Thursday, November 21, 2013

13-11-21 Israeli Supreme Court conducts sham litigation in a case pertaining to incitement for violence against Arabs

[עברית להלן]
13-11-21 “12 of Heshvan et” al v Attorney General Weinestein et al (2684/12 and 2688/12) in the High Court of Justice – conduct of simulated litigation in a Petition for a Conditional Decree // הליכים למראית עין  בעתירה לצו על תנאי י"ב בחשוון ואח נ היועמ"ש יהודה ויינשטיין ואח (2684/12 ו- 2688/12)

The subject matter is of high public policy significance - failure of Attorney General Weinstein to prosecute rabbis, supported by State funds, who call for racist violence against Arabs.
The High Court of Justice conducted litigation process that is outside the Regulations of the High Court of Justice of the State of Israel, or any reasonable standards for operation of a competent court.

In a matter of high public policy significance, the Israeli High Court of Justice is conducting litigation that has no basis in the law of the State of Israel, and would be considered ludicrous by any international standards.
According to the Regulations of the High Court of Justice, the Conditional Decree procedure (where the High Court of Justice exerts original jurisdiction) is to be initiated by the filing of a Petition for a Conditional Decree, in response to which the Writ of Conditional Decree may be issued by the Chief Clerk or Magistrate of the Court (equivalent of summons). Through the issuance of the Writ of Conditional Decree, the Court gains jurisdiction over the matter.
The procedure may end, like other civil cases with the issuance of a judgment, or similar dispositive judicial record.
In the case shown here, the High Court of Justice conducted litigation in two related court files for over a year, and issued over 10 decisions, without ever issuing a writ of conditional decree. In fact, the High Court of Justice was engaging in litigation with no jurisdiction at all.
Finally, on November 20, 2013, the High Court of Justice issued a record that was titled “Judgment” (a dispositive record), and included in its second part a Writ of Conditional Decree (the commencing record).
Under the “Events” listing, numerous “Invitations to Court” are listed, but none is accessible among the online court records.
The case was heard by a panel of three justices of the Israeli Supreme Court, headed by Presiding Justice Asher Grunis, who is advertized as “formalist”.
The conduct of simulated litigation in the Israeli Supreme Court and Israeli High Court of Justice has become routine over the past decade, concomitantly with appearance of an imposter in the office of Chief Clerk: “Chief Clerk” Sarah Lifschitz held office for over ten years with no lawful appointment. During that period, numerous records of the Supreme Court were forged and falsified. All decisions of the Israeli Supreme Court during that period and to this date are published and served “subject to editing and phrasing changes”, and with no authentication letter by the Clerk of the Court.
Following the filing of criminal complaints for fraud and falsely appearance as “Chief Clerk”, Ms Lifschitz “departed” on October 31, 2013.
Request, which was consequently filed with Presiding Justice Asher Grunis, to disclose who today holds that authority of “Chief Clerk” of the Israeli Supreme Court, remains unanswered.
However, in the hearing on November 20, 2013, (regardless of whether it was a lawful hearing or a sham hearing) Ms Aluma Zernik was listed as "Clerk".  Request was filed with Presiding Justice Grunis to provide her lawful appointment record as clerk.
A reasonable person, who would review the facts, would surely conclude that the Israeli Supreme Court is an incompetent court, operating outside the law of the State of Israel, or any reasonable standards of Due Process.
Joseph Zernik, PhD
Human Rights Alert (NGO)
Occupy Tel Aviv
* The Human Rights Alert (NGO) submission to the Human Rights Council of the United Nations was incorporated into the 2010 Periodic Review Report regarding Human Rights in the United States, with the note: "corruption of the courts and the legal profession and discrimination by law enforcement in California". 
* The Human Rights Alert (NGO) submission to the Human Rights Council of the United Nations was incorporated into the 2013 Periodic Review Report regarding Human Rights in Israel, with the note: "lack of integrity of the electronic records of the Supreme Court, the district courts and the detainees courts in Israel." 
[1] 13-11-21 “12 of Heshvan et” al v Attorney General Weinestein et al (2684/12 and 2688/12) in the High Court of Justice – conduct of simulated litigation in a Petition for a Conditional Decree // הליכים למראית עין בעתירה  לצו על תנאי בעניין הספר "תורת המלך"
[1] 11-12-19 Simulated Records Simulated Litigation Enabled by the Electronic Record Systems of the Supreme Court of the State of Israel
[2] 00-00-01-84 Regulations of the Israeli High Court of Justice - 1984 // 1984 תקנות בג"ץ
[3] 13-10-15 Criminal fraud complaint filed with Israel Police against Presiding Justice of the Supreme Court Asher Grunis // תלונה פלילית על הונאה הוגשה למשטרת ישראל נגד נשיא בית המשפט העליון מר אשר גרוניס
[3] 12-04-16 Criminal fraud complaint (158921/2012) against SARAH LIFSCHITZ of the Supreme Court of the State of Israel, filed with Israel Police, with certificate of complaint by the Fraud Division of the Jerusalem Police// תלונה פלילית (158921/2012) על הונאה הוגשה למשטרת ישראל נגד "מזכירה ראשית" של בית המשפט העליון הגברת שרה ליפשיץ
[4] 13-11-06 ISRAEL: Supreme Court Presiding Justice Asher Grunis is asked to disclose - who today holds the authorities of Chief Clerk? // ישראל: נשיא בית המשפט העליון אשר גרוניס התבקש לגלות, מי מחזיק בסמכויות המזכיר הראשי?
[5] 12-05-10 Human Right Alert, Appendix I to Submission; 15th UPR - State of Israel - "Integrity, or lack thereof, of the electronic record systems of the courts of the State of Israel"
[6] 13-11-22 Letter to Israeli Supreme Court Presiding Justice Asher Grunis, re: Appearance of Ms Aluma Zernik as "Clerk" //  מכתב לנשיא בית המשפט העליון אשר גרוניס בנידון: מינויה של הגב'  אלומה צרניק כ"מזכיר".

