No information for Syria can be trusted, except for the body counts... jz
Fake BBC Video
By Craig Murray
October 07, 2013 "Information Clearing House - Irrefutable evidence of a stunning bit of fakery by the BBC:
In this version the medic being interviewed says about the 2 minute mark:
“..It’s just absolute chaos and carnage here, erm we’ve had a massive influx of what looks like serious burns, er seems like it must be some sort of chemical
weapon, I’m not really sure..”
In this version she says – it is at about 2 mins 20 seconds in this edit:
“..It’s just absolute chaos and carnage here, erm we’ve had a massive influx of what looks like serious burns, er seems like it must be some sort of, I’m not
really sure, maybe napalm, something similar to that..”
The disturbing thing is the footage of the doctor talking is precisely the same each time. It is edited so as to give the impression the medic is talking in real time in her natural voice – there are none of the accepted devices used to indicate a voiceover translation. But it must be true that in at least one, and possibly both, the clips she is not talking in real time in her own voice. It is very hard to judge as her mouth and lips are fully covered throughout. Perhaps neither of the above is what she actually said.
Terrible things are happening all the time in Syria’s civil war, between Assad’s disparate forces and still more disparate opposition forces, and innocent people are suffering. There are dreadful crimes against civilians on all sides. I have no desire at all to downplay or mitigate that. But once you realise the indisputable fact of the fake interview the BBC has put out, some of the images in this video begin to be less than convincing on close inspection too.
Craig Murray is an author, broadcaster and human rights activist. He was British Ambassador to Uzbekistan from August 2002 to October 2004 and Rector of the University of Dundee from 2007 to 2010. - http://www.craigmurray.org.uk/
Complaint to BBC re: Panorama Aleppo “school playground” “incendiary bomb”/ “napalm” reports
In the original item http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-23892594 (from 2:18 to 2:32) Dr Rola’s words are:
“..It’s just absolute chaos and carnage here, erm we’ve had a massive influx of what looks like serious burns, er seems like it must be some sort of, I'm not really sure, maybe napalm, something similar to that..”
In the newer item, http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-24288698 (from 2:00 to 2:13) these have been changed to:
“..It’s just absolute chaos and carnage here, erm we’ve had a massive influx of what looks like serious burns, er seems like it must be some sort of chemical weapon, I’m not really sure..”
The audio in both of these segments is identical, with all the same inflections, up to the point “...must be some sort of..” after which the soundtrack in one or the other has been overdubbed. Please can you provide the name of the individual who carried this out, when it was done and to what purpose?
The two segments are shot from slightly different angles, and it is not immediately clear to me whether it is the same scene filmed from two different angles or whether they are two different “takes” filmed moments apart. If the former is the case, please can you provide the names of both camera people involved, and say whether they are both BBC employees; if the latter, please can you explain why a large part of the audio from one has been dubbed onto the other, and in at least one case subsequently interfered with?
• Ahmed Darwish (previously reported as being 15 years old, now 13, an understandable error), seems to have developed burns to his upper and lower lips (2:46) which were not in evidence in the original footage.
• The plea of the young girl Siham, featured in the text of the piece ("Please let it be over now", she said. "We need to find a way out. We've had all we can take.") seems remarkably politicised and reflective for someone of her age, alleged to be “suffering with 70% burns”.
• Dr Saleyha Ahsan, featured from 2:15 to 2:24, is a filmmaker with a military background:
Fake BBC Video
By Craig Murray
October 07, 2013 "Information Clearing House - Irrefutable evidence of a stunning bit of fakery by the BBC:
In this version the medic being interviewed says about the 2 minute mark:
“..It’s just absolute chaos and carnage here, erm we’ve had a massive influx of what looks like serious burns, er seems like it must be some sort of chemical
weapon, I’m not really sure..”
In this version she says – it is at about 2 mins 20 seconds in this edit:
“..It’s just absolute chaos and carnage here, erm we’ve had a massive influx of what looks like serious burns, er seems like it must be some sort of, I’m not
really sure, maybe napalm, something similar to that..”
The disturbing thing is the footage of the doctor talking is precisely the same each time. It is edited so as to give the impression the medic is talking in real time in her natural voice – there are none of the accepted devices used to indicate a voiceover translation. But it must be true that in at least one, and possibly both, the clips she is not talking in real time in her own voice. It is very hard to judge as her mouth and lips are fully covered throughout. Perhaps neither of the above is what she actually said.
Terrible things are happening all the time in Syria’s civil war, between Assad’s disparate forces and still more disparate opposition forces, and innocent people are suffering. There are dreadful crimes against civilians on all sides. I have no desire at all to downplay or mitigate that. But once you realise the indisputable fact of the fake interview the BBC has put out, some of the images in this video begin to be less than convincing on close inspection too.
Craig Murray is an author, broadcaster and human rights activist. He was British Ambassador to Uzbekistan from August 2002 to October 2004 and Rector of the University of Dundee from 2007 to 2010. - http://www.craigmurray.org.uk/
Complaint to BBC re: Panorama Aleppo “school playground” “incendiary bomb”/ “napalm” reports
In the original item http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-23892594 (from 2:18 to 2:32) Dr Rola’s words are:
“..It’s just absolute chaos and carnage here, erm we’ve had a massive influx of what looks like serious burns, er seems like it must be some sort of, I'm not really sure, maybe napalm, something similar to that..”
In the newer item, http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-24288698 (from 2:00 to 2:13) these have been changed to:
“..It’s just absolute chaos and carnage here, erm we’ve had a massive influx of what looks like serious burns, er seems like it must be some sort of chemical weapon, I’m not really sure..”
The audio in both of these segments is identical, with all the same inflections, up to the point “...must be some sort of..” after which the soundtrack in one or the other has been overdubbed. Please can you provide the name of the individual who carried this out, when it was done and to what purpose?
The two segments are shot from slightly different angles, and it is not immediately clear to me whether it is the same scene filmed from two different angles or whether they are two different “takes” filmed moments apart. If the former is the case, please can you provide the names of both camera people involved, and say whether they are both BBC employees; if the latter, please can you explain why a large part of the audio from one has been dubbed onto the other, and in at least one case subsequently interfered with?
• Ahmed Darwish (previously reported as being 15 years old, now 13, an understandable error), seems to have developed burns to his upper and lower lips (2:46) which were not in evidence in the original footage.
• The plea of the young girl Siham, featured in the text of the piece ("Please let it be over now", she said. "We need to find a way out. We've had all we can take.") seems remarkably politicised and reflective for someone of her age, alleged to be “suffering with 70% burns”.
• Dr Saleyha Ahsan, featured from 2:15 to 2:24, is a filmmaker with a military background: