Wednesday, January 28, 2015

2015-01-29 Hello world!

29.1.2015 @ 02:30 : Israel, IL
28.1.2015 @ 23:57 : Beverly Hills, California, US
28.1.2015 @ 21:28 : Mountain View, California, US
28.1.2015 @ 21:08 : Los Angeles, California, US
28.1.2015 @ 19:45 : Glendale, California, US
28.1.2015 @ 16:58 : Longmont, Colorado, US
28.1.2015 @ 12:52 : Tel Aviv, IL
28.1.2015 @ 12:33 : Thu Dau Mot, VN
28.1.2015 @ 11:20 : Buffalo, New York, US
28.1.2015 @ 07:11 : Los Angeles, California, US

2015-01-28 ISRAEL: Growing concerns that Netanyahu is escalating violence in the north toward election day

2015-01-28 ISRAEL: Growing concerns that Netanyahu is escalating violence in the north toward election day
Retired generals, politicians, journalists are in agreement: Netanyahu is manufacturing and escalating hostilities in the Syrian and Lebanese borders for electoral purposes... 
Netanyahu is facing election that otherwise would focus on the socio-economic divide, created during his years in office. Additionally he is facing his record of this past summer's Gaza massacre, seen by most Israelis as far from brilliant.
Finally, his recent maneuver - an attempt to run an election speech from the US Congress - has backfired with snubs from the White House, the US Congress, and even from Fox news...
"We have bitter experience with military escalations on the eve of elections," MK Gal-On wrote on her Facebook page. "The Israeli government must not act impulsively as it has in the past."…/diplomacy-defense/.premium-1.639537
PM convenes security briefing after anti-tank missile kills two IDF soldiers on Israel-Lebanon border; Livni says Israel will hit back 'harshly.'

2015-01-28 UKRAINE: Former Czech President - "the current Ukrainian crisis turned into a problem heavily influenced if not dominantly masterminded from abroad"

2015-01-28 UKRAINE: Former Czech President - "the current Ukrainian crisis turned into a problem heavily influenced if not dominantly masterminded from abroad"
The views expressed here are shared by many on the left -and by the President of the Czech republic's neighbor, Hungary, a fact which needs to be further analyzed.

2015-01-28 Why Google made the NSA

2015-01-28 Why Google made the NSA
By Nafeez Ahmed
Inside the secret network behind mass surveillance, endless war, and Skynet--part 2…
Inside the secret network behind mass surveillance, endless war, and Skynet--part 2

2015-01-28 How the CIA made Google

2015-01-28 How the CIA made Google
By Nafeez Ahmed
Inside the secret network behind mass surveillance, endless war, and Skynet"---"-part 1…

2015-01-28 UKRAINE: Hundreds of US Blackwater (Academi) mercenaries fighting for Kiev

