Sunday, August 3, 2014

2014-08-03 הריגתו של סגן גולדין ז"ל: ממשלה של נוכלים וחלאות אדם! // ISRAEL: The killing of Lieutenant Hadar Goldin - a government of fraudsters, scums of the earth!

[עברית להלן]
ISRAEL: The killing of Lieutenant Hadar Goldin - a government of fraudsters, scums of the earth 

Joseph Zernik's photo.

Joseph Zernik's photo.
1) The Goldin family in a press conference on Saturday night, where they called upon the Israeli government not to retreat from Gaza, while leaving their son a captive.
2) The front page of Israel Hayom (Sheldon Adelson's propaganda tool for Bibi) on Sunday morning, with headlines: "Goldin is dead", "Retreating from Gaza and redeploying".
So let's put things in order:
* On Saturday night (last night), after being briefed by senior government officials regarding Friday's events, the Goldin family called a press conference, 'where they called not to retreat from Gaza, while deserting their son.. the father, Dr Simha Goldin said: "... I can't imagine IDF deserting a warrior... It just can't be..." ' [1] 
* But after midnight last night, reality took a diametrical transformatin, as "Yisrael Hayom" reported on its front page this morning, Sunday: "Goldin is dead".  The explanation: "Minister of Defense Yaalon, Chief of IDF Personnel Barbivai, IDF Chief Rabbi Rafi Peretz arrive last night after midnight to Goldin's home to deliver the difficult message". [2]

So what happened late last night that the Israeli government decided that  Lieutenant Hadar Goldin was no longer a captive, but dead?
The answer to that question can be found on the front page of this morning's Yisrael Hayom as well: "Retreating from Gaza and redeploying". [2]
Simply put:
The opening an closing acts, a few weeks apart, of the current cycle of violence are remarkably similar.  The current cycle started with the kidnapping and murder of three Jewish youths in Palestine near Hebron, and it ended with the kidnapping and killing of Lieutenant Hadar Goldin in Palestine, Gaza.
In both cases, the Israeli government tried, and partially succeeded, to perpetrate despicable fraud on the bereaved families of the kidnapped, on people of the State of Israel, and on the world public at large:
* In the case of the three kindapped and murdered youths in Hebron, the Israeli government initially hid the existence of a phone recording from the one of the victims, which would have led any reasonable person to conclude that they youths were most likely dead.  Eventually, the existence of the recording was leaked.  Then the government claimed that the recording was unintelligble.  But eventually, it was distributed on the social networks, loud and clear.  The fraud was exploited to win time for a false search and rescue operation, which in fact was a campaign of collective punishment and terror against the Palestinian population in the Hebron area in general, and against Hamas legitimate political and welfare infrastructure in particular. (Hamas was declared the perpetrator, although no evidence was ever provided to that effect).
The kidnapping/murder near Hebron and its aftermath were the original cause of the current cycle of violence.
* In the case of the killing of Lieutenant Hadar Goldin in Gaza, there is no doubt that already in Friday, the date of the incident, the Israeli government had all the facts in the matter.  And the facts would lead any reasonable person to conclude that he was dead by Friday.  Regardless, senior government officers planted false impressions with the Goldin family, the their son was a captive of Hamas.  The motive was most likely again, the wish to exploit the situation for a major retalitory campaign.
However, once the Israeli government decided on Saturday to retreat from Gaza, all of a sudden, the purported captivity of Lieutenant Hadar Goldin became a burden, or even a trap.  Then the IDF Chief Rabbi was recruited, and Goldin was declared dead...
One should notice that in this discussion I avoided getting into the issue of how Lieutenant Hadar Goldin was killed.  That issue require an entire separate discussion...
A government that engages in such despicable conduct vis a vis bereaved families and the people of the State of Israel, is a government of fraudsters and scums of the earth!
The current cycle of violence is an unprecedented fraud by the Israeli government on the people of the State of Israel and the world's public at large from any aspect that it is examined.  But no government would engage in such conduct against its own people, unless it believed that it could pull it off...
[1] 2014-08-02  21:13 Hadar Goldin's parents: We must not leave Gaza and abandon him_Haaretz 
[2] 2014-08-03 Lieutenant Goldin is dead_Yisrael Hayom

===2014-08-03 הדר גולדין ז"ל - ממשלה של נוכלים וחלאות אדם!===
Joseph Zernik's photo.
Joseph Zernik's photo.

