Saturday, April 11, 2015

2015-04-11 Hello world!


Recent [?]
4/11 @ 5:19 : Or Yehuda, IL
4/11 @ 4:55 : Saint Petersburg, RU
4/11 @ 4:22 : Tampa, Florida, US
4/11 @ 2:32 : Rehovot, IL
4/11 @ 2:06 : Yerevan, AM
4/11 @ 11:16 : Tokyo, JP
4/11 @ 11:07 : Mountain View, California, US
4/11 @ 10:40 : Central District, HK
4/11 @ 10:35 : Dallas, Texas, US
4/11 @ 9:44 : Mountain View, California, US
4/11 @ 9:58 : Or Yehuda, IL
4/11 @ 9:44 : Mountain View, California, US
4/11 @ 6:18 : San Francisco, California, US
4/11 @ 1:41 : Turkey, TR
4/10 @ 9:49 : Courcelles, BE
4/10 @ 7:33 : Adana, TR
4/10 @ 6:41 : Rishon Le Zion, IL
4/10 @ 4:12 : Montréal, CA
4/10 @ 3:03 : Philippines, PH
4/10 @ 1:19 : Karachi, PK

2015-04-11 US: Fighting the Robber Barons

2015-04-11 US: Fighting the Robber Barons
Bernie Sanders has been fighting the 1% for decades. Now it's time for him to run for president and challenge the Wall Street puppets with a mass movement behind him.

2015-04-11 SPAIN under the Greater Depression - suppressing the right to protest

2015-04-11 SPAIN under the Greater Depression - suppressing the right to protest
Spanish citizens held the first hologram protest in history in order to protest without violating the new draconian guidelines of the National Security Act, the new...

2015-04-11 US: Police brutality - a cardinal sign of a totalitarian regime!

2015-04-11 US: Police brutality - a cardinal sign of a totalitarian regime!
The New York Police Department just broke the leg of NBA player Thabo Sefolosha. Sefolosha plays for the Atlanta Hawks. In the image above, he was

2015-04-11 PALESTINE goes to ICC

2015-04-11 PALESTINE goes to ICC
The International Criminal Court (ICC) has begun its investigation into the crimes committed by Israeli forces during the military attack on Gaza last summer, known as...

53 Days in Ellis County Texas Jail as a Political Prisoner - The Saga of Bill Windsor - Part 2

53 Days in Ellis County Texas Jail as a Political Prisoner - The Saga of Bill Windsor - Part 2|By William M. Windsor

2015-04-10 US: Murderous police - a cardinal sign of a totalitarian regime!

2015-04-10 US: Murderous police - a cardinal sign of a totalitarian regime!
This Map Shows the Exact Location of Every Black Person Killed by Cops in 2014

2015-04-10 Murderous police - a cardinal sign of totalitarian regime!

2015-04-10 Murderous police - a cardinal sign of totalitarian regime!
Killer Cops Boost Body Count
The War on Black America

2015-04-10 5 Drug War Cops Who Outraged Us This Week--Greedhead Edition

2015-04-10 5 Drug War Cops Who Outraged Us This Week--Greedhead Edition
By Phillip Smith, AlterNet
Enforcing drug prohibition led them unto temptation. READ MORE»
Enforcing drug prohibition led them unto temptation.

2015-04-10 US: Persecution of whistle-blowers - a cardinal sign of corrupt regimes!

2015-04-10 US: Persecution of whistle-blowers - a cardinal sign of corrupt regimes!
Man Who Filmed Walter Scott's Murder Was Terrified and Still Fears Police Retaliation . . . With Good Reason
Kali Holloway, AlterNet
A look at what happened to the man who videotaped Eric Garner's death reveals what happens to police whistleblowers. READ MORE»
Feidin Santana deserves a fate better than that faced by Ramsey Orta

2015-04-10 Israeli Forces Target Journalists in West Bank

2015-04-10 Israeli Forces Target Journalists in West Bank
Palestine 50 year occupation must come to an end!
Mel Frykberg, Inter Press Service: It is becoming increasingly risky to cover clashes between Israeli security forces and Palestinian protesters in the West Bank, as the number of journalists injured - through what appears to be deliberate targeting by Israeli security forces - continues to rise....
See More
It is becoming increasingly risky to cover clashes and protests between Israeli security forces and Palestinian protesters in the West Bank.|By Mel Fryckberg

2015-04-10 US: Murderous police - a cardinal sign of a totalitarian regime!

2015-04-10 US: Murderous police - a cardinal sign of a totalitarian regime!
Video Shows 9 Months Pregnant, Handcuffed Woman Punched by Texas Police
The deputy can clearly be seen taking at least two quick punches at Robinson. This was after she shouted, "I'm pregnant."
‘We’re here to remove your son,’ and her replying, ‘Nobody is touching my kid without a court order or a...

2015-04-10 Bomb Iran? Not now: Bomb Yemen

2015-04-10 Bomb Iran? Not now: Bomb Yemen
By Pepe Escobar
The wealthiest Arab nation - supported by other GCC petro-rackets and also the wealthy "West", has launched an - illegal - bombing/war/kinetic operation against the poorest Arab nation in the name of "democracy."
“deliberate targeting and destruction of private homes, education facilities and basic infrastructure cannot be tolerated.”

2015-04-10 US: Murderous police - a cardinal sign of a totalitarian regime!

