The request was forwarded to Prof Asa Kasher, an expert on professional ethics, and one who was involved in writing over 40 ethics codes for significant bodies in Israel. Prof Kasher refused to answer on a previous request to opine on fraud related to the work of Justice (ret) Arbel “Committee on Establishing Protection for the Public and Public Service Employees against Activity and Harmful Publications as well as Hooliganism on the Internet”. A long list of public figures has opined on various aspects of the Roman Zadorov affair. Perhaps the opinion, which sums the matter most clearly is that of Prof Mota Kremnitzer, who wrote: "Conduct of the prosecution is scary. It is not the conduct of prosecution, which is trying to know the truth... When you add to it the stance of the Supreme Court and conduct of the Attorney General in recent years, we are left with a justice system, which is primarily protecting itself." Prof Kasher's opinion in this important affair is conspicuously missing. There is no doubt that with the passage of the years, the Roman Zadorov affair, pertaining to a Ukrainian in Israel today, would be remembered as a mirror image of the Mendel Beilis affair in the Ukraine a century ago. The list of those who stood up and opined on the matter – and those who chose to remain silent – would be remembered as integral part of the affair.
In blog:

OccupyTLV, July 24 - request was filed with Prof Asa Kasher, a professional ethics expert, to opine regarding the vast evidence of judicial fraud in the Roman Zadorov trial. Roman Zadorov, a Ukrainian citizen, is held by the Israeli authorities, purportedly serving a life sentence after purportedly being convicted in the gruesome murder of 13.5 yo Tair Rada. But no lawful verdict or sentencing records are to be found. Top criminal defense attorney Avigdor Feldman, then Zadorov's pro bono counsel wrote that Zadorov's judgment was lost in the wailing wind across the Jezreel Valley...
Folloging is the full letter:
Asa Kasher
Repeat request for your opinion regarding evidence of widespread
incompetence and/or corruption of the justice system, alternatively –
for your resignation from the Arbel Committee
Prof Kasher:
am writing
to you again, requesting your public
opinion pertaining to mounting evidence of widespread incompetence
and/or corruption of the justice system. I am writing to you as
an expert on professional
ethics, as
one who was involved in the writing of over 40 ethics codes of
bodies in Israeli, and as one who holds
advanced training in Applied Mathematics – a unique
combination of qualifications for the matter at hand.
request your opinion regarding the following matters:
Evidence of serious fraud by judges in collusion with senior staff
of the State Prosecution in Roman Zadorov's trial. The matter is
presented in a short form in my attached publication, dated July 22,
titled: “Judge Joubran is again asked to rule on the 'jumble' in
the Roman Zadorov court file”, [1] and in an extensive form
in the Complaint, which was jointly filed with Roman Zadorov's wife –
Ms Olga Grishaev – with the UN Human Rights Council Working Group
on Arbitrary Detention. [2]
long list of public figures has opined on various aspects of the
Roman Zadorov affair, many of them are quoted in the Complaint.
Perhaps the opinion, which sums the matter most clearly is that of
Prof Mota Kremnitzer who wrote:
of the prosecution is scary. It is not the conduct of prosecution,
which is trying to know the truth... When you add to it the stance of
the Supreme Court and conduct of the Attorney General in recent
years, we are left with a justice system, which is primarily
protecting itself.
opinion in this important affair is conspicuously missing. I have no
doubt that with the passage of the years, the Roman Zadorov affair,
pertaining to a Ukrainian in Israel today, would be remembered as a
mirror image of the Mendel Beilis affair in the Ukraine a century
ago. The list of those who stood up and opined on the matter – and
those who chose to remain silent – would be remembered as integral
part of the affair.
Evidence of fraud by Judge David Rosen in collusion with the
Administration of Courts in Holyland corruption trial, the essence of
which is the failure to duly enter lawfully made judgment records in
the court file, the publication of “fabricated'/sham/simulated
judgment records instead, and responses of Judge David Rosen on my
requests to inspect lawfully made judgment records in the court file.
We have discussed this matter in the past, and it is again briefly
summarized in the attached July 14 publication, titled: “Lori Shem
Tov and the Administration of Courts – Fraud Central of the
judiciary”. [3]
Evidence of fraud in conduct of the Administration of Courts in
attempt to silence an anti family courts corruption activist. This
matter directly pertains to the work of the Arbel Committee, of which
you are a member, and also is outlined in the the above referenced
publication. [3]
Evidence of other fraud incidents involving the Administration of
Courts, a small selection of which is provided in the above
referenced publication, part of a much larger collection. [3]
Conduct of the Arbel Committee relative to my previous request for
your opinion: The July 14 publication was first forwarded to you
about 10 days ago. You immediately responded that you wouldn't
respond, and forwarded it instead for review by the full Committee.
