Friday, May 31, 2013

13-05-29 Texas: Misc news of the abuse - another senseless shooting, killing by police

Texas Police Tase Overweight Asthmatic to Death in Drug Raid That Uncovers No Drugs

Another casualty of the drug war.
May 28, 2013  |  
On May 16th, Forth Worth police entered the home of Jarmaine Darden in search of cocaine. The raid, which does not appear to have uncovered any cocaine,  ended with the 34-year-old father dead after he was tased multiple times by police. 

13-05-29 California: Misc news of the abuse - another senseless shooting, killing by police

Cops Taser Then Shoot Man to Death After Family Calls 911 for Help for His Depression

Killing not a cure for depression, family says.
Photo Credit: mikeledray/
May 29, 2013  |  
A California sheriff's deputy needlessly Tasered and then shot a man to death after his father called 911 seeking help for his son's depression, the family claims in court.
     Parents and two brothers of the late George I. Ramirez sued Stanislaus County, its sheriff's department, Sheriff Adam Christianson, and Deputy Art Parra Jr. in Federal Court.
     George Ramirez, the father, says he called 911 on April 16, 2012, seeking help for his son. Ramirez says in the complaint that he told the 911 operator that his son was depressed, but never said that the family was in danger or that a crime was in progress. 

US: Large-scale fraud in the electronic records of the justice system - giving credit where credit is due...

The system wide fraud, implemented from the top down, is historically unprecedented, and central to the current socio-economic crisis in the United States.

Occupy Tel Aviv Encampment, May 31 - I have recently brought up the issues of fraud in case management systems of the Israeli courts, imposed over the past decade, starting with the death of Supreme Court Chief Clerk Shmaryahu Cohen in office in 2002.   What took effect is the closing of the High Court of Justice ("National Tribunal for Protection of Rights") to petitions by Israeli citizens.  In historic terms, that would be equivalent to the imposition of martial law, alternatively - imposition of lawlessness.

Credit should be given where credit is due - the state and federal courts in the United States.  They are most likely the world's leader (historically) and they are the cutting edge in the trade.  Moreover, as patently shown in the State of Israel Ombudsman's Report (2010), the technology was unlawfully imported to Israel through the good services of US-based corporations.. (IBM, EDS)

And the bureaucratic model for the scheme was imported intact: establishment of "Administrative Office of the Courts", and appointment of "Executive Officers" for the courts, where lawful clerks used to hold the ministerial authority.  The system wide fraud, implemented from the top down in the US courts through PACER and CM/ECF, is historically unprecedented, and central to the current socio-economic crisis in the United States. California in that respect is an oddball. Given its pioneering role in this field, many of its case management systems were developed and implemented on a court by court basis, with the LA Superior Court's fraudulent system, SUSTAIN, becoming the most popular among state courts in the United States. 

