Saturday, July 4, 2015

2015-07-04 Hello world!

7/4 @ 11:04 : Munich, DE
7/4 @ 10:31 : Toronto, CA
7/4 @ 8:09 : Denver, Colorado, US
7/4 @ 2:08 : Manila, PH
7/4 @ 11:52 : Asia/Pacific Region, AP
7/4 @ 10:45 : United States, US
7/4 @ 6:56 : Europe, EU
7/3 @ 2:32 : Tel Aviv, IL
7/3 @ 12:10 : Moscow, RU
7/3 @ 10:45 : Los Angeles, California, US

2015-07-04 GERMANY: Never ending US spying scandals...

2015-07-04 GERMANY: Never ending US spying scandals...
In 2011 the US had a top German counterterrorism official sidelined over his contacts with the media, and the German government failed to act in response to illegal...

2015-07-04 GREECE

2015-07-04 GREECE
Tomorrow is a day decisive in Greece. What is at stake is not an ideology or a political party. It is not a question of right and left it is not a question of government if or government does not.
Greece fight for apply common sense or support a proposal to submit to the dictates of entities alien to their internal democratic. You vote for a Greece in favour of external ingerencias and not chosen or by a Greece against a violation of the result of a democratic choice.
The struggle of tomorrow is to save democracy we must say no to entities that do not belong to Greece and they are not elected by the people. Who says yes will be handing out democracy to the troika.
In Spain we want to triumph of democracy because we do not understand that there is democracy if then you can not govern with independence.
It hurts me so sad to see that there are those who are autoproclaman Democrats but then they want to deliver democracy to the economic interests of another country and financial institutions which do not form part of the democratic process within of Greece.
Oxi is democracy oxi is freedom oxi is to pave the way for a new world where the capital is a tool, not a power. Oxi is to remind the troika that in Greece sends the Greek people.
Tomorrow is a day decisive in Greece. What is at stake is not an ideology or a political party. It is not a question of right and left it is not a question of g...
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2015-07-03 NETHERLANDS: Police brutality, riots for 4 nights in the Hague!

2015-07-03 NETHERLANDS: Police brutality, riots for 4 nights in the Hague!
More than 200 people were detained overnight for breaking a curfew on public gatherings after protests against police brutality continued for a fourth night in The...

2015-07-03 Slavery, Genocide, Abuse: The Dark Side of Asia's "Tiger Economies"

2015-07-03 Slavery, Genocide, Abuse: The Dark Side of Asia's "Tiger Economies"
Walden Bello, Foreign Policy in Focus: A few years ago, Southeast Asia's rapidly growing "tiger economies" were the envy of the world. Today, the area is better known for a trio of maladies: ethnic cleansing, burgeoning inequality and super-exploited labor.
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From violent labor trafficking and ethnic cleansing, the dark underbelly of Southeast Asia's ''tiger economies'' is on full display.|By Walden Bello

2015-07-03 US: Police brutality - a cardinal sign of a dictatorial regime!

2015-07-03 US: Police brutality - a cardinal sign of a dictatorial regime!
Mentally Ill Man Faces 11 Years After Cops Caught on Video Using His Body For Batting Practice
By John Vibes, The Free Thought Project
Police proceeded to brutally beat Jose Velasco down with their batons. READ MORE»
Police proceeded to brutally beat Jose Velasco down with their batons.

2015-07-03 SANDERS!

2015-07-03 SANDERS!
'Grassroots Movement Working': Bernie Sanders Gains on the Clinton Machine
Lauren Gambino, Ben Jacobs, The Guardian
The Vermont senator is winning over progressive voters and has raised millions in small donations. READ MORE»
The Vermont senator is winning over progressive voters and has raised millions in small donations.

2015-07-03 BERNIE!

2015-07-03 BERNIE!
Long before Mr. Sanders was a presidential candidate, he went to Burlington, where he supported himself with odd jobs and planned to remake the world.|By SARAH LYALL