Starting early 2007 Dr Zernik has reliably informed Rabbi Bernhard of Samuels’ racketeering in the courts. Rabbi Bernhard has done nothing to stop the retaliation that ensued, and Samuels continues to be listed as Member of the Board of the synagogue regardless of his well-publicized track record in the intervening years.
Jonathan Bernhard Sandor Samuels
Adat Ari El, Valley Village
Los Angeles, May 18 – Joseph Zernik, PhD, of Human Rights Alert (NGO) has requested Rabbi Jonathan Bernhard’s Jewish ethics perspective regarding racketeering in the courts by leaders of the Los Angeles Jewish-legal community, including, but not limited to, Sandor Samuels – Member of the Board of Adat Ari El synagogue. [i] Dr Zernik first met Rabbi Bernhard in early 2007, to reliably inform him of the conduct of Samuels, a major donor to the synagogue. At that time Samuels was Chief Legal Officer of Countrywide, and was listed as responsible for all litigation matters in the corporation:
- In early 2007, in their first meeting, Dr Zernik provided Rabbi Bernhard evidence of Samuels’ racketeering in the courts. [i]
- In direct response, Samuels initiated retaliation, which continued from 2007 till 2010, and in itself is part of the racketeering pattern. [ii]
- In January 2008 Countrywide collapsed, following the publication by the New York Times of fraud by Countrywide’s counsel in the US Court in Pennsylvania – filing of “recreated letters” as evidence – part of the same pattern. [iii]
- In March 2008 news was published that the Hon Jeff Bohm, US Bankruptcy in Texas, issued a 72 page Memorandum Opinion, based on a yearlong study by the US Trustee’s office, detailing conduct of Countrywide in courts across the United States, additional evidence of racketeering in the courts. [iv] According to the Memorandum Opinion, Countrywide promised the Hon Bohm to cease such conduct.
- The evidence shows that Mr Samuels nevertheless continued the same conduct as Associate General Counsel of Bank of America. [v]
Sandor Samuels was central to one of the biggest frauds in history against homeowners, against shareholders, and against the US Treasury. Rabbi Bernhard has been reliably informed in the matter since 2007. Regardless, Samuels continues to be listed a Board Member of Adat Ari El, Valley Village.
“Most likely, Rabbi Bernhard and Adat Ari El synagogue continue to accept Samuels’ donations to this date, making Rabbi Bernhard and Adat Ari El direct beneficiaries of criminality,” says Dr Zernik. “The fact that Samuels and his like are not prosecuted, is only a reflection of corruption of the US justice system today. It is no excuse for the Jewish community to live in denial of reality.” [vi]
[I] 11-05-15 Request for Jewish ethics perspective by Rabbi Jonathan Bernhard (Adat Ari El) regarding public corruption/racketeering in the courts by leaders of the Los Angeles Jewish-legal community
[ii] 07-07-06 Samaan v Zernik (SC087400) Countrywide: Ex parte application for a Protection/Gag Order
[iii] 08-01-08 Case of Borrower Hills (01-22574) – in the US Bankruptcy Court, Eastern District of Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh. Countrywide’s Three “Recreated Letters” and a Transcript
[iv] 08-03-05 Case of Borrower William Parsley (05-90374), Dkt #248: Judge Jeff Bohm’s Memorandum Opinion, rebuking Countrywide’s litigation practices, Countrywide’s false outside counsel scheme – appearances by counsel who are not Counsel of Record, with “no communications with clients” clause:[v] 10-07-06 Complaint Filed with US Attorney Office Los Angeles against Sandor Samuels and others, alleging Racketeering[vi] 11-04-21 PRESS RELEASE: NYT: “In Financial Crisis, No Prosecutions of Top Figures” – Because of widespread corruption of the justice system, they are effectively immune
[iii] 08-01-08 Case of Borrower Hills (01-22574) – in the US Bankruptcy Court, Eastern District of Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh. Countrywide’s Three “Recreated Letters” and a Transcript
[iv] 08-03-05 Case of Borrower William Parsley (05-90374), Dkt #248: Judge Jeff Bohm’s Memorandum Opinion, rebuking Countrywide’s litigation practices, Countrywide’s false outside counsel scheme – appearances by counsel who are not Counsel of Record, with “no communications with clients” clause:[v] 10-07-06 Complaint Filed with US Attorney Office Los Angeles against Sandor Samuels and others, alleging Racketeering[vi] 11-04-21 PRESS RELEASE: NYT: “In Financial Crisis, No Prosecutions of Top Figures” – Because of widespread corruption of the justice system, they are effectively immune
11-05-13 Corruption of Los Angeles Jewish Judges and Attorneys // La corrupción de Los Ángeles jueces judíos y Abogados // 洛杉矶的洛杉矶犹太腐败的法官,律师
Los Angeles Rabbis Sharon Brous (Ikar Synagogue), Chaim Nochum Cunin (Chabad), Susan Leider (Temple Betham), Chaim Seidler-Feller (UCLA Hillel) are Asked to Opine on Public Corruption/Racketeering in the Courts by Jewish-legal community leaders
The questions originated from public corruption and racketeering by Bet Tzedek current and former leaders: Sandor Samuels, David Pasternak, Terry Friedman, and refusal of ADL National Director Abraham Foxman to respond on the matter. Additional questions addressed the ethics duties of US judges such as Alex Kozinski, Richard Posner, and Anthony Kennedy and Jewish religious leaders in view of “corruption of the courts and the legal profession” in California.