Immediately afterwards, Attorney Gael Azriel, who is not an official
member of the Committee, decided to remove it from the Committee's
agenda and handle it herself... Her authority to do so is dubious at
best, and the entire episode appears as a repeat of the incidents,
which are described in the publication itself.
common theme in many of the matters above is the generation of
“fabricated”/ sham/simulated electronic records. This matter is
particularly notable in the failure to duly enter lawfully made
decision and judgment records, and the publication of fabricated
electronic records of decisions and judgments instead. Such
circumstances are based in system-wide changes in the courts over the
past decade, including in particular the development and
implementation of new IT systems. In my opinion it transformed the
Israeli court into patently incompetent courts. The attached
publication, published in the European Conference on E-government,
describes such transformation as “unannounced regime change”
(Attachment 9.3, below [2])
two of us have communicated regarding these matters over many months,
particularly regarding the nature of IT systems of the courts. You
have also previously written that you intend to intensively look into
the matter.
in the meanwhile:
- You have informed me of your refusal to publicly discuss any matters, pertaining to integrity, or lack thereof, of the justice system.
- You have joined the Arbel Committee. Borrowing the words of former Justice Minister, Prof Daniel Friedman on a related matter, the Committee appears an attempt to gag an entire nation...
- You expressed you strong dismay regarding my filing the Complaint, pertaining to the Roman Zadorov's arbitrary detention and widespread incompetence and/or corruption of the justice system with the UN Human Rights Council.
is clear and serious concern that the Justice (ret) Arbel “Committee
on Establishing Protection for the Public and Public Service
Employees against Activity and Harmful Publications as well as
Hooliganism on the Internet”, of
which you are a member,
acts as part of what Prof Kremnitzer described - a
justice system, which is primarily protecting itself. The
clear and serious concern is that the Committee is
intended to deprive the public of information regarding the failing
justice system, and prevent the public from expressing its protest
against it.
you choose to maintain your silence and refuse to opine regarding
the mounting evidence of widespread incompetence and/or corruption of
the justice system, you should resign from the Arbel Committee.
Zernik, PhD
Rights Alert (NGO)
ROMAN ZADOROV affair: Justice Joubran is again asked to rule on the
"Jumble" in the court file... //
רומן זדורוב:
מתבקש שוב להחליט בעניין ה"ערבוביה"
filed with the UN Human Rights Council, Working Group on Arbitrary
Detention, in
RE: Roman Zadorov - Ukrainian citizen detained in Israel -
9.1 Joseph Zernik, PhD – Biosketch
9.2 Zernik, J., “Integrity, or lack thereof, in
electronic record systems of the Israeli courts”, HRA-NGO
submission for the 2013 UPR by UN HRC.
9.3 Zernik, J., “New Fraudulent IT Systems in the Israeli
Courts: Unannounced Regime Change?”, European Conference on
E-Government (2015)
9.4 State
of Israel v Roman Zadorov (502/07)
in the Nazareth District Court – requests and decisions pertaining
to efforts to access electronic judicial decision records to inspect
and to copy.
9.5 Judge Varda
Alshech “Fabricated Protocols” scandal – Israel Bar Association
complaint and Ombudsman of the Judiciary May 31, 2012 decision (12/
88 /Tel-Aviv District)
9.6 Regulations of
the Courts – Office of the Clerk 1936, 2004
9.7 Regulations of
the Courts – Inspection of Court Files
9.8 State
of Israel v Roman Zadorov (502/07)
in the Nazareth District Court - requests and decisions regarding
attempt to access paper judicial decision records to inspect and to
copy: a) Zadorov v State of
Israel(7939) – in the Supreme
Court; b) Zernik
v State of Israel (3319/16)
in the Supreme Court; c) Zernik
v Zadorov and State of Israel(4650/16)
in the Supreme Court
9.9 Roman
Zadorov v State of Israel (7939/10)
in the Supreme Court - requests and decisions regarding attempt to
access the appeal court file records to inspect and to copy
9.10 “Background Document Regarding Electronic Signatures”
by the Ministry of Justice, The Israeli Law, Information &
Technology Authority (ILITA) (updated September 2009)
9.11 Amos Baranes v State of Israel (3032/99) –
request for a new trial – in the Supreme Court – Notice and
request to correct false electronic records.
9.12 Abuse of political activists by the Israeli courts
Lori Shem Tov and the Israeli Administration of Courts - Fraud
Central of the judiciary //
שם טוב והנהלת בתי המשפט -
ההונאות של השופטים
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