1) משפחת גולדין במסיבת עיתונאים במוצ"ש, בה קראה שלא לצאת מעזה תוך הפקרת בנם כשבוי.
2) עמוד השער של ישראל היום בבוקר יום א' (היום) - "גולדין - חלל", "נערכים ויוצאים".
אז בואו נעשה סדר בעניינים:
* במוצ"ש (אתמול) לאחר שיודעה ככל שיודעה על ידי נציגים בכירים של ממשלת ישראל, התייצבה משפחת גולדין למסיבת עיתונאים, 'ובמהלכה קראה שלא להפקיר את בנה ברצועת עזה... אביו, ד"ר שמחה גולדין, אמר ... "אני מג"ד במילואים, עשיתי מילואים עד גיל 50, ואני לא מעלה בדעתי שצה"ל יפקיר לוחם שלו. הלוחם שלי האישי בפיקוד צפון היה בני גנץ, ואני יודע שלא יכול להיות דבר כזה – שהוא ייתן לצה"ל הוראה לצאת מאיזה שהוא מקום שיש עדיין חייל שם בפנים." ' [1] ורוב העיתונים דיווחו כך הבוקר.
* אבל לאחר חצות אמש השתנתה המציאות מקצה אל קצה, כפי שידע "ישראל היום" המקושר לדווח בעמוד השער הבוקר: "סגן גולדין - חלל". ההסבר לשינוי: "שר הביטחון משה (בוגי) יעלון, ראש אכ"א, אלוף אורנה ברביאי, והרב הראשי לצה"ל תת-אלוף רפי פרץ הגיעו אמש לאחר חצות לביתו של גולדין ומסרו את ההודעה הקשה". [2]
אז מה קרה אמש, שגרם לכך שממשלת ישראל החליטה, שסגן הדר גולדין ז"ל אינו שבוי אלא חלל?
התשובה לכך נמצאת גם כן בעמוד הראשון של "ישראל היום" מהבוקר: "יוצאים ונערכים". [2]
במילים פשוטות:
הממשלה ניסתה לחזור תוך מספר שבועות בפעם שנייה על ההונאה הנבזית שביצעה על משפחות הנערים החטופים מגוש עציון והעם בישראל בהסתרת קיום הקלטה של שיחת הטלפון מהחטיפה:
בשני המקרים ידעו מקבלי ההחלטות מיד שהחטופים שבנידון מתים. אולם כיוון שרצו לנצל את ה"חיפושים" למטרות נקמה ואלימות מתמשכת, החליטו להונות הן את המשפחות השכולות והן את העם בישראל בעניין.
אולם לאחר שהחליטה הממשלה אמש לצאת מעזה, פתאום הדר גולדין כשבוי לא התאים להם יותר. להפך, זה הפך למלכודת. אז גייסו את הרב הראשי של צה"ל, והכריזו שגולדין מת.
כמובן, אינני נכנס לשאלה כיצד נהרג סגן הדר גולדין...
ממשלה שמתנהלת בצורה נבזית שכזאת מול משפחות שכולות ומול העם במדינת ישראל, היא ממשלה של נוכלים וחלאות אדם.
סבב האלימות האלימות הנוכחי הוא הונאה חסרת תקדים על העם בישראל והציבור בעולם, מכל היבט אפשרי. אבל שום ממשלה לא הייתה מתנהלת כך מול העם שלה, אלא אם כן הייתה משוכנעת שזה יכול לעבור...
אנשים תתעוררו! יש לכם ממשלה של נוכלים וחלאות אדם!
[1] הוריו של הדר גולדין: אסור להפקיר אותו ולעזוב את רצועת עזה בלעדיו 02.08.2014 21:13 _הארץ
[2] סגן גולדין - חלל _ ישראל היום

2014-08-03 BERLIN: Tousands demonstrated on Saturday night against the Gaza massacre, distorted media coverage

===2014-08-03 BERLIN: Tousands demonstrated on Saturday night against the Gaza massacre, distorted media coverage===
[Translated by Bing]
Video proof: media lying again about numbers of participants! On the 02.08.2014, several thousand people under the slogan "For peace in Palestine!" demonstrated in Berlin. The elevator began early Saturday evening at the Neptune fountain on Alexanderplatz. From there, protesters moved 6-8 thousand estimated direction of Hackescher Markt, the aim was the Axel-Springer-Haus in Kreuzberg. The German media in relation to the intentions of the demonstrators, as well as the actual number of participants likes lie noticed us at the Monday demos. The same game is played well with the free Palestine demonstrations. Prerequisite, participants of the free Palestine rallies, reporting as a single "Anti-Semites and radical right-wing" stamped, is of course a minimum number of demonstrators. If necessary the participants numbers are corrected or immediately faked down. See reports in the following media: 500 participants, the world: 250 participants, Berlin me:
Wichtig: Bitte weiterverbreiten! Video beweist: Medien lügen erneut über Teilnehmerzahlen! Am 02.08.2014 haben in Berlin mehrere tausend Menschen unter dem Motto «Für Frieden in Palästina» demonstriert. Der Aufzug begann am frühen Samstaga... See More
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2014-08-03 ISRAEL: Leading Israeli poet Nathan Zach "Israel is crazy. Hamas is crazy as well, but a bit less..."

