Sunday, September 1, 2013

13-09-02 Hello world!

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02.09.2013 @ 06:10 : Singapore, SG
02.09.2013 @ 05:48 : Budapest, HU
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01.09.2013 @ 23:27 : Brooklyn, New York, US
01.09.2013 @ 20:21 : Mountain View, California, US
01.09.2013 @ 20:19 : Jakarta, ID

13-09-01 Von Berlin nach Tel Aviv: Blank, Blank, Blank! // סרק,סרק, סרק - assassination of PM Rabin...

Deutch untern.  עברית להלן


Friedrichshain-Berlin, September 1 -  the 1995 assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhaq Rabin, a central affair in contemporary Israeli history, is a subject that is hardly discussed today among Israelis who were of age at the time, while younger Israelis appear not to be familiar even with the basic facts.

סרק,סרק, סרק!סרק,סרק, סרק!          י
מי הרג את רבין? השב"כ!י

Srak, Srak, Srak! Srak, Srak, Srak!
Mi Harag et Rabin? HaShabak!

Blank, Blank, Blank! Blank, Blank, Blank!
Who killed Rabin?  The Shabak!

Blank, Blank, Blank!  Blank, Blank, Blank!
Wer Rabin ermordete? Der Shabak!
In the aftermath of a very large 1995 public rally in support of the Oslo peace accords between Israel and Palestine, Prime Minister Yitzhaq Rabin was assassinated.  Key part in this affair took part in the underground parking garage of the Tell Aviv Square, now bearing Rabin's name, a space that is eerily similar to the performance space in Alexanderplatz.

The chant - Blank, Blank, Blank! - is popular among extreme Right groups in Israel.  It gleefully deflects the accountability for the assassination of Rabin from the extreme Right to Rabin's Secret Service bodyguards.
Three individuals were prosecuted for the assassination: Yigal Amir, Margalit Har-Shefi - his then girlfriend, and Avishai Ravi - the violent leader of the extreme Right group to which Amir belonged.  

Yigal Amir was convicted for the killing and was sentenced to long prison term, which he will soon complete serving. Upon release, he is likely to be accorded a kingly reception among certain circles in Israel.
Margalit Har-Shefi was convicted as an accomplice, served several years, and recent reports mentioned her a law student in one of the Israeli universities.
Avishai Raviv was found not guilty.  It was immediately established, and never challenged, that he was a long term Shabak double-agent and provocateur.
The official judicial narrative is that Yigal Amirr, a lone operator, managed to breach Rabin's tight personal security, reached within three feet from the PM, and then proceeded to shoot him point blank three times.
The alternative narratives hold the Shabak accountable for the assassination.

The alternative narratives point out that the official, judicially sanctioned narrative is inconsistent with key evidence:
1) Rabin's widow, chauffeur, and a policeman - all eye witnesses in the underground garage - testified that it appeared that the three shots in the parking garage were only blanks, and Rabin was not hurt.  In response, his body guards jumped on Rabin, separated him from his wife, and drove him to the hospital, where he arrived shot in the head.  He died shortly after.
2) Physical evidence - chemical lab examination - showed the convicted assassin Yigal Amir free of the gun powder.

During the investigation and trial it was also disclosed that prior to the assassination the Shabak bodyguards practiced on the PM himself the shooting of blanks and their response.
The alternative narratives, held by both Right AND Left in Israel, also stand in stark contrast to the recent, internationally acclaimed documentary ¨The Gatekeepers¨, where six former Shabak Directors appeared and conveyed the impression of sophisticated, civilized, peace-oriented public servants.

From the point of view of both Right AND Left alternative narratives, the documentary  ¨The Gatekeepers¨ should be seen as a unique propaganda success.\

Performers: Israeli Spiderman and Polish Bubble Girl
Cameo appearance: Chief Manipulator Joseph Zernik
Sound: Polish girl
Consulting: Young Polish intellectual


Friedrichshain-Berlin, 1. September - 1995 die Ermordung des israelischen Ministerpräsidenten YitzhaqRabin, eine zentrale Angelegenheit in der zeitgenössischen israelischen Geschichte, ist ein Thema, das kaum diskutiert wird heute unter den Israelis, die im Alter zu der Zeit waren, während jüngere Israelis nicht vertraut zu sein scheinen auch mit den grundlegenden Fakten.

סרק,סרק, סרק!סרק,סרק, סרק!          י
מי הרג את רבין? השב"כ!י

Srak, Srak, Srak! Srak, Srak, Srak!
Mi Harag et Rabin? HaShabak!

Blank, Blank, Blank! Blank, Blank, Blank!
Who killed Rabin?  The Shabak!

Blank, Blank, Blank!  Blank, Blank, Blank!
Wer Rabin ermordete? Der Shabak!

