Wednesday, November 12, 2014

2014-11-13 Israeli "online content management" // ישראל וניהול תכנים ברשת

Recent examples from LIVELEAK.COM:
Usually my posts get a couple of hundreds views within hours, 1000-2000 within days.  But certain posts get stuck with "0" reads, even after there are comments.
The readers too, comment from time to time regarding manipulation of content visibility to serve Israeli interests.
Following are recent examples:
* PM Netanyahu and organized crime: Easy reading, hot story (was taken by news outlet) - here nobody read it?  even after there are comments?
* Harpaz document - difficult reading, complex story.  Got over 12,000 views.  Why wasn't it handles?  Maybe because the destruction of Ashkenazi's career is an interest of the powers that be?  Don't know.
* Fraud by Israeli attorneys - routine story, thousands like it everywhere - got over 3000 views.

PM Netanyahu and organized crime

Fraud by Israeli attorneys

ISRAEL: Attorneys from a non-existent law-firm appeared as Public Defenders for whistle-blower Rafi Rotem...

ISRAEL: Attorneys from a non-existent law-firm appeared as Public Defenders for whistle-blower Rafi Rotem...

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The typical response by Israeli attorneys - "You are focusing on immaterial procedural details..." If it didn't look like the Defendant was going to end up in prison, it would be funny...

By: HumanRightsAlert | Comments: 3 | Views: 3342 | Votes: 1 | Shared: 0
Location: Tel Aviv-yafoTel AvivIsrael | Leaked: Sep-17-2014 in Other Middle East,Conspiracy

The Harpaz document affair: IDF "Coup attempt", or a Shin-Bet sting operation?

The Harpaz document affair: IDF "Coup attempt", or a Shin-Bet sting operation?

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It is unlikely that the people of the State of Israel will ever hear the truth in this matter, four years into this latest production from the people that brought to you "The Gatekeepers"... Forme

By: HumanRightsAlert | Comments: 14 | Views: 12513 | Votes: 0 | Shared: 0
Location: Tel Aviv-yafoTel AvivIsrael | Leaked: Sep-10-2014 in Citizen Journalism

ישראל וניהול תכנים ברשת
הנה דוגמאות של איך זה עובד:
בד"כ כשאני מפרסם פוסט באתר LIVELEAK.COM יש מאות קריאות תוך שעות, 1000-2000 תוך מספר ימים. (על קטעים טובים במיוחד - 10,000-20,0000)
אבל פוסטים מסוימים נתקעים ב "0".  אפילו אחרי שיש תגובות... :)
הנה דוגמאות:
* הקשר בין ביבי לפשע המאורגן. סיפור קל להבנה. אין ספק שהנושא היה חם, כי סוכנות ידיעות בארה"ב קבלה אותו ברצון כ"אקסקלוסיבי".  אבל פה אף אחד לא קרא? גם אחרי שיש תגובות?
* מסמך הרפז - פוסט שזכה ליותר מ-12,000 קריאות, למרות שהוא לדעתי יותר מסובך לקריאה לקורא הלא ישראלי. למה לא טפלו בו? לא ברור לי... :)  אולי כי יש עניין בקבירת אשכנזי?
* רמאות של עורכי דין - סיפור פרוזאי, שיש אין ספור כמוהו  יותר מ-3000 קריאות.

דוגמה אחרונה - פוסט חסום

ISRAEL: Attorneys from a non-existent law-firm appeared as Public Defenders for whistle-blower Rafi Rotem...
פוסט טיפוסי

ISRAEL: Attorneys from a non-existent law-firm appeared as Public Defenders for whistle-blower Rafi Rotem...

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The typical response by Israeli attorneys - "You are focusing on immaterial procedural details..." If it didn't look like the Defendant was going to end up in prison, it would be funny...

