Tuesday, December 22, 2009

09-12-22 Moses Lebovits - one of only a handful of honest attorneys in Los Angeles...

Date: Tue, 22 Dec 2009 20:27:34 -0800
To: "Moses Lebovits"
From: joseph zernik
Subject: Ongoing false imprisonment of Richard Fine by Judge David Yaffe, Mr  David Pasternak's self-designation as "Receiver" in Samaan  v Zernik  (SC087400), and the silence of the Jewish community... 
Moses Lebovits, Esq
Lebovits law-firm
Los Angeles, California
Dear Mr Lebovits:
In my 6 year saga with racketeering judges and attorneys in Los Angeles, I remember you as one of the handful of honest ones... I doubt that you remember our interaction at all, it probably lasted less than a minute.  I was seeking representation, and the short conversation ended abruptly when you stated "I don't appear before that judge" [Jacqueline Connor].
Thanks again for your honesty,
Joseph Zernik

At 19:57 22/12/2009, you wrote:
Your message

  To:      Steven A. Sokol
  Cc:      Samuels, Sandor - Legal; Pasternak; Cindy F. Pasternak; Long
list of rabbinical and jewish recipients
  Subject: Mr  David Pasternak's self-designation as "Receiver" in
Samaan  v Zernik  (SC087400), and the silence of the Jewish community...
  Sent:    Tue, 22 Dec 2009 19:19:56 -0800

was read on Tue, 22 Dec 2009 19:57:03 -0800

09-12-22 Expedient response from Rabbi Susan Laemmle...

"One of my prevailing principles has been to take calculated risks," said Rabbi Laemmle, dean of USC's Office of Religious Life.
Dear Rabbi Laemmle -
You are more than welcome to block me out of your email box.  It would serve as a perfect example of the disgraceful conduct of leaders of the Jewish community in the face of rampant corruption of Jewish legal professionals resulting in abuse of the basic human rights of thousand of Los Angeles residents, first and foremost among them - Richard Fine.
Please block me out if you would not like to hear the truth in the matter.
Joseph Zernik

At 18:55 22/12/2009, you wrote:

Please remove me from your mailing list. Thank you, Susan
On 12/22/09 6:42 PM, "joseph zernik" <
jz12345@earthlink.net> wrote:

Hi Attorney Sokol:

09-12-22 Mr David Pasternak's self-designation as "Receiver" in Samaan v Zernik (SC087400), and the silence of the Jewish community...

Date: Tue, 22 Dec 2009 18:42:58 -0800
To: "Steven A. Sokol"
From: joseph zernik
Subject: Mr  David Pasternak's self-designation as "Receiver" in Samaan v Zernik  (SC087400), and the silence of the Jewish community...
Cc: "Samuels, Sandor - Legal" , "Pasternak" , "Cindy F. Pasternak" , "Long list of rabbinical and jewish recipients"

Hi Attorney Sokol:                                         
So, how far do you think this racketeering would go on? Is there no shame left?
Please tell your friend Sandor Samuels it was time to call it quits...   Otherwise - during this holiday season, let's call a spade a spade for a change:  Sandor Samuels, David Pasternak, Terry Friedman, David Yaffe, John Segal, Jacqueline Connor, Gerald Rosenberg, and others, through the prominent positions of the former three in Bet Tzedek. and through the central roles of all in corruption of the courts, were and are a disgrace to the Jewish Community in Los Angeles and elsewhere.
Regardless of whom I communicated with by email, in re: corruption of the courts and efforts at judicial reform - from Maine through Maryland to Los Angeles and Hawaii, I repeatedly heard complaints about the "Jewish Mafia" in the courts. I guess my last name was not Jewish enough.  However, I found myself hard-pressed to contest these notions, given the picture from Los Angeles.

In a way, I felt that it was my karma to be trapped by the LA-JR (LA-Judiciary Racket), and be forced to use my eclectic skills to uncover the various aspects of its operations, where David Pasternak was the henchman for real-estate fraud cases.  The false imprisonment of Richard Fine and my own struggle would eventually be, no doubt, the saving graces of the Jewish community.  Regardless of numerous notices and extreme over-representation of the Jewish community among legal professionals and the judiciary, the Jewish/legal community in Los Angeles remained totally dumb and mute, while Richard Fine was completing 10 months of false imprisonment under solitary confinement and false hospitalization, "off the record" and "off the inmate count" of the men's central jail.
Mitch Kamin, Bet Tzedek's President, and the Jewish Federation's Stanley P Gold deserve a special rebuke in this regard.  However, none of the Jewish attorneys and judges in Los Angeles would be able to say, "we never knew what was going on...". The conduct of the Jewish/legal community was particularly despicable given the disloyalty it showed to the US Constitution and its Amendments, the covenant of the American people, which provided millions of Jewish refugees new homes and new opportunities like nowhere else.  As one who raised his kids in the Jewish faith and as loyal US citizens, it was my special duty to speak out and make my opinion of the Jewish community's disgraceful conduct in this matter be publicly known.
Any comments on the matter would be gratefully received.