עניינה של העתירה לבג"ץ הוא ספר "תורת המלך", שלטענת העותרים הוא בבחינת הסתה גזענית לאלימות.  העתירה מבקשת לאכוף על היועץ המשפטי לממשלה לפתוח בתביעה פלילית נגד המעורבים בפרסומו של הספר.
בג"ץ עוסק בעניין זה בהליכים שאין להם בסיס בתקנות בג"ץ, ושאינם סבירים בשום אמת מידה לפעילותו של בית משפט כשיר.
בעניין בעל חשיבות ציבורית רבה, מנהל בית המשפט העליון הליכים שאין להם כל בסיס בחוקי מדינת ישראל, ושקרוב לוודאי ייחשבו בטלים ומגוכחים על פי אמות מידה בין לאומיות.
על פי תקנות בג"ץ, הליך צו על תנאי (בו זכות השיפוט של בג"ץ היא ראשונית) מתחיל בהגשת עתירה למתן צו על תנאי, שהוא מסמך הפתיח (commencing record). בתגובה, יכול בג"ץ להנפיק צו על תנאי, חתום על ידי המזכיר הראשי או הרשם, שהוא למעשה הזמנה לבית המשפט.  על ידי הנפקת הצו על תנאי רוכש בית המשפט את זכות השיפוט בעניין.  ההליך אמור להסתיים על ידי הנפקת מסמך סופי  (dispositive record), כגון פסק דין. 
במקרה שלפנינו דן בג"ץ במשך כשנה וחצי בשני תיקי עתירות והנפיק יותר מ-10 החלטות, ללא הנפקת צו על תנאי.  למעשה, בג"ץ עסק בהליכים למראית עין - ללא זכות שיפוט כלל.
לבסוף, ב-20 לנובמבר, 2013, הנפיק בג"ץ מסמך "פסק דין" (בד"כ מסמך סופי בהליכים). אולם בחלקו השני של ה"פסק דין", מופיע לבסוף "צו על תנאי" - מסמך שהיה אמור להיות מסמך פתיח להליכים אלה.
תחת "אירועים" נרשמו "הזמנות לבית המשפט" - אולם אין בית המשפט מאפשר את גישת הציבור לאף אחת מהן במערכת המקוונת.
התיקים נדונו בפני מותש של שלושה בראשותו של נשיא בית המשפט העליון אשר גרוניס, שכלי התקשורת מפרסמים אותו כ-"פרמליסט"...
ניהול הליכים למראית עין הפך לעניין שבשיגרה בבית המשפט העליון בעשור האחרון, במקביל להופעתה של מתחזה כ"מזכירה ראשית".  הגב' שרה ליפשיץ הופיעה יותר מ-10 שנים כ"מזכירה ראשית" של בית המשפט העליון ללא כתב מינוי כחוק.  במשך תקופה זאת זוייפו ושובשו רבים מכתבי בית המשפט העליון.  כל החלטות בית המשפט העליון בתקופה זאת, ועד היום, מתפרסמות ומומצאות "כפוף לשינויי עריכה ונוסח", וללא כל כתב אוטנטיקציה על ידי מזכירות בית המשפט העליון.
לאחר שהוגשו תלונות פליליות במשטרת ישראל נגד הגב' ליפשיץ על התחזות והונאה, נודע כי "פרשה" ב-31 לאוקטובר, 2013.  אולם נשיא בית המשפט העליון אשר גרוניס סירב לענות עד עתה - מי מחזיק היום בסמכויות המזכיר הראשי של בית המשפט העליון?  
אולם בדיקת הכתבים בעתירות בנידון ספר "תורת המלך" מראה שבדיון ביום ה-20 לנובמבר, 2013 (בין שהיה זה דיון כחוק, ובין שהיה זה דיון למראית עין) נרשמה הגב' אלומה צרניק כ"מזכיר".  בקשה הופנתה לנשיא בית המשפט העליון להציג את כתב מינויה של הגב' צרניק כ"מזכיר".
אדם בר דעת, שיבדוק את כלל העובדות בעניין, בודאי יגיע למסקנה שבית המשפט העליון פועל מחוץ לחוקי מדינת ישראל, ואינו בית משפט כשיר כלל על פי אמות מידה של הליך הוגן.

