Saturday, December 26, 2009

09-12-26 Notice to Sheppard Mullin in re: false Order and Notice, alleged racketeering at the court.

Mohammad Keshavarzi: Lawyer with Sheppard, Mullin, Richter & Hampton LLP
Mohammad Keshavarzi

Hi guys at the US SS:
What do think it would take for US to enforce the law in Los Angeles California?
Or perhaps this was the new law - racketeering in the courts...  It just looked like US government lost control in Los Angeles County, and would not have the power to enforce the law even if it wanted.  By now it might take the national guard or the marines to recapture the territory. Maybe do another purchase agreement, buy it back from the racket.
Joseph Zernik
Patriotic pics of sharon stone, beyonce knowles, and charlize theron,
Coming soon- deep house music!

Date: Sat, 26 Dec 2009 04:19:49 -0800
To: "Sheppard Mullin"
From: joseph zernik
Subject: Alleged racketeering in Samaan v Zernik (SC087400) - false and deliberately misleading December 8, 2009 Order and Notice.
Cc: "David Pasternak" , "Samuels, Sandor - Legal" , "Boock, Todd A -Legal" , "Presiding Judge Charles McCoy" <>, "John A Clarke- Clerk of the Court" <>

December 26, 2009

Mohammad Keshavarzi, Esq
Sheppard Mullin
Counsel for Nivie Samaan

RE: Alleged racketeering in Samaan v Zernik (SC087400) - false and deliberately misleading December 8, 2009 Order and Notice.

Dear Atty Keshavarzi:

I received today at my La Verne post office box your false and deliberately misleading December 8, 2009 "Order and Notice of Case Reassignment".
[1] Depending on the method of enumeration, this piece alone may provide evidence of predicated acts including, but not limited to:

  • Mail fraud
  • Fraud
  • Perversion and obstruction of justice
  • Falsification of Court records
  • Intimidation, harassment and retaliation against a witness, informant, victim
Reasons why your mail piece should be deemed fraud, included, but were not limited to the following:
1) Samaan v Zernik was never a case litigated under jurisdiction of the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles.  Presiding Judge McCoy and Clerk of the Court Clarke repeatedly refused to certify it as such.
2) All fees under such caption were designated "Journal Entry", while in true court cases they were designated "Filing Fees", "Motion Fees" etc.
3) Presiding Judge McCoy and Clerk Clarke refused to disclose the true designation of funds falsely collected as fees in this case.
4) Samaan, your client, never paid filing fees with her complaint, but the court refused to dismiss the case as required by law.
5) None of the judges in the case held an assignment order, and Supervising Judge Rosenberg refused to issue an Assignment Order for Terry Friedman, when I appeared before him for that purpose in December 2007.
6) You cannot re-assign a non-case from an unassigned-judge Terry Friedman to another judge - Richard A Stone.
7) The paper that you mailed me as "Order and Notice" was false and deliberately misleading paper - an older paper form, not the currently valid Minute Order for Reassignment, which would have been issued in Sustain, the case management system of the court, had it been a true case of the court.
8) The Certificate of Mailing by clerk was invalid as well - Theodor W McDonald, Deputy Clerk certified that he served it "upon each counsel or party named below" - but no party or counsel were named below at all.
Additional notes:
1) The Category that this alleged fraud fell into was "Short-term" (as opposed to "Intermediate", "Overarching", and "Fundamental").
2)The Sub-category that this instance belonged to was "Older, invalid paper forms", based on use of false, invalid, older paper forms, instead of issuance of valid minute orders with valid certificate of mailing and notice of entry by clerk in Sustain.
3) Based on such designations, your paper fell into the same class of alleged fraud as the following records:

a) September 2007 Notice of Transfer  - alleged fraud - issued in lieu of assignment order for Judge Alan Goodman.
b) ~October 2008 Notice of Hearing - alleged fraud - issued by Judge Terry Friedman.
4) The collusion in alleged racketeering at the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles by Sheppard Mullin and the Presiding Judge Charles McCoy - a former partner in Sheppard Mullin - continued to be of major concern.
5) The ongoing alleged racketeering instigated by convicted felon Jae Arre Lloyd, by Judge Jacqueline Connor, and by Countrywide, now in its 5th year defied any notion of functional justice system in Los Angeles County, California -
"the epicenter of real estate and mortgage fraud", or for that matter - enforcement of the law by FBI.

