Tuesday, June 4, 2013

13-06-04 Israel: Inching toward occupation by the United States

Yet another US military base building project in Israel...  Although the publication below presents the Israeli government resentment as arising from information exposed to the enemies, it may just as well be that the Israeli government never wanted the Israeli public to know about these projects.  No public discussion has been heard of the entire notion of US military bases in Israel.  It appears that decision has been made a while ago to give up sovereignty and pave the way for US military occupation. jz

===13-06-04 הסיפוח הזוחל של ישראל על ידי צבא ארה"ב נמשך בהתמדה=== 
העיתונות הזרה מדווחת על מכרז בנייה שלישי, על פי ספירתי בחודשים האחרונים, של צבא ארה"ב בישראל. המכרזים הקודמים היו לבניית בונקרים תת-קרקעיים בבסיסים מרכזיים של צה"ל, ככל הנראה מרכזי שליטה ובקרה.
הפרסום להלן מדווח על מורת רוח בממשלת ישראל לגבי פרסום המכרז השלישי, הקשור להצבת המערכת האנטי-בליסטית חץ 3, מחשש שפרטים מסווגים יפלו לידי האויב.  אך סביר להניח שממשלת ישראל רצתה לא פחות לשמור את העניין מחוץ לדיון הציבורי בישראל.
ההחלטה לתת לצבא ארה"ב לבנות מתקנים בבסיסי צה"ל מרכזיים כמוה כוויתור על ריבונות ישראלית, והפיכת ישראל לסוג של דרום קוריאה, או אולי בדרך לסוג של פקיסטאן... אך הציבור לא קיבל אפילו הודעה על כך, כל שכן לא שותף בקבלת ההחלטה...
דר' יוסף צרניק
מאהל המחאה, ת"א 


  • osted on Monday, June 3, 2013

U.S. publishes details of missile base Israel wanted kept secret

By Sheera Frenkel | McClatchy Foreign Staff
TEL AVIV, Israel — Israel’s military fumed Monday over the discovery that the U.S. government had revealed details of a top-secret Israeli military installation in published bid requests.
The Obama administration had promised to build Israel a state-of-the-art facility to house a new ballistic-missile defense system, the Arrow 3. As with all Defense Department projects, detailed specifications were made public so that contractors could bid on the $25 million project. The specifications included more than 1,000 pages of details on the facility, ranging from the heating and cooling systems to the thickness of the walls.
Read more here:http://www

13-06-04 The Great and the Greater Depressions

Now that we entered the Greater Depression, interest in the Great Depression is growing, see below. And if the Great Depression was so good, the Greater Depression will be even better!  jz

How Fox News Misleads Its Viewers

John Stossel's revisionist history of the Great Depression.
June 3, 2013  |  
Last week,  John Stossel gave a master class in how Fox News keeps its viewers misled and misinformed on economic issues, concluding with the bombshell "fact" that "think about the Depression. That was before there was any welfare state at all. How many people starved? No one."

13-06-04 Radical thinking on Obama's BC

I met in Tel Aviv a young, educated American, who self-identified as a lefty.  Everything went fine, until he discovered that I was a partial-birther (no pun intended).  

"So you think he was born in Africa?".  "I really don't care", I answer, "It is just that the records of the Commander in Chief are funny!".

So then I had to go back with him through the records online, looking again at some of these things after quite a while.  (see the guided tour below).

After  about half the guided tour the guy asks me: "So why did they do such an amateurish job at it?

My radical answer on that is two-fold:
a) Because it was just a joke from the beginning, and
b) Because they can get away with it.



Let's take for example the  "Certificate of Live Birth" and "Birth Certificate", on the "White House Blog".

Published on April 27, 2011 by Dan Pfeiffer White House Communications Director:


1) The 2011 blog post starts:
"In 2008, in response to media inquiries, the President’s campaign requested his birth certificate from the state of Hawaii. The state sent the campaign the President’s birth certificate, the same legal documentation provided to all Hawaiians as proof of birth in state, and the campaign immediately posted it on the internet. That birth certificate can be seen here (PDF)."

2) When you go to that link:
You find a PDF image, titled "Certification of Live Birth", where the certificate number is redacted, an obvious alteration, while the bottom of the same image says: "Any alterations invalidate this certificate"...