2015-04-10 US: Murderous police - a cardinal sign of a totalitarian regime!
"If you only watch network news, then you probably won’t see people getting gunned down by police. "...
"The websites of Cop Block, Filming Cops, The Free Thought Project, Anti-Media, Counter Current News and of course The Fifth Column report about police violence on a daily basis."
This is what happens when you film the cops.Read more →

2015-04-10 US: Back-burner civil war...

2015-04-10 US: Back-burner civil war...
A shooting at the US Census Bureau in Suitland, Maryland has left one man in critical condition, local media reported.

2015-04-10 SYRIA: US nation building project in progress...

2015-04-10 SYRIA: US nation building project in progress...
The suffering of Palestinians living in Syria’s Yarmouk camp has reached unprecedented levels and must be alleviated immediately Since mid-2013 ...|By SNHR,

2015-04-10 Facebook - part of the US Big Brother apparatus...

2015-04-10 Facebook - part of the US Big Brother apparatus...
The tagging service was introduced utilizing technological expertise of, an Israeli firm.

2015-04-10 US: Murderous police - a cardinal sign of a totalitarian regime!

2015-04-10 US: Murderous police - a cardinal sign of a totalitarian regime!
The crooked math that's going to crash American law enforcement if policies aren't changed

2015-04-10 US: Murderous police - a cardinal sign of a totalitarian regime!

2015-04-10 US: Murderous police - a cardinal sign of a totalitarian regime!
Police and city officials have just released the dashcam video showing the traffic stop harassment, just moments before Officer Michael Slager fatally shot Walter Scott....

2015-04-10 PALETINE: 50 year occupation must come to an end!

2015-04-10 PALETINE: 50 year occupation must come to an end!
Hamzeh Abu Hashem, who was wounded by dogs from the IDF canine unit, is finally free from prison. We met a broken and shaken boy.

2015-04-10 SWEDEN sent troops to the middle-east?

2015-04-10 SWEDEN sent troops to the middle-east?
Groundbreaking report from nsnbc international about the Swedish involvement in fight against ISIS.Read more →

2015-04-10 US: Police guard the Robber Barons...

2015-04-10 US: Police guard the Robber Barons...

2015-04-10 US: Robber Baron Revival Era

2015-04-10 US: Robber Baron Revival Era
Consider public pensions. The money that firefighters and police and government workers will use in retirement. Two facts: 1) Wall Street is stealing this money, and 2)...|By Hamilton Nolan

2015-04-10 YEMEN: US-Saudi war crimes

2015-04-10 YEMEN: US-Saudi war crimes
As Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting points out, until a video surfaced of South Carolina policeman Michael Slager murdering Walter Scott, the media was reporting...

2015-04-09 CHINA's infrastructure initiative continues

2015-04-09 GERMANY: In the midst of Cold War 2.0 propaganda wars

  • 2015-04-09 GERMANY: In the midst of Cold War 2.0 propaganda wars
    [via Anonymous Berlin]
    Over the past year, a number of cases have been exposed, where German mainstream media catered to US interests, at times - specifically published items planted by CIA. The intention is clear - faslely convince the German public of the imminent danger posed by Russia, support the US invented war in Ukraine, and gain support for German military action against Russia.
    However, as shown here, such efforts are unsuccessful. Regardless of the massive capital behind mainstream media, they are suffering a decline in viewership on the networks. In parallel, the public is veering towards alternative media.
    Such shifts are not unique to Germany:
    * In the US: viewership of Russia Today and other alternative media is steadily growing, while mainstream media are more and more often exposed as pure fabricators.
    * In Israel: during the latest round of violence last summer, government and media were appalled to discover that the public was more trusting of information from social networks, than of official news...
    Lügenpresse unter Schock: Medien haben Deutungshoheit im Netz verloren! Die hochbezahlten Lohnschreiber von Spiegel, Bild und Co. können veröffentlichen was sie wollen, ihre digitale Schmutzliteratur und Kriegspropaganda wird von immer weniger Menschen gelesen, geschweige denn ernst genommen. Das belegen[1][2] aktuelle Zahlen des Analyse und Statistik-Dienstleisters »Fanpage Karma«. Die vermeintliche Medienkrise auf die man so gerne verweist, scheint nur den verlogenen Mainstream befallen zu haben. Alternative Informationsquellen und Medien freuen sich schon seit Monaten über steigende Klickzahlen und ganze Heerscharen neuer Leser und Abonnenten. Im Zeitraum 12. März bis 8. April 2015 verzeichnete »Fanpage Karma« für Anonymous eine Gesamtreichweite von über 46 Millionen Lesern und 126 Millionen Impressionen. Die Zahlen verdeutlichen, dass die Bürger nach wie vor ein großes Interesse daran haben sich zu informieren. Nur tun sie das, im Gegensatz zu früher, jetzt nicht mehr auf den Seiten gekaufter Journalisten und US-höriger Medien, was außerordentlich erfreulich ist. Eine Auflistung von relevanten alternativen Meiden und Informationsquellen findest hier:
    Liebe Blogger und Internetnutzer. Bitte teilt diesen Beitrag größtmöglich im Internet, in Foren und Blogs und natürlich auf VKontakte, Facebook und Twitter. Gerade jetzt ist es wichtig, dass wir uns von der deutschen Lügenpresse nicht beirren lassen und eine angemessene Gegenöffentlichkeit herstellen.
    [1] Fanpage Karma
    [2] Fanpage Karma: Vollständiges Ergebnis