Friday, July 17, 2015

2015-07-16 New indictment against Rafi Rotme – Israeli Tax Authority whistle-blower // כתב אישום חדש נגד רפי רותם – חושף השחיתויות ברשות המסים

[עברית להלן]
Abuse of Rotem by the courts, going on for over a decade now, reflects the determination of the justice system to silence him, and his determination to continue the whistle-blowing.

Tax Authority Rafi Rotem in one the numerous false arrests
OccupyTLV, July 16 – today, Rafi Rotem – Tax Authority whistle-blower – appeared in the Tel-Aviv Magistrate Court (Judge Shmuel Melamed), after being served purported summons in State of Israel v Rotem (37958-02-15). [1]

Figure: Summons for Defendant in Criminal Prosecution” - invalid on its face. The record is not signed by any officer of the Court, and fails to bear the Seal of the Court. Instead, the bottom line states: “Thank you for your cooperation.” [1]

Inspection of the purported Summons, served on Rotem, shows that it is invalid on its face: It bears no signature, or even the name of an officer of the Court, and it fails to bear the Seal of the Court. Both in Israel and in other nations, the summons establishes the jurisdiction of the Court in a given matter on the corresponding parties. A civil or a criminal prosecution which commences with invalid summons is inherently perverted. However, in Israel, over the past decade, since the implementation of new, fraudulent IT systems in the courts, invalid summonses are the rule, not the exception.
No indictment was served on Rotem with the invalid summons. In Court, it turned out that the new indictment in continuation of the previous indictment, filed over two years ago [State of Israel v Rafi Rotem (1074-02-13)], on “insulting public service personnel” and “abuse of telecom lines”, originating in Rotem's protest on the refusal to invesigate his complaints, regarding corruption in the Tax Authority. [2]
Among the complainants in the criminal indictments against Rotem: Judge Menahem Mizrahi - then Deputy of Tel-Aviv District Attorney Ruth David (recently indicted on corruption), Guy Rotkopf – former General Manager of the Ministry of Justice, and senior Israel Police officer David Osmo – then with the National Fraud Investigations Unit (whose head has recently committed suicide after ample evidence of his corruption in numerous affairs has surfaced).
Rotem's complaints on the Tax Authority corruption included, but were not limited to:
a. Perversion of tax investigations and undue waiver of tax liabilities of tens and hundreds of millions NIS for tycoons, crime figures, and those related to the ruling party.
b. Sex crimes by a tax investigator against a tax offenses suspect, which were recorded in a video.
c. The murder of an intelligence source, who was related to an affair where Prime Minister Netanyahu ordered the release of a contraband electronics container, which was seized by the Tax Authority, and belonged to a Likud party figure.
Rotem's criminal prosecution has generated unprecedented records of the conduct of judges, attorneys and other justice system officers, who deliberately ignore the fundamentals of the Criminal Procedure Act, and engage in perversion of the prosecution and abuse of the fundamental rights of the Defendant. [3] Together with the series of civil court cases, related to the Rotem affair, they form unprecedented evidence of corruption of the Israeli justice system. [2]
The Rotem affair was described by media already a couple of years ago, as over a decade of abuse of Rotem by the courts. [4] Inspection of the respective court files shows serial fraud by judges and justice system persons in his matter. [2]
LINKS: Below
כתב אישום חדש נגד רפי רותם – חושף השחיתויות ברשות המסים
ההתנכלות לרותם על ידי בתי המשפט, הנמשכת כבר יותר מעשור, משקפת את נחישותה של מערכת המשפט להשתיקו, ונחישותו להמשיך בחשיפת השחיתות.

