Saturday, October 29, 2016

2016-10-27 "Moving on the Supreme Court": Response by the Legal Adviser of the Israeli Association for Civil Rights

Joseph Zernik
1 hr · Tel Aviv · 
2016-10-27  "Moving on the Supreme Court": Response by Attorney Dan Yakir, Legal Adviser of the Israeli Association for Civil Rights, on my "Notice" to Yoram HaLevy, Jerusalem District Police Commander
"Indeed, a picket line, where protesters stand, holding signs, requires no permit at all - regardless of the number of participants.  The organizer should be referred to our public inquiries team in the Association's Tel-Aviv offices."
Guide to the protester:

מתכננות/ים הפגנה? לא חשוב באיזה נושא או על איזה עניין אתן/ם רוצות להפגין, חופש הביטוי הוא שלכם והאגודה לזכויות האזרח עומדת לרשותכם. ריכזנו כאן עבורכן/ם את…
Association for Civil Rights in Israel - Information Kit for Protesters
Are you planning a protest? NO matter what subject or matter you wish to protest, your Freedom of Speech is yours, and the Association for Civil Rights is at your service.  We have assembled for you...