service of Court
orders in these cases.
Ms BARBARA DARWISHs Human Rights to Own Property and for Fair and Impartial Hearings were
THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, whose prospects for any honest court services in
the future were on the line - in false court actions underway, at the Superior Court of California, County
of Los Angeles, under caption Sturgeon v LA County (BC351286) where you could not even tell who
was the judge, and who was the referee. [xiv] Their Human Rights were denied - for Fair and Impartial
The right to access court records to inspect and to copy was a key to the fraud perpetrated by the
Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles, in all the cases listed here. It was claimed already
a year ago in requests to the U.S. Dept of Justice, that restoration of the right to access electronic
court records - to inspect and to copy - could be achieved almost overnight. Moreover, restoring public
access to court electronic court records would disable the LA-JR, instantaneously. It would also allow
speedy release of the Rampart-FIPs. Restoring the right to access electronic court records that were
the NEFs in U.S. courts across the country, would instantaneously stop the deviant common habit of
judges and clerks at the U.S. court - of issuing false and deliberately misleading court papers that
deceptively appeared as orders and judgment.
I request that you investigate, prosecute and take corrective actions, as necessary, regarding the
failure of the U.S. Justice Department in the past decade to protect the Human Rights of the residents
of Los Angeles County. In particular - the disintegration of the justice system in Los Angeles County,
California, as documented in this letter, which was considered a direct extension of the Rampart
scandal (1998-2000).
I request that you investigate the conduct of FBI and USAO during the past decade, which amounted
to cover up of the scandal. I also request that you investigate the conduct of senior officers of the U.S.
Department of Justice, surrounding false and deliberate responses, which they gave to the U.S.
congress last year, after Congressional Inquiries on my behalf in this matter.[xv]
Conditions prevailing in Los Angeles County, California, were likely to be deemed serious failure of the
U.S. Government to perform its duties pursuant to ratified International Law. Our Human Rights were
denied for Liberty, to Own Property, for Public Access to Court Records, for Fair and Impartial
Hearings, for National Tribunals to Protect our Human Rights, and for Equal Protection.[xvi]
Conditions described in this letter were also likely to be deemed serous failure of the U.S. Government
to perform its duties pursuant to International Banking Accords that it claimed to be good-faith party
to.[xvii] Moreover, the conduct of FBI and USAO in this regard amounted to cover-up of criminality by
sub-prime lenders, while claiming that such alleged criminality was under vigorously investigation.
In short I am asking that you investigate the conduct of the U.S. Department of Justice:
1) Relative to allowing the continued operations of the criminal enterprise of the LA-JR (alleged LA
Judiciary Racket) in Los Angeles County, California, and cover-up and deception on American People
and the U.S. Congress in this matter.
The evidence is incontrovertible, and neither the local FBI, nor local USAO, nor the senior officers of
U.S. Department of Justice ever denied my claims of conduct of such enterprise in the Los Angeles
County Courts. The primary evidence of such ongoing enterprise was in the continued false
imprisonment of the Rampart FIPs, and in the denial of access to electronic court records - to inspect
and to copy. Enforcement of the right to access electronic court records to inspect and to copy
would improve the integrity of the justice system in the U.S. overnight.
2) Relative to allowing the continued alleged criminality of Financial Institutions at the Los Angeles
Courts, and cover-up and deception on the American People and U.S. Congress - of the criminality
that underlies the sub-prime crisis.
Such cover-up Included, but was not limited to: (a) the deliberate disregard of evidence for criminality
by Countrywide in conduct of litigations in courts across the U.S., (b) the refusal to investigate my
complaints on the matter, pertaining to conduct of Countrywide, since January 2007, and Bank of
America, since July 2008, at the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles, and (c) denial of
my rights to access the courts in Qui Tam False Claims Act complaints, both at the U.S. District Court,
LA and the U.S. District court Washington DC.[xviii]
The Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles, itself was alleged to be the reason that Los
Angeles County, California, was distinguished by FBI as "the epicenter of the epidemic of real estate
and mortgage fraud" which came to be known as the "sub-prime crisis". In fact, it was, and is, a crisis
of integrity of Banking Regulation, of Integrity of the Courts, of Integrity of Law-Enforcement, and of
Integrity of Financial Institutions. The facts were all known by FBI for years, but never addressed to
this date.
The neglect to address the issued described in this letter had disastrous results pertaining to the
Human Rights of all residents of Los Angeles County, and pertaining to the welfare of both workers
and investors - at home and abroad. Conditions of the Justice System in Los Angeles County were
extreme, but we hear the plight of the people across the country in court actions during the ongoing
crisis. On this Thanksgiving Day, 2009, I pray that your speedy actions in the matters described
above, would provide immediate relief for those who were directly affected, but also - set a new court
for Justice all over these United States.
The favor of a response is requested within 10 days.
Respectfully submitted;
Dated November 26, 2009
La Verne, County of Los Angeles, California Joseph H Zernik
By: __/s/ Joseph Zernik______
PO Box 526, La Verne, CA 91750
Fax: 801 998 0917
Email <jz12345@earthlink.net>
Linked Records:
1) The complete manifest letter and its links can be viewed at:
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