Monday, July 20, 2015

2015-07-21 WIKILEAKS: NSA does Germany

2015-07-21 WIKILEAKS: NSA does Germany
A leaked NSA intercept shows that German FM Steinmeier was relieved to have “not received any definitive response” from the US on its rendition program at the time of...

2015-07-21 US: Murderous police - a cardinal sign of a totalitarian regime!

2015-07-21 US: Murderous police - a cardinal sign of a totalitarian regime!
A University of Cincinnati police officer just shot an apparently unarmed man who has been described by friends and family as "frail" and "weak." San Dubose,

2015-07-21 US: Police brutality - a cardinal sign of a totalitarian regime!

2015-07-21 US: Police brutality - a cardinal sign of a totalitarian regime!
OMG this poor little angel, he was just leaving his family's bakery and never expected to be attacked by a rabid animal cop, this is literally making me cry.

2015-07-21 GAZA: A year later

2015-07-21 GAZA: A year later
Wafaa takes me back to the pile of rubble, but this time, not to show me the destruction. She points to a small shrub at the rubble’s edge, battered, but clearly...

2015-07-21 The memorial for self-immolated, social protest activist Moshe Silman in Tel-Aviv

2015-07-21 The memorial for self-immolated, social protest activist Moshe Silman in Tel-Aviv

2015-07-20 At the 3rd anniversary memorial for self-immolated social protest activist Moshe Silman

2015-07-20 At the 3rd anniversary memorial for self-immolated social protest activist Moshe Silman

2015-07-21 US: Pathological police - a cardinal sign of a dictatorial regime!

2015-07-21 US: Pathological police - a cardinal sign of a dictatorial regime!
OMG I couldn't read the details, this is just so disgusting. What the HELL is wrong with these people, it's like they're demon possessed wow

2015-07-21 US: News from the American Gulag

2015-07-21 US: News from the American Gulag
theGRIO REPORT - A young black teen who was recently arrested is dead of an apparent suicide according to Alabama authorities. Officials say Kindra Chapman...

2015-07-21 Hello world!

7/21 @ 7:56 : Tel Aviv, IL
7/21 @ 6:32 : Oxnard, California, US
7/20 @ 11:54 : Vancouver, CA
7/20 @ 11:46 : San Mateo, California, US
7/20 @ 10:58 : Mountain View, California, US
7/20 @ 3:49 : Jeddah, SA
7/20 @ 2:30 : Florida, US
7/20 @ 11:36 : Philippines, PH
7/20 @ 10:56 : Toulon, FR
7/20 @ 10:39 : Tampa, Florida, US

2015-07-20 The Mill of Life by Yitzhaq Shami (1888-1949) // טחנת החיים מאת יצחק שָׁמי (1888-1949

Next month, The Mill of Life - the collected works of Yitzhaq Shami are scheduled to be published in Hebrew by the largest publisher in Israel - Zemorah-Bitan et al.

The author and his work had a convluted history.

- In 2000, I published the collected stories in English. The volume was critically acclaimed, and it is today sold as a collector's item for exorbitant prices...

- In 2004, the collected stories appeared in French, published by the official press of the Calvinist church of Switzerland, at their initiative. I was initially surprised by their interest, especially that it was to the best of my knowledge the first fiction they ever published. Prior to that, their catalogue included only religious books, theology, etc.

- Also in 2004, the Palestinian Academic Association recognized Shami is one of the important Palestinian writers of the 20th century, under the influence of poet Mahmoud Darwish.

His acceptance in Hebrew literature was even more coplicated:

- In 1921, YH Brenner doomed Shami, by denouncing his first story "The Barren Wife" as an example of what should not be part of the new Hebrew literature...

- Later in the 1920s, following the publication of Vengeance of the Fathers, Prof Y Klozner tried to propose Shami for the Nobel prize in literature...

- Prof G Shaked wrote about Shami "An Arab author who wrote in Hebrew...", with it, Shaked wrote about Shami and David Vogel: "At times, the wild flowers, who grow on the margins of the avenue are much more beautiful than the cultivated flowers, which were planted in its middle..."

- A couple of years ago, Prof Dan Miron wrote: "Preoccupation with Shami's word should cease. He wrote in Arabic..." Miron claimed that Shami's personal diary, written in Arabic was kept in an archive, and untill it is clarified what was written in it, Shami's Hebrew literature shouldn't be published... Regardless of intensive searches, the diary has never been found...

- "Haaretz" daily named Shami a couple of times in recent years as a prime candidate for having his portrait on a money bill of the State of Israel...

When I signed the contract for publication of the Hebrew volume a year ago, Prof Y Schwartz asked me how I viewed Shami and his work. In response, I wrote to him:

Yitzhaq Shami, one of the best storytellers in early modern Hebrew literature, is distinguished in portraying human existence at its most despicable. His roots are in Hebron and the Judean mountains - homeland of Amos and Michah - and his canvas spans from the Arabian deserts, through Cairo, the Negev, the Judean mountains, Trans-Jordan, Damascus, Baghdad, to the Balkans.