Regarding refusal by Mr Abraham Foxman to respond on defamation, or lack thereof, in stating racketeering and corruption by Jewish-legal Los Angeles leaders, Tikkun Rabbi Michael Lerner wrote:
Terry Friedman David Pasternak Sandor Samuels
The questions originated from public corruption and racketeering by Bet Tzedek current and former leaders: Sandor Samuels, David Pasternak, Terry Friedman, and refusal of ADL National Director Abraham Foxman to respond on the matter. Additional questions addressed the ethics duties of US judges such as Alex Kozinski, Richard Posner, and Anthony Kennedy and Jewish religious leaders in view of “corruption of the courts and the legal profession” in California.
Los Angeles, May 13 – Requests for Jewish ethics opinions, have been addressed to four Los Angeles area rabbis, concerning public corruption and racketeering by Bet Tzedek’s leaders, and “corruption of the courts and the legal profession” in California. [[i]]
The four rabbis are:
The four rabbis are:
- Rabbi Sharon Brous Ikar Synagogue, Los Angeles;
- Rabbi Chaim Nochum Cunin Chabad, Los Angeles;
- Rabbi Susan Leider - Temple Betham, Los Angeles;
- Rabbi Chaim Seidler-Feller UCLA Hillel, Los Angeles
Joseph Zernik, PhD, of Human Rights Alert (NGO), who addressed the rabbis, has gained substantial experience in analyzing computer fraud in the state and US courts in recent years, and his findings were presented in international computer science and criminology conferences and published in international peer-reviewed journals. His opinions were also supported by opinions of top fraud and computer science experts, and incorporated into an official UN Human Rights Council report. [[ii]]
Dr Zernik has repeatedly highlighted in his writing in recent years the prominent role of Jewish attorneys and judges in racketeering in the Los Angeles courts.
Three of the Los Angeles rabbis, Brous, Leider, and Seidler-Feller are clear in their protest against the death penalty in California, in view of the widespread corruption of the California justice system. [[iii]]
The questions now addressed to the rabbis pertained to:
1) Should Mr Abraham Foxman, National Director of the Anti Defamation League (ADL), opine on defamation, or lack thereof, in stating that leading figures of the Los Angeles Jewish-legal community engage in public corruption and racketeering in the courts?
2) Should Alex Kozinski, Chief Judge of the US Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit, and Anthony Kennedy, Justice of the US Supreme Court, who oversees the 9th Circuit, and Richard Posner, US Circuit Judge, initiate corrective actions in view of the 2010 Professional Staff Report of the UN Human Rights Council, which noted “corruption of the courts and the legal profession - in California“.
3) Should California and US Jewish religious leaders press for corrective actions relative to such conditions.
Asking Jewish rabbis to opine on public matters is a tradition going back at least 1,500 years.
Tikkun Rabbi Michael Lerner has provided partial response on such questions
- �I know nothing about the circumstances about which you are talking, and don’t want to publicly comment on Mr. Foxman because the only honest things I could say might easily bring me a law suit for slander�. [[iv]]
Rabbi Lerner refused to respond on the ethics duties of US judges and Jewish religious leaders in view of �corruption of the courts and the legal profession�.