Joe Zernik
At 16:34 22/12/2009, you wrote:
Your message

  To:      David Pasternak; Cindy F. Pasternak; John Patton
  Cc:      Mohammad Keshavarzi; jenna.moldawsky@bryancave.com; Amberg,
John W.; Modisett, Jeffrey A, Managing Partner- LA; Charles McCoy
-Presiding Judge ; John A Clarke- Clerk of the Court
  Subject: Let's make it simple - what is the legal foundation for Mr
David Pasternak's self designation as "Receiver" in Samaan v Zernik
(SC087400). Timely response kindly requested by December 23, 2009,
  Sent:    Tue, 22 Dec 2009 16:17:44 -0800

was read on Tue, 22 Dec 2009 16:34:46 -0800

Final-Recipient: RFC822; ssokol@hallingsokol.com
Disposition: automatic-action/MDN-sent-automatically; displayed
X-MSExch-Correlation-Key: 73v80C/5kkS/S41/SQ1LMw==

09-12-22 Requesting FBI to provide Equal Protection against fraud by the Los Angeles Superior Court

Date: Tue, 22 Dec 2009 10:54:40 -0800
To: FBI, Office of Inspector General US Dept of Justice
From: joseph zernik
Subject: Fraud under caption of Samaan v Zernik (SC087400) of the Los Angeles Superior Court

To FBI and US Department of Justice Inspector General Glenn A Fine:

Please accept the attached letter, dated December 22, 2009, addressed to the Los Angeles Superior Court Presiding Judge, Clerk of the Court, and others, in re: Fraud under caption of Samaan v Zernik (SC087400), as an additional request for Equal Protection under the law against racketeering at the court, and also as an addendum to complaint against Kenneth Kaiser- FBI, and Kenneth Melson - USDOJ, pending before the Inspector General.

Dated: December 22, 2009                
La Verne, County of Los Angeles, California                     Joseph H Zernik 
By: ______________
                                                                                            PO Box 526, La Verne, CA 91750
                                                                                                                           Fax: 801 998 0917

"This case should demonstrate that the FBI will pursue all allegations of judicial corruption vigorously, as public corruption violations are among the most serious of all criminal conduct and can tear at the fabric of a democratic society," said John F. Pikus, special agent in charge of the Albany division, in a prepared statement.  

09-12-22 Requesting the Presiding Judge and Clerk of the Court to stop fraud under caption of Samaan v Zernik (SC087400)

_ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ David Pasternak 
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 2009 09:54:06 -0800
To: "Charles McCoy -Presiding Judge " <12136177176@efaxsend.com>, "John A Clarke- Clerk of the Court" <12136217952@efaxsend.com>, "Mohammad Keshavarzi" , jenna.moldawsky@bryancave.com, "Amberg, John W." < jwamberg@BryanCave.com >, "David Pasternak" , "Cindy F. Pasternak" , "John Patton"
From: joseph zernik
Subject: Fraud under caption of Samaan v Zernik (SC087400)

Please see attached letter in re: Fraud under caption of
Samaan v Zernik (SC087400), jz 
December 22, 2009

Presiding Judge Charles McCoy
Clerk of the Court John A Clarke
Judge Richard A Stone
Attorney David Pasternak and the law firm of Pasternak, Pasternak, Patton
Attorney Mohammad Keshavarzi and the law firm of Sheppard Mullin
Attorneys John Amberg and Jenna Moldawsky and the law firm of Bryan Cave, LLP

RE: Multiple instances of fraud by the court in Samaan v Zernik (SC087400)

Dear Presiding Judge McCoy, Clerk Clarke, Judge Stone, and Attorneys listed above:

I am writing to request that you bring to an end multiple instances of fraud by the court, perpetrated through the Office of the Clerk and through judges of the LA-JR (alleged LA-Judiciary Racket), such as Jacqueline Connor, John Segal, and Terry Friedman:

1) Regarding purported caption of Samaan v Zernik (SC087400) as whole
Neither the Presiding Judge, nor the Clerk of the Court were willing to state on the record that it was a caption that was litigated under the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles, and the evidence as a whole indicated that it was fraud from the start. I therefore request that you ensure that nobody in the court issued any additional fraudulent notices or papers under such fraudulent caption, and that nobody was allowed to file any additional papers under such fraudulent caption.
I request that you mark all records of this caption as fraud in court records.