דר' יוסף צרניק
מאהל המחאה החברתית, ת"א

סייג לזכויות האדם (NGO)
* דוח סייג לזכויות האדם נכלל בדוח התקופתי של האו"ם לגבי זכויות האדם בישראל (2013), עם ההערה: "חוסר יושרה בכתבים האלקטרוניים של בית המשפט העליון, בתי המשפט המחוזיים, ובתי הדין למוחזקי משמורת בישראל".
* דוח סייג לזכויות האדם נכלל בדוח התקופתי של האו"ם לגבי זכויות האדם בארה"ב (2010), עם ההערה: "שחיתות בתי המשפט ומקצוע עריכת הדין בקליפורניה".
=קישורים =
בעקבות הכתובים באנגלית באנגלית

13-11-21 Falsely imprisoned Alabama blogger Roger Shuler's - secret court records

As usual, in the case of Roger Shuler, we are again dealing with invalid/fraudulent court records... The warrant, if one was ever issued, is yet to be discovered, as well as the true booking records.  jz

ACLU fights to open court records of jailed blogger, argues court order unconstitutional

Kyle Whitmire |  By Kyle Whitmire |  
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on November 06, 2013 at 3:20 PM, updated November 06, 2013 at 6:49 PM
Roger ShulerBlogger Roger Shuler was arrested for contempt of court and resisting arrest after he violated a court order, but some legal experts say the order was unconstitutional.
BIRMINGHAM, Alabama -- The American Civil Liberties Union has filed a friend of the court brief arguing that a preliminary injunction against a Shelby County blogger was unconstitutional and insisting that the case be opened to the public.
Two weeks ago, Roger Shuler was arrested on charges of contempt of court and resisting arrest. Since then, Shuler has been held without bond. His case has been all but hidden from the public and all records of it on a state database have been sealed, even basic information, such as the docket.
Randall Marshall, the legal director for the ACLU of Alabama, said that the organization is not representing Shuler, but it is taking action to protect his constitutional rights.
"Nobody there is looking out for the Constitution, and that is what we offer," Marshall said in an interview Wednesday.
In October, Rob Riley - son of former Alabama Gov. Bob Riley - sued Shuler for libel after Shuler alleged on his blog that Riley had an affair. Riley asked a specially-appointed Shelby County Circuit Court judge for a preliminary injunction.
That injunction barred Shuler from posting further about Riley and ordered Shuler to remove the earlier posts about Riley from his blog.
"There is a secret docket. That is not common in American courts."
Shuler didn't appear in court to defend himself. When he was pulled over by Shelby County sheriff's deputies and served with a summons, Shuler threw the papers out the window and cursed at the officers.
In addition to granting Riley the injunction, the judge ordered the court records sealed.
When you look for Roger Shuler on the state court database, Alacourt, the search results return several cases, but none of them is the defamation lawsuit in which the Shelby County blogger is being jailed for contempt of court.
If you know the case number, you can type it in, but that only yields a white screen, blank but for four words in big red letters.
"This case in confidential," it says.
As a result, basic information about the lawsuit, such as the parties involved, hearing dates and the status of the defendant are hidden from public view.
According to Marshall, sealing an entire case is rare and usually happens in cases involving minors. But in this instance, it essentially creates a secret court in Shelby County, he said.
"There is a secret docket," he said. "That is not common in American courts."
Even if Shuler did not appear in court to defend himself, the judge should have made considerations for the constitutionality of his orders, Marshall said.
The injunction against Shuler violates the constitutional principle barring prior restraint, he said, and a closed court harms the public.
"Even with a default judgment, the remedy being sought here requires a heightened review of the standards," Marshall said.
Marshall said that the court has scheduled a conference call for Thursday afternoon and the judge could consider the ACLU's motion then. 