טחנת החיים מאת יצחק שָׁמי 1888-1949
בחודש הבא, אוגוסט, עתיד הכרך "טחנת החיים", כלל כתביו של הסופר יצחק שָׁמי (1888-1949), לצאת לאור בהוצאת זמורה ביתן ושות.
לסופר וליצירותיו היסטוריה מפותלת, כתוצאה ממנה יצירותיו יוצאות לראשונה לאור כקובץ רק עתה, יותר מ-60 שנה לאחר מותו:
- בשנת 2000 כקרוב משפחה (שמי מצד אמי) והמחזיק היום בזכויות (ללא מטרת רווח) הוצאתי את קובץ סיפוריו של שמי באנגלית, והספר זכה להצלחה. ההוצאה הראשונה נמכרת היום כפריט לאספנים במחירים מופקעים.
- בשנת 2004, יצא קובץ הסיפורים לאור בתרגום צרפתי בהוצאת הכנסיה הקלוויניסטית של שווייץ - מיזמתם. די הופעתי מהעניין שמצאו בספר, בפרט שלמיטב ידיעתי, הקטלוג שלהם כלל עד אז רק ספרי דת (תיאולוגיה, פרשנות על התנך וכו), וזה היה הספר הראשון של ספרות יפה שהוציאו.
- בשנת 2004 גם הכירה האגודה האקדמית הפלסטינית בשמי, בהשפעת המשורר הלאומי מחמוד דרוויש, כאחד הסופרים הפלסטינים החשובים של המאה ה-20.
קבלתו של שמי בספרות העברית הייתה מורכבת הרבה יותר:
- יח ברנר חרץ את גורלו של שמי לשנים רבות במאמרו "הז'אנר הארצישראלי ואביזריהו", בו נתן את סיפורו הראשון של שמי "העקרה" שכותרת המשנה שלו הייתה "מחיי הספרדים", כדוגמה למה שברנר פסל כחלק מן הספרות העברית החדשה...
- לאחר פרסום הנובלה "נקמת האבות" ניסה פרופ יוסף קלוזנר בשנות ה-20 להגיש את שמי כמועמד לפרס נובל לספרות, על פי פרופ גרשון שקד.
- פרופ גרשון שקד כתב על שמי שהוא "סופר ערבי שכתב בעברית..." יחד עם זאת גם כתב על דוד פוגל ויצחק שמי: 'לעיתים, פרחי הבר הגדלים בשולי השדרה יפים לאין ערוך מפרחי התרבות שנשתלו במרכז השדרה'.
- פרופ דן מירון כתב לפני שנתיים "יש לחדול מן העיסוק בשמי. שמי כתב בערבית..." לטענתו של מירון, שמי כתב יומן אישי בערבית, ועד שיתברר מה בדיוק כתב שם, אין לעסוק ביצירתו, או לפרסם את יצירותיו בעברית... למרות שחיפשתי יומן זה בארכיונים, מעולם לא מצאתי אותו, אך היה יכול להיות מסמך מרתק...
- "הארץ" העלה בשנים האחרונות את שמו של יצחק שמי כמועמד ראשון במעלה של "סופר מזרחי" שדיוקנו יוטבע על שטר כסף של מדינת ישראל.
בעת חתימת החוזה להוצאת הכרך בהוצאת זמורה ביתן ושות, שאל אותי פרופ יגאל שוורץ, לגבי נקודת מבטי בעניין. בתשובה כתבתי לו:
יצחק שמי, ממיטב המספרים בספרות העברית המתחדשת, הפליא לתאר את ההוויה האנושית במיאוסה. צור מחצבתו בחברון והרי יהודה - מולדתם של עמוס ומיכה - ורוחב יריעתו ממדבריות ערב, דרך קהיר, הנגב, הרי יהודה, עבר הירדן, דמשק, בגדד, ועד להרי הבלקן

2015-07-20 ISRAEL: 3rd anniversary memorial for self-immolated social protest activist Moshe Silman // האזכרה ביום השנה השלישי למותו של משה סילמן

People talked about the sight of the flames, the smell of the burning flesh, the  failed hope for change, and the determination to continue the struggle.  His last letter was read, Kadhish was recited, and we dispersed.
Police stood politely across the street.

2015-07-20 האזכרה ביום השנה השלישי למותו של משה סילמן
דיברו על מראה הלהבות וריח הבשר החרוך שלא ישכחו לעולם, על התקווה לשינוי שנכזבה, על הנחישות להמשיך במאבק.
קראו את מכתבו האחרון, אמרו קדיש, והתפזרנו.
השוטרים עמדו בנימוס בצידו השני של הרחוב, לאחר שניסו תחילה להעתיק את הטקס מלפני השלט הצנוע שנשאר במקום לזכרון...

