Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Darwish - another racketeering case


Case name: Manouchehr Galdjie v Barbara Kramer Darwish and David Darwish
Los Angeles County Super. Ct. No. SC052737

This is yet another real property case, in this instance - a rental property. Blogger believes that real property fraud is the specialty of the racketeering enterprise at the Los Angeles Superior Court.

1) The victims of the racketeering in this case are Defendants. Blogger does not know either Plaintiffs or Defendants, but would be grateful for any information that would allow him to establish contact with Defendants:
  • Barbara Kramer Darwish
  • David Darwish

2) The record of this litigation stretches from 05/27/98 to 11/02/06. The length of this litigation alone should justify further investigation.

2) Judges or court officer in this case are listed below. The length of this list alone makes this case an extreme that should be investigated:

  • Alan B. Haber
  • Robert M. Letteau
  • David B. Finkel
  • John H. Reid
  • Candance D. Cooper
  • Paul G. Flynn
  • Patricia L. Collins
  • David J. Pasternak
  • Clerk (no name recorded), presiding in event
  • Retired Judge (no name recorded), presiding in event
  • Muni Judge (no name recorded), presiding in event
  • John L Segal
  • David J Pasternak, receiver


1) With all of the above, not a single Assignment or Re-assignment Order is listed in this file.

2) No recusals or disqualifications are listed in this file. And yet, several motions to vacate are listed in this file, which imply some inordinate situations in the course of this litigation.

3) It appears that certain details were deleted from the record, yet no nunc pro tunc orders are listed in this file.

4) The paper court file of this case is overdue for transmission to the LA County archives, but it was not found there. Per the archive the paper court file is most likely stored by the Santa Monica Courthouse, outside of normal procedures.


A reasonable person would conclude that the record in its current form is not the full and complete original record, but an adulterated record, where certain events were eliminated after being initially recorded. Yet no nunc pro tunc orders are listed in this file.


Blogger does not hold any unique evidence. All evidence is distributed on a regular basis to several destination.



On Thursday, July 17, 2008, Zernik will appear before supervising judge Rosenberg and demand to inspect and to copy the Book of Judgments

The only plausible explanation for the complete set of facts in Samaan v Zernik (SC087400) a real property specific performance litigation, is that the case was designated by the leadership and judges of the LA Superior Court since before its inception for fraud under the guise of legitimate legal action in the court. Therefore, the case was never adequately registered as a true legal action in either the LA Superior Court or the California Court of Appeal, 2nd District. Accordingly, both courts are now hiding their books and refusing to allow Zernik to inspect and to copy the books of court, as required by law.
Since the case was never ran on the record, none of the judges had a valid assignment order, and with that – none of them has any immunity for their actions in this case.

These judges were caught engaging in criminal conduct. Did they do it for fun? For profit?

· Patricia Collins
· Jacqueline Connor
· Terry Friedman
· Allan Goodman
· Lisa Hart-Cole
· Gerald Rosenberg
· John Segal

On Thursday, July 17, 2008, 8:30am Zernik will appear before Supervising Judge Rosenberg and demand to inspect and to copy the Book of Judgments, which the court is keeping hidden, in violation of the law.


From: joseph zernik []
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2008 8:36 AM
To: Moe Keshavarzi;;;; David J. Pasternak; Amberg, John W.; Van Cleve, Peter D.; Paul Malingagio

July 16, 2008

Att Amberg, Att. Keshavarzi, Att Pasternak, Att Shulkin:

This notice does not constitute any recognition of the LA Superior Court to engage as a Court in Samaan v Zernik SC087400. On the contrary, this notice is to alert parties to formal challenge to the authority of such court in this matter.
I write to provide notice that at 8:30 a.m. on Thursday, July 17, 2008, I will appear "Ex Parte" in the West District of the Los Angeles County Superior Court located at 1725 Main Street, Santa Monica, California 90401, in department A. before Supervising Judge Rosenberg, in RE: Samaan v Zernik, SC087400.

1) To demand that the court remove from its records a minute order dated June 2, 2008, entered by "Judge" Terry Friedman, purportedly striking Zernik's declaration of Mistrial of the same date:
a. The records of Samaan v Zernik are ongoing records of racketeering, and this record again tries to establish false legitimacy and validity to such records.
b. Mr Terry Friedman did not have any valid authority to enter legal records in this case at that time, had it been a true legal record of a true court case in LA Superior Court.
c. The entry was done with no notice to parties, in blatant violation of California Rules of Court, and therefore was and is invalid.
d. The record is nonsensical from the legal perspective, stating: "The Court strikes the declaration as having any legal effect. Further notice is not necessary"

2) To demand that the Supervising Judge, Gerald Rosenberg at the time of such appearance, produce Books of Court to inspect and to copy, as required by law per Nixon v. Warner Communications, Inc., 435 U.S. 589 (1978). Such books or equivalents are on computers accessible from the courtroom, including, but not limited to:
a. Index of All Cases,
b. Calendars of the Courts,
c. Registers of Actions, and
d. Book of Judgments.

Such review is urgent and of the utmost significance, since the preponderance of the evidence indicates that Samaan v Zernik (SC087400) was and is managed all along "off the record" as part of racketeering enterprise operating inside the West District courthouse, and not as a legitimate court action of the State of California Superior Court of the Los Angeles County.

Please let me know if you plan to attend and/or oppose.

Joseph Zernik
U.S. Citizen
Victim of Racketeering
in and by "Judges" of LA Superior Court and others