Joseph Zernik
Patriotic pics of sharon stone, beyonce knowles, and charlize theron,
Coming soon- deep house music!
I. P.S.
Please update my mailing address for your records: PO Box 526 La Verne, CA 91750.
Brian T Moynihan - incoming President/CEO, Bank of America Corporation - as a repeat request to put an end to the racketeering initiated by Countrywide and Sandor Samuels - today - Associate General Counsel of Bank of Amrica Corporation.
Robert Mueller - FBI Director - as a request for equal protection under the law.
Glenn A Fine - US Dept of Justice-IG  - as additional evidence in re: Complaint against Kaiser and Melson.
James Wedick - Decorated FBI veteran and fraud expert. Hoping that he would appreciates my ground breaking work - creating taxonomies of fraud types at the LA Superior Court - to allow more systematic study of this unique case.
Charles McCoy - Presiding Judge
John A Clarke - Clerk of the Court - also on behalf of Judge Terry Friedman and Judge Richard A Stone.
Various Lawyers and judges
US Congress

III. Linked Records:
False and deliberately misleading December 8, 2009 Order and Notice, with mailing envelope.
IV. The Usual
"This case should demonstrate that the FBI will pursue all allegations of judicial corruption vigorously, as public corruption violations are among the most serious of all criminal conduct and can tear at the fabric of a democratic society," said John F. Pikus, special agent in charge of the Albany division, in a prepared statement.  

09-12-26 Request for equal protection and OCC's enforcement of the law on Union Bank, National Association (Case #0094775), and Bank of America Corporation (Cases #00971981).

US Office of the Comptroller of Currency on October 4, 2009.
See full size image
OCC_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ ____ John Dugan_ ____ _ Kevin Bailey__  _ _US Congress___  _ __Basel Accords

Date: Sat, 26 Dec 2009 02:10:15 -0800
From: joseph zernik

Subject: Request for equal protection and OCC's enforcement of the law on Union Bank, National Association (Case #0094775), and Bank of America Corporation (Cases #00971981).

December 26, 2009

Kevin Bailey
Deputy Comptroller of the Currency (OCC)
US Representative to the Basel Accords Committee

RE: Request for equal protection and OCC's enforcement of the law on Union Bank, National Association (Case #0094775), and Bank of America Corporation (Cases #00971981).

Dear Mr Bailey:
This letter is addressed to you as US representative to the Basel Committee.  I am the victim of ongoing real estate and financial institution fraud by parties including, but not limited to Countrywide (now Bank of America Home Loans) and Union Bank  - both under primary regulatory jurisdiction of OCC. Fraud in this matter, coordinated by Attorney David Pasternak and Attorney Sandor Samuels (formerly Countrywide Financial Corporation - Chief Legal Officer, now Bank of America Corporation - Associate General Counsel), was opined by James Wedick, a fraud expert second to none in his credentials.  An FBI veteran, who was decorated by US Congress, by US Attorney General, and by FBI Director, he investigated the matter and issued an opinion of "
fraud being committed", and a recommendation that an "investigation be immediately instituted" (linked below).  In disregard of such opinion and such recommendation, I was denied in the past 3 years Equal Protection by US agencies, including, but not limited to FBI, US Department of Justice, SEC, Office of Thrift Supervision, and Office of Federal Trade Commission. My complaints against Union Bank (#0094775) and against Bank of America Corporation (# 00971981), now pending, were filed with OCC on September 29, 2009.
I allege that the case provided unique insights into the widespread corruption of financial institutions and government agencies in Los Angeles County, California, which was defined by FBI as the "
epicenter of the epidemic of real estate and mortgage fraud", which was the true cause of the current financial/integrity crisis. I further allege that refusal of US agencies to enforce the law on financial institutions demonstrated that the causes of the current crisis were never addressed by US government at all, leaving US and world financial markets exposed to unreasonable risks.
I therefore request your help in providing me Equal Protection under the law:
a) Please ensure that OCC will assist me in demanding that Union Bank finally provide the banking records in my account, which Union Bank has consistently refused to provide in the past 2 years.  An OCC response that can be summed up in 'consult an attorney', and 'sue the bank', amounted to refusal to enforce the law on large financial institutions.
b) Please ensure that OCC will assist me in demanding that Bank of America Corporation provide a response.  The bank simply failed to respond at all, as was its position in the past three years, first as Countrywide Financial Corporation, and later as Bank of America Corporation. I was informed OCC by phone that the complaint against Bank of America Corporation had by now been twice "escalated", but no response was received from the bank so far.
Joseph Zernik
Patriotic pics of sharon stone, beyonce knowles, and charlize theron,
To be added soon- deep house music!

