Thursday, February 19, 2015

2015-02-19 SPAIN: Pablo Iglesias - the Anti-Bank Activist Could Be the Next European Leader to Stand Up to the Banks

2015-02-19 SPAIN: Pablo Iglesias - the Anti-Bank Activist Could Be the Next European Leader to Stand Up to the Banks
By Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!
If the Podemos party wins Spain’s national elections, Pablo Iglesias could become the next prime minister. READ MORE»…
If the Podemos party wins Spain’s national elections, Pablo Iglesias could become the next prime minister.
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2015-02-20 Hello world!

20.2.2015 @ 04:52 : Tel Aviv, IL
20.2.2015 @ 04:38 : Murray River, CA
20.2.2015 @ 04:10 : Surrey, CA
20.2.2015 @ 01:41 : Hadera, IL
20.2.2015 @ 01:28 : Longjumeau, FR
20.2.2015 @ 00:54 : Mountain View, California, US
19.2.2015 @ 19:43 : Duncan, CA
19.2.2015 @ 17:46 : Israel, IL
19.2.2015 @ 17:22 : Châlons-en-champagne, FR
19.2.2015 @ 12:36 : Haifa, IL

2015-02-19 US: Obama could have been more corrupt...

2015-02-19 US: Obama could have been more corrupt...
Great to know! The persecution of whistle-blowers is the hallmark of corrupt regimes!
Outgoing US Attorney General Eric Holder told reporters Tuesday that his department has acted prudently in prosecuting government leaks. Journalist James Risen, a target...

2015-02-19 Power fights among the hackers supreme

2015-02-19 Power fights among the hackers supreme
US search engine giant Google has warned against increasing the government's powers for infiltrating computer systems around the world, saying it would open a number of "monumental" constitutional issues.

2015-02-19 Russian perspective on building the Eurasian Century

2015-02-19 Russian perspective on building the Eurasian Century
This article originally appeared at Deep Resource

2015-02-19 ISRAEL: Election campaign...

2015-02-19 ISRAEL: Election campaign...
A man who unfurled a gay pride flag in a religious right-wing election campaign was assaulted.
לאחר שפעיל שלף את דגל הגאווה באמצע נאום של בנט, התנפלו עליהם כמה...

2015-02-19 SNOWDEN!

2015-02-19 SNOWDEN!
Sad but true!
Anon Join us!

Class Warfare

Class Warfare
[via Bernie Sanders]
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2015-02-19 OccupyTLV

יאללה, שיעבירו את המאהל שלהם לרוטשילד.
לא מבין מה הם עושים בארלוזורוב מלכתחילה..
העירייה ניתקה את מאהל ארלוזורוב מהחיבור לחשמל בטענה כי תושבים התחברו...
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  • Joseph Zernik Sherban Ovadia
    [English below]
    אנחנו נמצאים במאהל המחאה בארלוזורוב על פי ההסכם של תנועת המחאה ב-2012, ואני רואה את נוכחותנו שם כ"שומרי הגחלת". כמעט כל ניסיון של בודדים להקים מאהלים במקומות אחרים נתקל באלימות משטרתית (ברמת השרון בית המשפט התיר להם להיש
    אר, אחרי היתקלות עם המשטרה). אולם אין לי ספק שהמאהל ברוטשילד ישוב וייבנה. רק צריך לשדוד את העם בישראל עוד קצת, לפני שייפול האסימון, כמו ביוון. רוב אנשי המאהל היום הם דרי רחוב עם תודעה פוליטית מינימלית, כאלה שאינם מטופלים ע"י הרווחה ועסוקים בהישרדות.
    Sherban Ovadia asked: What are you doing there? Why aren't you in Rothschild Ave (location of the original OccupyTLV)?
    Response: We moved to the current location as the result of the agreement in 2012 between the protest movement and Tel-Aviv muni. We exist today as flame keepers. I have no doubt that the camp on Rothschild Ave will return. But first, the people in Israel need to be pillaged more, before the coin drops, as happened in Greece. Today, most of the residents are steert persons with minimal if any political awareness, people who are struggling to survive. And almost any attempt by individuals or small groups to build another protest camp was met with police violence.
    4 hrs · Edited · Like · 1
  • Joseph Zernik Sherban Ovadia
    בין השאר, אני מנהל ארכיון של המאהל:
    Among other activities, I maintain an online archive of the OccupyTLV, where you can see its history:

    0000-00-00 OccupyTLV: Index of Records and Links (many with full English translation) מאהל המחאה ת"א: רשימת כתבים וקישורים

2015-02-18 OccupyTLV

2015-02-18 OccupyTLV
The encampment has been home to some 50 people for two years. A court had ordered the installation of electricity, which the city says has been used illegally. By Avi...

2015-02-18 PALESTINE: The Kids' Intifada

2015-02-18 PALESTINE: The Kids' Intifada
[via HA-MAKOM Israeli news outlet]
Growing numbers of minors detained during daytime, outside their homes, without due notice to their parents.
Other kids are seized at home in middle of the night raids, without informing the parents where they are taken to, and often to night time interrogation with no access to an attorney.
"בשטחים ילד יכול להיעלם או להיעצר בשטח ואף אחד לא מודיע לאף אחד שום דבר"

2015-02-18 US: Murderous police - a cardinal sign of a totalitarian regime!

2015-02-18 US: Murderous police - a cardinal sign of a totalitarian regime!
Two sheriff’s deputies involved in a fatal Jan. 8 shooting have resigned, according to a union spokeswoman.

2015-02-18 PALESTINE!

2015-02-18 PALESTINE!
IDF conducted military drills in the civillian neighborhood of Tel Rumeida.
ه حيث انتشر الجنود في الطرقات وافنية البيوت الفلسطينية في الحي مشيرين أسلحتهم باتجاه النوافذ والمواطنين وبشكل خاص الأطفال منهم لدى توجههم إلى مدارسهم والذين تم ايقاف العديدين منهم من قبل هذه القوات لاحتلالها للطرقات.
Hebron - Tel Rumeida \ Tens of IOF soldiers this morning initiated military exercises in Tel Rumeida neighborhood as soldiers dispersed in the roads and Palestinian homes front yards pointing their weapons toward citizens especially school children as they were on their way to schools.

2015-02-18 Pussy Riot's first English song is Eric Garner Tribute

2015-02-18 Pussy Riot's first English song is Eric Garner Tribute
Russian protest group/band Pussy Riot have released their first English language song, a tribute to Staten Island choking victim Eric Garner. The single, "I Can't Breathe,"...

2015-02-18 Occupy subsidized NYC Luxury Apartments...

2015-02-18 Occupy subsidized NYC Luxury Apartments...
New York residents stormed one of the most luxurious residential towers in New York, One57, and call for an end to senseless subsidies for luxury apartments.
Take Action! Tell Billionaires you won’t subsidize their penthouses

2015-02-18 Class War!

2015-02-18 Class War!
The Great Depression of the 20th century and the current Greater Depression are Class Wars of the same type.
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2015-02-18 BRAZIL: Repressing protest

2015-02-18 BRAZIL: Repressing protest
Santiago Navarro F. and Translated by Miriam Taylor, Truthout: Protesters in Brazil are demanding more as military police, trained to respond to acts of terrorism, violently attempt to control the thousands of people who have taken to the streets, protesting both the 17 percent rise in the cost of fares and the poor quality of public transportation.
Read the Article and View the Photos…
Protesters in Brazil are demanding more as military police violently attempt to control the thousands who have taken to the streets.