13-11-21 News from the American Gulag - teen spent 3 years in jail without being convicted on a crime...

13-11-21 IRAN: Banksters to be hanged...

Where is the Iranian Eric Holder to claim Too big to jail, to big to fail??? jz
Occupy Chicago and 2 others posted 3 updates.

  • Iran to Execute 4 Bankers on Fraud Charges - by Brittany Stepniak
    Follow us

    Iran's judiciary system recently worked through the biggest banking fraud case in the nation's history.

    According to The New York Times, the outcome of the case was made official on Monday. Results were dramatic to say the least.

    Judiciary spokesman Gholam-Hossein Mohseni-Ejei told reporters that four people had been officially sentenced to death on charges of corruption and “disrupting the country's economic system.”

    The guilty party was responsible for mishandling $2.6 billion of funds – using forged documents in order to receive credit from banks, permitting them to purchase state-owned companies.
    Iran to Execute 4 Bankers on Fraud Charges - by Brittany Stepniak
    Follow us

    Iran's judiciary system recently worked through the biggest banking fraud case in the nation's history.

    According to The New York Times, the outcome of the case was made official on Monday. Results were dramatic to say the least.

    Judiciary spokesman Gholam-Hossein Mohseni-Ejei told reporters that four people had been officially sentenced to death on charges of corruption and “disrupting the country's economic system.”

    The guilty party was responsible for mishandling $2.6 billion of funds – using forged documents in order to receive credit from banks, permitting them to purchase state-owned companies.

    From PressTV:

    According to the indictment, the owners of Aria Investment Development Company, which is at the center of the controversy, had bribed bank managers to get loans and letters of credit. The company has more than 35 offshoots which are active in diverse business activities.


    “The four are Mahafarid Amir-Khosravi…[the prime suspect], Behdad Behzadi, his legal advisor, Iraj Shoja, his financial solicitor and Saeed Kiani Rezazadeh, head of the Ahvaz branch of Saderat Bank,” he [Gholam-Hossein Mohseni-Ejei] said.

    Additionally, the president of the Bank Melli branch in Kish was condemned to life in prison. The former deputy minister Khodamorad Ahmadi has been ordered to spend a decade in prison as well, according to Iran's attorney general, Mohseni-Ejei.

    Several others involved in this infamous scandal have also been slapped with heavy fines and many have also been prohibited from holding public office.

    Economist Nouriel Roubini added his two cents on the subject, reporting to Bloomberg:

    “Bankers are greedy; they’ve been greedy for the last hundreds of years...t’s not a question if they are more immoral today then they were a thousand years ago, you have to make sure they behave in ways in which you minimize those risks.”

    This message surely hits a little too close to home for central bankers across the globe who have been engaged with fraud and corruption in the past or present.

    Constituents and political leaders spend a big chunk of time debating over how to deal with our crumbling economy. Ending system abuse from insiders and the Fed alike would undoubtedly have a positive ripple effect, but how is that goal going to be achieved? Thus far, not a single chief central banker has been arrested in light of the financial crisis.

    This is completely asinine.

    They keep making more money, while we struggle to thrive in the middle class. The brutal truth is that banks prosper when people are on welfare. They're invested in keeping you down and could care less about your American Dream.

    Perhaps Iran is on to something by enforcing real consequences when insiders mess with the country's entire economic system. The death sentence decision is obviously harsh (Iran's justice system is pretty harsh in general). Alas, what's decided cannot be undone. They said they are trying to set an example.

    Elite criminals shouldn't be treated differently than any other criminal; they should be prosecuted, not protected.