1) Basel Accords Committee
2) Brian Moynihan - President/CEO, Bank of America Corporation
Eric Thorson - Inspector General, US Department of Treasury.
3) Robert Mueller - FBI Director
4) Glenn Fine - Inspector General of US Department of Justice.
5) Mary Schapiro - SEC Chair
6) David Kotz - Inspector General, SEC.
7) US Congress
I. December 25, 2009 Letter to OCC in re Union Bank deficient response on complaint #0094775
Dr Z
Joseph Zernik, DMD, PhD
PO Box 526, La Verne, CA 91750; fax: 801 998-0917; email: 

December 25, 20009
Customer Assistance Group
Office of Comptroller of the Currency
By fax: 713 336 4301

RE: Case #0094775, Union Bank, National Association

Dear Office of the Comptroller of the Currency:
Thank you for your letter, dated December 22, 2009, in my complaint, referenced above, and the attached November 12, 2009 response by Cheryl Robbins, Vice President, Union Bank. [1] 
My original complaint, dated September 29, 2009, against Union Bank pertained to its conduct in my account in November/December 2007.  My complaint alleged that Union Bank colluded in real estate fraud by Attorney David Pasternak and others, by engaging in various transactions in my account, without my authorization, with no notice, and with no explanation at all. A fraud expert, second to none in his credentials, opined on the real estate fraud committed by Mr Pasternak and recommended that a criminal investigation be instituted. Mr James Wedick was an FBI veteran, who was decorated by US Congress, by FBI Director, and by US Attorney General. [2]
In the past year and a half, I have repeatedly asked Union Bank to provide an explanation and to produce the respective banking records of my account - to support its conduct in November/December 2007.  Now, thanks to OCC's help, Union Bank provided a partial response in its December 12, 2009 letter by Ms Cheryl Robbins. However, I find such response still deficient: (1) No explanation at all was provided, why Union Bank made a decision to close the account, and why Union Bank engaged in various transactions in the account, without customers authorization, and with no notice to the customer whatsoever; and (2) No banking records at all were provided to support the narrative.
I therefore request that Union bank:
1)      Provide the missing part of the explanation why Union Bank decided to close the account, and why it failed to notice the customer in November/December 2007 regarding its decisions and its transactions in the account, and
2)      Produce banking records of the respective account, to support the narrative provided by Ms Cheryl Robbins in her November 12, 2009 letter.
Joseph Zernik
Kevin Bailey, Deputy Comptroller of the Currency, and  US representative to the Basel Committee
Basel Accords Committee on international banking
Linked Records:
[1] December 22, 2009 Letter by Office of Comptroller of the currency, with attached November 12, 2009 letter by Union Bank
[2] Resume of Mr James Wedick, and opinion letter regarding real estate fraud committed by Mr Pasternak and others in conjunction with the Union Bank transactions subject of the complaint.
II. Authentication of transmission to OCC:
Date: Sat, 26 Dec 2009 00:46:10 -0800
To: "US Office of Comptroller of Currency" <>
From: joseph zernik
Subject: Deficient response in Case #0094775, Union Bank, National Association
Please see attached my requests in re: Deficient response by Union Bank on my complaint, Case #0094775.