Below are records from my archives, related to the subject of widespread falsification of court and justice system records (particularly in matters related to banking and imprisonment), in order of readership:
1) 10-01-04 Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department: Online Inmate Information Center - Data Survey - Jose Martinez s
2) 11-03-16 The Riddle of Citizens United v Federal Election Commission (08-205) in the Supreme Court of the United States - Review and Compiled Online Records-s
3) 10-08-13 RE: Fine v Baca (09-A827), Fine v Baca (09-1250), and Fine v Baca (10-A24) at the Supreme Court of the United States - October 2009 Term Journal - validity, or lack thereof
4) 10-01-05 Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department: Online Inmate Information Center - Data Survey - John Smith s
5) 10-03-14 Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department: Online Inmate Information Center - Survey of Consecutive Booking Numbers s
6) 10-08-18 Zernik, J: Data Mining of Online Judicial Records of the Networked US Federal Courts, International Journal on Social Media: Monitoring, Measurement, Mining, 1:69-83 (2010) 10-08-18 Zernik, J: Data Mining as a Civic Duty – Online Public Prisoners’ Registration Systems, International Journal on Social Media: Monitoring, Measurement, Mining 1: 84-96 (2010)
8) 12-06-08 Courts and Judges as racketeering enterprises under RICO (the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) - key element in the current financial crisis
9) 10-01-16 Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department: VINE vs Online Inmate Information Center - Data Survey - Jose Martinez & Jose Rodriguez s
10) 10-05-05 Countrywide, Bank of America (NYSE:BAC), and its President Brian Moynihan - Compilation of Records - Evidence of Racketeering s
11) 10-07-06 Complaint Filed with US Attorney Office, Los Angeles, Against Brian Moynihan, Bank of America (NYSE:BAC), Bryan Cave LLP, Alleging Racketeering and Large Scale Financial Institution Fraud
12) 10-03-24 US District Court, Central District of California: Local Rules of Court,Chapters 1-4 s
13) 10-01-14 Harris County, Texas, Sheriff's Office: Online Inmate Public Information - Data Survey - Carol Ann Davis s
14) 10-06-13 Survey of the Prisoners' Booking Log, Marin County, California, Sheriff's Department - Glaring Deficiencies in Validity and Integrity s
15) 11-04-23 Habeas Corpus in the United States - the case of Richard Isaac Fine - Review
16) 11-08-01 Zernik, J: Fraud and corruption in the US courts is tightly linked to failing banking regulation and the financial crisis, 16th World Criminology Congress presentation s
17) 08-01-08 Case of Borrower Hills (01-22574) - in the US Bankruptcy Court, Eastern District of Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh. Countrywide's Three "Recreated Letters" and a Transcript s
18) 10-06-21 Dr Zernik's Complaint Filed with Us Attorney Office Los Angeles against Mr David Pasternak for Public Corruption Deprivation of Rights s
19) 10-07-19 Complaint filed with US Attorney Office against Judge John Segal, Clerk John Clarke, Attorney David Pasternak, Los Angeles Superior Court - in Re: Public Corruption in Galdjie v Darwish (SC052737) - real estate fraud by the court s
20) 10-01-11 Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department: Online Inmate Information Center - Data Survey - Jose Rodriguez s
21) 10-11-11 Table 2: US District Courts PACER and CM/ECF: Public Access to Calendars - Survey of Individual Cases in 5 District Courts s

Thursday, May 30, 2013

13-05-30 US: The latest police violence video - 14 yo carrying a puppy...

With the situation in the US increasingly resembling that of the former Soviet Union relative to Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press, I cannot recall random police violence being a hallmark of the Soviets...  This seems to be a uniquely American feature - terrorize the People... JZ

Black 14-year-old Carrying a Puppy Tackled and Choked by Police for Giving Them a "Dehumanizing Stare"

Grown police officers allege that the unarmed teen looked at them funny.
Photo Credit: CBS Miami
May 30, 2013  |  
New cell phone footage shows Miami-Dade Police officers aggressively pinning an unarmed teen to the ground while choking him. His alleged crime: giving the officers “dehumanizing stares” and “clenching his fists.” 

13-05-30 Julian Assange on Fighting the International Crackdown on WikiLeaks

Posted: 29 May 2013 08:47 PM PDT
In this 40-minute web exclusive interview, Julian Assange of WikiLeaks discusses his more than 300 days in the Ecuadorean embassy, the U.S. Justice Department spying on journalists, the future of WikiLeaks and Visa’s financial blockade on WikiLeaks.
"Well, we are literally winning in the courts in Iceland. Of course, Iceland is an independent—is one of the most independent countries in Europe, that has been behind a lot of our values in the past. The European Parliament passed a resolution against the activities of the credit card companies in relation to us. In Australia, we have had three opinion polls. They show that I have between 26 and 28 percent of the voting intention, Australia-wide. We have 40 percent of the voting intention of people under the age of 30, 36 percent of the voting intention in the most popular state of New South Wales, where Sydney is located. The Kissinger Files, 1.7 million documents that we have just published.
And I detect a certain fear in the United States administration and a certain fear in the Pentagon in relation to making statements about us. The bad old neo-McCarthyist fervor that once existed in 2011 about this organization, where politicians felt that they could propose bills to Congress, where Lieberman and Peter T. King felt they could propose bills to Congress to declare my staff enemy combatants of the United States, who could be kidnapped or killed at will, those days are well and truly gone, where politicians like Biden thought that he could come out and declare that I was a high-tech terrorist, where other politicians and high-profile journalists thought they could come out and directly call for my assassination, as Bill O’Reilly did and other people in Fox and The Washington Times. They came out and nakedly called for my assassination, including an adviser even in Canada to Stephen Harper. Those days are gone. Now, this organization is furious, and we are after redress. And we are getting redress."
A full transcript of the interview is available here.
You can also watch Democracy Now!'s recent interview with Assange about the guilty plea ofhacktivist Jeremy Hammond, the upcoming "show trial" for accused Army whistleblower Bradley Manning, and his little-known meeting with Google CEO Eric Schmidt.

