Friday, March 13, 2015

2015-03-13 Hello world!

14.3.2015 @ 23:32 : Tel Aviv, IL
14.3.2015 @ 21:50 : Czech Republic, CZ
14.3.2015 @ 20:44 : United Kingdom, GB
14.3.2015 @ 17:04 : Simi Valley, California, US
14.3.2015 @ 11:58 : Manila, PH
14.3.2015 @ 11:08 : Long Island City, New York, US
14.3.2015 @ 09:32 : Newark, New Jersey, US
14.3.2015 @ 07:49 : Philippines, PH
14.3.2015 @ 06:27 : San Diego, California, US
14.3.2015 @ 03:08 : Narre Warren, AU
13.3.2015 @ 20:33 : Tel Aviv, IL
13.3.2015 @ 19:17 : San Jose, California, US
13.3.2015 @ 14:59 : Tampa, Florida, US
13.3.2015 @ 14:26 : Asia/Pacific Region, AP
13.3.2015 @ 09:32 : Bloomfield, New Jersey, US
13.3.2015 @ 01:45 : Seongnam, KR
13.3.2015 @ 01:28 : Germany, DE
13.3.2015 @ 00:30 : Cortlandt Manor, New York, US
12.3.2015 @ 23:26 : Redondo Beach, California, US
12.3.2015 @ 23:07 : Houma, Louisiana, US

2015-03-13 STOP TPP TPIP!

2015-03-13 STOP TPP TPIP!
Trade Agreements Are Rigged to Protect Capital From Democracy
Park MacDougald, Truthout: The purpose of the contemporary investment regime has always been to restrict democratic action to protect the interests of capital. Within the TPP and TTIP agreements, investor-state dispute settlement provisions are another means by which "corporate sovereignty" could trump state sovereignty and threaten to undo government regulations and protections.
Read the Article…

The purpose of the contemporary investment regime has always been to restrict democratic action.

2015-03-13 SCIENTOLOGY!

2015-03-13 SCIENTOLOGY!
Below is a preview for an upcoming HBO documentary. HBO must be brave.
If you look inside, the first method in the "Fair Game" doctrine is lawsuits...
So what is the secret of the unique intimidation power of Scientology??? Direct line to the corrupt courts!
Scientology's headquarters are in Los Angeles, CA, and all you got to do is review the cases of the LA Superior Court and US District Court, Central District of California, involving Scientology... Some of the most bizarre cases and records...…/6-insane-ways-church-scientology-…
Lawsuits, death threats and smear campaigns are just a few of its tactics.

2015-03-13 US: Back burner civil war...

2015-03-13 US: Back burner civil war...
Ferguson is far from over...…/us-usa-missouri-shooting-protest-i…
FERGUSON, Mo. (Reuters) - The shooting of two police officers during a protest rally in Ferguson, Missouri, sparked an intense manhunt for suspects on Thursday and...

2015-03-12 On the way to Jerusalem

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2015-03-12 GREECE: Eurozone exit - the solution?

2015-03-12 GREECE: Eurozone exit - the solution?
"... Stockholm Syndrome, a situation where a captive becomes so emotionally involved with his captor, that when the cage is opened, he doesn't want to leave."
Economist Roger Bootle: "Grexit" Is the Only Solution for Greece
Michael Nevradakis, Truthout: In this interview, Bootle - founder and chairman of Capital Economics in London, a specialist adviser to the House of Commons - discusses why exiting the eurozone would be beneficial for Greece, and how it could take place.
Read the Interview…/29526-economist-roger-bootle-grexit-…
Bootle shares his views as to how Greece should exit the eurozone without being forced out of the European Union.

2015-03-11 ISRAEL: Netanyahu and the trolls

2015-03-11 ISRAEL: Netanyahu and the trolls
Election in this small US offshort military base/corporatist province is a unique spectacle...
Here: A Facebook campaign for trolling Bibi's Facebook page on the final days before election. I am not a fan of trolls. But there is some poetic justice here, since Bibi hired for pay trolls in recent years to work for him on social networks...
אינני מהמטרילים... אבל יש כאן איזשהו צדק פואטי, כשביבי, ששכר לעצמו צבא אל מטרילים בשכר , הופך לקרבן להטרלות... כמו שליברמן, שיזם את העלאת אחוז החסימה להדיר את הערבים, עלול למצוא את עצמו מחוץ לכנסת בעקבות התרגיל שהוביל...

2015-03-11 PALESTINE!

2015-03-11 PALESTINE!
Israelis document IDF conduct in Palestine:
Routine night-time arrests of minors
Imagine you are sleeping at home. It is 3-4 am, heavy knocks on the door. You wake up, you open the door, 4-5 armed, ski-masked soldiers enter.
They demand that you wake up your small children, and they start interrogating at 4:00am your 9 yo son or 8yo daughter, just woken, in a foreign languagte.
תארו לכם שאתם ישנים בביתכם.
תארו לכם שבשעה 3 או 4 בבוקר, בעודכם ישנים, דפיקות בדלת.
תארו לכם שאתם מתעוררים, הלומי שינה, פותחים את הדלת, ולביתכם נכנסים 4 או 5 חיילים רעולי פנים ונושאי נשק.
תארו לכם שהחיילים דורשים מכם להעיר את ילדיכם הקטנים משנתם.
תארו לכם שאותם חיילים, רעולי פנים ונושאי נשק, מתחילים לתחקר בשעה 4 בבוקר את בנכם בן ה- 9 או בתכם בת ה-8, שזה עתה העירו משנתם. בשפה זרה.
תארו לכם.
משפחות מתעדות מעצרים ליליים של צה"ל בשטחים
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2015-03-11 WWII anniversary

2015-03-11 WWII anniversary
alive. US Gen. Curtis LeMay insisted on low-altitude flights by 335 bombers, no-holds-barred carpet bombing, and loads and loads of napalm.
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  • Elie Daher likes this.
  • Michael Ngan This is one of the reason why Japanese today against war. They know war and devastation may come to back to them. Americans have not learned this one yet. So they are still war happy.