In der Zeit nach 1995 eine sehr große öffentliche Kundgebung zur Unterstützung der Osloer Friedensabkommen zwischen Israel und Palästina , wurde Premierminister Yitzhak Rabin ermordet. Key in dieser Angelegenheit nahm in der Tiefgarage des Tell Aviv Square, trägt nun den Namen Rabin , ein Raum, der auf unheimliche Weise die Performance-Raum in Alexanderplatz .

Der Gesang - Blank , Blank , Blank ! - Ist unter extremen Rechten Gruppen in Israel beliebt. Es lenkt den schadenfroh Verantwortlichkeit für die Ermordung von Rabin von der extremen Rechten zu Secret Service Rabins bodyguards.Three Personen wurden für die Ermordung verfolgt : Yigal Amir , Margalit Har - Shefi - seine damalige Freundin , und Avishai Ravi - der gewaltsame Führer der extremen Rechts Gruppe whichAmir gehörte .

Yigal Amir wurde für die Tötung schuldig befunden und zu langjährigen Gefängnisstrafen Begriff , den er in Kürze abschließen wird serviert verurteilt. Nach seiner Freilassung wird er wahrscheinlich gewährt eine königliche Empfang bestimmte Kreise in Israel werden.
Margalit Har - Shefi wurde als Mittäter verurteilt , diente mehrere Jahre , und die jüngsten Berichte erwähnt ihr ein Jurastudent in einem der israelischen Universitäten .
Avishai Raviv wurde für nicht schuldig befunden . Es wurde sofort hergestellt , und nie in Frage gestellt , dass er eine langfristige Schabak Doppel -agent provocateur und war.

Die offizielle gerichtliche Erzählung ist, dass Yigal Amirr , ein Einzeltäter zu Rabins enge persönliche Sicherheit, innerhalb von drei Meter von der Uhr erreicht , verstoßen verwaltet und ging dann zu erschießen point blank dreimal.

Die alternative Erzählungen halten die Schabak verantwortlich für die Ermordung .

Die alternative Erzählungen weisen darauf hin , dass die offizielle , gerichtlich sanktionierte Erzählung inkonsistent mit den wichtigsten Beweise :
1) Rabins Witwe , Chauffeur und ein Polizist - alle Augenzeugen in der Tiefgarage - bezeugt, dass es schien , dass die drei Schüsse in der Tiefgarage nur waren Blanks und Rabin wurde nicht verletzt . Als Reaktion sprang seine Bodyguards auf Rabin , trennten ihn von seiner Frau , und fuhr ihn ins Krankenhaus , wo er in den Kopf geschossen kamen . Er starb kurz danach.
2) Physikalische Beweise - chemischen Labor Prüfung - zeigte die verurteilten Attentäter Yigal Amirfree des Schießpulver .

Während der Ermittlungen und das Gerichtsverfahren wurde auch offenbart, dass vor der Ermordung theShabak Bodyguards auf dem PM selbst die Erschießung von Rohlingen und ihre Reaktion praktiziert .

Die alternative Erzählungen , sowohl von der rechten und der linken statt in Israel , auch in krassem Gegensatz zu den jüngsten , international gefeierten Dokumentarfilm stehen ¨ ¨ Die Gatekeeper , wo sechs formerShabak Directors und schien den Eindruck vermittelt, von anspruchsvollen , zivilisierten, Frieden -orientierten öffentlichen Bediensteten .

Aus der Sicht der beiden rechts und links alternative Erzählungen , der Dokumentarfilm ¨ ¨ Der Gatekeeper sollte als eine einzigartige Propaganda Erfolg gesehen werden.

Darsteller : Israelische Spiderman und polnischen Blase Girl
Cameo Aussehen : Chef Manipulator Joseph Zernik
Sound : Polin
Consulting: Junge polnische geistigen
פרידריכסהיין, ברלין, ה-1 לספטמבר - רצח ראש הממשלה יצחק רבין ב-1995, מאורע מרכזי בהיסטוריה הישראלית העכשווית, הוא נושא, שאלה שהיו מבוגרים בזמנו, בקושי מדברים עליו, ואלה שהיו קטנים מדי בזמנו אינם יודעים עליו אפילו את העובדות הבסיסיות. 

סרק, סרק, סרק! סרק, סרק, סרק!
מי הרג את רבין? השב"כ!

לאחר עצרת עם גדולה בתמיכה בהסכמי אוסלו, יצחק רבין נרצח.  קטע מרכזי במאורע קרה בקומת החנייה בכיכר הנושאת את שמו היום, חלל הדומה במפתיע לחלל ההופעה באלכסנדרפלץ.

הפזמון - סרק, סרק, סרק! - נפוץ בקרב קבוצות ימניות קיצוניות בישראל.  הוא מפגין שמחה לאיד ומעביר את האשמה לרצח רבין מהימין הקיצוני לשומרי הראש של רבין מהשב"כ.

