Wednesday, November 19, 2014

2014-11-19 Hello world!

20.11.2014 @ 00:37 : Rishon Le Zion, IL
20.11.2014 @ 00:02 : Spain, ES
19.11.2014 @ 23:06 : United Kingdom, GB
19.11.2014 @ 22:33 : Jerusalem, IL
19.11.2014 @ 19:28 : Israel, IL
19.11.2014 @ 18:52 : Leesville, Louisiana, US
19.11.2014 @ 18:32 : Detroit, Michigan, US
19.11.2014 @ 17:44 : Mountain View, California, US
19.11.2014 @ 16:36 : Potomac, Maryland, US
19.11.2014 @ 16:30 : Japan, JP

2014-11-19 US and Torture: A medieval love affair...

2014-11-19 US and Torture: A medieval love affair...
Making public the Senate’s comprehensive review of the CIA’s controversial post-9/11 interrogation and rendition program could endanger the lives of Americans working...

2014-11-09 US: Attempt to restrict totalitarian NSA spying fails in Senate...

2014-11-19 ארה"ב: ניסיון להגביל את הריגול על האזרחים על ידי השירותים החשאיים נכשל בסנאט!
הטיעונים בעד ריגול בסגנון טוטליטרי היו כמובן - מניעת הטרור!
The US Senate failed to get the 60 votes needed to break a filibuster and move forward with the USA Freedom Act, which would have placed significant restrictions on the...

2014-11-19 PALESTINE: Recongized by Spain!

2014-11-19 PALESTINE: Recongized by Spain!
Spanish lawmakers have watered down outright calls for a Palestinian state after the ruling party passed a symbolic motion late Tuesday. The non-binding motion put forward by the socialists had initially urged the Madrid government to recognize...

2014-11-19 ITALY under the Greater Depression: violent evictions, riots in Milan

2014-11-19 ITALY under the Greater Depression: violent evictions, riots in Milan
World Riots 24/h added 3 new photos.
18/11/2014 ‪#‎Milan‬ ‪#‎Italy‬ After violent evictions and searches commited by police, protests going under ‪#‎sanvittore‬, a prison where some comrades resisting today have been transferred. Solidarity!

2014-11-19 US: End the "War on Drugs"!

2014-11-19 US: End the "War on Drugs"!
One thing that the left and the right both agree on, the drug war.

2014-11-19 Keiser report interviews Russell Brand, Alec Baldwin...

2014-11-19 Keiser report interviews Russell Brand, Alec Baldwin...
In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert host a two part interview with...

2014-11-19 US: Detroit water shut offs and water hoarding...

2014-11-19 US: Detroit water shut offs and water hoarding...
In an unprecedented measure, the UN sent observers to Detroit, who opined that the situation there is in violation of Human Rights...
Water gauging has become an issue also in oither nations, e.g. Ireland, Israel..
A bankrupt Detroit shuts off water to many of its residents in an effort to collect on...

2014-11-19 US: Back burner civil war - who is in charge in Ferguson? DHS!

2014-11-19 US: Back burner civil war - who is in charge in Ferguson? DHS!
Yesterday, Missouri governor could not explain to media, who is in control of public peace and welfare in Ferguson now....
Today, the answer is here - DHS!
Needless to say, such actions stand contrary to the US Constitution and Posse Comitatus Act!
A recent picture that a Navy veteran in Missouri posted to Facebook has gotten him...

2014-11-19 GREECE: Large demonstrations commemorating the failed uprising against the military dictatorship...

2014-11-19 GREECE: Large demonstrations commemorating the failed uprising against the military dictatorship...

2014-11-19 GERMANY under the Greater Depression

2014-11-19 GERMANY under the Greater Depression
Scenes that are directly taken from the Great Depression a century ago...
After the riots in Cologne, the nazis have embarked into making a loud political statement and their marches have increased exponentially, in Germany. Probably...

2014-11-18 FERGUSON: Back-burner civil war in the United States...

2014-11-18 FERGUSON: Back-burner civil war in the United States...
U.S. military veterans, many who have served in the Iraq war, call on the Missouri...

2014-11-18 ISRAEL: Who is in control?

2014-11-18 ISRAEL: Who is in control?
Folloing today's terror attack in Jerusalem, PM Netanyahu issued a public statement, holding Palestinian PM Abu Mazen accountable, since he incites for terror. A few hours later, Shin-Bet Head Yoram Cohen contradicted Netnyahu.
It is not clear at all, who is in control in the State of Israel. The evidence mostly suggests that the Shin-Bet operates above the lawful structure of government. Similar conditions prevail today in the United States....
2014-11-18 מי שולט במדינת ישראל?
נתניהו טוען שהפיגוע הוא תוצאה הסתה לאלימות של מאבו מאזן, אבל ראש השב"כ אומר אחרת.
בכלל לא ברור שביבי או שרה שולטים במדינה... הראיות מצביעות על כך שהשב"כ למעשה הוא זה ששולט בנו... מצב דומה לזה ששורר היום בארה"ב...
בניגוד לנתניהו, ליברמן ובנט, יורם כהן קבע בפני ועדת החוץ והביטחון כי יו"ר הרשות "לא מעודד אלימות", אלא מאמין שהסיבה לגל הפיגועים היא בין היתר רצח הנער...