2) Regarding fraudulent Minute Order of August 21, 2007, and conduct of Deputy-Clerk L Adornato
That minute order was central to the alleged fraud by Judge Jacqueline Connor in re: purported judgment in this case. The copy of the minute order that was mailed out was considered prime evidence of fraud by the court, among other reasons:
• It was dated and signed by L Adornato as if it were entered on August 21, 2007.
• In fact, the minute order in Sustain showed that it was entered on August 28, 2007.
• The USPS stamp was likewise of August 28, 2007.
I allege that Deputy-Clerk L Adornato was a willful partner to criminalities by Judge Jacqueline Connor.
I request that you initiate investigation of alleged fraud in conduct of L Adornato.
I request that you specifically mark the August 21, 2007 Minute Order as fraud in court records.

3) Regarding fraudulent November 9, 2007 Order Appointing David Pasternak Receiver and conduct of Deputy Clerk John Tennyson.

• Deputy Clerk John Tennyson accepted the filing of a fraudulent (as opined by fraud expert) November 9, 2007 Order appointing David Pasternak Receiver, with a Proof of Service dated October 26, 2007, which belonged to a different record.
• Later, Attorney David Pasternak purported to be a truly appointed Receiver, where in fact there never was an honest, valid and effectual order for his appointment.
• Later, using such fraudulent Appointment Order Attorney David Pasternak issued fraudulent grant deeds (as opined by fraud expert)
• Requests by me, or by legal services (which provided declaration to that effect) to have such fraudulent order certified by the Office of the Clerk West District, were routinely denied.
• The office of the Clerk of the Court and the Presiding Judge of the Court, likewise, refused to certify David Pasternak’s appointment as a Receiver.
• Such order, by law was to be entered into the Book of Judgment, in order to make it effectual for any purpose - was never entered – since no Book of Judgment existed.
• Regardless of all the above, I have in my possession a certified copy of the order, which was certified by John Tennyson as well, at the request of another party.
I allege that Deputy-Clerk John Tennyson was willful partner to criminalities by Judge John Segal and Attorney David Pasternak.
I requested that you initiate investigation of alleged fraud in conduct of John Tennyson in this regard.
I request that you specifically mark the November 9, 2007 Order as fraud in court records.

4) Regarding fraudulent November 9, 2007 Order Appointing David Pasternak Receiver, fraudulent November 24, 2009 Declaration by Attorney David Pasternak, and conduct of Attorney David Pasternak in general.

• On or about November 24, 2009, Attorney David Pasternak purported to have filed a declaration under the fraudulent caption of Samaan v Zernik (SC087400)
• Such declaration was purported to have been filed under a face page, where Attorney David Pasternak fraudulently designated himself “Receiver”.
• As usual, as part of the fraudulent scheme, Attorney David Pasternak never used the term “entered” relative to such order, but instead used the invalid, ineffectual term “issued”
• Regardless, the intent and the conduct of David Pasternak, who filed papers designating himself “Receiver” based on such fraudulent paper, was part of a fraud scheme, as opined by fraud expert of the highest reputation.
• The declaration filed on or about November 24, 2009 was replete with other fraud records, none of them including authentication.
I allege that Attorney David Pasternak was routine partner in real estate fraud by the LA-JR.
I request that the Clerk of the Court specifically mark the declaration by Attorney David Pasternak,
dated November 24, 2009 as Fraud.

5) Regarding intention of Attorney David Pasternak to appear before Judge Richard A Stone on January 5, 2010, or any other date, under the fraudulent caption of Samaan v Zernik, with a fraudulent Motion and a fraudulent declaration.
I request that the clerk of the court forward this notice to Judge Richard A Stone, and that the Presiding Judge and the Clerk of the Court prevent any further racketeering on court grounds during business hours under the fraudulent caption of Samaan v Zernik (SC087400).

6) Regarding monetary transactions between Attorney David Pasternak and the Clerk of the Court, and designation of funds received under the fraudulent caption of Samaan v Zernik (SC087400)
As previously noted, all fees under this caption were designated “Journal Entry”, where in other cases such fees were designated “ Filing Fees”, “Motion Fees”, “Stipulation Fees”, etc.
I again request that the Presiding Judge and Clerk of the Court disclose the final designation of funds taken by the court under caption of Samaan v Zernik (SC087400), as well as the designation of funds received by the Clerk of the Court from Attorney David Pasternak under the same caption, which would upon review be deemed money laundering.


Joseph Zernik
"This case should demonstrate that the FBI will pursue all allegations of judicial corruption vigorously, as public corruption violations are among the most serious of all criminal conduct and can tear at the fabric of a democratic society," said John F. Pikus, special agent in charge of the Albany division, in a prepared statement. 