שלושה פרטים הועמדו לדין בקשר לרצח רבין: יגאל עמיר, מרגלית הר-שפי - חברתו בזמנו, ואבישי רביב - המנהיג האלים של הקבוצה הימנית  הקיצונית אליה השתייך אמיר.

יגאל עמיר הורשע ונגזר דינו למאסר ממושך, שאותו הוא עתיד לסיים בקרוב.  לאחר שחרורו מצפה לו כנראה קבלת פנים מלכותית בחוגים מסוימים.

מרגלית הר-שפי הורשעה גם היא, ישבה בכלא מספר שנים, ודיווחים אחרונים מציינים שהיא לומדת משפטים באחת האוניברסיטאות בארץ.

אבישי רביב זוכה מכל אשמה.  מיד לאחר הרצח התברר שהיה למעשה במשך שנים רבות סוכן שב"כ ומדיח.

הגרסה הרשמית, הנתמכת בהחלטות בית המשפט בישראל, היא שיגאל עמיר, לבדו, הצליח לפרוץ את מעגל האבטחה של רבין, להגיע למרחק של פסיעה ממנו, ולירות בו שלוש יריות מטווח אפס.

הגרסה החלופית היא שהשב"כ עצמו היה אחראי לרצח רבין.

הגרסה החלופית מצביעה על כך שהגרסה הרשמית, שאושרה על ידי בית המשפט בישראל, אינה תואמת ראיות מרכזיות:
1) אלמנתו של רבין, נהגו, ושוטר שנכחו במקום - העידו שככל הנראה יגאל עמיר ירה ברבין יריות סרק בלבד, ורבין לא נפגע מיריות אלה.  בתגובה, שומרי הראש קפצו על רבין, הפרידו אותו מאשתו, והובילו אותו לבית החולים, אליו הגיע ירוי בראשו.  זמן קצר אח"כ מת.
2) ראיות מבדיקות מעבדה לא הראו שרידי אבק שריפה על יגאל עמיר.

במהלך החקירה והמשפט גם התברר שקודם לרצח התאמנו שומרי הראש על רבין עצמו בנוהל "סרק, סרק, סרק".

הגרסה החלופית, המוחזקת בידי השמאל והימין בישראל, גם עומדת בניגוד גמור לסרט "שומרי הסף", בו הופיעו שישה ראשי שב"כ לשעבר, והפגינו חזות מתורבתת של עובדי מדינה שוחרי שלום...

במבט מן הגרסה החלופית, סרט התעודה "שומרי הסף" נראה כסרט פרופגנדה מוצלח במיוחד.

שחקנים: ספיידרמן הישראלי ונערת בועות הסבון הפולניה.
הופעת אורח: יוסף צרניק
קול: נערה פולניה
ייעוץ: אינטלקטואל פולני

13-09-01 Berlin, Sunday afternoon at Unter den Linden

Because between provocations and manipulations one must find time to relax and ejoy... And thanks to the Venezuallan judler for his party gift! Happy New Year to all in Israel and beyond!

Noam Chomsky to become new X-Factor judge

Noam Chomsky to become new X-Factor judge

the voice of a new generation has spoken
Professor of linguistics and political campaigner Noam Chomsky has been confirmed as the new judge on TV talent show The X Factor. ‘Cheryl Cole was still recovering from malaria and we needed someone who could fill the intellectual void,’ said programme creator Simon Cowell, ‘Professor Chomsky is perfect and the audience just loves him.’
In his first outing as judge, Chomsky quickly made his mark. ‘Your act is part of a propaganda state promoting a culture-ideology of comforting illusion’, he told one hopeful young girl, before adding, ‘I’m saying yes.’
Chomsky then set about a teenage boy-band, describing them as ‘yet another example of pre-packaged ideological oppression whose lyrics systematically fail to demonstrate even a basic understanding of what happened to East Timor in 1975,’ he paused for effect, ‘But, I’m giving you a second chance…You’re through to the next round.’
Not satisfied with attacking the acts, Professor Chomsky then turned his critique on The X Factor audience. ‘You are all complicit in a hegemonic construct designed primarily to keep you from questioning what is really going on in the world,’ he told them, ‘You must learn to think critically and reject the pernicious cult of celebrity.’ It was at this point that the audience went wild, whooping, cheering and chanting his name. ‘We love you Chomsky!’ they screamed as the 81 year-old professor sat at the table with his head in his hands.
The appointment of Chomsky has proved so successful that Simon Cowell is now believed to asking many more public intellectuals to become X Factor judges including Amartya Sen, Umberto Eco and Sinitta.
As the show continues each judge will get to manage their own favourite acts. ‘There is a lot of talent out there,’ said Chomsky, ‘but I have my eye on an anarcho-syndicalist Peruvian flute band who are really going places.’
However, some rivalry has already emerged between Professor Chomsky and fellow judge Louis Walsh. ‘I have the utmost respect for Chomsky,’ said Walsh, ‘but his greatest work was done more than forty years ago. In that respect he’s not much better than Geri Halliwell.’
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13-09-01 RE: SYRIA - Response by the People in the UK and US to recent governments deadly adventures...