2014-11-18 WIKILEAKS!

2014-11-18 WIKILEAKS!
John Pilger | The Siege of Julian Assange Is a Farce
John Pilger, Truthout: The United States is pursuing Julian Assange, with the help of the UK and Swedish governments, because WikiLeaks exposed US crimes in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Read the Article…
The US is pursuing Julian Assange because WikiLeaks exposed US crimes in Afghanistan and Iraq.

2014-11-18 WIKILEAKS!

2014-11-18 WIKILEAKS!
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange reportedly announced the whistleblowing website...

2014-11-18 FERGUSON!

2014-11-18 FERGUSON!
The governor of Missouri activated the National Guard on Monday ahead of what could be a new wave of mass protests, but doesn’t seem certain at all about who will be in...

2014-11-18 Cold War 2.0 is a currency/banking war

2014-11-18 Cold War 2.0 is a currency/banking war
Sberbank, Russia’s largest lender, will be the first bank in the country to start issuing credit guarantees denominated in Chinese yuan. The new yuan-based letters of credit...

2014-11-18 MH17 and the propaganda wars...

2014-11-18 MH17 and the propaganda wars...
[via Anonymous Berlin]
In an interview with RT German Rainer Rupp Topaz, his geopolitical assessment into the Ukraine crisis, alias, explains the ominous role of Ukrainian intelligence at MH17, as well as the evidence for a Stasiverstrickung President Joachim Gauck and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Rainer Rupp was regarded as the "best man" of East German intelligence. Under the code name Topaz (ID. XV/3334/68) he provided for many years information of the highest level of confidentiality "COSMIC top secret" from the NATO headquarters in Brussels. In July 1993, he was arrested and sentenced for serious treason. After his release, he made a name as a writer and speaker on geo-political and intelligence topics. The interview was conducted by RT-online editor Florian Warweg [1].
Cross references: [1] ex-spy MH17 and Stasi - connections by Merkel & Nikki…/rt-exklusiv-ex-top-spion-zu-mh-…/ (Translated by Bing)
Anonymous uploaded a new video from November 18 at 3:40pm to their timeline.
Videowempfehlung! Viele wertvolle Informationen. Anonymous meint: Sollte man gesehen haben! Im Interview mit RT Deutsch gibt Rainer Rupp, alias Topas, seine geo...
See More

2014-11-18 US: Back burner civil war...

2014-11-18 US: Back burner civil war...
The FBI is warning law enforcement agencies across the country that the decision by the grand jury considering the Ferguson shooting “will likely” lead some extremist...

2014-11-18 World under the Greater Depression

2014-11-18 World under the Greater Depression
This is class warfare.

2014-11-18 FERGUSON: Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon Declares State Of Emergency Ahead Of Grand Jury Decision (video, slide show)

2014-11-18 FERGUSON: Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon Declares State Of Emergency Ahead Of Grand Jury Decision (video, slide show)
[via HuffPost]
As a grand jury prepares to hand down a decision on the indictment of officer Darren Wilson, Missouri Governor Jay Nixon (D) declared a state of emergency. The National Guard has been activated, and the FBI is warning that violence is expected from extremist protesters. [HuffPost]…/missouri-state-of-emergency…
Gov. Jay Nixon (D) issued an executive order on Monday declaring a state of emergency in Missouri as the nation awaits a grand jury decision in the case of the...

2014-11-18 US: Back-burner civil war

2014-11-18 US: Back-burner civil war
Thousands Plan Armed March On Washington State Capitol To Protest New Gun Law…/thousands-plan-armed-march-wash…
Respecting election results is only for Democrats. Ammosexuals are free to ignore...

2014-11-18 CLOSE GITMO NOW!

2014-11-18 CLOSE GITMO NOW!
Finding Justice at Guantánamo: An Interview With a Former Military Lawyer
Aisha Maniar, One Small Window: Former. Lt. Col. Barry Wingard, who represents Fayiz Al-Kandari, a remaining Kuwaiti prisoner held at Guantánamo, speaks about what the release of another Kuwaiti prisoner means and what lies ahead for Al-Kandari and the other 147 Guantánamo prisoners.
Read the Interview…

2014-11-18 ISRAEL: Shin-Bet v IDF - "Armageddon"

2014-11-18 ISRAEL: Shin-Bet v IDF - "Armageddon"
General News 11/18/2014 at 00:46:13
ISRAEL: Shin-Bet v IDF - "Armageddon"
By Joseph Zernik 
In Israel, as is the case in the United States, the lawful structure of representative government has long been replaced by a "Deep State" apparatus with remarkably similar results: Military aggression as the mode of operation in international affairs, and Robber Baron Era style domestic policies, leading to unchecked power of the banking system and rapid increase in poverty.…/ISRAEL-Shin-Bet-v-IDF---by-Joseph…
In Israel, as is the case in the United States, the lawful structure of representative government has long been replaced by a "Deep State" apparatus with remarkably similar results: Military aggression as the mode of...