09-12-22 Requesting opinion of US, California, and Los Angeles tax authority regarding taxation by a racketeering governent

  See full size image
December 22, 2009

County of Los Angeles
Department of Treasurer and Tax Collector
225 North Hill Street
Los Angeles, CA 90051-4818

State of California
Franchise Tax Board

PO Box 942867
Sacramento, CA 94267-0011

California EDD
PO Box 826286
Sacramento, CA 94230-6286

222 North Sepulveda
El Segundo CA 90245-4341

RE: Request for opinion by US, California, and Los Angeles tax authorities regarding double taxation through racketeering by the courts and government's failure to provide equal protection.

Dear IRS, California State Franchise Tax Board, and Tax Collector of the County of Los Angeles:

I am in receipt of numerous notices from your agencies – demanding payment of taxes to the U.S. Government, to the State of California and to the County of Los Angeles.  However, I am in no position to conduct any reasonable accounting – since I am the victim of real estate fraud and racketeering by the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles, going on since 2005, combined with failure of US, California, and Los Angeles law-enforcement agencies to act against corruption at the courts.

The evidence for such criminality by the courts was overwhelming. Suffice was to say that James Wedick, an FBI veteran, who had been decorated by US Congress, by FBI Director and by US Attorney General, provided an opinion letter in this regard. [1]  Additional details were provided in a recent letter I sent to Attorney David Pasternak, who purported to act on behalf of the court, and who was subject of the opinion by Mr James Wedick. [2]  In addition, The County of Los Angeles, California, was routinely listed by FBI as #1 in the nation in real estate fraud cases in the past decade. One FBI agent claimed Los Angeles County was #1 in the world in such fraud cases.  FBI also designated Los Angeles County "the epicenter of the epidemic of real estate and mortgage fraud" - which bred the current financial/integrity crisis.  

The evidence showed that the Los Angeles Superior Court, combined with refusal of US, California, and Los Angeles law-enforcement agencies to act against corrupt judges, were the ones who propelled Los Angeles County to such distinction.  Similar evidence was published by newspapers regarding the neighboring San Bernardino County.  There, too, there was no evidence of any intention by law-enforcement to act against corrupt judges.[3]

Therefore, I am writing to ask that you issue opinions whether a person who was a victim of racketeering by State of California and County of Los Angeles agencies, and who was denied equal protection by US,  State of California, and County of Los Angeles law-enforcement agencies should be subject to tax assessments by the US, State of California, and the County of Los Angeles.

I look forward to receipt of your opinions in this matter, which must be relevant and applicable to numerous victims of corruption of the justice system of California.



Joseph Zernik
As an individual and as a professional corporation.
Index #4587680
SS #043-24-3556

Linked Records:

[1] Opinion letter and resume’ of Mr James Wedick
[2] Letter to Attorney David Pasternak requesting that he withdraw fraudulent declarations he filed in court
[3] Former Supervising Judge Welch, San Bernardino County – tied to numerous real estate fraud cases in the court.

09-12-21 Requesting Sheriff Lee Baca copies of the arrest and booking papers of Richard Fine and Ronald Gottschalk


Joseph Zernik, DMD, PhD
PO Box 526, La Verne, CA 91750; fax: 801 998-0917; email: jz12345@earthlink.net

December 21, 2009
Sheriff Lee Baca
Sheriff Department of Los Angeles County

RE: Repeat request for access to public records that were arrest and booking papers of inmates: 1.Booking No: 1824367 Richard Fine; 2. Booking No: 2088144 Ronald Gottschalk

Dear Sheriff Baca:

In response to requests for assistance by Supervisor Antonowitch regarding denial of access to public records by your office, where public access was provided by California Public Records Act, Supervisor Antonowitch's office informed me that your office stated that you faxed me a response on November 4, 2009.  I have no record of such fax, and would be grateful if you could send it again, hoping that it indeed included the requested public records -  arrest and booking records of:
1.       Booking No: 1824367 Richard Fine
2.       Booking No: 2088144 Ronald Gottschalk
Obviously, concern was that the Sheriff Department was holding for 9 months Attorney Richard Fine in violation of the law, and the denial of access to arrest and booking papers was meant to cover up that fact.  Likewise, his holding in a hospital room, with no medical justification, was likely to be a way of keeping him off the three times a day routine counts of inmates - since Richard Fine was an "off the record", "off the count" inmate.
The holding of Attorney Gottschalk, since released on bail, likewise, was in a medical facility, and again - concern was that it was in violation of the law.
A well-recognized civil rights organization, which advised me in this matter, stated that they routinely made such requests in other counties of California, and that other counties routinely complied with the law.  There was no reason why LA County Sheriff Department would not likewise comply with the law.
I would be grateful for your expedient response.

Joseph Zernik

CC: Office of Supervisor Antonowitch