===2014-08-03 ISRAEL: Leading Israeli poet Nathan Zach "Israel is crazy. Hamas is crazy as well, but a bit less..."===
נתן זך: "ישראל השתגעה. גם חמאס משוגע אבל פחות"
Photo: ‎נתן זך: "ישראל השתגעה. גם חמאס משוגע אבל פחות"‎
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2014-08-03 TEL AVIV: Demonstration against the Gaza massacre ends in inexplicable Israel Police brutality

===2014-08-03 TEL AVIV: Demonstration against the Gaza massacre ends in inexplicable Israel Police brutality===
This week, Israel Police decided not to permit the conduct of a routine Saturday night vigil against the Gaza massacre. Police ordered to demonstrators to disperse and declared the vigil "illegal gathering", then engaged in brutality, arrested 14 demonsrators.
This morning Israel Police claims that the order to disprese last night was derived from concern for the demonstrators' security, and a standing order against gathering larger than 1,000 persons in open spaces during the current round of hostility.
However, the demonstrators were far from 1,000, and earlier that day there was in the same place public activity for kids with a similar size crowd.
[via Israeli news outlet Local Call]
Comments by JZ:
Tel Aviv Police Commander Benzi Sau decided that he is authorized to manage the Freedom of Speech in Tel Aviv. Luckily, he only ordered police to employ violence and arrests.
In the past, the same Benzi Sau ordered police to shoot and kill Israeli-Arab demonstrators. But that treatment is reserved for non Jewish demonstrators in Israel...
2006-08-17 Public Security Minister AVI DICHTER Refuses Supreme Court Recommendation to Cancel Promotion of BENZI SAU_the Electronic Intifada (English only)
השר לביטחון פנים אבי דיכטר מסרב להמלצת בית המשפט העליון לבטל את קידומו של בנצי סאו_אלקטרוניק אינטיפאדה
2006-10-00 Challenging Promotion of BENZI SAU to Senior Position in Ministry of Public Security_Adalah - The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel (English only)
התנגדות לקידומו של בנצי סאו לתפקיד בכיר במשרד לביטחון פנים_עדאלה- המרכז המשפטי לזכויות המיעוט הערבי בישראל 

2014-08-03 TEL AVIV: Demonstration against the Gaza massacre ends in inexplicable Israel Police brutality [Video]

===2014-08-03 TEL AVIV: Demonstration against the Gaza massacre ends in inexplicable Israel Police brutality [Video]===
Tel Aviv Police Commander Benzi Sau decided that he is authorized to manage the Freedom of Speech in Tel Aviv. Luckily, he only ordered police to employ violence and arrests.
In the past, the same Benzi Sau ordered police to shoot and kill Israeli-Arab demonstrators. But that treatment is reserved for non Jewish demonstrators in Israel...
2006-08-17 Public Security Minister AVI DICHTER Refuses Supreme Court Recommendation to Cancel Promotion of BENZI SAU_the Electronic Intifada (English only)
השר לביטחון פנים אבי דיכטר מסרב להמלצת בית המשפט העליון לבטל את קידומו של בנצי סאו_אלקטרוניק אינטיפאדה
2006-10-00 Challenging Promotion of BENZI SAU to Senior Position in Ministry of Public Security_Adalah - The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel (English only)
התנגדות לקידומו של בנצי סאו לתפקיד בכיר במשרד לביטחון פנים_עדאלה- המרכז המשפטי לזכויות המיעוט הערבי בישראל

2014-08-03 TEL AVIV: Demonstration against the Gaza massacre ends in inexplicable Israel Police brutality_Haaretz