Rabbi Lerner is clear in his opposition to the death penalty in California.
Tikkun�s motto is: �to heal, repair, and transform the world.�
Similar questions were addressed to Richard Posner, University of Chicago Law Professor.
Similar questions were previously addressed to Richard Posner, University of Chicago Law School Professor, regarding �corruption of the courts and the legal profession� in California: [[v],[vi]]
- Is it reasonably ethical for Anti Defamation League (ADL) National Director Abraham Foxman not to respond on request for opinion regarding public corruption and racketeering in the courts by leaders of the Los Angeles Jewish-legal community?
- Are US judges bound by an ethics duty to initiate corrective actions regarding �corruption of the courts and the legal profession�, based on their Oaths of Office?
- Are US judges bound by an ethics duty to initiate corrective actions regarding �corruption of the courts and the legal profession�, based on the Code of Conduct of US Judges?
- Is Alex Kozinski, Chief Judge of the US Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit, bound by an ethics duty to initiate corrective actions in view of an official 2010 Professional Staff Report of the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council regarding �corruption of the courts and the legal profession� in California?
- Is Anthony Kennedy, Justice of the US Supreme Court, who oversees the 9th Circuit, bound by an ethics duty to initiate corrective actions in view of an official 2010 Professional Staff Report of the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council regarding �corruption of the courts and the legal profession� in California?
Richard Posner failed to respond on the questions.
The Oath of Office states: “I… do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States…“
UCLA Human Rights expert Professor Richard Steinberg was also asked to opine regarding refusal of Mr Foxman to respond on the matter.
UCLA Law School Professor Richard Steinberg, Director of the Sanela Diana Jenkins Human Rights Law Project, has so far failed to respond regarding refusal of ADL National Director Foxman to respond regarding public corruption and racketeering in the courts by Los Angeles Jewish-legal community leaders. [[vii]]
Richard Steinberg failed to respond on the questions.
The Project�s mission is �to advance the cause of human rights and international justice around the world.�
ADL was asked to opine on Dr Zernik�s writing, which detailed racketeering in the courts by leaders of Bet Tzedek � the Los Angeles �House of Justice� � an affiliate of the Los Angeles Jewish Federation
Dr Zernik has recently filed a request with Mr Abraham Foxman, National Director of the Anti Defamation League (ADL), for ADL’s opinion regarding Dr Zernik�s writing, which detailed public corruption and racketeering in the courts by leaders of the Los Angeles Jewish-Legal community. Dr Zernik�s writing pertains to current and former officers of BET TZEDEK – the Los Angeles “HOUSE OF JUSTICE”, an affiliate organization of the Greater Los Angeles Jewish Federation. [[viii],[ix]]
Dr Zernik has expressed his concern that his writing, and the positions held by such individuals, are likely to lead people to conclude that the Los Angeles Jewish community holds in high esteem, or even as its leaders, individuals, who are engaged in corruption of the courts and violations of Human Rights. Moreover, Dr Zernik has pointed out the large number of readers of his writings.
In order to remove any doubts on such important matter, and knowing that ADL has a good-size legal department and considerable resources, Dr Zernik has requested a formal opinion by ADL on such writing. With the letter, large volume of evidence has been provided to ADL.
Abraham Foxman failed to respond on the question.
ADL�s stated mission is “to stop the defamation of the Jewish people and to secure justice and fair treatment to all.�
Current and former senior officers of Bet Tzedek, the “House of Justice” are involved in racketeering in the courts.
Terry Friedman David Pasternak Sandor Samuels
Dr Zernik�s writing is supported by opinions of fraud experts of the highest reputation, and are part of conduct that was opined in the 2010 Human Rights Council of the United Nations as �corruption of the courts and the legal profession in California�. [[x]]
Over the past several years, Dr Zernik has often written, published online, and distributed by email to a large recipient list materials, which may be deemed by some as defamatory of key Jewish organizations in Los Angeles, California:
Over the past several years, Dr Zernik has often written, published online, and distributed by email to a large recipient list materials, which may be deemed by some as defamatory of key Jewish organizations in Los Angeles, California:
- THE GREATER LOS ANGELES JEWISH FEDERATION, with whom it is affiliated.