2015-07-20 Suicide of commander Efraim Bracha and "collapse" of the Israel Police // התאבדותו של ברכה ו"קריסת משטרת ישראל

2015-07-20 Suicide of commander Efraim Bracha and "collapse" of the Israel Police
My latest on
התאבדותו של ברכה ו"קריסת משטרת ישראל
המאמר האחרון שלי בסוכנות
Head of the National Fraud Investigations Unit Efraim Bracha committed suicide after a small online news outlet published reports of his corruption. As is the case in other...

2015-07-20 Hello world!

7/20 @ 11:36 : Philippines, PH
7/20 @ 10:56 : Toulon, FR
7/20 @ 10:39 : Tampa, Florida, US
7/20 @ 9:21 : Brétignolles-sur-mer, FR
7/20 @ 7:29 : Pasadena, California, US
7/20 @ 4:46 : Los Angeles, California, US
7/20 @ 3:20 : Switzerland, CH
7/20 @ 2:13 : Boulder, Colorado, US
7/20 @ 2:01 : Johannesburg, ZA
7/20 @ 1:56 : Mexico, MX

2015-07-20 US: Calling all gold home - loss of confidence in the Fed, USD, and the financial system

2015-07-20 US: Calling all gold home - loss of confidence in the Fed, USD, and the financial system
Texas (!) Germany, the Netherlands and others demand their gold back from Fort Knox, where no public audit has been conducted since 1953! jz
Gold Bullion Worth $1 Billion To Be “Repatriated” From NY Fed To New Texas Bullion Depository
The state of Texas has just passed legislation to build its own gold bullion depository, to repatriate $1 billion dollars worth of gold currently stored by the Federal Reserve...

2015-07-20 US: Murderous police - a cardinal sign a totalitarian regime!

2015-07-20 US: Murderous police - a cardinal sign a totalitarian regime!
"They Didn't Have To Shoot Me Six Times," Amy Bramuchi said about Alpharetta police officers who broke into her home while she was sleeping. She's talking

2015-07-20 US: News from the American Gulag

2015-07-20 US: News from the American Gulag
The death of Sandra Bland has been sweeping social media over the past week. But there are two other very similar cases that have received relatively little

2015-07-20 The Medieval-Digital Era....

2015-07-20 The Medieval-Digital Era....
Pepe Escobar writes:
Some exceptional nuggets of info in this Assange itvw. Here's one of the best:
SPIEGEL: So in the long run, cultural diversity is endangered?
Assange: The long-term effect is a tendency towards conformity, because controversy is eliminated. An American mindset is being fostered and spread to the rest of the world because they find this mindset to be uncontroversial among themselves. That is literally a type of digital colonialism; non-US cultures are being colonized by a mindset of what is tolerable to the staff and investors of a few Silicon Valley companies. The cultural standard of what is a taboo and what is not becomes a US standard, where US exceptionalism is uncontroversial.
In an interview, Julian Assange, 44, talks about the comeback of the WikiLeaks whistleblowing platform and his desire to provide assistance to a parliamentary...|By SPIEGEL ONLINE, Hamburg, Germany

2015-07-19 US: Corruption of the justice system in California

2015-07-19 US: Corruption of the justice system in California
Abuse of jailhouse informants, withholding evidence goes back decades|By Radley Balko

2015-07-19 US: News from the American Gulag

2015-07-19 US: News from the American Gulag
In US Prisons, Psychiatric Disability Is Often Met by Brute Force
Kanya D'Almeida, Truthout: Nearly half a century after the closure of most state mental health facilities in the United States, violence, neglect and abuse of prisoners labeled with psychiatric disabilities have become routine occurrences in jails and prisons throughout the country.
Read the Article
Violence, neglect and abuse of prisoners labeled with psychiatric disabilities have become routine in US prisons.|By Kanya D'Almeida

2015-07-19 Documents Published by WikiLeaks Reveal the NSA's Corporate Priorities

2015-07-19 Documents Published by WikiLeaks Reveal the NSA's Corporate Priorities
Bill Blunden, Truthout: Classified documents published by WikiLeaks reveal just how empty US talking points about Chinese cyber espionage are. Specifically, top-secret intercepts prove that economic spying by the United States is pervasive, and that it's wielded to benefit powerful corporate interests.
Read the Article
Top-secret intercepts show that economic spying by the US is pervasive, and that it's wielded to benefit powerful corporate interests.|By Bill Blunden

2015-07-19 US: Los Angeles - police corruption has never changed...

2015-07-19 US: Los Angeles - police corruption has never changed...
Nothing changed since the Rampart scandal (1998-2000), since it is corruption of the courts that is the core problem, and it was never addressed...
The Los Angeles Police Department is coming under fire after it was revealed that police officers have been routinely tampering with video and voice