Friday, May 3, 2013

13-05-03 Boston Marathon bombing suspects and CIA - two degrees of separation...

Two Degrees of Separation? (From left: ex-CIA spook Graham Fuller, his daugter Samantha, his former son-in-law Ruslan Tsarni, an
Two Degrees of Separation? (From left: ex-CIA spook Graham Fuller, his daugter Samantha, his former son-in-law Ruslan Tsarni, and Tsarni nephew Tamerlan Tsarnaev (deceased)

Two Degrees of Separation:
Tsarnaev Brothers had a CIA Connection
By Dave Lindorff
This "coincidence" puts the two Tsarnaev brothers at just two degrees of separation from the CIA household of Graham Fuller.
The Boston Bombing, the CIA & the US Empire
Sibel Edmonds Talks to Lew Rockwell about what's "Really" Happening in Central Asia & the Caucasus.

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