3) And what is the source of this important document on the "White House Blog"?
The bottom of the PDF indicates that it was printed out from http://msgboard.snopes,com/politics/graphics/birth.jpg  

That particular link does not go anywhere now, but the site itself, the source of the "White House Blog" record is:

Which defines itself as:
"the definitive Internet reference source for urban legends, folklore, myths, rumors, and misinformation. "

1) The immediate source of the record was advertised as the Hawaii State government.  That notion is supported on the "White House Blog" by the following note: "Correspondence with the Hawaii State Department of Health can be seen here (PDF)."

2) When you go to that link:
You find a letter by Loretta Fuddy, Director of Health at State of Hawaii Department of Health, dated April 25, 2011, which states that in response to request by our Dear President, "two certified copies of the original certificate of live birth" are provided as Enclosure.
3) The "Enclosures" of Ms Fuddy's letter are however missing.

4) The correspondence with the State of Hawaii, was presumably paper based, as shown.  
However, instead of the paper certified copy of the Certificate of Live Birth, we are shown on the White House Blog a digital image, the infamous one:

5) Wait a minute, didn't Ms Fuddy say that she certified the copies?  
You would expect the copy to show somewhere a wet ink stamp "True Copy of the Original" with the hand signature of Ms Fuddy.  None appears with the image of the LFBC on the White House Blog.

6) That image of the LFBC is further shown at:

It originated on paper, then bound in a book, which created the curl on the left side of the record. It was then microfilmed, then printed or captured and processed electronically, to add the green mesh background.  However, the digital green mesh did not match the curl from the bound paper, and when an attempt was made to compensate for that, a funny hole in the green mesh was created at the top left corner of the document...


President Obama's Long Form Birth Certificate

Ed. Note: Read the transcript of the President's remarks following this release or watch the video here.
In 2008, in response to media inquiries, the President’s campaign requested his birth certificate from the state of Hawaii. The state sent the campaign the President’s birth certificate, the same legal documentation provided to all Hawaiians as proof of birth in state, and the campaign immediately posted it on the internet. That birth certificate can be seen here (PDF).
When any citizen born in Hawaii requests their birth certificate, they receive exactly what the President received. In fact, the document posted on the campaign website is what Hawaiians use to get a driver’s license from the state and the document recognized by the Federal Government and the courts for all legal purposes. That’s because it is the birth certificate. This is not and should not be an open question.
The President believed the distraction over his birth certificate wasn’t good for the country. It may have been good politics and good TV, but it was bad for the American people and distracting from the many challenges we face as a country. Therefore, the President directed his counsel to review the legal authority for seeking access to the long form certificate and to request on that basis that the Hawaii State Department of Health make an exception to release a copy of his long form birth certificate. They granted that exception in part because of the tremendous volume of requests they had been getting.President Barack Obama's long form birth certificate can be seen here (PDF):
At a time of great consequence for this country – when we should be debating how we win the future, reduce our deficit, deal with high gas prices, and bring stability to the Middle East, Washington, DC, was once again distracted by a fake issue.  The President’s hope is that with this step, we can move on to debating the bigger issues that matter to the American people and the future of the country.
Dan Pfeiffer is White House Communications Director

13-06-04 Hollywood-DC coordination, worthy of the soviets...

t increasingly appears the new trend in Hollywood, is to issue every quarter an A movie, supporting deplorable US conduct at home or abroad.  This quarter - the hunting down of Julian Assange and Bradley Manning.  I cannot remember when was last time Hollywood was so close to DC, probably during WW II?  But it all sounds very soviet to me... jz
The persecution of Manning and Assange is not an isolated act. It is part of a terrifying assault against our most important civil liberties and a free press. Manning and Assange are the canaries in the mineshaft. They did not seek to sell the documents that WikiLeaks published or to profit personally from their release.

13-06-04 Hello world!

6/4 @ 7:36 : Azur, IL
6/4 @ 7:00 : Ingleside, Texas, US
6/4 @ 6:40 : Tampa, Florida, US
6/4 @ 6:05 : Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US
6/4 @ 6:03 : Kiev, UA
6/4 @ 5:42 : Poznan, PL
6/4 @ 5:38 : Jacksonville, Florida, US
6/4 @ 2:02 : Canada, CA
6/4 @ 12:35 : New York, New York, US
6/4 @ 11:08 : Vienna, AT