Saturday, September 26, 2015

2015-09-27 US: FBI raids of anti-war activists

2015-09-27 US: FBI raids of anti-war activists
"A similar oversight investigation of the FBI’s raids against the Anti-War Committee and the FRSO—whether done by the IG or Congress—is long overdue. So is real accountability for government agencies whose employees flagrantly and repeatedly violate the rights of the citizens who pay their salaries."
'Five years ago this week, FBI agents raided the homes of six political activists of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization in Minnesota, Illinois and Wisconsin, as...|By Patrick G. Eddington, Newsweek

2015-09-27 US: Dumbing down the exceptional American public

2015-09-27 US: Dumbing down the exceptional American public
Each week, TIME Magazine designs covers for four markets: the U.S., Europe, Asia and the South Pacific. Often, America's cover is quite, well – different. This...

2015-09-26 US/UK Big Brother regimes

2015-09-26 US/UK Big Brother regimes
New documents shared by whistleblower Edward Snowden reveal GCHQ mass-surveyed “every visible user on the internet,” codenaming the operation Karma...

2015-09-27 FUKUSHIMA!

2015-09-27 FUKUSHIMA!
A global disaster left for the incompetent TEPKO to address...
Fukushima’s reactor No.2 could have suffered a complete meltdown according to Japanese researchers. They have been monitoring the Daiichi nuclear power plant...

2015-09-27 New constellation in the Middle-East!

2015-09-27 New constellation in the Middle-East!
Russia, Iran, Iraq and Syria have agreed to establish a joint information center in Baghdad to coordinate their operations against Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIL/ISIS)...

2015-09-27 Xi meets O

2015-09-27 Xi meets O
"As Lao Tzu told Confucius, your pivoting will lead you nowhere."

2015-09-26 US under the Greater Depression

2015-09-26 US under the Greater Depression
The one pic that tells it all... Flat zero interest rate for years, which has never been seen since Fed Interest rate have been recorded... And in her latest speech Yellen discussed the possibility of getting into the negative interest rates territory...
Regardless of gov propaganda, there has not been recovery since the 2008 crisis. Like the Great Depression a century ago, the underlying causes are unprecedented corruption of gov in general, and the financial system in particular. Until these causes are addressed, the US would not recover.

2015-09-26 Hello world!

9/26 @ 1:47 : Jerusalem, IL
9/26 @ 1:41 : Florida, US
9/26 @ 10:43 : United States, US
9/26 @ 6:50 : Caloocan, PH
9/26 @ 4:36 : Japan, JP
9/26 @ 12:48 : Manchester, GB
9/25 @ 9:11 : Cherokee Village, Arkansas, US
9/25 @ 6:01 : Boston, Massachusetts, US
9/25 @ 5:09 : Benoni, ZA
9/25 @ 3:25 : San Jose, California, US

2015-09-26 PALESTINE: Routines of the occupation... Israeli soldiers attack journalists on West Bank [video]

2015-09-25 US: Robbed Cyber-Kozak

    2015-09-25 US: Robbed Cyber-Kozak
    With NSA shenanigans all over the world, with proven industrial hacks in Germany, with false claims of cyber attacks on Sony by North Korea. the US credibility in matters of cyber hacks is about zero... It's propaganda wars as usual...
    Chinese President Xi Jinping’s US tour might leave a nasty aftertaste after Washington threatened Beijing with economic sanctions over alleged hacker attacks against...

2015-09-25 US: The Bernie phenom...

2015-09-25 US: The Bernie phenom...
Regardless of the charade, which is US presidential election, the Bernie phenomenon is still remarkable...
According to a YouGov/CBS News poll, Bernie Sanders is leading Hillary Clinton by wide margins in both Iowa and New Hampshire among likely Democratic primary...

2015-09-25 Investigative Reporter Robert Parry, founder of Consortium News to receive I.F. Stone Medal for Journalistic Independence

2015-09-25 Investigative Reporter Robert Parry, founder of Consortium News to receive I.F. Stone Medal for Journalistic Independence
In recognition of a career distinguished by meticulously researched investigations, intrepid questioning and...

2015-09-25 PALESTINE: Routines of the occupation...

2015-09-25 PALESTINE: Routines of the occupation...
With every wave of political tension, Israel recruits new Palestinian informants en masse. They are resettled in Arab cities, where their presence prompts violence rates...

2015-09-25 JERUSALEM: Routines of the occupation...

2015-09-25 JERUSALEM: Routines of the occupation...

2015-09-25 Shake up in notoriously corrupt Vatican Bank!

2015-09-25 US and the Pope...

2015-09-25 US and the Pope...