13-05-29 Evolution of conditional decree petition records in the High Court of Justice of the State of Israel

The documents below show the evolution of conditional decree petitions records n the High Court of Justice of the State of Israel over the past decade. Prior to the death of Shmaryahu Cohen, decisions of the Supreme Court followed, at least in some cases the corresponding Regulations, and decrees were issued under the name of the Chief Clerk, as stipulated by law, and at least in some cases - hand signed. More recently, the Court does not follow the Regulations at all, issuing no conditional decree, in “Decisions” that are unsigned, uncertified, and bear no mention of the Office of the Clerk.
With it, review of the records of the High Court of Justice shows that the Court attempts to simulate true petition process in cases of foreign nationals (including Palestinians). Therefore, the main victims of the situation are Israeli citizens, whose rights are deprived.
Overall, such conditions amount to closing the doors of the High Court of Justice to Israeli citizens.
Closing of the civil courts is typical for: a) imposition of martial law, or b) general lawlessness...

===13-05-30 זה לא כל כך נעים לראות את בג"ץ סגור===
1) דר' סולטאן נ המושל הצבאי (3185/01) - צו ביניים
2) עמותת נפגעי מס רכוש נ שר האוצר (6895/99) - צו על תנאי
3) התנועה למען איכות השלטון בישראל נ ממשלת ישראל (8846/12) - "החלטה"

הכתבים בתמונות מראים את התפתחות תגובת בית המשפט העליון, בשבתו כבית דין גבוה לצדק, לעתירות לצו על תנאי.
לפני מותו של המזכיר הראשי שמריהו כהן ב-2002, לפחות בחלק מן המקרים נהג בית המשפט העליון על פי תקנות בג"ץ - 1984, והנפיק צווים על תנאי וצווי ביניים תחת חתימת המזכיר.
היום, ברובם המכריע של המקרים, מתעלם בית המשפט העליון מן החוק, ובמקום להגיב על עתירה לצו על תנאי על פי החוק, מונפק כתב "החלטה" הקורא לתגובה מאת המשיבים, אך ללא צו על תנאי, כתב ה"החלטה" אינו תחת חתימת או אישור המזכיר, ומונפק "כפוף לשינויי עריכה ונוסח". למעשה, אין יותר בג"ץ להגנה על זכויותיהם של תושבי ישראל!
יחד עם זאת מראה בדיקת כתבי בית המשפט העליון שבמקרים הנוגעים לאזרחים זרים (ובכלל זה פלסטינאים) נוטה בית המשפט העליון לפעול בדומה לחוק.
הנפגעים העקריים ממצב זה הם אזרחי ישראל, שזכויותיהם על פי חוק נשללו על ידי בית המשפט העליון של מדינת ישראל, ללא כל בסיס בחוק!
לפיכך, אפשר לקבוע שבג"ץ למעשה סגור בפני אזרחי מדינת ישראל. מצב בו בתי המשפט האזרחיים סגורים טיפוסי למצב של ממשל צבאי, או מצב של אובדן שלטון החוק...

1) Dr Sufian Sultan et al v Military Governor of Judea and Samaria (3185/01) in the High Court of Justice – Intermediate Decree, prohibiting building on Palestinian land in the Hebron area, bearing hand signature of the late Shmaryahu Cohen, but no stamp of the court.

2) Association of Property Tax Victims v Minister of Treasury et al (6895/99) in the High Court of JusticeConditional Decree, ordering response within 45 days, bearing stamp of the court, but no hand signature of the Chief Clerk.