רותם באחד ממעצרי השווא הרבים
מאהל המחאה ת"א, 16 ליולי - היום הופיע רפי רותם - חושף השחיתויות ברשות המסים בבית המשפט השלום ת"א (השופט שמואל מלמד) לאחר שקיבל זימון כביכול לבית המשפט (מדינת ישראל נ רותם 37958-02-15). [1]

בתמונה: כתב "זימן נאשם לבית המשפט" בלתי תקין בעליל. כתב זה אינו חתום על ידי כל נושא תפקיד בבית המשפט, ואינו נושא את חותם בית המשפט. במקום זאת, השורה התחתונה אומרת: "תודה על שיתוף הפעולה". [1]
___עיון בזימון שקיבל רותם, מעלה שאינו תקין והוא חסר תוקף: הוא אינו נושא כל חתימה או אפילו שמו של נושא תפקיד בבית המשפט, וכן אינו נושא את חותם בית המשפט. הן בישראל והן באומות אחרות, זימון לבית המשפט מקים את סמכות השיפוט של בית המשפט בעניין המסוים ועל הצדדים התואמים. הליך משפטי אזרחי או פלילי שהחל ללא זימון בר תוקף לבית המשפט הוא הליך משובש מיסודו. אולם בישראל, מאז התקנת "נט המשפט", זימונים בלתי תקינים, בלתי חתומים, חסרי תוקף הם הכלל.
עם הזימון לבית המשפט לא הומצא כל כתב אישום. בבית המשפט התברר שכתב האישום הוא המשך של כתב האישום שהוגש לפני יותר משנתיים,[מדינת ישראל נ רותם (1074-02-13)] על "העלבת עובדי ציבור" ו"שימוש לרעה במתקן בזק", ונובע ממחאתו של רותם על אי חקירת התלונות על השחיתות ברשות המסים. [2]
בין המתלוננים בכתבי האישום הפליליים נגד רותם - השופט מנחם מזרחי (אז סגנה של רות דוד בפרקליטות מחוז ת"א), גיא רוטקפוף - לשעבר מנכ"ל משרד המשפטים, סנ"צ דוד אוסמו - לשעבר חוקר יאח"ה.
תלונותיו של רותם על השחיתות ברשות המסים כללו בין השאר:א. שיבוש חקירות מס, וויתור בלתי ראוי על חבויות מס בעשרות ומאות מליוני שקלים לטייקונים, לדמויות פשע, ולמקורבים למפלגת השלטון.ב. עבירות מין על ידי חוקר מסים נגד נחקרת, שתועדו בקלטת וידאו.ג. רצח מקור מודיעיני, הקשור לפרשה בה נתן נתניהו עצמו הוראה לשחרר מכולת אלקטרוניקה שהוברחה על ידי פעיל ליכוד ונתפסה על ידי רשות המסים.
ההליכים הפליליים נגד רותם יצרו תיעוד חסר תקדים של התנהלות שופטים, עורכי דין, ואנשי חוק תוך התעלמות מיסודות חוק סדר הדין הפלילי, ושיבוש מכוון של ההליכים בתביעה פלילית על מנת לשלול את זכויותיו הבסיסיות של הנאשם. [3] יחד עם סדרת התיקים האזרחיים, הקשורים לפרשת רותם, יצרו תיעוד חסר תקדים של שחיתות מערכת המשפט. [2]
פרשת רותם תוארה כבר בעבר בתקשורת כהתעמרות בתי המשפט הנמשכת יותר מעשור. [4], ועיון בתיקים הקשורים לפרשת רותם מצביע על הונאות סדרתיות על ידי שופטים ואנשי משפט בעניינו. [2]
[1] 2015-07-16 State of Israel v Rafi Rotem (37958-02-15) in the Tel-Aviv Magistrate Court - invalid summons (full English translation)
מדינת ישראל נ רפי רותם (37958-02-15) בבית המשפט השלום, ת"א – זימון לבית המשפט – בלתי תקף
[2] 0000-00-00 Tax Authority whistle-blower Rafi Rotem - index of records and links by subject
חושף השחיתויות ברשות המסים רפי רותם - רשימת כתבים וקישורים על פי נושאים
[3] 2014-09-25 Whistle-blower Rafi Rotem, Presiding Justice Asher Grunis, and organized crime in the Israeli courts
חושף השחיתויות רפי רותם, נשיא בית המשפט העליון אשר גרוניס ופשיעה מאורגנת בבתי המשפט
[4] 2013-10-04 Calman Liebeskind: "No justices in Jerusalem, for over a decade the courts have been abusing justice advocate", Maariv
קלמן ליבסקינד: "אין שופטים בירושלים, כבר עשור שבתי המשפט מתעמרים בלוחם הצדק",מעריב

2015-07-17 Hello world!