By: HumanRightsAlert | Comments: 3 | Views: 3342 | Votes: 1 | Shared: 0
Location: Tel Aviv-yafoTel AvivIsrael | Leaked: Sep-17-2014 in Other Middle East,Conspiracy

פוסט פופולרי
The Harpaz document affair: IDF "Coup attempt", or a Shin-Bet sting operation?

The Harpaz document affair: IDF "Coup attempt", or a Shin-Bet sting operation?

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It is unlikely that the people of the State of Israel will ever hear the truth in this matter, four years into this latest production from the people that brought to you "The Gatekeepers"... Forme

By: HumanRightsAlert | Comments: 14 | Views: 12513 | Votes: 0 | Shared: 0
Location: Tel Aviv-yafoTel AvivIsrael | Leaked: Sep-10-2014 in Citizen Journalism

2014-11-12 US and the business of war

2014-11-12 US and the business of war
[via Occupy Wall St.]
Iraq War veteran Tomas Young has died just weeks before his 35th birthday. Young was paralyzed in 2004 shortly after arriving in Iraq and went on to become one of the nation’s most prominent antiwar activists. While Tomas Young paid the ultimate price, Dick Cheney made his former employer Halliburton $39.5 billion in war contracts. Share to honor Tomas Young's service and activism.
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2014-11-12 US: Bankrupt!