2015-01-28 UKRAINE: Hundreds of US Blackwater (Academi) mercenaries fighting for Kiev
[via Anonymous Berlin]
Ukraine: Russians and Blackwater mercenaries fight each other! The German political scientist and Middle East expert of Michael Lüders says that 500 mercenaries of the private army of Academi, formerly Blackwater, on the part of the Government in Kiev would fight. In addition, the EU loans to Ukraine in dark channels would seep. The German economy, however, lost 40 billion euros last year due to the Russia sanctions.
German political and economic adviser Michael Lüders in an interview with the television channel Phoenix said, that the "Ukrainian Government determined" was "to militarily solve the problems in the East of the country".
But it is to suggest that Kiev "not alone made this decision". Because the Government have so Lüders "does not have the financial means to make a medium or even long-term war in the East of their own country".
500 mercenaries private army Academi, formerly Blackwater, should literally in the Ukraine in its LAII use: [...] It should be among 500 mercenaries which Blackwater organization, which has now renamed itself, but is known is known under this name, the mercenaries that have been sent in the Iraq. About 500 so the number in the Ukraine. We have not just Russians here fighting on the side of the separatists, but also as mercenaries on the part of the Government. This is a dangerous development, a not so good. Because it is quite clear that an escalation is not excluded. And this conflict can get out of control, when the Russian side or if the Ukrainian side of opinion is, she could completely rely on victory. [...]
The political and economic advisers is that the Europeans and the United States in the Ukraine have not same interests: [...] I have the impression that Europeans begin gradually to comprehend that the interests of the United States in the Ukraine are not necessarily same as that of the Europeans. In particular, the intensification of relations with Russia has Yes serious economic consequences. Alone the economic exchange between Germany and Russia as a result of the sanctions has been halved more than during the previous year. That's a sum in the region to 40 billion euros at stake. If you envision, that the Americans have led traditionally only relatively modest trade with Russia, in the order of $8 billion in the year. Then, it is quite clear that Germany - but also other European States-, the narrow trade with Russia above all drive, are massively affected. Now the economy is of course very unhappy about it.[...]
Also, it is unclear what will happen to the loans, which run through the Ukraine,: [...] And finally, yes the Europeans pay a large part of economic aid for the Ukraine. This economic assistance is a bottomless pit but - as it seems -. There are yes no control over what happens to these funds. Definitely not lacking the money, to wage war. While Yes the Government in Kiev for its own population in the East of the country has suspended all payments.[...]
Translated by Bing
Der deutsche Politologe und Nahost-Experte Michael Lüders sagt, dass 500 Söldner der Privat-Armee Academi, ehemals Blackwater, auf Seiten der Regierung in Kiew kämpfen würden. Zudem würden die EU-Kredite an die Ukraine in dunklen Kanälen versickern. Die deutsche Wirtschaft habe hingegen im vergangenen Jahr aufgrund der Russland-Sanktionen 40 Milliarden Euro verloren.
Der deutsche Politik- und Wirtschaftsberater Michael Lüders hat in einem Interview mit dem Fernsehsender Phoenix gesagt, dass die „ukrainische Regierung fest entschlossen“ sei, „die Probleme im Osten des Landes militärisch zu lösen“.
Doch es sei zu vermuten, dass Kiew diese Entscheidung „nicht alleine getroffen“ habe. Denn die Regierung verfüge „nicht über die finanziellen Mittel, um einen mittel- oder gar längerfristigen Krieg im Osten des eigenen Landes zu führen“, so Lüders.
Auch 500 Söldner der US-Privatarmee Academi, ehemals Blackwater, sollen in der Ukraine im Einsatz sein
Lüders wörtlich:
[...] Es sollen sich unter anderem auch 500 Söldner der Blackwater-Organisation, die sich mittlerweile umbenannt hat, aber bekannt ist unter diesem Namen, bekannt geworden ist durch die Söldner, die auch in den Irak geschickt worden sind. Etwa 500 also an der Zahl in der Ukraine. Wir haben also nicht nur Russen, die hier auf Seiten der Separatisten kämpfen, sondern auch Söldner auf Seiten der Regierung. Das ist eine gefährliche Entwicklung, eine ungute Entwicklung. Denn es ist ganz klar, dass eine Eskalation nicht ausgeschlossen ist. Und dieser Konflikt kann außer Kontrolle geraten, wenn die russische Seite oder wenn die ukrainische Seite der Meinung ist, sie könnte ganz auf Sieg setzen. [...]
Der Politik- und Wirtschaftsberater ist der Ansicht, dass die Europäer und die USA in der Ukraine nicht dieselben Interessen hätten:
[...] Ich habe den Eindruck, dass die Europäer allmählich zu begreifen beginnen, dass die Interessen der USA in der Ukraine nicht notwendigerweise dieselben sind, als die der Europäer. Insbesondere die Verschärfung der Beziehungen zu Russland hat ja gravierende wirtschaftliche Folgen. Alleine der wirtschaftliche Austausch zwischen Deutschland und Russland als Ergebnis der Sanktionen hat sich mehr als halbiert im Laufe des vorigen Jahres. Das ist eine Summe in der Größenordnung um 40 Milliarden Euro um die es geht. Wenn man sich vor Augen hält, dass die Amerikaner traditionell nur relativ geringen Handel mit Russland geführt haben, in der Größenordnung von etwa acht Milliarden Dollar im Jahr. Dann ist völlig klar, dass allen voran Deutschland – aber auch andere europäische Staaten -, die engen Handel treiben mit Russland, massiv betroffen sind. Gerade die Wirtschaft ist darüber natürlich sehr unglücklich.[...]
Zudem sei es unklar, was mit den Krediten, die in die Ukraine fließen, passiert: [...] Und letztendlich bezahlen ja die Europäer einen Großteil der Wirtschafts-Hilfe für die Ukraine. Diese Wirtschafts-Hilfe ist aber – wie es scheint – ein Fass ohne Boden. Es gibt ja keine Kontrolle, was mit diesen Geldern passiert. Auf jeden Fall fehlt es nicht am Geld, um Krieg zu führen. Während ja die Regierung in Kiew für die eigene Bevölkerung im Osten des Landes alle Zahlungen eingestellt hat.[...]

2015-01-28 Why Google made the NSA

2015-01-28 Why Google made the NSA
By Nafeez Ahmed
Inside the secret network behind mass surveillance, endless war, and Skynet--part 2…
Inside the secret network behind mass surveillance, endless war, and Skynet--part 2

2015-01-28 US: Disarm the police!

2015-01-28 US: Disarm the police!
In response to increasing police militarization in the US, legislation proposed in the New Hampshire state House would implement a ban on state and local officials obtaining or...

2015-01-28 CANADA: New Snowden documents show scope of CSE involvement in global electronic surveillance

2015-01-28 CANADA: New Snowden documents show scope of CSE involvement in global electronic surveillance
Canada's electronic spy agency sifts through millions of videos and documents downloaded online every day by people around the world, as part of a sweeping bid to...

2015-01-28 UKRAINE: Blitzkrieg turned mayhem: Hacktivists claim they reveal Ukrainian troops’ annihilation

2015-01-28 UKRAINE: Blitzkrieg turned mayhem: Hacktivists claim they reveal Ukrainian troops’ annihilation
Ukraine's subversive hacker group CyberBerkut has published documents allegedly exposing dreadful situation with the Kiev's troops attacking separatist forces in the...

2015-01-28 Robert Reich: Wall Street Is Hard at Work Cooking Up the Next Financial Collapse

2015-01-28 Robert Reich: Wall Street Is Hard at Work Cooking Up the Next Financial Collapse
US Attorney General Eric Holder explained the failure to criminally prosecute the banksters by creating the legal theory, popularly known as "too big to fail, too big to jail".
The logical solution is to downsize the banks. But in fact the opposite is happening:
* A handful of major banks are becoming bigger than ever,
* What remains of banking regulation is being undone, and
* The banks' ability to buy politicians and laws is greater than ever.

"Wall Street’s biggest banks are much larger now than they were then. Five of them hold about 45 percent of America’s banking assets. In 2000, they held 25 percent."
" In other words, if the banks collapsed, they’d bring the economy down with them."
"That means proposing to limit the size of the biggest Wall Street banks; resurrect the Glass-Steagall Act (which used to separate investment from commercial banking); define insider trading the way most other countries do – using information any reasonable person would know is unavailable to most investors; and close the revolving door between the Street and the U.S. Treasury.
It also means not depending on the Street to finance their campaigns."…
The finance industry still presents a massive threat to the middle class.

2015-01-28 US: "Democracy in America"

2015-01-28 US: "Democracy in America"
In the aftermath of the corrupt US Supreme Court 2010 "Citizens United" decision, which broke the floodgates on money in politics, and effectively provided the license to buy politicians, the US turned into a full blown oligarchy. jz
The $889 million planned is double the $407 million raised in 2012. [WaPo]…/VMeGqEmOg-7i7wEEB5e1e
The massive sum cements the network’s role as one of the country’s most powerful political forces.

2015-01-28 Five Years After: Long Live Howard Zinn

2015-01-28 Five Years After: Long Live Howard Zinn
by Bill Bigelow
Not a day goes by that I don’t wonder what Howard would say about something—the growth of the climate justice movement, ‪#‎BlackLivesMatter‬, the new Selma film, the killings at the Charlie Hebdo offices.…/five-years-after-long-live-ho…
Today—Jan. 27—marks five years since the death of the great historian and activist Howard Zinn. Not a day goes by that I don’t wonder what Howard would say about something—the growth of the climate justice movement, #BlackLivesMatter, the new...

2015-01-28 US Drone Kills Sixth Grade Boy in Yemen, says Human Rights Group

2015-01-28 US Drone Kills Sixth Grade Boy in Yemen, says Human Rights Group
by Lauren McCauley
Mohammed Saleh Qayed Taeiman, described as 'a normal kid,' killed four years after father and brother were both killed in 2011 drone strike.…/us-drone-kills-sixth-grade-bo…
A sixth grade Yemeni boy was among the three victims killed by a U.S. drone strike on Monday, a human rights group has said. The alleged CIA strike, which marked the first...

2015-01-28 US: Drone landed on White House lawn....:)

2015-01-28 US: Drone landed on White House emoticon
President Barack Obama has acknowledged that federal laws for unmanned aerial vehicles – or drones – lag behind the technology readily available to consumers. His...
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2015-01-28 US: Murderous police - a cardinal sign of a totalitarian regime!

2015-01-28 US: Murderous police - a cardinal sign of a totalitarian regime!
Activist group Anonymous has joined Colorado protesters in asking for transparency during the investigation into the death of a teenage girl shot by police. The 16-year-old...

2015-01-28 NSA: More massive surveillance tools

2015-01-28 NSA: More massive surveillance tools
Researchers say that a powerful computer program that was discovered last year and is linked to campaigns of espionage waged against global targets is strikingly similar to a piece of malware used by the National Security Agency and its Five Eyes allies.

2015-01-28 US: Busy with the movies... Forget about reality...

2015-01-28 US: Busy with the movies... Forget about reality...
“America’s coastal intelligentsia, which has busied itself with chatter over little-seen art dramas while everyday Americans showed up en masse for a patriotic, pro-family picture which broke all attendance records in its opening days.”
Noam Chomsky Blasts "American Sniper" and the Media That Glorify It…/28764-noam-chomsky-blasts-americ…
The famed professor draws a disturbing parallel between ''Sniper'' and our ''global assassination program.''

2015-01-28 US: Introducing Mrs. Merlin: To Prosecute Jeffrey Sterling, CIA Exposed an Asset

2015-01-28 US: Introducing Mrs. Merlin: To Prosecute Jeffrey Sterling, CIA Exposed an Asset
Marcy Wheeler, Expose Facts: The government engaged in a great deal of security theater during the Jeffrey Sterling trial, most notably by having some CIA witnesses - including ones whose identities weren't, technically, secret - testify behind a big office divider so the general public couldn't see the witness.
Read the Article…
The government revealed supposed secrets during the Sterling trial.

2015-01-27 Obama does Saudia...

2015-01-27 Obama does Saudia...
Pepe Escobar writes in various outlets, always informative AND funny! jz
No one in Western corporate media will tell you why US President Barack Obama is hitting Riyadh with a high-powered delegation to “pay his respects” to the new House of Saud potentate, King Salman.
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