Moshe Silman
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Jerusalem and Los Angeles, July 29 - Joseph Zernik, PhD, of Human Rights Alert (NGO) has filed a request for certified copies of the decisions in the cases related to Moshe Silman in the Tel-Aviv District Court. [1] The last letter of the late Moshe Silman, self-immolated Israeli social protest activist, levels serious charges against the District Court. [2]
The request for certified decision aims to ascertain the nature of the proceedings in the District Court in the cases, related to the Moshe Silman.
None of the decisions, which have been published online by the District Court, can be considered a valid court records. The commencing record and the first decision were filed under a case number, which according to the office of the Clerk of the Court does not exists; some of the decisions are published unsigned, others are not original records of the District Court, and the final decision in the Appeal is not published at all. [3]
The key finding, based on the court records, inspected so far, is that the Appeal of Brenner's November 19, 2009 Decision under the hat of Registrar was eventually subjected on January 31, 2010 to denial by Brenner under the hat of De Facto District Judge. It is hard to conceive of any plausible explanation, consistent with fundamentals of public and fair hearing, for this conduct of the District Court.
Requests, which were previously filed with the District Court, to inspect and to copy the records and the registrations of the District Court, are still pending. The right to inspect and to copy court records is deemed essential for transparency of the courts and in preventing their corruption.
The case of the late Moshe Silman shows how a Person is required to protect his rights in the courts of the State of Israel today against the State of Israel, which took his property and source of livelihood. Conditions, which have been established in the courts of the State of Israel, following the implementation of new electronic Public Records over the past decade, amount to serious violation of the Human Right "to a fair and public hearing."
[1] 12-07-29 Request for certified orders in cases, related to the late Moshe Silam, filed in the Tel-Aviv District Court
[2] 12-07-14 Moshe Silman sets himself on fire in a Tel Aviv social protest, leaves a letter[2] 12-07-17 Moshe Silman v B ituach Leumi-Tel-Aviv Barnch et al (1752-08 and and 13491/2008 ) in the Tel Aviv District Court – electronic Public Records - remote terminal s[2] 12-07-17 Moshe Silman v B ituach Leumi-Tel-Aviv Barnch et al (1752-08 and and 13491/2008 ) in the Tel Aviv District Court – electronic Public Records - remote terminal s
[3] 12-07-25 Time Line of Events: Moshe Silman - self-immolated, Israeli social protest activist - and the justice system of the State of Israel
[4] 12-06-04 Human Right Alert's Appendix to Submission; 15th UPR Working Group Session (Jan-Feb 2013) - State of Israel: Integrity, or lack thereof, of the electronic record systems of the courts of the State of Israel
[5] 12-07-07 Biographical Sketch Joseph Zernik, PhD
Joseph Zernik, PhD [5]
Human Rights Alert (NGO)
Joseph Zernik, PhD [5]
Human Rights Alert (NGO)

* The 2010 submission of Human Rights Alert to the Human Rights Council (HRC) of the United Nations, regarding the United States, was reviewed by the HRC professional staff and incorporated in the official HRC Professional Staff Report with a note referring to “corruption of the courts and the legal profession and discrimination by law enforcement in California.”
* The 2012 submission of Human Rights Alert to the HRC regarding the State of Israel, titled "Integrity or lack thereof, of the electronic record systems of the courts of the State of Israel," is scheduled for review in early 2013.
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Take away justice, then, and what are governments but great bandit bands?
Take away justice, then, and what are governments but great bandit bands?
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