7/17 @ 3:40 : Tel Aviv, IL
7/17 @ 2:18 : Guipavas, FR
7/17 @ 10:38 : Providence, Utah, US
7/17 @ 5:13 : Mountain View, California, US
7/17 @ 4:32 : Quezon City, PH
7/17 @ 2:38 : United States, US
7/17 @ 1:59 : Santa Monica, California, US
7/17 @ 1:20 : Menlo Park, California, US
7/17 @ 12:49 : Sylmar, California, US
7/16 @ 9:52 : Lagos, NG

2015-07-17 US: "The Fraternity" - corruption of the justice system

2015-07-17 US: "The Fraternity" - corruption of the justice system
Justice John F. Molloy was an attorney in Arizona who went on to serve as a judge on the Arizona Superior Court bench. He is probably best known for his time serving as...

2015-07-17 US: Police brutality - a cardinal sign of a totalitarian regime!

2015-07-17 US: Police brutality - a cardinal sign of a totalitarian regime!
A newly-published video shows a Colorado Springs police officer going to extremes during a November 2013 arrest, slamming a handcuffed 18-year-old woman...

2015-07-17 Cold War 2.0 - the propaganda wars - Downing MH17

2015-07-17 Cold War 2.0 - the propaganda wars - Downing MH17
Additional data, released by Australian News Corp, contradicts the US narrative...
News Corp Australia has obtained a previously unknown video allegedly taken minutes after Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 was downed in Ukraine exactly one year ago....

2015-07-17 UK: US lackey, secretly joins Syria bombing

2015-07-17 UK: US lackey, secretly joins Syria bombing
Again, with no parliamentary authorization, but this time also keeping it a covert operation...
In the meanwhile, publication of the investigation report on how the UK unlawfully entered the Iraq war, based on a phone call from Bush II to Blair is delayed...
British combat pilots embedded with American and Canadian coalition forces have been bombing targets in Syria without democratic sanction, a Freedom of...
Souxsie Lomas When I read this I think ...we are all going to hell in a handbasket!

2015-07-17 Cold War 2.0 - the propaganda wars - Downing of MH17

2015-07-17 Cold War 2.0 - the propaganda wars - Downing of MH17
Key event in the escalating Cold War was the downing of MH17. US and others repeatedly blamed Russia-backed troops for the crime, but never published any of the data (e.g. radar, satellite), which should be available. On the other hand, regardless of Malaysian protests, the 4 nations international investigation committee, based in the Hague (which includes Ukraine - a major suspect, and excludes Malaysia - whose plane was shot) and , fails to publish its conclusions, and members of the committee secretly signed a non-disclosure agreement... In the meanwhile, Russia is publishing data pointing to Ukranian (Kyev) - backed troops as the perpetrators.
Increasingly, the event appears to be another case of false US propaganda.
Malaysian flight MH17 couldn’t have been shot by a ground-to-air missile from the areas controlled by eastern Ukrainian rebels, said Russian Federal Air Transport...

2015-07-17 US: Police brutality - a cardinal sign of totalitarian regime!

2015-07-17 US: Police brutality - a cardinal sign of totalitarian regime!
Recently the New York City Police gave 23-year-old Santiago Hernandez a hard beating for nothing more than asking why they wanted to search him. Hernandez

2015-07-17 US: Murderous police - a cardinal sign of a totalitarian regime!

2015-07-17 US: Murderous police - a cardinal sign of a totalitarian regime!
It took a while, but Texas police finally admitted that they shot an unarmed woman! Anthony Bell's 47-year-old mother was shot and killed by the Bastrop County...

2015-07-16 Freedom or the Slaughterhouse? The American Police State A to Z

2015-07-16 Freedom or the Slaughterhouse? The American Police State A to Z
By John W. Whitehead
Will you, like so many clueless Americans, freely walk into the slaughterhouse? -
allows analysts to search with no prior authorization through vast databases containing emails, online chats...

2015-07-16 US: Murderous police - a cardinal sign of a totalitarian regime!

2015-07-16 US: Murderous police - a cardinal sign of a totalitarian regime!
Dashcam Video Of Calif. Cops Killing Unarmed Man
"The videos show the cold-blooded shooting of clearly unarmed men." -
In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. Information Clearing House has no affiliation whatsoever with the originator of this a…

2015-07-16 Greece surrenders

2015-07-16 Greece surrenders
Greece: Sound and Fury Signifying Much
By Paul Craig Roberts
The message from the collapse of Syriza is that the social welfare system throughout the West will be dismantled. -
In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have...

2015-07-16 Important opportunity to document corporate crimes - Human Rights violations

2015-07-16 Important opportunity to document corporate crimes - Human Rights violations
Given the increase in criminal conduct by banks and large corporations under the new Greater Depression, the issue has become a major Human Rights issue.
Now, the UN Human Rights Council is opening an international consultation on the subject. There is no expectation of real action, and the UN has no enforcement authority and powers in such matters. However, it is an important opportunity to document the criminality of banks and large corporations. jz
Initiative on enhancing accountability and access to remedy in cases of business involvement in human rights abuses

Strengthening access to remedy
The right to a remedy is a core tenet of the international human rights system, and the need to strengthen access to remedy is also recognized in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
However, extensive research has shown that in cases where business enterprises are involved in human rights abuses, victims often struggle to access remedy. The challenges that victims face are both practical and legal in nature. To begin to address these challenges, OHCHR has recently launched a programme of work that aims to contribute to a fairer and more effective system of domestic law remedies in cases of business involvement in severe human rights abuses.
This programme, which has also received a mandate from the Human Rights Council (resolution 26/22), aims to deliver credible, workable guidance to States to enable more consistent implementation of the Guiding Principles in the area of access to remedy. The guidance will be developed through inclusive multi-stakeholder processes, and will be designed to take into account different legal systems, cultures, traditions and levels of economic development.
The programme of work comprises six distinct, but interrelated projects, which range from getting clarity on the legal tests for corporate accountability for involvement in gross human rights abuses to strategies to overcome financial obstacles to accessing remedy mechanisms. The projects have been selected because of their strategic value and potential to improve accountability from a practical, victim-centred perspective.
Global consultation and research process
OHCHR invites all stakeholders to provide input to the Accountability and Remedy Project by 1 August 2015 via a global online consultation.
The consultation aims to gather information about the legal situation with respect to corporate liability under criminal, quasi-criminal and civil law; funding of legal claims; criminal law sanctions; civil law remedies and cases involving prosecution of companies for involvement in severe human rights abuses. Stakeholders can submit information to all or parts of the consultation questionnaire

2015-07-16 US: Growing tyranny under the guise of "War on Terror"

2015-07-16 US: Growing tyranny under the guise of "War on Terror"
Once-defeated domestic anti-terrorism legislation is being quietly revived in Congress this week.

2015-07-16 GREECE

2015-07-16 GREECE
Life Under Austerity A Greek fast-food worker on living under austerity, the difficulties of worker organizing, and the meaning of Oxi. by Erik Forman & Eleni Eleftherios A riot police officer walks past a panhandler in Athens (2012). Yannis Behrakis / Reuters...

2015-07-15 US: Murderous police - a cardinal sign of a totalitarian regime!

2015-07-15 US: Murderous police - a cardinal sign of a totalitarian regime!
So now they don't even care about "fearing for their lives" anymore, the new one is "Oops I messed up" and they get away with MURDERING US? WTF!!
Elie Daher Sad. Especially when a fuck up for a cop has no adverse affect.

2015-07-15 US: Murderous police - a cardinal sign of a totalitarian regime...

2015-07-15 US: Murderous police - a cardinal sign of a totalitarian regime...
(ANTIMEDIA) In what could hardly be called a surprise, the UN Human Rights Council chastised the US over its epidemic of police violence, discrimination,

2015-07-15 ISRAEL: Surprise, surprise... Total surveillance, Big Brother state

2015-07-15 ISRAEL: Surprise, surprise... Total surveillance, Big Brother state
An Israeli news outlet "discovers" that IDF is is engaged in total spying on Facebook, digital communications in Israel...
The fake surprise is astonishing... It is well known that IDF 8200 and the Shin Bet engage in total surveillance on the Palestinians and use the information for blackmailing innocent citizens to spy on their friends and relatives... Methods that would have made the DDR look like prehistoric amateurs...
So somehow Israelis liked to believe that the computers are programmed to exclude the privileged Jewish citizens of Israel?
On the other hand, even after midday executions by crime families in Tel-Aviv center, the Shin-Bet refused to apply the system on organized crime "not to expose the methodology"... And likewise, the system is not applied on extreme right criminals...
A couple of years ago, LAPD delegation came to Israel to get updated on surveillance methods...
כתבתם את המילה "הפגנה" בעברית ברשת חברתית? הצבא פוקח עליכם עין. כתבתם "אל-קודס" בערבית בוואטסאפ? יתכן שתוכנה צבאית תסמן אתכם כטרוריסטים. כך שכר...|By John Brown

2015-07-15 US Harassing Snowden's film-maker Laura Poitras

2015-07-15 US Harassing Snowden's film-maker Laura Poitras
Filmmaker Laura Poitras, whose documentary about fugitive intelligence leaker Edward Snowden won an Oscar, is suing the US government to find out why she was repeatedly detained at immigration checkpoints. "I’m filing this lawsuit because the government uses the US border to bypass the rule of law,"…

2015-07-14 Iran, Greece, etc... "The Neocon Project" loosing steam?

2015-07-14 Iran, Greece, etc... "The Neocon Project" loosing steam?
Regardless of the criticism of some global leaders regarding the Iranian nuclear deal, Tehran has a vital role to play as a peacemaker in the world, Catherine Shakdam, Editor of the Beirut Center for Mideast Studies, told RT.

2015-07-14 US and Torture - a medieval love affair

2015-07-14 US and Torture - a medieval love affair
Psychologists Who Collaborated on Torture Program May Face Ethics Charges
Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!: A new independent review has revealed extensive details on how members of the American Psychological Association, the world's largest group of psychologists, were complicit in torture, lied and covered up their close collaboration with officials at the Pentagon and CIA.
Watch the Video and Read the Transcript
New details could provide grounds to file ethics charges against members of the APA.|By Amy Goodman

2015-07-14 US: News from the American Gulag

2015-07-14 US: News from the American Gulag
Bipartisan Unity on Mass Incarceration: Opportunity or Sidetrack for Movement Building?
James Kilgore, Truthout: Bipartisan unity on mass incarceration has prompted both optimism and serious critique. This article examines how bipartisan unity impacts prospects for building a social movement around mass incarceration and criminalization.
Read the Article
Bipartisan unity on mass incarceration policy has prompted both optimism and serious critique.|By James Kilgore

2015-07-15 UK: A veil of secrecy over court records

2015-07-15 UK: A veil of secrecy over court records
The right to access court records is part of the essential right for “fair, public hearing” in Human Rights. It is also key to transparency of the courts, and based on centuries of experience - indispensable for the safeguard of the integrity of the courts.
Attempt to access R v Anthony Long in Old Bailey
As part of routine survey of access to court records, Request to Inspect was filed on location in Old Bailey in June 2015. No access was permitted on location, but Court personnel agreed to accept a written request. [2]
When asked, who the Request should be addressed to, as custodian of the records in Old Bailey, it became clear that the situation was ambiguous. Initial response was that there was no longer “Clerk of the Court”, or “Chief Clerk” in Old Bailey, only “Operations Manager”. However, eventually, a person named “Phil Joseph” was identified as the “Clerk of the Court”. There is no way to verify such information online. [8]
Written Response [3] was received in July 2015 on the Request to Inspect, which was treated as a Freedom of Information Request. The Request was denied, based on provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, which exempt court records.
Of note, the Response says:
“There is no general right to inspect the court records...”
It should also be noted that the Response was unsigned, the title and authority of its author not listed, and it was provided as a Word file.
Reply, asking for a valid Response record was sent in July 2015. [4]
The case, subject of the Request (R v Anthony Long), was selected at random from cases, which were on the court calendar on that day. And the specific record, which was subject of the request, was akin to summons – commencing record in criminal litigation. It was selected since it was likely to include practically no information beyond the names of the parties, court name, and article of the criminal code, which was the cause of action.
The Response confirmed that the record existed.
Further search uncovered the Case Calendar of R v Anthony Long on a non-government, commercial web page (, albeit, with parties' names redacted. The site provided much more extensive information (presumably copied from court records) than was requested. However, such records are obviously unofficial, unauthentic court records.
General, official public information on Old Bailey
The scarcity of official public information regarding Old Bailey, which can be discovered online, is surprising – not even the names of the judges, name of the Clerk of the Court, Index of All Cases, Court Calendar, or Index of Judgments...
In July 2015, request was filed with “Enquiries” in Old Baily, asking whether any such basic data regarding the Court was public information, and whether it was readily available online.
Unofficial access through a commercial site:
Public access to official, authentic court records appears to be universally denied in the UK today. However, public access is provided to unofficial, unauthentic court records. Given the extensive publication of court records through the unofficial, unauthentic data in, it appears that issues of “privacy” and “data protection” are irrelevant.
Similar practices (denial of access to authentic records, and providing access to unauthentic, often fraudulent records instead) were documented in the courts of California, US (federal) and Israel. However, in the latter three jurisdictions, such practices were implemented through fraudulent IT systems of the courts themselves.
In contrast, in the UK, public access to information by the courts themselves is entirely denied. The alternative information is provided through a commercial site.
In all cases, the end result is the same: The public is denied access to official, authentic court records, and is therefore denied the right to distinguish between valid and effectual court records and void, not voidable, fraudulent court records.
Ambiguity regarding the identity of the person, who holds the ultimate responsibility as custodian of records in Old Bailey
Of particular concern is the ambiguity regarding the identity of the person, who holds the ultimate responsibility as custodian of court files and court records in Old Bailey, and likewise, in other UK courts. Such conditions are remarkable, since the significance of such position, relative to integrity of the courts was recognized for centuries. For example, in establishing the courts in Palestine under the British Mandate period, the Courts Ordinance (registration office), 1936, established a “Chief Clerk” in each court, whose duties included “the excellent maintenance of records and registries”, and the authentication of court records “True Copy of the Original”.
The attempt to describe an Operations Manager as the person in charge is remarkably similar to the ploys in the US (CEO of the court) and in Israel (Manager) in recent years, which undermine the integrity of office of the Chief Clerk and integrity of court records.
Historically, lack of integrity in the office of the clerk of the court was typical of periods of massive court corruption. [16]
Access to court records in the UK today
In the UK, purportedly “open justice has been a principle since the 17th century.” [12-14] However, whereas in the past, papers filed by parties were read out in court, today, in most courts in the UK and beyond, most of the litigation is conducted through the filing of records and orders, which are never read out in open court. Therefore, absent access to court records, “open justice” is meaningless.
Access to court records in the UK appears to be under assault, with its foundations are in the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Data Protection Act 1998.
Powers for judges to allow evidence to be heard in private, in civil cases involving national security, were enacted in Parliament in 2013, in the context of the “War on Terror”. However, concern is that such powers are abused to cover up serious Human Rights abuses by government, which were the underlying matter in cases, where such powers were invoked. [13]
Human Rights Perspective
About half of the first dozen articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, pertain to the maintenance of valid, fair court system.
Access to court records is deemed integral to the right for “fair, public hearing” (Article 10). Absent such access, validity and fairness of the courts cannot be maintained.
Furthermore, absent access to court records in criminal matters, the right of Habeas Corpus cannot be guaranteed, and with it the right for Liberty itself. []
The same principle can be demonstrated by the nature of key cases, related to media request to access court records in the UK in recent years. [12-14]
Therefore, the restrictions on public access to court records in the UK should be deemed a fundamental violation of the Human Rights.
International perspective
Today, access to court records in the UK is by far more restricted than in the US, Canada, or even Israel. Paradoxically, in the latter three nations, the origins of the right to access court records are in the English common law. The US Supreme Court found such right, originating in the English common law, essential in order to enable the citizens to “keep a watchful eye on government”. The Israeli Supreme Court declared such right “a fundamental principle of a democratic regime”. Moreover, in all three nations, US, Canada, Israel it is considered a “constitutional right”... (whether complied with or not...)
Centuries of experience shows that absent public access to court records and absent integrity in office of the Clerk of the Court, it is impossible to safeguard the integrity of the judicial process.
0000-00-00 UK: Access to court records, to inspect and to copy – London Central Criminal Court (Old Bailey) – Index of records and links
Request to Inspect and related Old Bailey records
2015-06-16 R v Long, Anthony (T20147427) in the London Central Criminal Court (Old Bailey) – Request to Inspect court record
2015-07-07 FOIA Response (FOI/98318) in re: R v Long, Anthony (T20147427) in the London Central Criminal Court (Old Bailey) – Request to Inspect court record
2015-07-12 Reply on FOIA Response (FOI/98318) in re: R v Long, Anthony (T20147427) in the London Central Criminal Court (Old Bailey) – Request to Inspect court record
2015-07-11 R v Long, Anthony (T20147427) in the London Central Criminal Court (Old Bailey) – Case Calendar – commercial web site.
2015-07-12 Old Bailey Online - official court web page
2015-07-12 Enquiry on readily available online information, in re: Central Criminal Court, London (Old Bailey)
2015-00-00 Fund-raising note, listing “Phil Joseph” - only mention found online of Phil Joseph, presumably Clerk of the Court, Central Criminal Court, London
Web pages of other Crown Courts, UK, including mention of “Court Clerk” and case information
Access through a commercial vendor
2015-07-13 Survey of public access to UK Crown Court records through unofficial, commercial site:
General records on access to court records in the EU and UK
2012-04-03 The Guardian's court victory is an important step towards transparency_The Guardian, UK…/guardian-court-victory-transpa…
2012-04-03 Judgment over extradition case is victory for open justice__The Guardian, UK…/groundbreaking-judgment-extrad…
2012-04-03 Judgment in Guardian News and Media Ltd v City of Westminster Magistrates Court (C1/2011/1019) in the Court of Appeal, London, UK
2014-07-23 Ministers demand five trials in secret: New powers used to block access to court cases_ Daily Mail-UK…/Ministers-demand-five-trials-s…
2009-03 Access to Judicial Information Report R-G 5_Open Society Initiative, US
2013-00-00 National Practices With Regard to the Accessibility of Court Documents _European Parliament
Access to information, UK Supreme Court
Criminal records, court records and police records_ ICO: Information Commission Office, UK
Office of the clerk and integrity of the courts
2002-00-00 Messinger, I Scott: Order in The Court - History of Clerks of United States Courts, Federal Judicial Center (2002)
Online resources
British and Irish Legal Information Institute (Bailii)
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