BushII, Blair, Obama

Unter den Linden, Berlin, September 1 - from a discussion group, mostly American...
1) Bob. wrote:

What's gonna happen and how to prepare for it.

The goal, I believe, is to utterly transform the world’s political, economic, and social systems.  The goal is to generate intense fear; fear that can be used as capital to buy, as the globalists call it, a “new world order”.  Syria is the first domino in a long chain of calamities; what the Rand Corporation sometimes refers to as a “linchpin”.  As I write this, the Obama Administration is moving naval and ground forces into position and clamoring in a painfully pathetic fashion to convince the American public that 90% of us are “wrong” and that a strike on Syria is, in fact, necessary.  It appears that the establishment is dead set on starting this chain reaction and accelerating the global collapse.  So, if a strike does occur, what can we expect to happen over the next few years?  Here is a rundown…

2)Joseph wrote:

me (Joseph Zernik, Human Rights Alert (NGO) change)

Aug 31 (15 hours ago)

In a simplistic way one can view the US as a deliquent juvenile, running around, burning the neighbors' houses, trafficking drugs, robbing his family and others. China in comparison is the responsible adult on the block, giving the deliquent juvenile some pocket money every months, through T-bills purchases, and trying to convince the juvenile to behave...

3) Bob. wrote:

That is simplistic and wrong.� The US is part of a quasi-vigilante consortium (UN and subordinate regional alliances) that runs around burning criminals' and murderers houses and taking away the leftover stuff they stole from others.

4)W wrote:

Hummm, change your statement of US to US Government and plug in the unaccountability factor that causes government to act like juvenile delinquents, and you have a pretty accurate description of reality, JZ.  I mean, no this net, the black race is characterized as "juvenile delinquents" whose delinquent conduct arises out of genetic stupidity.  How do you account for the same kind of conduct from hoards of white men and women with certifiable genetic pedigrees, but by their immunity to accountability under the law which causes their impunity to the law that you describe as "Juvenile Delinquency"?


5)Joseph wrote:
Describing the US as quasi-vigilante is understatement of the century(ies)...  
In Iraq, for example, the killing of innocent civilians by the US, probably exceeded the killing by Saddam Hussein during his entire reign by an order of magnitude.  One must of course separately count the mass killing of draftees, many of them minors, during the Iran Iraq war.  However, in all cases the US perpetrated or supported the killing, more or less openly...
Because when people are killed by their own respective governments, it is abuse. When the US installs such governments or supports them, it is prudent foreign policy. And when the US decides to uninstall such governments at will, it is under the color of global Human Rights enforcer...
But that logic seems to be accepted at present among people in the United States, where Hillary and Bill have repeated warned that the US is losing the ¨Information War¨ on its own People (relative to Al Jazeera broadcasts in the US, and before that with the preposterous proposal for an ¨Internet Czar¨.  (And you call them ¨Liberals¨??? )
Such logic fails to pass muster by the majority of the people in other nations. 
Case in point: The recent vocal public opposition in the UK, the eternal, core US-ally, to another US-led, deceptive adventure, and the failure of Cameron to gain approval for his desire to again join the US in such maneuvre.  
Last time around, Blair simply bypassed the lawful process for taking Britain to war.  In testimony in Parliament, he later described the final decision to go to war as a decision of a party of one - Blair himself.   And the final cause for joining the US in the war in Iraq - a personal phone call from BushII, the content of which he could not share with the Parliament investigation committee, becuase of its top confidential content!  
Beyond that after the fact, public humiliation he was held unaccountable! 
Nevertheless, when one compare the conduct of the People of the UK in recent years in this regard to the conduct of the People of the US, one must give credit to the British, and discredit the Brave and the Free:  The People of the UK were once deceived by their PM into a deadly American adventure.  Then they said -  Shame on you, Blair - and made sure that it never happens a second time on their watch.
And the Americans?

13-09-01 Hello world!

01.09.2013 @ 09:45 : Röthlein, DE
01.09.2013 @ 08:47 : El Paso, Texas, US
01.09.2013 @ 03:35 : Mountain View, California, US
31.08.2013 @ 19:25 : Berlin, DE
31.08.2013 @ 18:54 : Ottawa, CA
31.08.2013 @ 15:50 : Mound, Minnesota, US
31.08.2013 @ 14:30 : Germany, DE
31.08.2013 @ 13:06 : Hundheim, DE
31.08.2013 @ 10:46 : Dallas, Texas, US
31.08.2013 @ 06:03 : Katy, Texas, US