His writing detail public corruption and racketeering in the courts by current and former senior officers of BET TZEDEK:
- SANDOR SAMUELS, current and former President;
- DAVID PASTERNAK, former President (possibly current member of the Board of Directors)
- TERRY FRIEDMAN, former Executive Director.
SANDOR SAMUELS also lists himself as a Board Member in a number of other prominent Los Angeles Jewish organizations:
Bet Tzedek and the Greater Los Angeles Jewish Federation have refused to respond on requests to state whether they have grievance procedures, to address complaints of public corruption and racketeering in the courts by their leaders.
Bet Tzedek�s motto is the biblical command �Justice, justice you shall pursue!� (Deut. 16:20)
[i] 11-05-12 Los Angeles Rabbis Sharon Brous (Ikar Synagogue), Chaim Nochum Cunin (Chabad), Susan Leider (Temple Betham), Chaim Seidler-Feller (UCLA Hillel) are Asked to Opine on Fraud/Racketeering in the Courts by Jewish- Legal community leaders
[ii] 11-05-08 Joseph Zernik,PhD, Biographical Sketch
[iii] Online Petition: Stop the execution of Kevin Cooper. Impose a moratorium on the death penalty in California
[iv] 11-05-08 Press Release: Tikkun�s Rabbi Lerner opines on refusal by ADL to respond on Public Corruption/Racketeering in the courts by Los Angeles Jewish-legal community leaders.
[v] 11-05-08 Univ of Chicago Law School Professor Richard Posner is asked to opine regarding ADL�s refusal to opine on corruption/racketeering in the courts by Los Angeles Jewish-legal community leaders
[vi] 11-05-09 Ethics Questions Forwarded to University of Chicago Law Professor Richard Posner
[vii] 11-05-07 Press Release – UCLA Law Professor Richard Stein Berg, A Human Rights Expert, Is Asked to Opine Regarding Human Rights in Los Angeles, California
[viii] 11-05-05 ADL Abraham Foxman is asked to opine on allegations of Public Corruption, Racketeering in the Los Angeles Jewish Community
[ix] 11-05-05 Addendum to request for opinion by ADLs Abraham Foxman in re: Corruption/Racketeering in the Los Angeles Jewish/Legal community-s
[x] 10-04-19 Human Rights Alert (NG0) submission to the United Nations Human Rights Council for the 2010 Review (UPR) of Human Rights in the United States as incorporated into the UPR staff report, with reference to “corruption of the courts and the legal profession”.
[i] 11-05-12 Los Angeles Rabbis Sharon Brous (Ikar Synagogue), Chaim Nochum Cunin (Chabad), Susan Leider (Temple Betham), Chaim Seidler-Feller (UCLA Hillel) are Asked to Opine on Fraud/Racketeering in the Courts by Jewish- Legal community leaders
[ii] 11-05-08 Joseph Zernik,PhD, Biographical Sketch
[iii] Online Petition: Stop the execution of Kevin Cooper. Impose a moratorium on the death penalty in California
[iv] 11-05-08 Press Release: Tikkun�s Rabbi Lerner opines on refusal by ADL to respond on Public Corruption/Racketeering in the courts by Los Angeles Jewish-legal community leaders.
[v] 11-05-08 Univ of Chicago Law School Professor Richard Posner is asked to opine regarding ADL�s refusal to opine on corruption/racketeering in the courts by Los Angeles Jewish-legal community leaders
[vi] 11-05-09 Ethics Questions Forwarded to University of Chicago Law Professor Richard Posner
[vii] 11-05-07 Press Release – UCLA Law Professor Richard Stein Berg, A Human Rights Expert, Is Asked to Opine Regarding Human Rights in Los Angeles, California
[viii] 11-05-05 ADL Abraham Foxman is asked to opine on allegations of Public Corruption, Racketeering in the Los Angeles Jewish Community
[ix] 11-05-05 Addendum to request for opinion by ADLs Abraham Foxman in re: Corruption/Racketeering in the Los Angeles Jewish/Legal community-s
[x] 10-04-19 Human Rights Alert (NG0) submission to the United Nations Human Rights Council for the 2010 Review (UPR) of Human Rights in the United States as incorporated into the UPR staff report, with reference to “corruption of the courts and the legal profession”.