Tuesday, November 20, 2012

12-11-21 Hello World!

Wednesday, November 21 @ 09:23 : Tel Aviv, IL
Wednesday, November 21 @ 08:56 : San Pablo, California, US
Wednesday, November 21 @ 06:59 : Herndon, Virginia, US
Wednesday, November 21 @ 06:49 : San Jose, California, US
Wednesday, November 21 @ 06:37 : Sharjah, AE
Wednesday, November 21 @ 05:55 : Hanoi, VN
Wednesday, November 21 @ 03:50 : Concord, New Hampshire, US
Wednesday, November 21 @ 03:50 : Dallas, Texas, US
Wednesday, November 21 @ 02:29 : Kennesaw, Georgia, US
Wednesday, November 21 @ 02:22 : Encino, California, US
Wednesday, November 21 @ 01:12 : Irvine, California, US

12-11-21 It was lying for the nation's good! Happy ending of the Broadwell-Petraeus-Benghazi affair...

As the B Broadwell-Petraeus-Benghazi (in order of significance) affair unwinds, we hear what we have always suspected - they were lying to us for our own good, and we were not sensitive enough to figure it out and thank them for it!  jz

David Petraeus Testifying About Benghazi Attacks On Capitol Hill

Posted: 11/16/2012 8:16 am EST

King said Petraeus' testimony differed from an earlier assessment the former CIA director gave lawmakers just days after the September 11 attack, which left four Americans dead, including U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens.
"He (Petraeus) ... stated that he thought all along he made it clear that there was significant terrorist involvement, and that is not my recollection of what he told us on September 14," King said.
"The clear impression we were given (in September) was that the overwhelming amount of evidence was that it arose out of a spontaneous demonstration, and was not a terrorist attack," he said.
U.S. officials initially said the violence erupted spontaneously amid a large protest about a privately made video produced in the United States that mocked the Prophet Mohammed. The intelligence community later revised its assessment, saying it believes the attack was a planned terrorist assault.
King said that the word spontaneous was minimized during Petraeus' testimony Friday, which was given one week after he resigned from the CIA. Lawmakers said they didn't ask him about why he left the agency. Petraeus has admitted an extramarital affair with his biographer.

12-11-20 Dispatch from Tel Aviv - beautiful day on the beach with some chance of falling explosives

Tel Aviv, November 20 - the weather on the beach was perfect - sunny with a gentle cool breeze even at mid-day.
At the time of writing, it remains unclear, whether a cease fire would commence tonight or not.
The general emerging outlines: Initially, the recent round of fighting may appear as the remix of a re-release of a piece that has never gained any popular acclaim.  However, on closer examination, this time around:  
  • Hamas was internationally recognized as de facto government in Gaza, opening the way to Palestine A, Palestine B solution (like Pakistan and Bengladesh). 
  • Hamas also won major benefits for its people.  
  • After a couple of national "earthquake disaster preparedness drills", Israel managed to test its state of the art offensive and defensive remote war capabilities in real battle, and with it - the impact on the civilian populations.  
  • Regionally - a Sunni coalition was put together, led by Egypt, supported by the Emirates, Turkey, backed by the United States, and Hamas is made to answer to the coalition.
In short: All is ready for war with Iran.
The intensity of Israeli media during war is difficult to describe.  In each TV studio you find a team of analysts in real time, discussing the developments, all with earphone connections to backroom feeders.  Typically, a panel may include one expert, who is fed by Israeli senior political sources, one, who is fed by senior Israeli military sources,  and one, who is monitoring Arabic, Persian, and Turkish media, all orchestrated by a moderator or two, with cameo appearances from the field, etc.  The discussions are mostly in middle-eastern terms, e.g., what type of Hudnah will emerge this time around,  what type of respect does Hamas now owe to Mursi, etc.  With it, media are almost identical with government under such conditions, and most of the people then live in a media bubble.  For example, in the first few days  of the fighting, judging by Israeli media, one could have concluded that there were only spontaneous shows of support for Israel in the streets in various parts of the world.