Monday, July 19, 2010

10-07-19 Responses on the site to postings in re: Corruption of Judges - Redefining the Media

Complaint filed v Judge J Segal, Attorney D Pasternak, LA Superior Court - for public corruption. Liveleak Live - Current Event   

Complaint filed with US Attorney Office against John Segal – Judge, John A Clarke – Clerk, Attorney David Pasternak and others at the Los Angeles Superior Court, alleging public corruption in Re: Conduct of pretense litigation in Galdjie v Darwish (SC052737) – real estate fraud by the Court. 
Executive Summary [1]

  • I admit I got through the 1st paragraph and realized I am not a juror on this case, therefore, I am not obligated to be bored to tears.
    Posted 5 hours ago by "dunedad(R) United States
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  • All the politicians have been corrupt for years why not the judges too?
    Posted 4 hours ago by "BigDaddyTMN(R) United States
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  • Will somebody please just fucking kill joseph zernik,
    so he will shut the fuck up?
    Posted 3 hours ago by "gmccuiston(R) United States
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  • If my postings are so boring, why are they routinely leading guys to wishing me the afterlife in a hurry?
    I just don't get it...
    On the other hand, I appreciate the fact that my postings also attract some pleasant, friendly people with good taste, such as BidDaddy.
    Posted very recently by "jz12345(R) United States