2014-11-12 US: Bankrupt!
[via Anonymous Berlin]
United States and the EU shortly before the economic collapse? The U.S. side "The Economic Collapse" has published two new articles, which shows shocking economic figures in the United States and the European Union. So, the US trade deficit with China is located at a new all time high [1] and the EU is shortly before the collapse of [2]. The United States have experienced the worst month in September regarding industrial trade with China. The EU fights me already rising unemployment, huge buttressing, a falling currency, deflation and zombie banks.
Each bank apprentice know that our monetary and interest rate system is calibrated to collapse. Statistically it crashes every 75-100 years. The system kolabiert. The consequences: Severe decline in economic performance, deflation, Corporate bankruptcies, massive unemployment, social misery, political crises, civil unrest, war. The last major collapse occurred 85 years ago, in 1929 following a Börsencrashes. So, we live in exciting times!
The United States imported nearly five times as much from China in September (44.9 billion US dollars), as China from the United States ($ 9.3 billion). According to the IMF China is the largest trading nation in the world, not only because the Chinese economy is growing, but much more today because the US economy latest coincides since 2007 in itself like a wet bag. The trade deficit is at a new all-time high. The reality check blog has broken down a little the numbers, more here in English: September was the worst month for the industrial trade between the United States and China [3].
And the European Union, total the largest economic power in the world, is just before the collapse. In particular the high level of unemployment in many EU countries is remarkable: France: 10.2%, Poland: 11.5%, Italy: 12.6%, Portugal: 13.1%, Spain: 23.6% or Greece: 26.4%. Or the public debt in relation to GDP: Spain: 92.1%, France: 92.2%, Belgium: 101.5%, Portugal: 129.0%, Italy: 132.6% and Greece: 174,9%.
Greece and Spain are already in deflation, and inflation rates in Germany and France are under one per cent. At the same time the euro compared to the dollar since located may 2014 in the descent. "In the long run it would be no surprise, when the US dollar to parity with the euro", writes the economic collapse blog.
The "zombie banks", such as the German bank that holds $75 trillion in derivatives, which exceeds the German GDP to 20 times were a problem in the European Union. Bottom line: "In the year 2014 we witnessed the calm before the storm. But 2015 is directly and should be very interesting." Let it come to us.
Cross references: [1] national economic suicide: the U.S. trade deficit with China just hit A new record high…/national-economic-suic… [2] the economy of the largest super power on the planet is collapsing right now…/the-economy-of-the-lar… [3] our economy: September what the cruelest month for U.S. China and manufacturing trade…/whats-left-of-our-eco…/ many thanks to…/ (Translated by Bing)
USA und EU kurz vor dem Wirtschaftskollaps? Die US-Seite "The Economic Collapse" hat zwei neue Artikel veröffentlicht, in denen schockierende Wirtschaftszahlen in den Vereinigten Staaten und in der Europäischen Union aufgezeigt werden. So befindet sich das US-Handelsdefizit mit China auf einem neuen Allzeithoch[1] und die EU steht kurz vor dem Kollaps[2]. Die USA haben im September den schlechtesten Monat erlebt, was den industriellen Handel mit China angeht. Die EU kämpft bereits mir steigender Arbeitslosigkeit, riesigen Schuldenbergen, einer fallenden Währung, Deflation und Zombie-Banken.
Jeder Banklehrling weiß, dass unser Geld- und Zinssystem auf Zusammenbruch geeicht ist. Statistisch gesehen crasht es alle 75-100 Jahre. Das System kolabiert. Die Folgen: Schweren Rückgang der wirtschaftlichen Gesamtleistung, Deflation, Unternehmenspleiten, massive Arbeitslosigkeit, soziales Elend, politische Krisen, Unruhen, Krieg. Der letzte große Zusammenbruch ereignete vor 85 Jahren, im Jahr 1929 in Folge eines Börsencrashes. Wir leben also in spannenden Zeiten!
Die USA haben im September fast fünf mal so viel aus China importiert (44,9 Milliarden US-Dollar), wie China aus den USA (9,3 Milliarden). Laut IWF ist China heute die größte Handelsnation der Welt, nicht nur weil die chinesische Wirtschaft wächst, sondern noch viel mehr, weil die US-Wirtschaft spätestens seit 2007 in sich zusammenfällt wie ein nasser Sack. Das Handelsdefizit befindet sich somit auf einem neuen Allzeithoch. Der Reality Check Blog hat die Zahlen noch ein wenig aufgeschlüsselt, mehr dazu hier auf englisch: September war der schrecklichste Monat für den industriellen Handel zwischen den USA und China[3].
Und die Europäische Union, insgesamt die größte Wirtschaftsmacht der Welt, steht kurz vor dem Kollaps. Insbesondere die hohe Arbeitslosigkeit in vielen EU-Ländern sei bemerkenswert: Frankreich: 10,2%, Polen: 11,5%, Italien: 12,6%, Portugal: 13,1%, Spanien: 23,6% oder Griechenland: 26,4%. Oder die Staatsverschuldung im Verhältnis zum BIP: Spanien: 92,1%, Frankreich: 92,2%, Belgien: 101,5%, Portugal: 129,0%, Italien: 132,6% und Griechenland: 174,9%.
Griechenland und Spanien stecken bereits in einer Deflation, und die Teuerungsraten in Deutschland und Frankreich liegen unter einem Prozent. Gleichzeitig befindet sich der Euro im Vergleich zum US-Dollar seit Mai 2014 im Sinkflug. “Auf lange Sicht wäre es keine Überraschung, wenn der US-Dollar auf Parität mit dem Euro geht”, schreibt der Economic Collapse Blog.
Ein weiteres Problem der Europäischen Union seien die “Zombie-Banken”, wie etwa die Deutsche Bank, die 75 Billionen Dollar in Derivaten hält, was das deutsche BIP um das 20-fache übersteigt. Fazit: “Im Jahr 2014 haben wir die Ruhe vor dem Sturm erlebt. Aber 2015 steht direkt bevor und dürfte äußerst interessant werden.” Lassen wir es auf uns zukommen.
[1] National Economic Suicide: The U.S. Trade Deficit With China Just Hit A New Record High…/national-economic-suic…
[2] The Economy Of The Largest Superpower On The Planet Is Collapsing Right Now…/the-economy-of-the-lar…
[3] Our Economy: September was the Cruelest Month for U.S. China and Manufacturing Trade…/whats-left-of-our-eco…/
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2014-11-11 US under the Greater Depression - back to inequality levels of the 20th century...

2014-11-11 US under the Greater Depression - back to inequality levels of the 20th century...
[via Occupy Wall St.]
Ever since Thomas Piketty's coming out party, debate has raged in America over the implications of inequality of wealth and income. A new research paper shows just how much the extremely rich--the top tenth of the top 1%--have taken control since the...