===2014-08-03 TEL AVIV: Demonstration against the Gaza massacre ends in inexplicable Israel Police brutality_Haaretz===
Tel Aviv Police Commander Benzi Sau decided that he is authorized to manage the Freedom of Speech in Tel Aviv. Luckily, he only ordered police to employ violence and arrests.
In the past, the same Benzi Sau ordered police to shoot and kill Israeli-Arab demonstrators. But that treatment is reserved for non-Jewish demonstrators in Israel so far...
2006-08-17 Public Security Minister AVI DICHTER Refuses Supreme Court Recommendation to Cancel Promotion of BENZI SAU_the Electronic Intifada (English only)
השר לביטחון פנים אבי דיכטר מסרב להמלצת בית המשפט העליון לבטל את קידומו של בנצי סאו_אלקטרוניק אינטיפאדה
2006-10-00 Challenging Promotion of BENZI SAU to Senior Position in Ministry of Public Security_Adalah - The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel (English only)
התנגדות לקידומו של בנצי סאו לתפקיד בכיר במשרד לביטחון פנים_עדאלה- המרכז המשפטי לזכויות המיעוט הערבי בישראל

2014-08-03 ANONYMOUS: Israel engaged in media manipulation to justify the invasion of Gaza

===2014-08-03 ANONYMOUS: Israel engaged in media manipulation to justify the invasion of Gaza===
Now, Anonymous informs the German readers of the fraud by the Israeli government on the Israeli people, relative to suppressing the news of the...See More
Wichtig: Bitte weiterverbreiten! En Bericht im ZDF Auslandsjournal beweist: Die israelische Regierung manipulierte die Berichterstattung über den Tod der 3 entführten Jugendlichen. Armee und Geheimdienst verhängten eine Nachrichtensperre al... See More
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Over 10,000 are protesting the massacre in Gaza by Israel at the White House in Washington

TODAY: Over 10,000 are protesting the massacre in Gaza by Israel at the White House in Washington and carrying coffins to Washington Post news office. #GazaUnderAttack (5 photos)
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‘Torture:’ 15 lethal injections used in botched Arizona execution

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2014-08-03 Close GITMO now

===2014-08-03 Close GITMO now===
The US courts continue the ridiculously fake leglization of a blatantly unlawful situation. People that the US gov itself admits are not guilty of anything, are held imprisoned and tortured for over a decade!
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2014-08-03 AUSTRIA: Class action v Facebook for collusion in US spying

===2014-08-03 AUSTRIA: Class action v Facebook for collusion in US spying===
I joined the class action, encouraging all to join as well at:

2014-08-03 Sheldon Adelson in action - Birthrighters to be barred from soldiers' funerals

===2014-08-03 Sheldon Adelson in action - Birthrighters to be barred from soldiers' funerals===
Jerusalem Post today reports that that Birthrighters to be barred from soldiers' funerals. Birthright is the Sheldon Adelson funded operation,providing Jewish American young people a chance to visit Israel.
"The issue was raised in recent days days following the presence of groups of Birthrighters at the funderal on Mount Herzl and the death in action of Birthright alumnus and Golani soldier Max Steinberg 10 days ago. Birthright CEO Gidi Mark said that "to attend a funeral, you have to understand the fuller context of what is happening here."
Photo: ===2014-08-03 Sheldon Adelson in action - Birthrighters to be barred from soldiers' funerals===
Jerusalem Post today reports that that Birthrighters to be barred from soldiers' funerals.  Birthright is the Sheldon Adelson funded operation, providing Jewish American young people a chance to visit Israel.  
"The issue was raised in recent days days following the presence of groups of Birthrighters at the funderal on Mount Herzl and the death in action of Birthright alumnus and Golani soldier Max Steinberg 10 days ago.  Birthright CEO Gidi Mark said that "to attend a funeral, you have to understand the fuller context of what is happening here."

2014-08-03 Tel Aviv Police Commander Benzi Sau decided not to shoot the demonstrators this time.

  • Joseph Zernik Tel Aviv Police Commander Benzi Sau decided not to shoot the demonstrators this time. That he had done before to Arab demonstrators... 
    2006-08-17 Public Security Minister AVI DICHTER Refuses Supreme Court Recommendation to Cancel Promotion o
    f BENZI SAU_the Electronic Intifada (English only)
    השר לביטחון פנים אבי דיכטר מסרב להמלצת בית המשפט העליון לבטל את קידומו של בנצי סאו_אלקטרוניק אינטיפאדה 
    2006-10-00 Challenging Promotion of BENZI SAU to Senior Position in Ministry of Public Security_Adalah - The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel (English only)
    התנגדות לקידומו של בנצי סאו לתפקיד בכיר במשרד לביטחון פנים_עדאלה- המרכז המשפטי לזכויות המיעוט הערבי בישראל
    Today (2014) BENZI SAU is Tel-Aviv District Commander. Criminal Complaint was filed against Commander SAU, relative to unlawful enforcement of non-existent "Eviction Decrees" or "Demolition Decrees" in the OccupyTLV camp.