שיבושי מידע חדשים באתר ועדת הבחירות המרכזית במהלך סוף השבוע? -
בקשה חוזרת לתגובה הוגשה לפרופ' אלי ביהם - ראש המרכז החדש לאבטחת סייבר
קראו את הפוסט השלם:http://inproperinla.blogspot.co.il/2016/09/2016-09-26.html

תמונות: פרופ' אלי ביהם, ראש המרכז החדש לחקר אבטחת סייבר בטכניון
מאהל המחאה ת"א, 26 לספטמבר - פעילים, המנטרים באופן קבוע את אתר ועדת הבחירות המרכזית, דיווחו במהלך סוף השבוע על שיבושים חמורים חדשים במידע המתפרסם שם. שיבושים אלה מתבצעים בשעה שהאתר הוא מוקד התעניינות ומקור נתונים מרכזי לאלה הבודקים את אמינותה ואבטחתה של מערכת המידע של ועדת הבחירות המרכזית... הפרסומים מסוף השבוע האחרון הופנו לפרופ' אלי ביהם עם בקשה לתגובה פומבית בעניין. הבקשה מציינת שחברי סגל במוסדות הטכנולוגיים המובילים בארה"ב - MIT, קלטק, וקרנגי-מלון, יזמו מחקרים ופרסמו דוחות ציבוריים בנושאים דומים בארה"ב כבר לפני עשור - לאור חששות לגבי אמינותן ואבטחתן של מערכות מקבילות בארה"ב. פרופ' ביהם, לעומת זאת, מסרב עד היום להגיב בפומבי על הטענות להונאה במערכת המידע של ועדת הבחירות המרכזית, ולחוד - על דוחות שפורסמו בחו"ל בכפוף לבדיקת מומחים על הונאה נרחבת במערכות המידע של בתי המשפט בישראל. הבקשה שנשלחה היום מציינת שפרופ' ביהם עומד בראש מרכז מחקר הנתמך מכספי הציבור, ויש לראותו כמי שמוטלת עליו חובה ציבורית בעניין זה. הבקשה הועתקה לנשיא הטכניון פרופ' פרץ לביא, ולסגן הנשיא למחקר פרופ' וויין קפלן. הבקשה בפעם, בניגוד לקודמותיה, נכתבה באנגלית ונועדה להפצה נרחבת בחו"ל - בין השאר למוסדות טכניים ולבתי ספר למשפטים.
Newly adulterated data on the Israeli Central Election Committee web page? Prof Eli Biham - Director of the Technion Cyber Security Research Center - is asked to comment...
Over the weekend, new reports were published by activists, who routinely monitor the Central Election Committee web-site, regarding newly adulterated data. In view of concerns regarding electronic voting machines validity and security, CalTech, Carnegie-Melon, and MIT computer science faculty engaged in research and published reports on the matter of their own volition. In Israel, ample evidence has been produced, indicating fraud in the 2015 General Election, allegedly perpetrated through IT systems of the Central Election Committee. Separately, massive fraud in IT systems of the courts was documented in various internationally published, peer-reviewed reports. Regardless, Prof Eli Biham, head the new Technion "Cyber Security Research Center", sponsored by the public coffer, has so far refused to make any public comment on such matters... Today, Prof Biham has been asked to reconsider his position in this regard, and publicly comment on matters, which pertain to the fundamental rights of all in the State of Israel, and the legitimacy of the regime.
READ THE FULL BLOG: http://inproperinla.blogspot.co.il/2016/09/2016-09-25-new-false-data-on-central.html

Figures: Prof Eli Biham, Head of the new Technion Cyber Security Research Center
Figures: Prof Eli Biham, Head of the new Technion Cyber Security Research Center
OccupyTLV, September 26 - repeat request has been sent today to Prof Prof Eli Biham, head of the new Technion Cyber Security Research Center, to publicly comment on integrity and secutiry of IT systems of the Israeli government. Specifically, the request pertains to events over the weekend, where activists reported newly adulterated data on the Central Election Committee web site. The request was copied to Prof Peretz Lavie, the Technion President, and Prof Wayne Kaplan, the Technion Executive VP for Research.
Following is the letter, sent today to Prof Eli Biham, head of the new Technion Cyber Security Research Center, and copied to Prof Peretz Lavie, the Technion President, and Prof Wayne Kaplan, the Technion Executive VP for Research
September 26, 2016
Prof Eli Biham, Head
The Technion Cyber Security Research Center
By email
RE: Newly adulterated data on the Israeli Central Election Committee web page? - request for your public comments
Dear Prof Biham:
Over the weekend, reports were published by activists, who routinely monitor the Central Election Committee web-site, regarding newly adulterated data. (Figure 1).