3) Association for Quality Government in Israel et al v Government of Israel et al (8846/12) in the High Court of Justice – initial court decision, ordering response with no Conditional Decree, no mention of the Chief Clerk, “subject to editing and phrasing changes”, no stamp, no signature.
[1] 13-05-29 Evolution of conditional decree petition records in the High Court of Justice of the State of Israel
[2] 00-00-01-84 Regulations of the Israeli High Court of Justice - 1984

13-05-30 Hello world!

5/30 @ 8:26 : Azur, IL
5/30 @ 7:37 : Haifa, IL
5/30 @ 5:08 : New Delhi, IN
5/30 @ 2:55 : Tel Aviv, IL
5/30 @ 2:12 : Abuja, NG
5/30 @ 1:55 : Strasbourg, FR
5/30 @ 1:40 : Redmond, Washington, US
5/30 @ 1:40 : Azur, IL
5/30 @ 12:33 : Phoenix, Arizona, US
5/30 @ 11:14 : Simi Valley, California, US
5/30 @ 10:48 : Dallas, Texas, US

13-05-30 The Israeli Public Housing Act and the Israeli Supreme Court

‎חדר-מצב עידכונים‎ ‎צדק חברתי - העמוד הרשמי‎
Attached are the records of three court files that are indicated as related to the Public Housing Act (and refusal of the Ministry of Housing to comply with it).  All three court files are all petitions for conditional decrees in the High Court of Justice of the State of Israel.  Upon review of the records of these petitions and the petition in Zernik v Minister of Justice, one is likely to question what legal processes are conducted in each of them, and whether such legal processes have any foundation in the law of the State of Israel. The cost of housing is probably the primary cause of social protest in Israel today, and successive governments have promised to address it.  At the same time, the government refuses to comply with the Public Housing Act and expand funds that were accumulated from existing public housing towards addressing the housing crisis. The refusal of the High Court of Justice to accord such petitions due process, pursuant to the law of the State of Israel documents again the central role of the courts in the socio-economic crisis in Israel.

[1] 13-05-30 Public Housing Act -related petitions in the High Court of Justice of the State of Israel

13-05-30 More on the untimely death of Chief Clerk Shmaryahu Cohen in the Supreme Court in 2002

Bringing together posts from various board on the subject.

שמריהו כהן, ז"ל, המזכיר הראשי של בית המשפט העליון - השומר האחרון של שלטון החוק במדינת ישראל?

The original posting in all was the same as on this blog at:
me (Joseph Zernik, Human Rights Alert (NGO) change
10:53 AM (2 hours ago)
People here are uniquely silent on the data that I present from my studies, regarding the electronic record systems of the State of Israel.  That is a pity, since it is the comparative study of corruption that is so instructive to me.

Obviously, the Israeli case management/public access systems are cheap, brazen versions of the systems that had been implemented in the state and US courts 10-20 years earlier. 

Below is recent exchange from The comments there are often neanderthal. The responder below appears more as reflecting the official line, denial of reality... 
Regarding the final question that I pose, relative to Israel - whether it is under martial law, or under general lawlessness:
1) Relative to Israel: My answer is that in the Palestinian territories Israel is under martial law, and within the 1967 borders Israel is under general lawlessness (because martial law is typically broadly advertised, and here it was done with no public notice), which expresses itself mostly in impoverishing of the People.
2) Relative to the US: My answer is that the US is under martial law, which was effectively declared when Bush II deployed US military in the US in violation of the Posse Comitatus Act, and when Obama usurped the right to kill with no due process by drones and to imprison with no due process under NDAA.

  • @aydeo
    A high official in a sensitive position relative to state records dies in office, and his friends/relative file police complaint suspecting murder... That's what happens from time to time in banana republics...

    Posted 43 mins ago By 

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  • @HumanRightsAlert
    AND in paralel:
    * ALL Supreme Court records are compromised with the disclaimr: Version subject to editing and phrasing changes, and
    * No mention is made any longer of the Office of the Clerk, or the name of the current "Chief Clerk" Sarah Lifschitz, who occupies her office for over 10 years with no lawful appointment record...
    * All court decisions are served unsigned and unauthenticated.

