A heart warming Thanksgiving Story!
Grandma and grandpa racketeering... Jackqueline Connor - LA Superior Court - and Gregory O'Brien -ADR -and the young generation - Atty Mohammad Keshavarzi - Sheppard Mulling - fully integrated in the biz and the tradition...
Pics are a bit old...

Jacqueline Connor- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Gregory O'Brien- - - - - - - -Mohammad Keshavarzi

Racketeering in perfect harmony!
On August 30, 2007 judge Jacquelin Connor was presiding in a Case Conference... or maybe it was a Motion Hearing? Although it was listed as a Case Conference, she was routinely referring to it as a Motion. As I already knew her routine deceptions, I routinely interrupted her anytime that she said "Motion". The transcript was edited, so only some of these remained on the transcript.
Jacqueline Connor was pretending to assign an Escrow Referree to execute an invalid, ineffectual August 9, 2007 Judgment. Since I was by then familiar with her routine deceptions, I can be found on the transcript, stating:
"Your Honor, please be diligent and issue an Order in compliance with the law". To which the reponded on the record: "I have no intention of doing so". I then added, that I provided her with an ADR form, all that she needed to do, was check some boxes. However, Jacqueline Connor was set in her way, she was determined to engage in willful criminality.
The August 30, 2007, invalid, ineffectual minute order, that atty Mohammad Keshavaarzi and retired judge Gregory O'Brien tried to use to coerce my participation read as follows:
Status Conference Regarding Referee Appointment
Matter is called for a hearing.
The Court appoint Honorable Greg O'Brien, Retired Judge
as Referee. The Court will prepare the Order to appointing
Discovery Referee.
Notice is waived.
On October 11, 2007 I received a fax indicating that Retired Judge O’Brien, who was pretending to be a Referee in Samaan v Zernik SC087400, resigned. Until that day, he and Mohammad Keshavarzi attempted to coerce me to meet them, in what later, on October 11, 2007, on the record, Mohammad Keshavarzi described as "execution of an entered oral judgment".
That letter states:
“..certain circumstances have arisen that make it imprudent for me to remain as the referee” and “Please also consider this letter to be on behalf of ADR Services, Inc., which shall decline any further reference as to this case.”
ADR and retired judge Gregory O'Brien decided that it was imprudent to continue racketeering... not so judge Jacqueline Connor and Mohammad Keshavarzi... no way that these two would stop...
Judge Jacqueline Connor, retired judge Gregory O'Brien, and ADR were among defendants in Zernik v Connor et al (2:08-cv-01550). at the U.S. District Court, LA. That litigation was corrupted by Magistrate Carla Woehrle, best remembered for doing the same job on the Habeas Corpus petition of Atty Richard Fine.
Linked Records:
1) August 30, 2007 Transcript
2) August 30, 2007 invalid Minute Order
3) September 7, 2007 Fax from ADR and Gregory O'Brien, showing the papers that formed the foundation for his conduct, which were stated to have been received from Mohammad Keshavarzi (in one of the documented ex parte communication)
4) A copy of the October 11, 2007 letter can be viewed at:
http://home.earthlink.net/~jz12345/COUNTRYWIDE/07-10-11_obrien&adr_resign.pdf5) October 11, 2007 Transcript.

"This case should demonstrate that the FBI will pursue all allegations of judicial corruption vigorously, as public corruption violations are among the most serious of all criminal conduct and can tear at the fabric of a democratic society," said John F. Pikus, special agent in charge of the Albany division, in a prepared statement.
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