2014-11-11 ISRAEL: Following 1967 war, holds 2 million people with neither civil nor political rights!

2014-11-11 ISRAEL: Following 1967 war, holds 2 million people with neither civil nor political rights!
[via Israelis Against the Occupation]
Citation and pic of the late towering public intellectual Yeshayahu Leibowitz
הספונסר של ראש הממשלה (שלדון אדלסון) אמר אמש: "לא נורא אם ישראל לא תהיה דמוקרטיה"
ואכן, דבריו מחוברים למציאות הישראלית. בבחירה בין דמוקרטיה לכיבוש, ישראל בחרה בכיבוש.

2014-11-11 ISRAEL - Massive "haircuts" under the color of law...

2014-11-11 ISRAEL - Massive "haircuts" under the color of law...
Corporate public debt is forgiven, wiping out the savings of retirees and small savers in corporate bonds.
Corruption of the judges and attorneys is a central cause of the situation in Israel today!
[via Israeli Social Justice]
Free Haircuts for everyone!
Over the current year alone, some NIS 21 billion of public debt were wiped out...
[דרך צדק חברתי]
זה קורה כאן, מתחת לאף שלנו.
בשנה הנוכחית, כ-21.1 מיליארד שקלים נמחקו מחובותיהם של טייקונים כאלה או אחרים כאן בארצנו הקטנטונת.
21.1 מיליארד שקלים מכספי הפנסיה שלכם, של כל העם שלנו.
בקרוב מאוד כולכם תקבלו את ההזדמנות לקבל תספורת בחינם!

2014-11-11 FIREFOX v NSA...

2014-11-11 FIREFOX v NSA...
The internet browser Mozilla is teaming up with Tor to give internet users greater security online. The new Polaris project is designed to combat internet censorship...

2014-11-11 New World Order - US, TPP left on the sideline in APEC

2014-11-11 New World Order - US, TPP left on the sideline in APEC
US- dominated TPP was seen as an effort to contain China, Russia. The Beijing summit instead adopted the Chinese roadmap - FTAAP.
APEC members have adopted a roadmap for an Asia-Pacific free trade zone that will eliminate trade barriers across 21 countries and could challenge US dominance in the...

2014-11-11 Cold War 2.0: US led sanctions expedite development of independent Russian banking, military industry alternatives

2014-11-11 Cold War 2.0: US led sanctions expedite development of independent Russian banking, military industry alternatives
Russia intends to have its own international inter-bank system up and running by May 2015. The Central of Russia says it needs to speed up preparations for its version of...

2014-11-11 POLAND: (VIDEO) Nationalist riots

2014-11-11 POLAND: (VIDEO) Nationalist riots
On the background of economic depression...
Video ID: 20141111-011 W/S Demonstrators marching W/S Demonstrators marching C/U Demonstrators with torches marching W/S March W/S Demonstrators marching SCR...

2014-11-11 POLAND: Nationalist riots

2014-11-11 POLAND: Nationalist riots
On the background of economic depression...…
Clashes have taken place in Warsaw as Polish nationalists took to the streets to mark the country’s...

2014-11-11 US: Secretive TPP - key goal of the corporatist regime

2014-11-11 US: Secretive TPP - key goal of the corporatist regime
The secretive Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), together with the corresponding secretive TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership), will cover more than 60 per cent of global GDP.
US government is doing its best to keep the agreements secret. 
Wikileaks has been steadlily releasing parts of the secretive TPP documents.…

[1] 2013-11-13 Secret Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) - IP Chapter
[2] 2014-01-15 Press release: Secret Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) - Environment Chapter
[3] 2014-10-16 Updated Secret Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) - IP Chapter (second publication)
President Barack Obama is again pushing international leaders to finalize the trans-Pacific trade deal between 12 countries that would eradicate tariffs and regulations,...