In view of previous concerns regarding invalidity of the data on the Knesset's Central Election Committee web site, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request was filed, asking, among other information: [2]
Who authorizes the publication of data on the Central Election Committee web site?The FOIA request sought additional information regarding compliance with the law and binding government standards, relative to development, validation, implementation, operation, and security of IT systems of the Central Election Committee. While the Knesset FOIA office confirmed receipt of the request (and fees), so far that office has failed to duly issue a FOIA request number, regardless of repeat reminders. [2]
Circumstances, under which the Knesset is not ready, willing, able to uphold the FOIA (which the Knesset itself enacted), pertaining to IT systems of the Central Election Committee (which the Knesset itself established) - an IT system whose validity and integrity is critical, relative to lawfulness of the current, 20th Knesset, and the current government - must raise serious concerns.
In view of concerns regarding validity and security of electronic voting machines in the US, MIT, CalTech, and Carnegie-Melon computer science faculty voluntarily launched research projects and published public reports on the matter. [3]
In Israel, ample evidence has been produced, suggesting fraud in the General Election for the 20th Knesset, allegedly perpetrated through the Central Election Committee IT systems. [4] Urgent petition, pertaining to this matter, which was filed in the Supreme Court was summarily denied for lack of standing... [5]
Separately, recent media reports indicate that Prime Minister Netanyahu has effectively completed asserting control over most critical State IT systems - without establishing the matter by law. [6]
In my opinion, as the head of the new Technion "Cyber Security Research Center", sponsored by the public coffer, you hold a duty to publicly address such matters.
However, so far, you have refused to make any public comment regarding evidence of fraud in IT systems of the Central Election Commission, and separately - you have so far refused to make any public comment regarding internationally reviewed, published reports of massive fraud in the new IT systems of the Israeli courts. [7]
I hope that you reconsider your position in this regard and publicly address such matters, which are critical for the fundamental rights of all in the State of Israel, and for legitimacy of the regime.
Joseph Zernik, PhD
Prof Peretz Lavie, Technion President
Prof Wayne Kaplan, Technion Executive VP for Research
Technion Faculty
CalTech CS Faculty
Carnegie Melon CS Faculty
MIT CS Faculty
Law faculty in various international schools
Wide distribution to others
[1] 2016-09-24 Shuki Cohen: "Someone is playing with the published election results"
2016-09-24 Yoav Havkin: "No need to check, the results are identical"
[2] 2016-09-12 Election computer fraud in 2015? MK Karin Elharar is asked to help.
2016-08-25 Knesset Central Election Committee IT systems -
Freedom of Information Requests in re: Development, implementation,
operation, security
Freedom of Information Request, in re: IT systems of the Central
Election Committee, etc – request for due issuing of FOIA Request
[3] 2001-02-05 "Caltech/MIT Issue Voting Technology Report to Florida Task Force"
2004-09-15 Pearson, H., "Electronic voting sparks contention", Nature
[4] publications, which allege fraud in the 2015 General Election in Israel.
2016-06-07 הונאת הבחירות (2015)- תוספת בוחרי הליכוד לא תואמת את אחוז המצביעים שפורסם ע"י וועדת הבחירות
2016-06-11 "דודי" הפרשיה החדשה של נתניהו- האם השמשעומדת לזרוח שוב, בשבוע הקרוב, על מדינת ישראל?
[5] 2015-xx-xx Levi v Central Election Committee et al (2600/15) - petition in the Israeli Supreme Court (as received from petitioner)
2015-04-21 Levi v Central Election Committee et al (2600/15) - Judgment
ברשות עצמו
נתניהו העביר את אבטחת המידע של הגופים הרגישים במדינה לידי רשות הסייבר שבאחריותו
נתניהו העביר את אבטחת המידע של הגופים הרגישים במדינה לידי רשות הסייבר שבאחריותו
[7] 2016-09-08 CS Prof Eli Biham, Technion, demands not to receive notices of e-government fraud in Israel
2016-09-12 Prof Eli Biham - Head of the Cyber Security Research Center, and the Technion - "improper" role in a Civil Society...