    Posted 11 mins ago By 

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  • @aydeo
    Show even one nation in the world, other than Israel, banana republics included, where the supreme court of that nation publishes all its final decision with a permanent disclaimer that is even close to the one that now PERMANENTLY appears on each and every decision of the Supreme Court of the State of Israel..
    "Version subject to editing and phrasing changes".
    The closest is the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles, which in 1984 wMore..

    Posted 3 mins ago By 

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  • @aydeo
    I am no legal scholar, but as far as I understand, by English common law standards, such condition is referred to as "civil courts being closed". Such situation is typical of:
    1) Periods of martial law.
    2) Periods of general lawlessness.

    Posted less than a minute ago By 

  • Read more at 

    13-05-30 Israel: New data on unlawful solitary confinement

    Haaretz in Hebrew reports on serious new findings, relative to the use of long term solitary confinement (which by international standards is considered torture):

    •  A prisoner was chained to bed for half a year.
    • More than 100 prisoners admittedly are in long term solitary confinement
    • 10 of them are minors, who for months do not see a living soul, except for wardens, who serve them food through a door window.
    • So far the record was 24 years in solitary confinement.

    Wednesday, May 29, 2013

    13-05-30 US-Israeli new schedule: Summer - war with Syria-Russia first, Winter - war with Iran...

    Last week, Israeli media informed us that from Israeli perspective, there is not much difference between the Assad regime in Syria and the rebels, with the exception that Assad is a known quantity, while the rebels are a great unknown.

    This morning, we are told that the Israeli National Security Adviser announced that Israel would incapacitate any Russian missiles arriving in Syria for the Assad government.  In parallel, Syria announced that it would immediately retaliate on any Israeli attack on its sovereignty.

    So here is the revised summer schedule:
    1) Tel Aviv Gay Pride Week - current estimates of the income for the city is $50 millions!
    2) US-Israeli war against the Russian-Syrian gov coalition - later this summer.
    3) US-Israeli all out war against Iran et al - toward the end of 2013.

    Busy schedule!!!

    As a footnote, Israeli papers continue to prepare the people for the fact that this time around it would be war where there would me more civilian than military casualties.  It is the new kind of war, where the soldiers sit 5 stories underground in command and control bunkers, and the civilians are the canon fodder. It's called hi-tech.


    02-03-07 מותו בטרם עת של שמריהו כהן, המזכיר הראשי של בית המשפט העליון, היה נשוא תלונה פלילית כבר ב-2002

    ב-7 למרץ, 2002, מת המזכיר הראשי של בית המשפט העליון מ"דום לב" בבית המשפט העליון. הכתבים להלן מראים שכבר אז חשדו חבריו/קרובי משפחתו שלא היה זה מוות טבעי, אך התקשו להסביר מה היה המניע למותו. תחת כהונתו של אהרון ברק כנשיא בית המשפט העליון התחוללה אמנם "מהפכה תחוקתית" בישראל, אך לא זאת שפורסמה על ידי אהרון ברק...

    שמריהו כהן, ז"ל, המזכיר הראשי של בית המשפט העליון - השומר האחרון של שלטון החוק במדינת ישראל?

    אישורים של כתבי בית המשפט העליון לפני ואחרי מותו של שמריהו כהן, ז"ל, המזכיר הראשי של בית המשפט העליון. [1] מאז מותו של שמריהו כהן, אין אדם בר-דעת יכול לראות בכתבי בית המשפט העליון כתבים משפטיים בני תוקף.

    תלונה פלילית שהוגשה במרץ 2002, לגבי חשדות למעשים פליליים בקשר למותו של שמריהו כהן, ז"ל. סביר להניח שנשיא בית המשפט העליון לשעבר אהרון ברק, ורשם בית המשפט העליון בזמנו - בועז אוקון, ידעו להוסיף פרטים בעניין זה.

    בכך הושלם למעשה ב-2002 תהליך שהחל בפרשת קו 300 (1984) והמשיך ברצח יצחק רבין (1995), ומשמעותו שינוי המשטר בישראל.

    [1] דוח סייג לזכויות האדם |(NGO) לבדיקה התקופתית של זכויות האדם בישראל (2013): יושרה, או חוסר יושרה במערכות הכתבים האלקטרוניים של בתי המשפט במדינת ישראל